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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/21/2017 12:32:55 AM

You Are a Vibration of Energy

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God said:

Of what is life made if not of you? You are a prerequisite of life and a proponent of life. It is you who makes My dreams come true, or it is you who runs away from My dreams. You play, not only a part, but an important part of the play and display of life on Earth no matter how you dissemble or resemble.

Your existence is like a battery that charges up life, or you are like the moon that moves silently and lights the world whether it is noticed or not.

Certainly, you cannot deny that you have energy, a vibration of energy, and you mount the stage of life, and you sing a song and you dance a dance. You may even be off-stage, quiet in the background, and, just the same, in the background, you stir the actors spotlighted on the stage.

Even if you are the person who pulls the curtains back stage or supplies the props, you are not a bit player. Everyone stars in this performance on Earth. No one is obscured. All affect all. All make a difference. All contribute. Whether you see your contribution or not, you are a contributor. You may never know the whole story. Nevertheless, you are crucial to it. No one is left out of the drama of life and its importance. You have top billing regardless of what the world may say.

The world as it is known may be imagined and not really occur, but this imagined scenario is for something. It is not for nothing. It is for good reason, and all grow from it. The lights go on, and all are rapt in the imagined interplay. Be you a tumbler, a player of the flute, be you the one who cleans up after the stage lights go off and everyone seems to go home, you are significant to the theme of the play that continues to run through everyone’s mind.

In this drama or comedy called life, there are no amateurs. No one is turned away. All participate, and all have their part to play.

Your part is not iron-clad. You can take a different role any time you want to. You can be the villain one day, and the hero the next. There is nothing in life in the world that cannot be overturned.

I want to tell you that there are no bad guys. All are actors, and all do their best to play the role they play even when they do not have to play it, even when they can switch midstream, even if they are mute, even anything. A swimmer of the English Channel today can lie on the sunny beach tomorrow. A runner can crawl. A crawler can run. It makes no difference what part you play, yet, at the same time, it makes all the difference in the world.

Regardless of what you present and represent, you are My beloved child, and I lift you up to greater heights from which you see a vaster perspective.

In the world, it is all about change, and you change before your very eyes. Once you were a baby, then a toddler, then a schoolchild, then and then and then, always growing, churning, changing the manifestation of your appearance in a multitude of ways. You create and recreate yourself, and you grow closer and closer to clearly representing in Whose image you were made. You come closer and closer to Me. Whatever role you play, you are coming closer to Me, and this is how the world goes round.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/21/2017 6:11:44 PM

Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation via Sheldan Nidle: December 19, 2017

Selamat Balik!.

Welcome. After considerable delay we return to give you a brief review of what is taking place around your world during this sacred time of the year. At times it is difficult to fully grasp what is manifesting on your planet.

We wish to take a moment to review what has transpired for us at the Galactic Federation. We finally have been invited by your Earth allies to play a more active part in rolling out your promised prosperity. Therefore, let us use this time to gather ourselves and prepare for the monumental changes that are to unfold over the coming weeks. Your Earth Allies wait in readiness to utilize our strategies that will eliminate the cabal’s persistent intrusions.

Constant interferences by the cabals and their numerous associates often make creating policy most difficult. Despite these challenges, the Light must inevitably achieve those victories that you so richly deserve. Light workers are destined to use their guile (intuitive wisdom) to bring about such results. By creating a constant balance between the Light and the dark, we mean to attain eventual success.

Your absolute victory is paramount. The demise of the cabal is crucial before you are able to move ahead and create a new and pristine galactic reality. Therefore we are employing strategy and caution as we advise your Earth Allies on how to defeat the cabal in divine time. It is imperative for you to understand that the demise of the cabal is further along than most of you believe. Our plan has been to advance at a slow and steady pace. We are determined to achieve victory for all at the right divine time.

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters!

Today we would like to talk about being gentle with yourselves and the use of Mercy. Mercy is a quality of love that comes from the very heart of you and our Creator. Use this to better discern how you as a person perceive the world and its many complexities. Within it the heart carries an inner desire that expresses who you are as an individual. It also expresses how the world reacts to you.

Remember at all times, dear heart, how necessary it is for you to learn to distance yourself from this world. This world often reacts inadvertently to how you view world events. It is essential to treat yourself with gentleness as you wake up to the powerful Beings you are. Connect with your heart, for this is where your power resides. As you do, you will begin to see how you can transform your heart and change your view of this world.

Mercy, likewise, is a function of the heart. But the reason for it is different. Surround yourselves with the Love of our Creator. Supreme Creator has no axe to grind. There is not a ‘one-size-fits-all’ formula for expressing your inner Love. Mercy, along with heart energy, and grace, can come together to help you gain a better understanding not only of yourself, but of how your community sees the world at large.

We have noticed that, when you allow your own abilities to interact with our abilities, you embrace more of who you really are. We are here to assist in your awakening. You are here to master physicality. The heart is about pure love. Love makes you who you really are. Learn how this world views grace and mercy.

It has been said that, by working together in this world, we can discover how to make use of the qualities of gentleness and mercy to help each other. Those who understand these qualities maintain that as you grow in Love for one another, you learn to better understand the importance of gentleness and Mercy.

It is vital in today’s world to understand how these two qualities interrelate. For many of us, Mercy has become a double-edged sword. It helps to conceptualize when Mercy can assist others, and when it can help in resolving the ways of the world.

One of the masters’ chief jobs is to explain to others the role of Mercy in the betterment of humanity. Many pray for Mercy to embellish their condition in this world. Others are concerned with how their prayers can enhance our realm. Mercy is a tool we can use to actualize a more tolerable world.

There exists in this world a prime example of the use of Mercy. Long ago a child came to us, deeply concerned about the nature and condition of his life and all that went with it. He asked how he could create a better condition for his life. He asked that his prayers be granted.

He received this answer: take what you know and consider it from the perspective of how to better all of humanity, not just yourself. Humankind invites trouble by ignoring the ways of Heart and Spirit. To lead a successful, happy life, study Universal Laws and apply them to your life. In doing so, you will be in the Creator’s flow.

Today, we continued our messages with you. We ask you to keep patience and hope truly glowing within you! Accept the fact that a great time of miracles is about to reach a crescendo! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation via Sheldan Nidle, December 19, 2017, at

Source link: Sheldan Nidle PAO Update for December 19, 2017

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/21/2017 6:20:42 PM

Daily Message ~ Thursday December 21, 2017

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Dear Ones, as you experience the longest night of your winter solstice, we invite you to stop and feel the power and comfort of the cycles that naturally occur on your planet that you are all a part of. After a period of darkness there will always come light. After a flow there will be an ebb. Each phase serves a profound purpose supporting expansion and integration.

For many of you this year has been particularly intense. Many of you are ready to emerge from your own personal dark nights of the soul and begin moving back into the light. For each phase you go through, you experience more of your own vastness and connection, and from there can move forward again, with greater wisdom and new intentions in your next greatest expression of self.

So celebrate! Celebrate your emergence once again! Embrace the gifts that have come from the phase that is wrapping up and look forward with your new levels clarity and wisdom that have been attained and are now energetically locked in since your last solstice. There is great sense of empowerment here for you if you can see how profoundly connected you are to it all, for you are supporting the earth through your evolution, just as the planets are supporting you in a cosmic dance of becoming and creation. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/21/2017 6:35:13 PM


Ailia Mira ~ Be gentle with you

Ailia Mira


Hello Dear Friends,
Today we have a message we feel is beneficial to you at this time. We are always with you and in awareness of what you want, how you feel, how life is going for you and what the vastness of your being is attempting to guide you to. Our aims are always in sync and further the intention of your own wholeness. We seek only to share our views so that you might remember and tune to who you truly are, with more ease, more joy and thus live life with more capacity.
There is nothing more beneficial to you than self-love and nowhere does this quality have more opportunity for expression than in how you treat yourself when you regret things you’ve done or not done. Today we implore you to make it a priority to be gentle with yourself.
Be gentle with yourself over and over and over again.
There is no reason not to. You are a perfect and eternal being expressing here. In this expression, you are making endless choices. You have internalized value structures and beliefs about how you should be living your life, and you measure yourself against these endlessly finding fault with you.
When you do this, you don’t feel good.

You don’t feel good because you shift out of inner harmony with who you truly are; soul. As soul, you are perfect and pure and expressing here, and none of your expression here changes who you are - pure and perfect.
Expression is simply that, expression. Yes, there are ways of being that will give you joy because they’re true to you. Yes, there is a lot to try out here and experience. In the experimentation of your life - which is ongoing - you determine what you want, what matters to you, how you want to live and what you wish to experience.
You are in an experiencing on defining and focusing energy. You are in an experience in which you are here to make choices and create through the choice of your focus. You are expanding life, and you are discovering more about who you are.
In this focused embodied expression you can see more about yourself in nuanced and amazing ways because it’s an experience of discovery. So in the same way that you find out about something new and feel the thrill of it. And especially when it changes things in your understanding of life, you feel an immense sense of your own capacity and and the thrill of learning, growing and finding out what you’re capable of in new ways.
These are the great joys of living in a body on a planet - discovering what you’re capable of and finding new things you like.
What if you were to remind yourself of this as the criteria for participation here? Isn’t it likely you would find it’s so easy then, to be gentle with yourself?
Being gentle with yourself doesn’t mean you won’t accomplish things. Many of you have been taught and internalized the belief that to achieve and be more in life you must suffer, struggle and beat yourself up. As if, if that were not happening, you would be a loaf and do nothing.
First, we say -loafing is a wonderful way to spend some time. Second, you are driven to act; it’s simply part of your makeup in a body on a planet. You are going to act and do things because you’re built that way. What you do and act upon is a matter of habit, and also so much of it is about your relationship with you.
When you are gentle with yourself, when you realize that you’re here to express and explore, you lighten up. You stop feeling there is some thing you must accomplish. When you let this go and let yourself be, ironically? You become the most beautiful version of you, which you can be here: you become true.
In being true to you, you allow everything. In the inner harmony that is alignment with all you are, the vastness of your being, which has a perfect order, a brilliant coherence, can be expressed.
When you live this, you light up the world. You bring about the possibilities for peace and harmony.
Peace and harmony are achieved individually through alignment and inner unity. When you live in a gentle, harmonious relationship with yourself, you’re radiant. You’re fulfilled. You’re tuned in, and so you have clarity and good timing. You have a sense of where to be and when and what to say and who to say it to. You know what to do. You know how to be. You feel easy and light. Others feel easy and light in your presence.
All of this begins on the pathway of you understanding who you truly are and being willing to love yourself as we do, as Life does, as all you are does. And loving yourself as we do, is simply about being nice to you, being gentle with yourself, being lighter about things in your life and doing that over and over and over again, until it’s just natural to be easy with you.
You being easy with yourself, is the expression of gentleness we encourage you to embrace. What if you were to experiment with this? What if you dared to be really nice to yourself right now, today, for no reason other than experimenting with your own worthiness?
There is nothing truer than your inherent worth, and the joy of loving yourself is the true meaning of the holiday season. Does that surprise you? Think about it?
Jesus and all those wonderful aspects of this holiday point to one thing - understanding who you are in relationship to all of Life. Who you are is Soul. Who you are is pure and perfect and lacking nothing. Who you are is soul, expressing here, discovering an endless flow of light and love within you and allowing it to shine and express through your embodiment, for the joy of the flow!
Not to be something, in particular, simply to be here as you. Being you as fully as completely as possible, which is about your energy flow and your alignment, not about particular actions, or accomplishments in the world. Those happen as a natural by-product of your alignment and connection to the inner current that is Life expressing as you.
When you are harsh with yourself, or persist in critical thoughts and views about yourself, your life, how you’re living, what you’ve done, what you’ve not done, your choices, your current experience, you mistake the expression of your life, for who you truly are. Your life is a temporary expression of energy much like a piece of cake, or a tree. Nothing to get crazy about. Nothing to complain about. Just something here, now and either something you want to enjoy, or can move away from into something else, here and now. You are always free to choose, and you are always free to choose differently if you wish and making yourselves wrong for not having already done that, or already changed things, accomplishes nothing, but making you feel bad.
Gentleness, on the other hand, empowers everything. Gentleness, despite how soft it is, opens up possibilities. When you are gentle with yourself, you bounce back quickly. You’re resilient. You find your way again, much faster and feel better, quicker. When you’re gentle with yourself that niceness rubs off on others. You communicate, energetically, that gentleness and kindness are your vibe. Then? People being gentle and kind come into your life, rise to the surface of your experience and people who avoided you in the past when you were critical and harsh to yourself, suddenly find themselves warming to your presence.
Life seeks energetic resonance in expression. To be gentle and kind to yourself is to amplify that momentum in your experience and expand that energy in your world. What could be more wonderful that that? And oh, beloved friends, how good it will feel to you when you decide once and for all to simply be kind to you!!! We thrill at the possibilities of that!
If you wish to empower that, to live that, to know that, be gentle with you. Be kind, be tender even, be soft in relationship to yourself and let love flow freely toward you - from within and in your embodied experience.
We wish you great joy.
We are complete.
I AM Archangel Michael, with the Council of Radiant Light

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/21/2017 6:52:04 PM

GFP Newsletter - 12/20/2017

will's picture

YOU ARE NOT AWARE OF WHO YOU ARE; you are aware of only a very minute fragment of your being: that is your mind - and that too, not fully. Nine tenths of your being remains a dark continent; it is yet an Africa, you never enter into it. In your inner being the geography is not yet completely mapped; you don't have your own map. Once you know your map, the inner geography, the topography, then when the right moment has come, you can simply decide to leave. You can leave this body because this body is just a house, an abode - it is not you. A Master is unidentified with the body, unidentified with the mind; he can decide. So Teng stood on his head and died. Even this impossible posture of standing on one's head can be used. If you know how to live, you know how to die, because they are both one.

Another thing to be understood is why was he joking about death? Death is a serious affair and he is making fun of it! Standing on his head, he is making fun of death. He is saying that if you have lived, lived a life of celebrations, then you can die celebrating - it is fun. When you know that you are not going to die, that something in you is eternal, then the whole of life becomes fun. It is a great cosmic joke and you can play with it.

In his death, Teng was giving a message to his disciples: Everything is fun, don't be too concerned about anything. Just live the moment while it lasts, live it and enjoy it!

This is my feeling also: that if there is any God, He is not going to ask you: What right things have you done and what bad things have you done; what sins have you committed and what virtues have you followed, no. If there is any God, He is going to ask: Has your life been a celebration or a sadness? That's the only thing that can be asked.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)
