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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/8/2017 6:41:07 PM

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for September 8, 2017

Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self for September 8, 2017

Dear Ones,

Do not be influenced by the outer signs of turmoil and ongoing problems that seem to be endless and show no signs of coming to a conclusion. As you will see one day soon when you look back, the New Age commenced as predicted but it took time to establish the new ways of life. The old energies are gradually disappearing but there are those who will not let go until they feel forced to do so. Like any of you, they are creating their own destiny and time line that will enable them to continue in their chosen way.

However, the negative forces will no longer be able to force their ways upon those of you who seek a peaceful life free from the abomination of war. Threats of war grow but at the same time many sources continue to work towards permanent peace on Earth. Be assured however serious the threats are and posturing becomes, there is absolutely no way a nuclear war will be allowed. Whilst your freewill is acknowledged, the higher powers have made it quite clear that no nuclear devices will be allowed to be used. Any attempt to do so will result in total failure and that is the Will of God.

Fear of what the future holds will only aid the dark Ones who use it against you. Try to set yourself apart from the negative energies by not giving them your power. Focus on world peace that is coming as part of the New Age changes, that are already helping to raise the vibrations upon Earth. It is you the people that have steered your Earth away from the old ways of confrontation and you may only be in the minority, but you have created sufficient power to shift your time line on to one that brings permanent peace to Earth. Having done so it also enables those souls who oversee your progress to help you, as it will not infringe your freewill.

At present much is waiting to proceed and no time has been lost by having prepared for this period well in advance. Go about your work without fear for the future as it has already been written that you will experience all that comes with a peaceful existence. You have completed your time in the lower vibrations and can focus on all the benefits that are connected with the New Age, that are to soon commence manifesting.

If you are ready to ascend then you will have taken the first steps towards becoming a Galactic Being. It is a natural level of which you are familiar, and left behind to experience the lower dimensions. It is all part of your spiritual growth and responsibilities to be mentors to those who follow in your footsteps. In the higher dimensions it is normal to put others before self and in this way evolution progresses in an orderly and acceptable way.

For example bear in mind that many, many civilisations such as your mentors the Pleiadians have progressed far ahead of yours, yet they are overseeing your ascension because they have a personal interest in your evolution. Life in the lower dimensions can at times seem very lonely, yet in reality you are never alone and your progress is followed by higher Beings at all times. They keep you to your life plan, help when needed often without you knowing where it came from, when you are likely to put it down to luck or coincidence. Speak to your Guides as you would a friend as they will be pleased to hear from you.

The life to come will bear little comparison to what you presently experience, so bear with all the problems you have and know that all experience is of value adding to your growth and evolution. Many civilisations take an interest in your progress and admire your resolve and dedication. It is realised that you have taken on a really tough challenge and were chosen as ones best suited to the tasks. For you the gain is invaluable experience that will benefit you in the long run. Personal growth is enhanced by your attitude and approach to your challenges and nothing is a waste of time, as every experience has something to personally offer you. With each incarnation there is growth and you will steadily make progress, because you will have undertaken a life plan specifically to suit your needs.

Your Guides play a major part in assisting your evolution, by ensuring you fulfil your life plan as far as possible without them infringing your freewill. Realise that with each life you are given tasks that will help your evolution, and to clear karma. However, if you fail to progress the same tasks will present themselves again and again until you do so. In the circumstances you cannot fail to make progress unless you refuse all help, and that adds to your karma when you should be clearing it.

Knowing that your life is planned in detail do not ignore what you may well consider to be negative experiences. Sometimes you will play a part in another souls needs so take as much care as you would for yourself. There can be situations where you can help another soul and it may be a way of acknowledging help given to you previously. Obviously it can also work the other way round and in your favour. The simple answer is to do your best in all circumstances and you will not go far wrong. Be helpful when carried out without the expectation of reward, it can nevertheless result in gain for you at a later time in a way you not expect. A good maxim is one that says “do unto others as you would have done to yourself” and it is good advice.

Life is already becoming a little easier as the influence of the dark Ones is being weakened. Their sudden loss of power had been planned for quite some time and they will be unable to regain lost ground. Naturally their minions will carry on regardless but even so their activities will be curtailed as their funds begin to dry up. There is also a concerted attempt by those of the Light, to turn their attention to giving up their negative actions and surrender to them.

Be assured that much is happening that is positive and has been prepared ready for announcement at a minutes notice. Once things commence much will happen in a short space of time for that reason. It is all to lift you up so that the New Age can really get started. It has been planned for quite a long time and adjusted to take into account the latest changes. Nothing absolutely nothing, will be allowed to interfere with them and they are safe in the hands of those who guard your interests. The good people of the Earth are known to those who oversee the changes and each one is being given full support.

The truth about your time in the lower vibrations has to be told before you ascend. It is now time you begin to learn how your experiences were planned to give you the maximum opportunity to evolve. It has been difficult but because of freewill, meaning that the dark Ones have also been given every opportunity to oppose your evolution, but you have overcome their attempts and are now firmly on the path to Ascension. Everything is in place to go ahead once the right opportunity arises. Care has been taken and it will continue in this way to ensure everything proceeds as planned.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/8/2017 6:48:00 PM

GFP Newsletter - 9/7/2017

will's picture

When somebody demands, you will feel a sudden feeling not to give; because one wants to share, one wants to give, but one wants to remain one's own master. If you have to fulfill a demand you become a slave.

Nobody wants to be a slave.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/9/2017 12:02:14 AM

Source, Djwal Khul: We Are Now In What Is Called Ascension Timeline

god selfSOURCE

As you sit there breathing out visualize Source energy flowing into the Mother Earth and Mother Earth radiating out that energy to the surface. This is the anchoring of Source into Earth. This is the mission that you came here for – we’re here to spread that energy to all.

And I come here today to tell you that during this ascension process we are now in what is called ascension timeline. This is a timeline that is controlled by Source. There is very little movement away from this timeline that can happen now. At the beginning of this eclipse and at the end with the next eclipse which will happen in 2024. During this timeline the ascension will occur. And I can tell you now that there can be no deviation, there can be no activities of those who are self-serving that can attempt to stall or make this not happen as this will happen. And for you it is especially important to keep yourself focused on your own internal journey because As Within So Without.

As you clear the energies that do not serve from within you, you will see this manifest in the outer world. As you clear out the storms and hurricanes within your own body and mind and energy, you will see this planet have weather that is like paradise. It is the miss-qualified energies within all of humanity that is causing these disruptions and there is only one way for Mother Earth to clear this out. If we don’t clear it out, if you and we within do not clear this energy out, Earth has to clear it out through these major catastrophic activities. Though we control this, you control this within. So seek within and seek to surrender any energies that feel like hate, any energies that feel like I must be correct, any energies that speak of ego. These are the energies that must be taken out of you. Purified.

Ask for me to help you with this cleansing. I AM here with an offer and an invitation for you. The offer and invitation is please call upon Me if you find yourself in a state of mind or an emotional state that is chaotic and I will help you take this energy out of you. And this is how you can contribute to the ascension process, is clear yourself within of all those things that you have hidden away out of shame. Open those doors. Take a look inside that closet inside you where you are hiding these energies, these emotional traumas, these old memories. Bring them out of the closet and ask Me to take it away and so it shall be. Thank you.

You may now open your eyes and look around with the eyes of Source. Look around. If you are in a room with someone look at them and see the Source within them.

I leave you with the invitation to every day ask for me, Source, to come into your body, to anchor into your body, and then anchor into Mother Earth.

I bid you goodbye.


This is DK, as my friends in the Theosophical Society would like to call me. And as those who have read the Alice Bailey books I AM also known as The Tibetan. And I greet you today.

My good friend the One Who Serves knows me well. As so do many of the Brotherhood because I Am part of the Brotherhood … and Sisterhood for that matter also in incarnations and I am here today to give you some practical advice on how exactly can you help release these energies that you might have. The first thing that I have to offer you in terms of advice is to keep monitoring yourself throughout the day. If you ever feel resistance toward something, this is a key. This is something that is pointing you to an energy that you are holding within you that can be released. So look for resistance with …
[Call drops]


(Channeler: So coming back to this, the conversation was regarding monitoring of self.)

As you go about your day just do a check. Check on yourself every hour. Check to see how you’re feeling. Are you feeling anxiety? Are you feeling upset? Are you feeling sad? Are you feeling impatient? Are you feeling angry? Are you having hard feelings about somebody?

Just check, every hour, 12 times a day and this will give you the habit of checking to see if you have any energies that must go. Because these types of emotions that I have just described are the things that you won’t find in an Ascended Master because those things have been purged.

And this is what this next 7 – 8 years is about. It’s about purging these types of energies so that you are in a state of peace; so that you are in a state of centeredness. Because when you are in peace and when you are in a centered place it matters not what happens in the outside world. And I must also mention that it is very, very easy for us to be distracted by these outside activities that are happening.

If you find yourself thinking and talking more about things that are happening outside of you that is a clue for you to think again on where your focus should be. Should your focus on the outside or the inside? And as Source has mentioned it is the inner work that is necessary at this time and that will then manifest itself. As you become more and more clear of these mis-qualified energies what happens is that your energy field effects thousands then hundreds of thousands and then millions of others. It helps them also to easily clear these energies from themselves.

So this is the purpose of monitoring yourself so that you can now begin to look at these feelings that you’re having. Let’s say for example that you are waiting in line at a grocery store and you’re feeling impatient. Well that impatient energy is something that can be taken out. You could ask Source to take it away from you. And Source will do this. Why ask Source to do this? You might be asking yourself isn’t Source busy enough already? Aren’t there trillions of other galaxies and systems that are going through ascension? Why the focus here on earth?

Well the focus here is because we are a part of Source and this planet is getting healed. So when this planet heals Source heals. For we are part of the body of Source so everything that you heal, everything that you ask to be taken away is contributing to the healing of this planet, of this humanity, of this galaxy, of this universe, and of Source.

So this is a very simple message. And I ask for you to consider simply monitor yourself and then surrender anything that you monitor and see that is miss-qualified to Source and it will be taken away.

I thank you very much for this opportunity to talk to you. I am humbled by the persistence that all of you have. You live in a time much different than the times that I lived as I ascended myself. You live in a complicated environment full of distraction, much more than what I had to deal with. And I can tell you that you are doing a phenomenal job. Keep up the great work!

As we look at you from these other realms I can tell you that we are filled with admiration and respect and we are humbly at your service.

Thank you. And I bid you my leave.


Om Mani Padme Hum. Om Mani Padme Hum. Om, Om. Greetings to you!

For those of you who do not know, this is One Who Serves. And we are here to share more about some of these things you are speaking of in terms of how everything is as we keep saying many many times over and over in many different ways: everything is being orchestrated. Everything is coming together.

There is no need for you to worry about storms and all of these things because they are all part of the plan here. They are all part of what you would call the bigger picture. And everything is exactly as it needs to be.

Now that is not to say that there is not suffering and sadness and all of these things. And some people go through this and they are going through it for a reason. Whether it is for themselves or for people around them and lessons that they are learning and what they are needing to go through.

But even more important is the bigger picture here, is what is at stake here in terms of in your various storms. As this is happening many things are happening in this process here, in the process to bring about change in a greater manner. In terms of: look at all the love that is being shared around these catastrophe’s here. We speak of the one in Texas. Look at all of the money that is being generated in many different ways to help those in need. Look at how neighbor is reaching out to assist another around them whereas before they would have not even given them the time of day but now they are reaching out. And this happens in many cases in times of these catastrophes.

Many come forward and spread the light. And this can do that. This can bring this about. This various times of travail — seeming travail but they are not necessarily that in the bigger picture as we are speaking.

And in terms of the storm, think in terms of everything is going on around you. Not only these particular storms but all of the storm of the three-dimensional illusion that you still find yourselves in, and see this as the storm raging around you and you being in the center. You being in the eye of the hurricane and how gentle and calm it is inside there. This is going within. This is being within your Source, within your Being. This is what you need to do as all of the storm is raging around you.

» Source 1 Source 2 – Channel: James McConnell – “Believing is seeing!”


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/9/2017 12:10:53 AM

Adama of Telos: Come Visit Us

adamaoftelosAllow us to give you the tools to traverse more gracefully through these transitional times, to transform the old more swiftly, and to gift you the tools of the future.

Greetings my dearest ones! I am Adama from Telos, High Priest of the Lemurian City of Light, Telos, and I come today to bring you my love and peace, my serenity and balance, for much is happening in your world in these times of rapid change and transformation.

I am inviting you to go into a short meditation to relax, and then to breath in the turquoise-blue-green light, tinged with sparkles of silver and golden, and to see yourself flowing through this vortex and portal of light and coming to visit with us in the City of Light of Telos from inside magnificent Mt Shasta.

Your brothers and sisters, the Lemurians, living inside the earth are eager to commune with you, to share with you their wisdom and their knowing. They want to hold your hand in appreciation for the hard work that you are doing under the harshest of all conditions.

We know how you are yearning for the peace and serenity of home, where everyone is connected in love, where your heart is playing love songs and praise to the Mother and Father One, and to each one of your brother and sisters, while floating and freely flowing in the love of the One. You do remember the feeling and the bliss of connection and merging into oneness when you are back home, as well as the more normal life of the other dimensions and realities where there is only joy and collaboration with all beings and creation, and where there are no worries or fears of being harmed or hurt in any way.

In these dimensions lessons are taught freely by the masters, and the students are eager to align with the knowledge and the wisdom lovingly given to them. There are no time limits for incorporating the wisdom and the practicalities of the Universal Laws, for the way universes work is extremely easily visualized, and the process of co-creation is clearly understood since manifestation is instant and immediate.

And here you are, immersed in these dense and turbulent energies of the third and fourth, having to hold on steadily to that loving high vibration of the fifth dimension and above, holding the light high up for everyone to see the lies and the current insanity, that which is of the false and of the illusion. That brilliance and sparkle that you are attracts many wanted and unwanted to thee.

There are also many of the same, that assist and reinforce your light from the ground level, the ones that are filling up your heart with love and reassurance that you are not alone in this world of seeming separation, far away from home. But there are also many who see what you are, that are terrified by the changes that you bring so fast just by shining brightly and being the love that you are. Since they are not willing to let go of their comfort and shadows, they are attempting to drag you down and turn off, or at least temporarily dim, your light.

This is why we are here to invite you to come and sit with us to bring you strength and stamina, to remind you that you are not alone and that you are already Home.

Your heart is a portal and a gateway to our City of Light and you are ready to come through whenever you wish to take your place of honor among all of us, to remember that bright future that we have designed and built already.

You have traveled extensively and healed the past, and you have brought home into your heart all of your missing parts and particles – big and small – left behind because of traumatic experiences from previous lifetimes. You have finally recovered from the deep pain caused by the fall of the Lemurian world, You have cleared more space within and you have expanded tremendously. Now you are ready to bring in the aspects of your bright and future selves. You are ready to anchor into your current world more and more of the wonders of the Cities of the Light.

Come with us dearest brothers and sisters, allow us to give you the tools to traverse more gracefully through these transitional times and to transform the old more swiftly, and to gift you the tools of the future.

As always, it gives me great pleasure to come and address this forum of bright brothers and sisters.

Until next time, farewell.

» Source – Channel: Genoveva Coyle


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/9/2017 12:14:42 AM

You Can Change Your Mind

Galactic Free Press's picture

God said:

The dearest of My Children make assumptions. Of course, if you are to undertake any project in Life, you have to start somewhere. You can’t wait until you are infallible before you begin. You now begin with a premise. And a premise is not locked in stone. Your premise and assumptions and conceptions and misconceptions can bend and swerve and grow. You start somewhere, and your bases also change. This is a part of Life on Earth.

In the overall History of Life, once the Earth was considered flat, and now it is considered round. Ideas change. Man’s mind changes.

You know a lot. Certainly, you have learned a lot. And, yet, sometimes it can seem as though you have learned nothing at all. Often you are caught in your tracks. It may even be a good place to be to know that you don’t know all that you had hoped. Yes, Life surprises you often enough. It can be a surprise you love, or it can be a surprise that leaves your head spinning.

There is much delicacy in Life. You want to have confidence, yet you don’t want to be over-confident. God forbid that you be a know-it-all. You sure don’t want to be entrenched in one point of view when, in this world, there are all possibilities.

With this awareness, you would throw out all prejudices. How much more time and Love would you now have available? How easy living would be. How free. How enjoyable when nothing has to be designated as you may have thought it must.

Ah, there would be room for all at the Inn. How relaxing and freeing for you when you are not obligated to be correct and, thus, someone else obligated to be mistaken. You may have thought such freedom would be disturbing when it could be quite relaxing as a matter of fact. This could be a burden you throw out. What a relief.

What a lovely thing when, in effect, you don’t have to be the Fairest of All. What a lovely thing when there is no race to run, when you are off the hook, when you are out of the fray and have nothing to prove. How freeing to be relieved of responsibility that was never yours anyway. What would hang over your head that is heavy? You would be as free as a bird.

Do you know what else? The world itself would also be as free as a bird. The world would take off. Peace would be known. Tension would be out the door.

Everyone would know Life as a Blessed Gift. The world would be easy-going. No one would feel stepped on. Freedom would roam. Love would be known wherever you look. Everyone would be welcome upon Earth. No one would feel unwelcomed. Everyone would be at ease. What a wonderful thing ease would be. What a comfort. What an opportunity.

Life would take care of itself. No one would intrude upon another. No one would be downcast. No one would feel picked on. No one would feel abandoned. This is what Peace on Earth would make the world. All would know what contentment is. Who would have one complaint let alone a whole list of complaints? Who would have to repeat himself or herself?

Who would not have consideration for each other when all are free to be content? Dissatisfaction would not be rampant on Earth. It might be unheard of. Life would be excellent. This excellence would apply to everyone.

When Joy takes over Earth, who would commiserate with any other? Who would feel sorry for another as if feeling sorry were a good thing? Oh, no, Life would be packed quite differently from the way you may have been seeing it. The world would be new because you are new, and you welcome Life as if it were no longer disarrayed.

You will know composure in a Land of Peace for all.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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