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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/7/2017 9:18:25 PM

Like a Hyacinth in Spring

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God said:

Devotion is an actuality. Devotion certainly isn’t something you let go by the wayside. You may wonder where it is, this devotion you are supposed to have which, so far, does not descend nor arise in your Heart. You are not opposed to having it. When is it your turn? When will the devotion that may be buried within you wake up?

You have gathered that love from you to God is to blossom within you somehow somewhere, that High Devotion will grab your wrist and swing you high. How long can this Ringing of Devotion elude you? What can it be that keeps devotion just out of your sight? Have you been skipped over? Maybe devotion isn’t in your bailiwick this time around. Maybe you are to let it go.

Beloveds, in terms of a Grand Devotion, even a large-scale devotion with capital letters, it will come to you. Look, there it will be like a hyacinth in your garden, one early day in spring, a bulb buried in the ground, as if by itself, will burst forth to say: “Here I am!”
Like Spring, Devotion will spring up, and it is yours. You don’t have to water a hyacinth.

When it comes to the Flowering of Devotion, it is not a campaign that you have to make a to-do about. Devotion is not something you produce. You don’t have to manufacture it. Devotion is a natural blessing that arises of its own volition, and you may find that you have no choice but to keep your eye on the sparrow. Devotion arises so that you may acquaint yourself with what is already devotedly present within you. Devotion does not have to be a specialty, although Devotion may grow to be a speciality.

You know how Life is. Your eye has alit on many watering places. Nothing has to be forced to grow. Encourage, sure, yet not demand.

To begin with, you already have experience with devotion. It has been signaled in your heart. When you are blessed with a baby, you know the devotion that burst forth from within you. This takes no urging. It is My Devotion within you will not be caught napping. Something will touch your heart. You are no stranger to devotion. Nor am I. Leave it to Me.

When Devotion to Me knocks on your Door, answer, yet answering the Door does not mean that you must alter your Life. Let Me take care of your Devotion. You don’t have to make a big to-do of the Devotion that stirs your Heart. Hey, simply follow your heart where it takes you. I am secure in your heart.

I am the Enticer of Devotion. I am in Everything the Doer! You may hear a knock on your Door. It may be a light knock. You will open the Door, and here I AM. What Joy We will share. It will be easy. Nothing difficult here. Truly, you will hear Me knocking. No one gets missed. No one.

There is no effort at all. My arrival may be like when a timer goes off. You may forget that you had set the timer. You may find that you open the Door of your Heart to Me without having heard My knock. You just happen to open the door, and We are delighted to see the seeming Each Other. You are not even flabbergasted. You know, it feels right. You will have your turn. There will no longer be a door between us. Not even an opening really, just a Magnificent Oneness.

Dear Ones, no need to hang around waiting for a Great Sign to appear in the sky. The process of My Arrival rarely appears as a Grand Flash of Lightning. Usually, Life appears gradually and you wake up to it. You awake to Life at the same time as you take Life in your stride. Usually, Life takes you by the hand and leads you gently. It can often be before you even notice.

The fact is that We have always walked together. You turn your head a little now, and you see Me, and you wonder how it is you hadn’t noticed before.

We have a Grand Connection, you and I. We can count on it. When Our Grand Connection will light up abundantly, no one knows. One day it will light up. One day you will notice that you are secured in My Heart, and you will feel Our Oneness of Oneness Lighting Up.

You have quite a Destiny before you. Have no worries. I entrust Myself to you. Entrust yourself to Me. There is a Dance that is Ours to dance. And dance We will.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/8/2017 5:55:49 PM


Friday, September 8, 2017

Full Moon Phase: clarity, revelations

Moon in Aries

Sun: 17 Virgo - "a volcanic eruption"

True Alignments: release, irresistible, outpouring of ideas or creativity, rectifying, handling pressure

Catalysts for Change: emotional outbursts, overblown, disaster, acting out, spewing, projecting anger onto others

Earth: 17 Pisces - "an Easter promenade"

True Alignments: renewal, community, unity, sharing, restoration of faith, guided, best foot forward

Catalysts for Change: fake, virtue signaling, judgmental, staying in the past, showing off

We have a powerhouse of a day in store. The Sun is discharging the energetic frequency of "a volcanic eruption," and the Earth is discharging the energetic frequency of "an Easter promenade" - a reinforcement of this particular energetic that was in effect with the X9.3 flare earlier this week.

So, the Sun sent a flare when the Moon was located at 17 Pisces and now the Sun has moved to 17 Pisces. A double dose of "an Easter promenade" is underway. All roads lead to renaissance today.

In addition to the energetics of the Sun and Earth today, we have several other astrological aspects occurring that will increase the level of intensity and potentially produce dramatic life circumstances (for everyone, not just the major drama that those in Irma's path are experiencing). Here's the breakdown:

12:31 pm ET/4:31 pm UT - Moon trine Venus (feelings about relationships, money, security)

1:50 pm ET/5:50 pm UT - Moon square Pluto (something trying to end and something trying to begin)

7:00 pm ET/11:00 pm UT - Uranus retrogrades back to 28 Aries - "a large disappointed audience" (do not give up)

9:27 pm ET/1:27 am UT - Moon trine Saturn (realignment, order/disorder, control issues - does China make a move?)

12:38 am ET/4:38 am UT - Moon trine Black Moon (shadow sides and/or beacons of light shine, issues of justice, increased anger - the Divine Feminine enters the scene)

1:15 am ET/5:15 am UT - Moon opposes Jupiter (expansion of everything that already happened today)

The Earth and Neptune are in conjunction. Mercury and Mars are in conjunction. Saturn and the Black Moon are still in conjunction. That's a lot of energy for the electric universe to pour on us.

Wise owls, today may test one's faith and one's limits. Patience is required. The Moon in Aries wants to move and shake things. Anger and frustration are overt under these energetics. Things always "release" when the energetic of "a volcanic eruption" is in effect. Be aware.

We continue to work with the highest octaves of the "Easter promenade" symbol, holding the line of renaissance, and keeping the fellowship of humanity in the forefront. Much love to all of the Texas, Louisiana, Caribbean, and Florida wise owls for their strength. They are moving us forward.

* Below is an article discussing Oracle Report, the hurricanes, and the astrology, among other things:

Mantra for the Second Renaissance and the Return of Wisdom

All roads lead to Liberty.
Sophia ke Thelete acousome. Wisdom and Will, let us attend.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/8/2017 6:19:11 PM

David Wilcock FB Update 9-8-17… “The events we are seeing are part of an overall energetic increase in our solar system”

I’m lying on my side right now, but felt this one wanted to be posted right away. I may highlight later.


DW FB Update 9-8-17

Everything I have spent my life studying and teaching is now very obviously coming to a head in what we are now seeing.

The Cabal did appear to know this energetic acceleration would occur, and attempted to “clean it up” by assassinating several key talents before it started.

The events we are seeing are part of an overall energetic increase in our solar system, as I have been arguing ever since 2001 after finding Aleskey Dmitriev’s 1997 paper on interplanetary climate change.

This is not something I wanted to be proven right about, but it is happening and we have to deal with it.

I just got done with a major round of tapings and will be putting an article together showing how these seemingly different subjects are directly interlinked.

If all goes well I will get something out this weekend. It does not appear that the Cabal is creating these superstorms and quakes, but it does appear that the hurricanes are being steered by a certain degree of tech still in their possession.

I have had many dreams for the last two years suggesting some big event was coming in my life, a major opportunity to reach far more people than I do now, and I was only going to find out about it and prepare for it at the last minute.

This appears to be what those dreams were referring to. I have since had clear data linking these events to the earlier dreams. It’s very intense.

All of what we are seeing is validation of the interplanetary climate change / solar flash / DNA upgrade / Ascension model I have been articulating all these years, and in books such as Source Field. More when the article comes out.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/8/2017 6:26:01 PM

Daily Message ~ Friday September 8, 2017

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Dear Ones, there are energetic shifts that occur that may affect you in different ways. Some are energizing, and make sleeping difficult. Some energies require you to be very still but awake in order to integrate. Some require you to be in a deep sleep so you are most out of your own way in order to receive it. But all of the energies you receive are for your growth and expansion.

There are some things you can do to assist you in the process. The first is listen to your body. It has an innate intelligence that always knows exactly what you need. If you feel like you need rest, give it to yourself. If you crave certain foods, understand your body is looking for those nutrients and fuel it with what it is asking for. Drinking ample water is always recommended, as dehydration is common.

Acceptance is key! If you feel energetic intensity, rather than resisting, embrace it. Intend to accept the incoming energy whole-heartedly and with appreciation. A simple yet effective affirmation is, “I am shifting gratefully with grace and ease.” The fact that you are receiving these energies speaks to your own growth and readiness and is something to be celebrated.

Last, don’t forget we are here to assist you! If you have had yet another sleepless night, simply request to be infused with the energy you need to get through your day. Ask to be supported with all that you need to function beautifully through all of your tasks, and you’ll be amazed at how much easier your day goes. Don’t forget to use the endless supports that are available to you, for there is much we can do to ease your process.

Do not fear, Dear Ones. All of this is proof positive the shift is happening. You are doing a magnificent job, one energetic shift at a time. The symptoms pass but the benefits remain as you embody more and more of your divine truth as an enlightening human being on an ascending planet. ~Archangel Gabriel


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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9/8/2017 6:36:54 PM

Our Sun Just Unleashed Its Strongest Solar Flare in a Decade


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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