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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/11/2017 8:53:42 PM

The Council – Synchronicity

The Council – Synchronicity

Today we are going to discuss a topic that, for many of you, will be what you call ‘old hat’. Please read it with the understanding that there are many more newly awakening ones among you than there are ‘advanced’ ones. And we ask that the word advanced be put in quotes because it simply means that you have managed to get reminded a moment earlier of what you all know on higher levels.

We were asked today to explain the great amount of numerical signals, hypnogogic sights, and synchronicities that a person had seen recently. And we think that it will be a very good thing to discuss at this time.

Let us look at the numerical ‘signals’. Be clear that clocks, license plates, etc. have those numbers all the time. We do not create them. What we, you as us, do create is the impulse to look and to notice at the appropriate moments. In another state of awareness, you would glance at the clock, for instance, and either not register the 11:11, or not remark to yourself upon its significance. How many taxicabs have you driven past without seeing the very large 444-4444 or 777-7777 phone numbers painted on them? How many automobiles do you actually read the license plates of? So when one of these things enters your field of vision, your Higher Self simply says (sends a feeling) “Hey, look!” Now you may always interpret this as “I Am Here.” That is the beginning message until you begin looking for more. And it is immensely significant for a beginning message. It may well be the first time that one of you begins to realize that you are more, much more, than you have been led to believe.

The next ‘word’ in the language that you might learn is “Charlie!”, or “Fran!”, or “Bob!”,your own name called in your inner ear. Again, interpret this is “I Am Here.”

If you want to receive basic messages via the numbers that you see, pick a system of numerological interpretation and stick with it. We will adjust accordingly.

By this time, you should start to notice that some things are unexplainably seeming to go ‘your way’ more than you had perceived before. This is the third ‘word’ in your growing vocabulary. It also means “I Am Here”, but by now you should begin to equate the “I” as your Self. You should begin to realize that YOU, as you, are creating your life, step by step. It would help if you had, early on, begun to have an ongoing mental conversation with this greater part of you. She, or He, does not need this. You need it in order to teach yourself that you are being heard.

Now this has been, so far, fairly basic. But let us take a step further. What we have told you thus far applies to each of you. But what about the being called Humanity? What about the being called American? Or French? You see, you are a part of many greater fields of consciousness.

You are learning to see the extent to which you create your circumstance. The next thing to understand is that French consciousness, American consciousness, and Chinese consciousness, etc. all are created by their participants, and all create your human consciousness, good and bad, as you would perceive it. And all participate in the creation of what you call reality.

And the fields you participate in extend far beyond that, but we will wait for your PH.D. studies for that!

Why is this happening? It is happening because your greater Self wants to live as you even more than you want it to happen. And we know that you want it to happen. It is very much your overarching purpose for this lifetime. You call it ascension.

So those numbers that we were discussing, as well as saying “I Am Here”, are saying “Good Job!”

We feel this is enough for today. Blessings.

There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE. A third book is being compiled now.­

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/11/2017 9:05:28 PM

Mother Mary via Ann Dahlberg, August 9th, 2017

I am Mother Mary and I want to thank all the people on Earth today. You have shown the way with your courage and your patience – The path that takes you out of the darkness and back into the Light. The shadows are beginning to fall my dear children on Earth. The large dark shadows have started to fall and dusk goes into darkness and into the Light again. You are the children of the Light dear children on Earth and the Light has now called you back to the light beings that you really are. Your whole being now absorbs more light and awakens you to your long forgotten identity – The one you originally were and the one you came down to reawaken.

It is a blessed time now and now it rains down a shimmering light of gold and silver on Earth. It is picked up by your bodies and awakens that which shines deep inside you. The new world is awakening first within you before it is manifested in the outer world. Many people have woken up and their longings and dreams are now in the process of manifesting in their outer world. These energies impact many more souls that drowsily look up and start to pursue their dreams. Your new world start at your feet and spread slowly out in your outer world. Now, it is so dear children on Earth that thousands of people have woken up and their dreams have started to manifest in their outer world and more are attracted as magnets to this paradise, which they have just started to create – An Earth with peace and love to those that inhabit it.

In the Kingdom of Peace one can create much that is good for all people, animals and nature. Everything you create is created by love to one self and others that share the same Earth and who understand that all belongs together in order for us to feel good – yes, in order for all who are a part of Earth to feel good. You see dear children on Earth everything is inside you. You have all within you to create what you want as long as you create out of love. I, Mother Mary, love you so much and know and understand how hard it can be to find the love and the strength within one self. You just need to understand that you are not alone. You have and always will have a light within you. We, your guides and leaders, can help you to fan the light so that the flame gets bigger and eventually fills yourself with light from top to toe. You are surrounded by light. Feel and experience the light within and around yourself and you will understand that you are more than you have become in this heavy density that you have chosen to experience. The Light is here now, dear children on Earth. It is time to become one with the light again and to embrace its rays that want to wake up your own rays of light. You are the children of the light and it is the path of the light that you now will walk.

It is the voice of love that now will be heard all over Earth today. It is the acts of love that will come from your hands. It is the message of love that again will sound all over the Earth. You are love and you are loved beyond all understanding. We can see your attempts to reinsert the Light on Earth and we help you with each step that you take in that direction now. Your thoughts and acts are important now so think and act in the service of love. Understand that it was in the service of love that you chose to come down to Earth – The love for Mother Earth and all her creations that are here together with you. All these creations are now sending you all the energy they can in order to help you to anchor the light on Earth and in all the hearts of people today, yes, all beings that live and move on Earth.

Your love and your light will now shine all over Earth and we shine together with you, dear children on Earth. Be steadfast in your light and be sure that we stand as steadfast at your side.

I now shine with my light down to you and when I see your star-eyes being lit up, then my heart is filled with love for the small stars that you now carry within you.

God’s love now shines down to the children of Earth and pull them home again to the abode that they always have belonged to, embraced by God’s love and wisdom.

I leave you now and let the light in my heart fall in front of your feet so that it will lead you home again.

Mother Mary!

» Source – Channel: Ann Dahlberg – Translation from Swedish to English: Per Staffan

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/12/2017 1:07:35 AM

There Is a Preciousness in Life

Galactic Free Press's picture

God said:

As you keep climbing in Life, you wonder when you yourself will reach the peak you have been waiting for, or if you ever will.

Surrender, beloveds. Just climb. Keep going higher. You desire to reach the peak. You may well have reached it, and you find that beyond is another peak and another peak. Life features climbing. Peaks are incidental. The achievement is climbing. Life is made of climbing. Reaching peaks feels wonderful for a while. After awhile, reaching the peaks isn’t enough any longer.

Reaching peaks is a point of view. Reaching peaks is incidental.

Achievements are like mile markers on the road. You keep going. When you reach a peak, you keep going. No matter if you slide back, you keep going, one foot after the other.

The process of climbing matters. You are not setting out in Life to make a record. To be a high achiever is nice, yet this is not your purpose. Going forward is your purpose, not what the world may or may not make of you.

No matter what, look high. The Sun, Moon, Stars follow you. Let your eyes follow them and the Sky, the Blue Sky, Gorgeous Sky, Rainy Sky, Cloudy Sky, Thunderous Sky. While you are on Earth, be glad for all Earth’s Gifts. No matter the appearance of the Sky, the Sky is yours. You don’t have to ask for the Sky, nor are you ever without the Sky Above. Even in blindness, you know Sky exists. All this is already yours without fail. Notice all your free gifts that abound.

When an advertisement comes in the mail, and you can get something 50% off, you pant to have it. Alas, all that is free is not always valued.

Here on Earth you have values of million of dollars, and they are free to you. You already have them. Name the value of a Million Stars and Galaxies and Moonbeams and Sun’s Rays.

Never say that Life is not worth a nickel. You don’t mean it. You look at picture after picture in a magazine when, all the while, you have Infinite Images right in front of your eyes wherever you look. There are prize photographs of slums and one leaf or one pair of eyes or one baby crying. What about your hand? Isn’t it a magic thing, your hand? Your hand can write. Your hand can type. Your hands can wash dishes. Your hands can embrace. Your hands can soothe away a child’s crying.

Of what value are your hands, your feet? What do they mean to you? What would you insure them for? Confess, you do love them. You love all they do for you.

There is preciousness in Life. What is not precious? Only that which you take for granted and do not really look at. Start looking with Eyes of Love.

Ah, yes, you take a lot for granted.

If a dish breaks, thank that dish for all its service.

All of nature rushes to serve you.

If you have ever said that Life is not worth living, take your words back.

Let the advice: “Count your blessings,” have a new meaning for you. Who are you to be a cynic? I swear to you, you are not meant to be a cynic, a scoffer, nor a dilettante, a complainer, a victim or anything else but a Child of God. Smooth the world for all. Smooth the world for someone else and, by golly, you smooth the world for you.

Just between Us, have the idea that you are here on Earth to be its public relations director. Oh, yes, you are here for more than one purpose. Stand with your shoulders straight and chin up. You are definitely here for something. You are not here for nothing.

But never mind all this. Do what is in front of you to do, and, c’mon, smile!

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/12/2017 1:08:56 AM

A Total Eclipse of the Sun for the Ages

eclipseEveryone is talking about the coming “Great American Eclipse” with a path of totality that makes landfall exclusively within the U.S., making it the first such eclipse since 1918, 99 year ago..

One of the most important eclipses in U.S. and world history is just 11 days away. It is part of the powerful “Saros” series of eclipses, every one of which has awakened the world with a major shifts.

First a very quick reminder before we jump into today’s article that all our blueprints and private readings are now ON SALE until August 14th!

Let’s understand what it means to you personally, because, if anything – this is one of themost personal total solar eclipses you will ever experience in your lifetime.

The Total Solar Eclipse occurs in the sign of LEO – and it is the only total solar eclipse of 2017, giving it even more meaning.

  • The brightest star in the Leo constellation is Regulus one of the four royal ancient stars of Persia, the star of royalty, nobility and courage.
  • On August 21, the Sun and Moon meet and join with Regulus for a dynamic combination!

You will be on fire, ready to lead from a place of courage – just like the sign of Leo urges you to, and just like the year 2017 has been preparing you for!

Deeply personal questions will come up for you:

What do I really want?

Who am I truly at soul level?

What am I now ready to claim – leaving no stone unturned – with total uncompromising commitment?

No beating around the bush anymore after this eclipse! This is your time to say YES and proclaim your passion.

The sign of Leo rules the HEART. You will invoke your destiny through your heart chakra. And Leo is a FIXED sign, so it is very, very determined.

This is powerful energy!

The Lion roaring full throttle form the depths of the soul, every atom lit up with LIGHT.

The planet MARS is currently be very close to the Sun and Moon adding that extra fire and drive to forge ahead.

In order to channel the courage of Regulus and the Lion, stay totally focused now.

What is happening to you at this time is what you have been asking for. Even if you may not be conscious of it, you yearn to be recognized and appreciated for who you truly are, a divine being of limitless joy – a galactic being of love.

Leo can get into ego-consciousness on the shadow side, so this is not about projecting an image – the eclipse will bring to light what you haven’t clearly seen in order that you may bypass your limited ego and go straight to SOURCE, to God – to your divine birth-right of creation.

(Much has led up to this moment in time, including Saturn’s retrograde over Galactic Center in Sagittarius a few months ago.)

With ALL eclipses – a part of your life is ending, and then something NEW emerges…

  • August is an 18/ 9 Universal Month of endings, letting go.
  • 2017 is a 10/ 1 Universal Year of new beginnings and fresh starts.

This 1 and 9 code activation of beginnings and endings means we ALREADY have a major release and rebirth theme going on in August.

No doubting it anymore, you are part of a major shift in consciousness. Add the dynamic Eclipse parameters into the picture, and the ingredients for your ultimate liberation are multiplied into the stratosphere!

Furthermore, we have another most beautiful code activated:

  • The Universal Date of the eclipse – 8.21.2017 (8+2+1+2+0+1+7) – adds up to 21 .
  • The Universal Day of August 21 is ALSO 21 .
  • We are in the 21 st Century.

21 in Ancient Egyptian numerology stands for “The Truth shall set you Free.”

This numbers code speaks to the core message of our current century.

21 liberates through Truth – the Star Wisdom numerology of Ancient Egypt describes 21 as “The Truth Shall Set You Free”.

21 was called “The Crown of the Magi” by the ancient Chaldeans priests.

21 symbolizes victory after a long struggle – after many tests of courage and determination.

21 reminds us we have the power and the blessing to overcome ALL challenges, all opposition. It is a very fortunate vibration in a date or current name, carrying many rewards.

Amazingly, the Total Eclipse will be visible in its entirety across 12 U.S. states as it moves from Lincoln, Oregon through to Charleston, South Carolina.

12 carries the message of acquiring great knowledge and strength, which may lead to highly fortunate results – but only if you let go of any tendency to be a victim, go let others make decisions on your behalf. 12 reminds us not to volunteer to suffer or give away our power to anyone or anything for any purpose whatsoever.

With total conviction to confront and deny victimization, we are set free!

12 on the positive side symbolizes education on every level, asking you to look within for answers and solutions. When you pay attention to your spiritual and intuitive education you will ultimately be fulfilled and happy.

21 (2+1) adds to 3.

1 2 (1+2) adds up to 3.

3 is the TRIAD of CREATION. Father – Mother – Child.

3 represents joy, expression, dance, art and music! This Eclipse in Leo – sign of creativity and joy, means will have a resurgence of worshiping beauty! Getting inspired by what is divinely channeled. Your INNER LIGHT, the Sun in your heart.

Leo is ruled by the Sun…

Need I say more?!

We are receiving tremendous insights about what has been HIDDEN from view, so the eclipse serves as a catalyst for us to LIBERATE ourselves from old karmic patterns – ways which we have taken on as a false “truth”. Those patterns are now ready to disintegrate into the great void, and be recycled as light, as greater inspirations – with deeper understanding, and with a connection to our home, the divine creator – the galactic realms.

This is echoed by the fact that the Sun and Moon form a powerful TRINE to Uranus, planetary ruler of Aquarius, the opposite sign of Leo and the sign of liberation and galactic exploration.

When the two nodes of the Moon moved into the Leo-Aquarius axis in May, we began the initiation into freedom, joy, self expression and ultimate recognition that we all come from the light – that we are limitless creators, unique in our own special way.

Leo is an action sign, Regulus is the Royal Star – and so now your soul is accelerating into higher realms of conscious awareness at a rapid pace.

Follow your bliss! Breathe in … and sing the song in your heart!

Let go of your fear to shine… no excuses anymore! – just go SHINE your gorgeous light!

Love your life into reality.

Much Love and many joyful blessings,

» Source – Author: Tania Gabrielle

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/12/2017 2:44:20 PM


Saturday, August 12, 2017

Disseminating Moon Phase: share, communicate

Moon in Aries

Skill: shift perspective

Sun: 21 Leo - "intoxicated chickens dizzily flap their wings trying to fly"

Higher Expression: more effort equals more outcome, ability to laugh at self, down to earth, courage, fun-loving

Lower Expression: overdoing/not knowing when to stop, stuck, failing to acknowledge lack of experience for a task, strong desire to escape, overindulgence

Earth: 21 Aquarius - "a woman, disappointed and disillusioned, facing a seemingly empty life"

Higher Expression: finding what is truly fulfilling, seeing through or seeing reality, connecting with inner strength, shifting

Lower Expression: unfulfilled, deception, perceived failures, wasted

The Sun makes a trine with the Black Moon today, at degrees of the zodiac that tell us to shift our perspective and engage perseverance.

Experience has shown that 21 Leo, "dizzy chickens" (my nickname for this degree), is ultimately very, very successful. It takes more effort when this degree is activated, but the rewards are oh so worth it.

The key is to know when to say when.

The Black Moon has just moved to 21 Sagittarius, "a child and a dog wearing borrowed eyeglasses." This is always about changing our point of view. The energetic says to look at things a different way, perhaps from the lens of your wisest owl self highest up in the tree.

Thus, the trine between the Sun and the Black Moon show us how much more enlightened we can become and how much higher we can fly by shifting perspective.

To repeat, with the "dizzy chickens" energetic, it takes more effort but the outcome is tremendous.

The effort needed may be to overcome ourselves -- to get passed ourselves, to get "over" ourselves in some way. When the Earth discharges "a woman, disappointed and disillusioned, facing a seemingly empty life," the archons get an "in" to loop our thoughts in the most negative ways. (The Black Moon and Saturn, which is innately self-critical, are now only one degree apart, so the Sun is actually trining both the Black Moon and Saturn today. Tomorrow the Sun will make exact trine with Saturn.)

To get over something today, try finding the humor. Humor is our saving grace. Laugh at yourself. Lighten up like a dizzy chicken and try to avoid taking yourself too seriously. SHIFT PERSPECTIVE.

If you need more help getting there, be like a child or a dog in some way. In other words, seek fun. Fun is needed when the Sun aspects both the Black Moon and Saturn at the same time.

And one other (not so little) thing: the Moon is aspecting the Sun, Black Moon, and Saturn until around 8:00 pm ET/11:00 pm UT today, completing a Grand Trine. This is activating the Eris Point, so rebels, revolution, and renaissance rule.

The sheer potential of today's energetics to produce MAJOR shifts in consciousness is probably indescribable, so I will follow the wisdom of the Sun today, and not overdo the message.

You get the picture, right?

Happy Saturday, everyone!

(Note: I was unaware at the time I recorded the "Recapitulation of Renaissance" audio yesterday that the Sun was discharging "American Indians perform a ritual to the Sun," and the Earth was discharging "a large white dove bearing a message." How divine.)

Mantra for the Second Renaissance and the Return of Wisdom

All roads lead to Liberty.
Sophia ke Thelete acousome. Wisdom and Will, let us attend.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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