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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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Person Of The Week
7/25/2017 5:12:16 PM


Tuesday, July 25, 2017

New Moon Phase: begin, intend

Moon in Virgo

Sun: 04 Leo (2:37 pm ET/6:37 pm UT) - "a man, formally dressed, stands near trophies he brought back from a hunting expedition"

Higher Expression: willpower, successful venture, achievements, a win

Lower Expression: displaying to show off, conquests, the need to prove something

Earth: 04 Aquarius (2:37 pm ET/6:37 pm UT) - "a Hindu healer"

Higher Expression: spiritual solutions, finding alternatives, focus and discipline for healing

Lower Expression: lacking in rational thought, pretense, unfounded

Mercury moves out of Leo and into Virgo at 7:42 pm ET/11:42 pm UT. Mercury in Leo can be hot-headed and fast-acting, but Mercury in Virgo heals our minds. Tackling problems or complications are a specialty of Virgo energy. We find the answers we need to solve things.

Chiron rules Virgo. Today, the Sun and Mars meet up to make exact square with the Chiron Point, delivering healing and learning to difficult situations. Chiron is the Healer of Healers; with the Earth discharging "a Hindu healer," we are in good hands. The pain of life is mended by Chiron. Today we have a very special opportunity to evaluate the status of things and make space for wisdom and healing to occur.

The doctor is in! Ask for what you need from the divine healing energies.

Mantra for the Second Renaissance and the Return of Wisdom

All roads lead to Liberty.
Sophia ke Thelete acousome. Wisdom and Will, let us attend.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/25/2017 8:30:49 PM

Jesus via John Smallman: Your Human Form Can Block Love or Allow It

Audio version.

As Saul has told you, enormous changes are underway for all of humanity and for Planet Earth. These changes are an essential part of humanity’s awakening process, of becoming truly aware that all are One, One with Source, Mother/Father/God, the divine Intelligence, the divine Wisdom, All That Is.

There is no separation! Separation is an illusory concept that was imagined and then constructed out of nothing at all to produce a very convincing physical environment in which the infinitely small and the infinitely vast appear, interact, and at the same time appear to be completely unaware of each other’s presence.

It is like an enormous game of hide and seek in which You chose to hide from God and from Yourself. The One Child of God playing games, games that got out of hand and seemed to the Child to be dangerously and terrifyingly real. A horrible nightmare of your own making unfolded, and seemed then to enfold you within it, separated from Yourself and from God.

To even very briefly imagine separating what can never be separate is a terrifying thought. But, having constructed the illusion and made it appear very real, the fear was reduced in intensity by being denied and hidden.

The fear you experience as humans in the most terrifying conditions that the illusion can present you with is as nothing compared to the F E A R that separation from Source would induce. That is why you choose to remain asleep. There is a deep and underlying belief that God wishes to destroy you for separating from Him and attempting to prove to yourselves that you did not need Him.

But fear is unreal, there is only L O V E ! All else is illusion, a most terrifying nightmare from which you are soon to awaken. When you do you will delight in the knowing that there is only Love, and that It envelops you in every moment of your eternal existence.

Love is All! As humans it is very hard for you to grasp this divine Truth because the illusory environment that you constructed with your original God-given Power appears completely real to the little human form that you chose to inhabit to experience separation. Remember, You are far, far vaster than the Universe in which it seems that you have your tiny and thus insignificant existence.

The Universe has been in existence for billions of years, while most humans live less than a hundred years, therefore it appears that you can leave not the slightest mark or impression on it. That is a very unsettling thought that most of you prefer not to address because it is extremely uncomfortable for most to maintain an ongoing awareness of their seemingly utter insignificance. But, of course, none of you are or could be in any way insignificant because You are One with Source, You are infinitely significant as God’s beloved Children.

However, those who choose to go within in the hope of finding answers, and then manage to quiet their minds and listen, find peace, comfort, and solace which leads to an awareness that there is much more to life, to existence than is provided by the physical environment in which you live out your human lives.

Awareness grows that you are indeed far vaster than anything your human mind and body can sense, that life is indeed endless, whereas everything in the physical environment eventually decays and disintegrates back into the nothingness from which You imagined it into momentary existence.

The complete and utter contrast between the physical environment in which you live your human lives and the Reality in which you were created and from which you have never departed is so far beyond your human ability to conceive of that you can have absolutely no idea of the wonders that await your awakening.

Some of you have had glimpses through Near Death Experiences, feeling the intensity, the power, and the unconditional acceptance that Love offers you continuously and eternally when you expand out of your human forms into the vastness that is that Love. And by sharing that you have given a gift of great value to those who heard you talk or read about your experiences

As humans you need to focus on yourselves as Love that has taken temporary human form. When you focus on Love, your true nature, and intend to know It, to be It, and to extend and share It with all with whom you interact, you intensify the energy field of Love – the life force that empowers your human form – that flows through you and out into your environment in every moment, thus helping to bring about the essential changes that will heal the planet and all the life forms that it supports.

You incarnated at this time for just this purpose, knowing full well that your memory of your intent would prove difficult to access and put into practice. However you also knew that you would be lovingly and powerfully assisted at all times by your support team in the spiritual realms. You have to call on them daily and reset your intent, which is why it is so important for you to go within daily and open your hearts to the Love field in which you are enveloped.

Your human form can block Love or allow It. When you judge, blame, or engage with a need to be right, you effectively block Love out by choosing a state of separation from others. When you open to others by accepting, loving, and forgiving them, you open your hearts allowing Love to flow most abundantly through you on Its journey of healing.

That was your intent prior to incarnation, and when you accept that that is what you are on Earth to do and allow Love in, then It expands abundantly out through you to wherever It is needed, and you will feel Its energy empowering, uplifting, and inspiring you, as peace and contentment replace fear and anxiety within you.

Hold your Light on high. That is what you came to do because It is needed. By doing so you make an enormous difference, leaving a very significant and long lasting impression on the world and on all with whom you interact.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

“Jesus via John Smallman: Your Human Form Can Block Love or Allow It,” July 23, 2017, at

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/25/2017 8:32:29 PM

Daily Message ~ Tuesday July 25, 2017

Galactic Free Press's picture

One of the most powerful, self-loving things you can do is to still yourself and take a moment to ask yourself, “What do you need today?” and then act on what you feel the answer is. Your tender inner being is aching for your love and attention if you are feeling out of sorts, and you may be amazed at how quickly you can bring yourself back to a state of greater comfort and peace by taking the time to do this one simple exercise for yourself. ~Archangel Gabriel


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/25/2017 8:38:47 PM

Sheldan Nidle: Divine Visions

sheldan_nidle13 Imix, 4 Vayeb, 13 Caban

Selamat Jalwa! The basic tasks of preparing for delivery appear to be completed. We continue however to be baffled by the apparent lack of any coherent design for a mass delivery and this continues to amaze us. Yet despite the lack of a finished grand plan, we are confident that ultimately the sets of deliveries promised will be given to all. Hence, we remain amazed by the progress that is being accomplished without any apparent plan of action. In other words, despite this chaotic process things are progressing well. It is this unwieldiness that makes us believe that we are moving forward!

The Galactic “plan” continues to be in force. We therefore expect to see a massive degree of specially directed activity. All of the cabal’s remaining ploys are systematically being defeated and signs of success are surely unfolding. These indications mean that soon these deliveries will be ready to go. Something wonderful is about to occur. Therefore be aware that many special circumstances are indeed in effect.

The oddities that surround this project have become clearly evident. We are convinced as noted earlier that something wonderful is about to happen. This coming time is surely one to be expressed with a feeling of fulfillment and joy. Everything is being readied to be swiftly rolled out. We expect the remaining necessary tasks to be completed and any further hidden stages in this process to be secretly complied with. It is these seemingly contradictory facts that appear both astonishing and yet completely real.

In this haphazard fashion, this project moves ever forward and the machinations of the cabal remain vastly undone. We reiterate that we continue to be convinced that the deliveries promised are indeed occurring. These facts bring us to a great unwinding prosperity. Thus, miracles combined with divine action are presently underway. Grace brings us the feeling that a number of grand acts are ready to unfold. Hence be ready to receive, and in good time to acquire what you have so long been waiting to manifest before you! Be ever ready for a great series of wonders. Miracles are indeed happening!

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters. We have seen a certain reluctance to finish jointly assigned tasks probably due to the sheer magnitude of the procedures still left to be completed. The solution is gradually becoming clearer and is expected to resolve this necessary dilemma and complete the required deliveries in obscurity. The oddities involved have been simply too complex to easily maintain. We fully expect the necessary procedures to be completed in a timely manner.

In this divine light, the required payouts can be concluded along with the remaining steps needed to allow the new NESARA Republic to quickly manifest. Be ready for the divine payout stages. These, as already noted, are swiftly to allow the new republic to replace the old illegal one! At that point in time, the procedures needed to finish the RV can occur. This can then bring in the NESARA Republic. These events can further spread the prosperity and fulfill many of the basic decrees of Heaven. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

In this most sacred way, the divine decrees asked of us by Heaven can be graciously completed. These divine visions permit as well your humanitarian projects to be carried out. In this Holy Light, the divine plan can be fulfilled. We desire nothing more than for Heaven’s desires to be faithfully done. We can then thank Heaven and those who so wondrously carried out these most sacred wishes. This can only lead to what Heaven so deeply desired for all! Hosanna! Hosanna!

Today, we continued to note the numerous events taking place around this sacred blue-green orb. Just maintain your grand vision and watch for a few miracles to suddenly appear! Know, dear Ones, that the countless and never ending-supply of Heaven is indeed yours! Selamat Gejun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One and Be In Joy!)


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/25/2017 8:41:44 PM

GFP Newsletter - 7/24/2017

will's picture

The eternal has its own way of being eternal. The way of the eternal is to be born again and again and to die. Through death it refreshes itself, rejuvenates itself. To us it appears that the real flower has died - it never dies. It simply changes bodies, so it is ever fresh. It leaves the old body, it enters a new body. It flowers somewhere else; it goes on flowering. But we cannot see the continuity because the continuity is invisible. We see only one flower, another flower; we never see the continuity. It is the same flower which flowered yesterday. It is the same sun, but in a different garb.

You need very penetrating eyes to see the invisible continuity. The invisible continuity is God. If you can see, this is the same flower in a different body. That's what Hindus call the theory of reincarnation. Christianity, Judaism, Mohammedanism, they all miss the beauty of it, so all the three religions by and by became materialistic. They had to, because the invisible had been missed.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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