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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/23/2017 7:26:09 PM

A Stranger in a Strange Land

Galactic Free Press's picture

God said:

When you first arrived here on Earth this time around, consciously, you didn’t know anything. Everything changed somewhat since your last time, and you seek to know the script all over again.

Even so, at the same time, you know deeper than time. You know deeper than all that you relearn so precociously, and, yet, Life on Earth is also old hat for you. Life on Earth recurs to you the way an old tune runs through your mind and heart, seemingly from out of nowhere. From where you remember this, how you know this, how your awareness arrives, you cannot say, yet a recollection slips out from somewhere, seemingly far away, or, seemingly, not even here at all.

We can say you are a genius who remembers that one and one makes two. Some kind of reconnection is made even as if it were not from within you, as if you had never seen it before. It couldn’t really be true.

You seem to be here right now as if you are diving into the present, as if you have no past and no future anyway, as if you ride an elevator that you have no idea of how you got on and how you get off, if ever.

How strange is Life when you find yourself on an escalator. You have no idea how you happen to be here. You have no idea where you go next. You have no idea of Who You Are who seems to ride on an escalator. What a strange interlude it is as you hang out here, looking like you know something when you ride the waves pretending a sophistication that you do not really feel. It must be you pretend to yourself. It must be you fake it, and get away with this for a moment or so, yet at the bottom of your throat, you know you are a novice who hasn’t really caught on.

What are you doing here and what for? Is this some kind of rehearsal or is it somewhere you are revisiting? Who on this Earth with a waning heart ever begins to know his name or what to call anyone honestly. Of course, honesty is feared, and why on Earth shouldn’t you fear all the nonsense? You find it hard to trust yourself.

You don’t fool yourself, not for long, and you don’t fool anyone, not for long. You feel adrift. You were planted here. You are trying something out here. You forget what it is.

How would you know the extent of your reach? Who would believe you anyway -- this jaunt or odyssey you are on that is such a mystery to you. It seems that you are not moving yourself, but rather more like you are moved around by some Unseen Hand. You question what choice you have even as it may not matter to you really.

You may feel like a pig in the poke. You wonder what you are doing here on this strange planet or bus or whatever it is you find yourself on. You don’t know with certainty that you really want to get to know yourself. What an odd interlude you have here on Earth in which it seems that no one gets to the heart of you. You are not even certain that you exist at all, if you ever did, or were ever meant to.

You are aware that there is something important you forget. Did you leave part of yourself somewhere where you can never be found? When will you start all over? Is it possible that you actually exist? When will you get the hang of this that is called Life.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/24/2017 6:24:43 PM


Monday, July 24, 2017

New Moon Phase: begin, intend

Moon in Leo

SUN: 03 Leo (1:30 pm ET/5:30 pm UT) - "a mature woman, keeping up with the times, having her hair bobbed"

Higher Expression: switching attitudes, positive outlook, inner self, assertive

Lower Expression: changes that are only superficial, reliance on appearance, masking true self

EARTH: 03 Aquarius (1:30 pm ET/5:30 pm UT) - "a deserter from the navy"

Higher Expression: decisions based on morals, acceptance of consequences, handling challenges (especially emotional challenges)

Lower Expression: intolerable rules, pressure, escape, "drowning" in disappointment

Five hours before the New Moon in Leo conjunct Mars yesterday morning, there was a massive explosion on the far side of the Sun. Spaceweather reported that an X class flare was possible at that time, with Mars taking a direct hit. At the reported time of the ejection, the Moon was located at 27 Cancer, "a violent storm in a canyon filled with expensive homes." This is one of the more potent of the 360 degrees of the zodiac, so a CME at this degree carries quite a "sun storm."

With this coronal ejection, Sabaoth's (the Sun's) objective is further and faster degradation of the corrupt cabal. Archons are being pushed "over the canyon" into the welcoming arms of their source, the aeon Sophia. It's a win for everyone involved.

The Sun was located at this degree last Wednesday - July 19. The CME will reinforce or re-imprint or bring some sort of re-vising to things that were going on, developing, or pervasive that day, so it may be helpful to look back to what was happening for you then.

A CME with a New Moon dramatically strengthens the energetics of the planets at the time of the New Moon, which means that the month will be a powerful one (with many changes since it is a First Quarter solar cycle - the time of stepping outside of one's box and taking action).

Mars is the planet in focus, and Mars was discharging "an epidemic of mumps" at the time of the CME and the New Moon. Get ready for an "epidemic" of rapid fire renaissance because that is what is going to accelerate this month. Truth spreads. Liberty spreads. Renaissance spreads.

While this happens this month, we will be unleashing the power of our minds, transcending negative down-spirals with the New Moon's theme of "under emotional stress, blood rushes to a man's head." The head rush is going to change the conditions and situations of our lives and the world.

Let's "keep up with the times" today and start spreading our own form of renaissance. Align with beauty, truth, love, and wisdom.

Mantra for the Second Renaissance and the Return of Wisdom

All roads lead to Liberty.
Sophia ke Thelete acousome. Wisdom and Will, let us attend.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/24/2017 6:28:54 PM

Daily Message ~ Monday July 24, 2017

Galactic Free Press's picture

Dear Ones, grounding in each step of the unfoldment with your acceptance and gratitude is what makes the next vital step possible. Do not see having gratitude for the now moment as choosing to stay put, or accepting less than your desire if your creation is not yet complete because the universe will always seek and support your expansion and growth.

Grounding each step into your reality is wisely and methodically allowing each piece to be set in place and a beautiful demonstration of your faith and trust. See each piece as a wonderful sign of creation in progress, for in reality, each stepping stone is just as important as the end result. ~Archangel Gabriel


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/24/2017 6:31:41 PM

Ashtar: Expand into the Oneness of the LoveLight to Create Miracles

ashtar“Greetings, Beloved Family! The excitement continues to rise, does it not? It is as though any time you hear a story such as the one that Rama* just told, you are connecting in with that same energy that he felt on that mountainside, the gentleness, the peacefulness, the Love of the deer and the confirmation – yet another one among millions of confirmations now – not only of the ship’s reality, not only of its presence. You have to understand that Master Rama takes himself up into very High levels when he goes out on his journeys, so the ship came to meet him and greet him! He’s had this experience many times before. He has come up to my ship many times!

“But we’re not here to give the history/herstory of any one individual, but to tell you this is Reality for all – particularly you, Beloved Ones! Why do you think you’re here anyway? Has it not occurred to you that you might have been here before – not just in these Gatherings, but throughout the course of your lifetimes, your timelines, your experiences, in other bodies? And a lot of you are beginning to recognize that you not only have this DNA which is human, but you’ve got other goodies in your DNA as well. – your genetics of being star people coming from other places, your genetics of having served in many missions, most of them on Planet Earth, but in other places as well.

“And what is truly important is this Mission, our ultimate Mission for Planet Earth in service to Planet Earth, together – our partnership. It’s more than a partnership!. You’ve heard that word ‘Ohana.’ We are Ashtar On The Road Ohana! That’s Family – I say, ‘Family’ in my messages to you. I know that is a more familiar word in your lingo, but let’s expand that to include everyone here present, and everyone beyond who has yet to join us in this Gathering, or who perhaps will not be joining us for this particular one, but are nevertheless very much with us in spirit.

“You see, we are here to celebrate our togetherness, our Oneness. And in that Oneness, we have identity with each other! We have memories, if you care to unlock them as you unlock your DNA. You don’t have to. It’s not a requirement for partnering in this Mission. I am simply telling you the memories are there if you choose to look into them – as well as other memories. After all, you are individual identities as well!

“And you have NOT been, let us say, created off of an assembly line of sameness. You are individuals, but again, we are One in this Family! We are One in our LoveLight out of which we were all created, and that brings me to the final phase, if you want to call it that. We are One with all LoveLight in the Universe!!! And that goes to others in human form, and beyond.

“And I am telling you that this Oneness is the glue – this recognition of the Oneness in all life, the Divine Oneness in all life. It’s the glue that is making us successful, because as more and more come into that Heart-space Reality – that miraculous place of Love, that demonstration of Love through all expressions, wherein the rules of the third dimensional game are set aside, cancelled, voided – however you want to say it – and where the guidance, the inspiration of Divine Knowingness comes in to lead everyone up, up and away – why not?

“Put yourselves in the balloon of LoveLight, if you wish, and simply cast off and float upward into the Higher Dimensional levels. This is where you came from, after all!!! This is where you were birthed; this is where you came from and, oh yes, you enjoyed a physical birth as well. Well, perhaps ‘enjoyed’ is not the word, but your parents, for the most part, were Joy-full at your emergence.

“And you felt good about coming into the life, even though the life that you scripted for yourselves may have been filled with challenges. Nevertheless, there was a Joy that you brought with you, because you carried within your genetics your soul memories – the knowing that you were coming in to partner in this absolutely ultimate Mission of Love, and the Mission of assisting others to recognize the Love within themselves – the empowerment of Love and its upliftment.

“How else are you going to get up into the Higher Dimensionalities? The grays couldn’t do it. They could only go so high – you know, the lower levels of 4D. They may have had their technology, but they were lacking Love!!! I say ‘were’ – they’re pretty well gone from Planet Earth. They sort of realized that they failed to capture that particular component that you have. How about that? They came from another place. They, too, were tinkered with, and so on, and so on. And that’s another story. We’re not going to go into that here.

“What we want to tell you is that if you really want to get up into the Higher levels of 4D, 5D and WAY beyond that, you have got to be powered by Love. That’s the only way you’re really going to get there!!! Now, this Love is being incorporated even now into technology that is being brought out here on Planet Earth – with recognition of what it is!** It is Higher Dimensional. It is High spin-state. It is beyond the ‘rules’ – even the science rules as your scientists have put them forth – of the third dimension. IT’S BEYOND!!!

“And so it is that this power does not have the darkness to it. It’s not a fossil fuel kind of a thing at all. Think of it – fossil fuel robbing Mother Gaia of the very blood in her body! This is not a robbery at all – it is an expansion. It is a bringing in of the Higher One. You might as well figure they’re synonymous. And that’s what Love Power is!

“Love Power gives you all the Freedom you could possibly want – as individuals, as Family, as Family of the Universe – to then create whatever miracles yourselves, that you are inspired so to do! And they do not have to be the same miracles as what your neighbor is creating because, as I’ve said, this is an EXPANSION! This is where you partner with your High,Divine Guidance to create whatever it is that you are inspired so to do – and in doing that you are lifting yourselves up and away!!!

“Now there are some who you like to call ‘pioneers.’ We’re going to call them ‘old souls,’ and there are some new ones who are coming in from places far beyond Planet Earth, who are bringing this technology, this Science-Spirit of Love Power to Planet Earth because, as you might say, ‘Well, it’s the Now moment, it’s the time!’ It’s the timeline meeting of you, and you, and you, and everyone here whose Hearts are open and who are saying, ‘Bring it on! We’re ready! Let’s do it!’

“So if some of you are starting to have visions of yourselves piloting your ships – or your merkabas, or whatever – to other places, keep on doing it! If some of you are having visions of serving the World – any or all of Mother Gaia’s kingdoms, in any capacity whatsoever – keep on doing it and expand, expand, expand! Do not worry about, ‘Well, I need, you know, three million dollars to do this project!!!’ Forget that! That’s old paradigm, that’s all 3D thinking – you don’t need that! You simply need to say, ‘I am a multi-dimensional being. I am here in service and I know that whatever I need to do this service with the utmost of High Vibe Love and all that Love creates- I know I’ve already got it. I just need to literally reach up!!!’ I didn’t say ‘reach out;’ I said ‘reach up.’ There’s a reason for that – reach up and pull it in. Put out your High Vibe LoveLight to attract, or draw to you, whatever it is that your visions are!

“Do not see this as, ‘Well, I can’t do this because I don’t have enough money, or because I don’t live in the right place, or because I don’t know the right people,’ or whatever! Get rid of that and substitute in – ‘I’m a Divine Being here in service. I am an honored and honorable member of the Ashtar Command Ground Crew, and I call upon my Divine Self, my Divine Wisdom, my Divine Inspiration, and my Divine Guides, and all the LoveLight I Am, to expand into this energy – and beyond to pull in even more – so that I may perform my Service that I am here to do!!!’

“And while you’re at it, you can invite others to join with you. You could start a little bit of a groupmeeting together. For instance, do you have some homeless people in your community? Go on my website. See what two churches who were at opposite ends of the philosophical spectrum were able to do by coming together, setting aside the barriers that they saw between them, and instead recognizing the Oneness and the Love in each other!*** And they built a loving, beautiful community to give shelter to those in their community who had no homes, no shelters.

“Be inspired by that, if that is your vision. Get in touch with them. Ask them for details as to how they brought this Divine Inspiration, this Divine Love into 3D. And in so doing, of course, they lifted themselves and this community up and out of the density of the low vibrations of the third dimension! In other words, break down the obstacles however you need to do it! Transform them, put them in a red balloon and send them off somewhere where they will not be anything except transmuted into more Love – and start your planning!.

“Now, at some point if you have to deal with, you know, financial budgets and so on, ask. You can give the Bank of Saint Germain as a reference. You can go out into the community and just say, ‘We are asking for Love donations, donations made from Loving Hearts’ because that puts a Higher vibration on money. Money is just an energy anyway, so make it Love energy!!!

“And when you do this, you can also ask to receive Love energy from people you don’t even know, from sources you don’t even know, because everybody is transmuting their attitudes, their programs, their old stuff that they’ve been carrying and, yes, that does sometimes entail going deeper into the crocodile pool! But it’s well worth it, because what is the reward at the end of the journey? It is the LoveLight! It is coming into the LoveLight, the brightest Light in the Universe, becoming One with that yourselves! And that, Beloved Family, is miraculous! That is the Miracle that you are all here to accomplish.

“So if you want to say, ‘Mission Accomplished,’ absolutely, positively do it, because we see it! It’s a done deal, as you might say, but you can also say, ‘Miracles Accomplished!’ And if you want proof of that, go look in the mirror and see yourselves shining as bright as you are seen by the Universe, and know that you are here to create Miracles, to inspire others so to do, and to be yourselves – the Miracles of Love, serving in so many ways in the upliftment, the moving into the Golden Age and the Ascension of Humanity and the other Kingdoms of Planet Earth who have contracted so to do!!!

“So we honor you, Beloved Ones, for being with us in this Mission, this Mission of Miracles. And we honor you as the Miracles of Love yourselves, because without you, WITHOUT YOU, we could not say, ‘Mission Accomplished.’ And so it is. Salut!”

» Source – Channel: Susan Leland


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/24/2017 6:34:22 PM

GFP Newsletter - 7/23/2017

will's picture

The ego is a plastic flower - dead. It just looks like a flower, it is not a flower. You cannot really call it a flower. Even linguistically, to call it a flower is wrong, because a flower is something which flowers.

And this plastic thing is just a thing, not a flowering. It is dead. There is no life in it.

You have a flowering center within. That's why Hindus call it a lotus - it is a flowering. They call it the one-thousand-petalled lotus. One thousand' means infinite petals. And it goes on flowering, it never stops, it never dies.

But you are satisfied with a plastic ego. There are some reasons why you are satisfied. With a dead thing, there are many conveniences. One is that a dead thing never dies. It cannot - it was never alive. So you can have plastic flowers, they are good in a way. They are permanent; they are not eternal, but they are permanent. The real flower outside in the garden is eternal, but not permanent.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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