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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/25/2017 8:44:02 PM

Our God-Self via Ute Posegga-Rudel: Why Liberation of Humanity Takes So Long

VIDEO (recommended!)

My Dearest Ones!

It is suggested that none of the huge gathering of beings of light in the universe expected the liberation of earth and her humanity take so long. But also the question arises why the Great and to Me True human spiritual masters did not especially emphasize the issue of ascension and the liberation of humanity. They even suggest that there is no general ascension for all humanity happening at once because it is mainly an individual process and event.

They did not mention it particularly, because each being is responsible for their own spiritual liberation process according to their evolutionary journey and the state in which they participate in an incarnation cycle.

However it is true that in times when a greater evolutionary process is uniquely supported, there are cosmic influences which make it easier for an individual to awaken and to evolve and that this can trigger an awakening of many because You, My humanity, is One Being and the entire human family is interconnected with each other. So what only one spiritually awakening single being does, has a great effect on your human family in the first place, and secondly also on the grids of all kingdoms on earth and last not least on earth itself.

At the time when all these prophecies have been made that there will be great liberation of humanity, it happened from the point of view of separation: a human being that is within this concept considered to be a separate entity, like the Christian church considers Jesus to be a separate entity, and not surrendered to My Divine Consciousness Whom Jesus called ‘Father.’

The liberation process of a seemingly separate being, who wishes to become alike ‘Jesus,’ as described by the Christian church, and who is identified with the dream state, is necessarily relatively ‘easy’ and not that profound.

But I Myself, The Ultimate Reality of Existence, the Source of all Beings have intervened, My Beloveds, so that you may awaken from that dream!

It’s implications are huge and you cannot imagine what it means regarding to a true radical process of enlightening humanity (and the whole universe) that transcends the dream state. Since eons of time spiritual mastery of human beings has been described mainly within this state of dreaming, with teachings that came down to earth from the ancient races of more evolved stars.

But these teachings involve grave limitations, limitations, You, My Humankind, are able to transcend because of your Heritage of Pure Ultimate Divinity.

As long as you remain in your consciousness limited to the dream state, you limit yourself to a state that considers a separate light-body as the highest possible form of evolution.

I Myself however have shown the path beyond. I show the path directly Home to Me, to the Very Source of your Being, that Is the Reality of Me.

Now ponder this: as this is about radical dissolution of illusions, the process of purification must go to the very depth of existence Itself! Therefore this process includes the integration of the consciousness of the other side of the frequency band, the so called dark beings, your enslavers and tyrants, controllers and abusers.

In this radical process of liberation that I have Initiated by My Divine Intervention, all That Exists in this universe and beyond, must be accepted, integrated as a mirror of yourself and ultimately dissolved into My Infinite Divine Source Consciousness, that is your True Native Divine State, the Origin of your Being and very Existence, That What You Truly Are.

This profound and radical process to which you have been invited goes far beyond your ascending cycles of the spiritual traditions. It requires the integration and transcendence not only of the entirety of your human subconsciousness (and also the universal consciousness) but also of all obvious appearances in your world, including those you oppose!

And so in this process of becoming truly fully Conscious, and not just conscious in the dream state, you come to the conclusion that Everything arises in My Divine Consciousness. And to integrate and transcend all of that takes ‘time,’ my dearest beloveds! It is not done in one single life time for the great majority of you and most likely not even in your personal case.

It includes the integration and transcendence of duality that always exists as long as the universe is perceived and understood as an ‘other,’ in the sense of an ‘I,’ over against another, whether perceived as friendly or hostile and everything in between. Also notice that even the most arduous follower of the Master Jesus of Nazareth -and other Masters – love them as an other, please be aware of that!

But finding liberation as That What I AM, duality must be transcended in a radical way to the point where subject and object disappear or melt into Singleness. It happens through the transcendence of mind. But not in the sense that mind would cease to exist. But as My Divine Consciousness is Revealed to you as Your True Identity, paradoxically mind becomes Me in a way that You are merely witnessing it arising in Myself.

This process requires necessarily that the about 95% of your potential un-consciousness must become conscious. It is EVERYTHING that exists, and it includes of course all seeming opposite forces, such as dark and light, huge and tiny, expanded and contracted, good and bad, and so on. All of that must be recognized as Me and not separate from Me. Radical liberation requires the transcendence of all of that to enter the State I Am where subject and object in your present understanding do no longer exist, neither in this world nor in any other world. Above or Below, lighter or darker, it does not matter.

So as the task has now become multidimensional, including the integration of all opposites in all worlds, the process of purification has become radical and most deep and profound as the process of most radical liberation is set into motion by My Intervention, no longer allowing the game in the dream state to suppress your True Divinity.

And now this is important: the situation on earth as it is at this moment, is most conducive to this process. It is here that you are able to open your consciousness to learn to understand the nature of seeming opposites and especially of light and dark! So this condition on your earth serves the understanding of this unique universal paradigm, to learn about it and to integrate it to expand consciousness, until it merges with My Ultimate Divine Consciousness, the Knowing of Ultimate Light and Joy as the Substance of ALL appearances.

Although New Age teachings proclaim that earth is fundamentally a place for your enjoyment that has been interfered with by dark forces, the reality is, that earth IS a school for humanity to grow, exactly to deal within duality with darkness. You are not victims, beloveds!

If your earth would not provide you with this unique learning opportunity, you would need to leave earth and move to a similar place as she is now. That is to say, you cannot truly evolve after my Divine Intervention here, without learning the lesson of integration, not to mention to Be Liberated Into My Divine State of Unlimited and Eternal Radiance.

An ascended Earth in a dream state is therefore not conducive to beings who need to learn this special lesson. But the state of earth, as she is right now, supports even the possibility to Be liberated by Me without ascending to higher dimensions of the dream state or existing there for a while. In that sense earth is not required to ascend to support your ultimate liberation, although she is a very much evolved and loving being.

By My Grace – you can become FREE of all dimensions and dream states, if you are willing to integrate all your subconscious content and transcend it into My Supreme Divine Reality-Consciousness. It requires necessarily an ordeal of self-purification and facing your wildest night-mares to be healed and dissolved, once suppressed into the darkness of your own subconscious mind. It is a way of fire for the Ego and without it, Liberation and Realization of Me, your True Divine Nature, is not possible. Although fake New Age teachings are suggesting the easy ride, awakening false and absurd hopes.

The process in which the unconscious becomes conscious is the ancient way of Evolution and Self-Realization, and this way has not changed today. But it has become unknown in this times of darkness and lost true wisdom teachings.

It cannot be done alone by yourself, because your separate ego cannot free itself. You would be lost in the never-ending labyrinth of illusions of mind, confusion and false perceptions. It is about a serious process that goes deep, deeper than you could go alone without a true Master-Guide. Many have lost their way lead astray in their own unconsciousness.

So now do you still ask, why your liberation takes so long? It takes so long because you did not yet touch the bottom ground of the unconscious deep within yourself as a Universal Being. But the appearances in your life you react to mirror exactly what has not yet been set free within yourself.

Until now you linger perhaps merely on the surface of hope and childish belief, sentimentally attached to yearning emotions to be free, not wanting to truly come to terms with radically descending into your own Hades to bring – with My Help – to there My True and Eternal Light and Consciousness.

All you do, you do to all your Humanity. Your dauntless courage to be a True Torch of Mine is lifting everybody and all. And so you must now ask yourself, what is your gift in this process and which gifts have you given to your brothers and sisters and earth.

This is the work. Do not ask any longer. Take responsibility for your process that is the process within the All. It is the most Sacred and Ultimate Process of True Liberation which a pleasant and easy place and circumstance would not support necessarily.

You might ask: why did I Intervene? And why is such a profound process now given to you? Beloveds, it was the desire of your own soul. You, humanity has asked for it! And I Responded!

I Am Your God-Self, the Self of All Beings, Worlds and Things.

Message conveyed by Ute

“Our God-Self: Why Liberation of Humanity Takes So Long,” channeled by Ute Posegga-Rudel, July 24, 2017, at

Source Link: Ute Posegga-Rudel Messages from the Realms of Light

Copyright© 2017. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, Please post your comments on my blog so that I can be aware of them. Please share this message only together with this information and without changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me Thank you.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/25/2017 8:49:00 PM

Archangel Zadkiel: Inner Stillness and Expanded Consciousness

Linda Robinson

Greetings Beloved Ones,

This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Archeia Holy Amethyst, and we greet you in Love and Light. Today, we wish to discuss inner stillness and expanded consciousness.

Higher dimensional energy is continuing to reach your planet. This is occurring along with many changes on a global scale. You may also be experiencing changes in your immediate vicinity. You may even be questioning what you want the next step on your path to be.

Change is a constant. You may find this uncomfortable, or you may welcome it. Whatever your perspective, when you look for the positive aspects of change, this can help you progress and expand your consciousness.

As you focus on potential outcomes of change that can benefit you as well as others, this brings in a higher vibrational frequency that can help you view new possibilities in expanded consciousness.

Expanded consciousness often begins with turning inward and being aware of your Divine Spark and an inner stillness that resides there.

This is the point where you can turn to find guidance when outer conditions are changing around you. Your inner still point can feel like an oasis and safe harbor, and it may feel like your true home.

Your inner still point is where you can receive guidance and contemplate new possibilities in the silence of your Being. This is where you can release the expectations of what others think you should do and, instead, let your heart lead the way to what feels right for you. The noise of the outer world is replaced by the guidance from your inner knowing and the Higher Realms.

As you turn inward, you may become aware of your breath. You may feel your body relax, and gradually your focus is centered on your inner still point, or your Divine Spark that connects you with All That Is.

As you continue to focus on your breath and your inner still point, you become more inwardly centered, and outer circumstances seemingly fall away.

As you bask in the silence of your inner stillness, your awareness begins to rise to a higher level. You may feel bits of inspiration come into your awareness. This may increase to a gentle flow that could be compared to Light particles traveling through a funnel that is wide at the top and tapers down to a channel of Light particles of knowing.

These Light particles may contain wisdom for your personal ascension path, or they may contain knowledge of universal teachings. These Light particles begin to expand your energy field with new possibilities. A rhythm of ebb and flow of energy develops as your energy field expands and contracts with the Light.

This Light expands out from you to your environment surrounding you. The more you remain in this state, the farther out your energy field will expand. It is as if you have a continuous flow of incoming and outgoing higher vibrational energy, and you can feel that you are in the flow.

When this occurs, you may become aware of higher dimensions and more expanded concepts. What may seem like an either / or concept in the third dimension may appear to have shades or hues of differences at other levels.

For example, the Golden Rule of doing unto others as you would have them do unto you might expand from actions on the third dimension to include thoughts and intentions at higher dimensions. You may become more aware of the circumstances behind external appearances.

When this occurs, you realize that you are tapping into expanded consciousness.

If you find that your concentration wavers, this may be your current awareness adjusting to incorporate your expanded realizations.

As you practice going into inner stillness on a regular basis, you may find that you are receiving new insights more easily. These insights may also begin to come spontaneously as you are going about your daily routine. Anytime you find yourself feeling that you are not tuned in, you can pause and turn inward to experience your inner stillness and feel the expanded consciousness.

Beloveds, we are happy that you are pausing to experience your inner stillness and expanded consciousness. We are with you as receive the Light of inspiration for the greatest good of all.

Know that you are greatly loved.

WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Archeia Holy Amethyst

…and we surround you with Love.

And so it is.

» Source – Channel: Linda M. Robinson

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/25/2017 9:01:37 PM

A Message to Lightworkers – July 24, 2017

Caroline Oceana Ryan

The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective:

Greetings, Universal Co-Creators!

We greet you in this day before the Mayan calendar’s “Day Out of Time” [July 25], in these days before the August 8 Lion’s Gate, and the Solar Eclipse of August 21.

In these powerful and rather challenging days, your minds and bodies are being prepared to receive downloads of the highest possible frequency of Light data that you are able to receive at present—Light particles that work more powerfully than what has reached your planet in millennia.

It is so that the Lion’s Gate occurs annually, aligning Earth with your Galactic center and the star Sirius.

Yet this particularly potent alignment in this calendar year will open a portal not only for outer manifestations to occur with greater ease and in higher forms.

It is also a doorway into a level of inner Transformation that can only result in the turning of your Earth from the denser vibrations of previous timelines into a far higher, unified timeline.

These are the frequencies required for Ascension energies to anchor fully, not only within Earth Herself, but in all who live upon Her.

This is a majority decision.

Though not all refer to Ascension by that precise term, the majority of humanity has requested and required that shift into higher dimensional living.

And so you are birthing that, and all the more powerfully in these times of alignment of the Lion’s Gate and the upcoming solar eclipse.

And so, though it may have once been exciting to think of yourselves as a minority fighting for Earth’s freedom from the shackles of the old system of enslavement, you are no longer a minority.

More than a lift into greater DNA activation, as positive and empowering as that is, you are experiencing an intense re-cognition and reclaiming of your true higher dimensional identities.

This is the missing piece long hidden inside your third dimensional consciousness, as you labored within the lower-frequency energy grid for many Earth lives.

You are joining now with the consciousness of the crystalline energy grid.

This grid runs through and all around Earth in a pattern of sacred geometry, infused with Light from the Great Crystals, and special Light Beings (such as dolphins and whales), and Light centers in your galaxy—and increasingly now, from the Light of your own souls.

This is how starships can be powered by consciousness alone, if they are made of materials that react and respond to the consciousness of those connected to them etherically.

This is where true intelligence, and true plasma-based power and co-creational ability, show themselves in ways that will become increasingly more “ordinary” to you as you continue to Ascend.

The crystalline energy grid was fully enabled and empowered in the time of Atlantis.

With its increasing awakening, and your growing conscious and subconscious connection to it, you are indeed moving into a fifth dimensional paradigm.

As you increasingly telepathically connect with that grid, which enlivens every increasingly crystalline cell in your body, the old energetic traps and shadows of a darker age will not be able to reach you (unless you choose to remain there with them).

This is indeed a cause for celebration, but be kind to yourself in these energetically demanding times.

For much will seem out of control, unplanned, strange and ill-fitting, and difficult some days.

The inner and outer shifts you are experiencing in your individual life are signs that your higher self is releasing all that is no longer serving your higher good, nor the good of the planet.

Yet you may argue with the discomforts of old pain, old sadness, or old anger coming to the surface.

While that is occurring, things that formerly made sense to you—your job, business, or energy practice, your relationship, beliefs, or living space, or some other basic part of life—may suddenly feel all wrong or rather strange, as if you have outgrown them, or as if they belong in someone else’s life.

Things that once suited you perfectly—your location, your vehicle, your clothing, your food preferences—may now also feel strange, as you realize ways in which they are holding you back from your true life expression.

Things that once made you angry or feel uncertain about life—politicians’ play-acting, the fits or antics of a partner, family member, boss or coworker, or the divisive voices of the media—may now strike you as irrelevant, and nothing worth reacting to.

All of this Divine Light pouring into you now is simply Divine Love—Light is simply Love in one of its most transformational forms.

And Love, as they say, always brings up its opposite.

This releasing of all that no longer serves you is the natural reaction of any Light-based organism to greater levels of Light.

This occurs so that whatever is hitting a wrong note with you now—anything not in tune with your soul strengths, your most true and authentic self, or with fifth dimensional life in general—can come up to the surface to be healed, or simply dissolved.

Yes, it is uncomfortable, strange, and inconvenient, perhaps even upsetting at times.

Yet you have asked for this.

You have called out to your Galactic families to show themselves, to help you right the upside down nature of things on Earth, to aid in your Ascension and in the Ascension of millions, by engaging with human beings more openly and more often, and you have been answered.

You have called out to your soul, your Angels and higher self, to wise guides and elders, to Creator God/Goddess, the Ascended Masters—all manner of higher beings with Divine Love at their core—requiring their support, healing, and wisdom, and you have been answered.

And you have called out to your own human consciousness to remember and reclaim its highest origin on a soul level.

To express its Divinity–any aspect of the Divine, so long as it is Love itself–demonstrating on a daily basis, even in quiet moments of sadness or feelings of loss, even in the confused state that is your greatest growth and expansion.

And so in these days coming up to Great Change, we speak to you who have come to be Change Agents, and send you the Light that holds the data of Remembering Who You Are, and why you specifically have come here now—your particular path of not only individual enlightenment, but of greater Good.

And we bow to you as always, though you may feel you have done little for that moment of recognition.

We bow to you for having the bravery to come here and to sift through so many hundreds (or thousands) or years’ worth of density, of karma long accumulated and now dissolving in the Light of the Love you now carry for yourselves, your planet, your Universe, and one another.

Namaste, dear ones! We are with you, and we help to carry the tremendous weight of this journey.

And so call upon us, when the day feels too heavy, when the release of old shadows feels too great a pattern to dissolve.

We are here beside you, always.

Copyright 2017, Caroline Oceana Ryan

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Maureen Keefe photography used by permission.

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/25/2017 9:06:46 PM

Through Whose Eyes Are You Looking Now?

Galactic Free Press's picture

God said:

Through Whose Eyes are you looking now?

You wonder how it happens that this question through Whose eyes you look can enter the equation?

You woke up one morning and you became aware that the eyes you were looking through were not yours. You saw out of them, yet they were not yours.

Well, you used to always be questioning, trying to figure out, trying to get somewhere. It was as if you had been walking toward Heaven, and now you have passed go. Is this possible? Now that you are here, somehow you have left yourself, as you knew yourself, behind. The you that you always thought you were has flown the coop.

Now that you have risen to Me, Who can you be but My Almighty Self? Is this the meaning of Oneness -- no longer can you find yourself anywhere? You seem to be missing. At first you may well experience that you have lost something precious, for where have your idiosyncrasies gone?

You may mourn that your little self is gone. Like childhood, like toy land, “Once you pass its borders, they can ne’er be found again.”

What’s left of you asks: “Who is this One Self that I feel dispassionate and objective and impartial about now?”

You may feel as though you have become a Stranger. It is as if you had traded yourself in and got faraway-ness instead of hip-roaring happiness. You sense a state of non-existence. In Oneness, where can appearance be if it is at all?

At first, you may feel your new State of Consciousness as absent. Where is the golden goose you had anticipated? You expected something. Alas, now it may seem like your heart was whisked away and not replaced.

Don’t tell me, dear Ones, that you miss the ravages of emotion and all the disturbance that comes along with it? You are an even keel now, no more rocky boat.

You expected you would feel rambunctious Love. You wonder now – has even Love occluded itself and become impartial and at a distance? Can it be that Self-Realization no longer feels like ardor?

When you no longer experience opposites, you feel not the closeness you expected but may rather feel more away-ness and your Self seemingly adrift rather than deeply occurring. No longer are you bogged down. Instead of feeling deeply, you now feel off to the side.

Well, you may say to yourself: “Surely, I didn’t expect wild emotion, did I?”

Well, yes you did.

When you are at a peak, you simply are at a peak. You made great strides, and now you no longer stride. No longer do you climb a mountain. Now you are truly above the world.

You are Home. Once upon a time, you were Homebound, and you had a lot to write Home about. Now the cake is out of the oven.

The world is no longer your personal world. You had anticipated ecstasy. Even-ness isn’t excitement -- it is equanimity. Stillness is not the same as riding on a merry-go-round.

Now that you are beyond the world, what is left for you to desire? This is the meaning of this desirelessness that you heard about. It isn’t that you had to put away your personal desires. You did not have to do anything. It happened without a decision. It came with the territory. You have a bigger vision now.

Now you no longer exist for yourself. No longer are there two realities, one the world’s and the other God’s. When you are Here, you are Here. No longer are you searching for yourself, because now you are already found. Now, you are meeting Yourself in passing.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/27/2017 2:07:52 AM


Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Crescent Moon Phase: persevere through challenges

Moon in Virgo

Sun: (3:45 pm ET/7:45 pm UT): 05 Leo - "rock formations tower over a deep canyon"

Higher Expression: edge of change, moving forward regardless, leap of faith, forming new structures and solid ground

Lower Expression: backed into a corner, "paralyzed" or unable to act/inertia

Earth: (3:45 pm ET/7:45 pm UT): 05 Aquarius - "a council of ancestors"

Higher Expression: wisdom of heritage, elders, tapping into resources, combining talents/skills, reaching agreement

Lower Expression: outdated, seeking approval from others, judgmental, disrespectful

After a long and close journey together, today the Sun finally reaches conjunction with Mars. Pressure build-ups will release and then begin to resolve as the Sun moves passed. The Sun will make exact conjunction with Mars at 8:45 pm ET/12:45 am UT tonight at 04 Leo 12 or 05 Leo, "rock formations tower over a deep canyon," but it is, of course, in effect all day.

We are on the edge of greatness. The structures of the New Renaissance are solidifying and creating a new experience of life for us.

We tower over the past.

We take leaps of faith.

With this, tempers can run hot with surfacing anger. People tend to get very angry with Sun-Mars conjunctions. We can also feel "wiped out" very easily. Take special care.

The Electric Universe Principle is activated with the Sun-Mars conjunction, which can have geophysical effects. The Sun is quiet (so far) today, with no active regions. Nonetheless, this conjunction has been building for some time, as the Sun has slowly crept up on Mars.

Conjunctions represent new beginnings. The Sun and Mars give us impetus and energy to engage our will.

What will you do with it today?

Mantra for the Second Renaissance and the Return of Wisdom

All roads lead to Liberty.
Sophia ke Thelete acousome. Wisdom and Will, let us attend.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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