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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/23/2017 6:57:15 PM

Archangel Amethyst via Natalie Glasson: Healing Lack of Trust

Audio version. Video version.

Angelic blessings flow to you from my being; I am Archangel Amethyst, the twin flame and feminine aspect of Archangel Zadkiel. We are the angelic representative of the 7th Ray of Light. It is our mission to support transformation, purification and the dawning of the divine within all upon the Earth. Through our light and the energy we transmit we assist present moment ascension deep within your being.

I come forth to you with Archangel Faith and Archangel Hope. Together we create a trinity of angelic light. Our trinity magnifies the light that we transfer and express to you. Archangel Faith is the twin flame of Archangel Michael while Archangel Hope is the twin flame of Archangel Gabriel. Together we create a powerful source of light transmitting qualities of trust, belief and transformation. We believe that together these energies magnify the divine within you and reawaken your remembrance of your truth.


In order to be as one with the Creator, to recognize the sacred light within your being and bring forth divine guidance, there is a need to trust. Trust in yourself, your abilities, humanity, the presence of the Creator with you and the support of the Creator to provide for you.

When you trust you ground yourself, accept yourself and feel connected to the world within you and around you. Trust can develop your natural inner essence allowing you to love and respect yourself, feeling you are worthy to be in divine connection and communication with the Creator, whatever form the Creator takes.


With trust, so belief, hope, certainty, self-assurance and confidence emerge from the essence of your being. As you feel and acknowledge these qualities within your being, so your energy field expands. You become expansive, open, friendly, communicative, generous, outgoing and liberated from illusions and self-hindrance.

You interact with the world within you and around you in a new, positive and loving way which means that you attract the plentiful, abundant and fulfilling energies of the Creator to flow through you and to you. Everything feels magical, synchronized and guided, creating much joy within your being and a deeper connection/observation of the Creator.


Embodying trust and belief naturally allows transformations to take place within your being. Old stagnant energies, blockages, limitations and illusions are released through the process of transformation. New or Creator aligned energies then manifest to fill the space of that which has been released.

Transformation is the transition of energy within your being from limiting to liberating. When transformation occurs light and information floods your being, quickening the speed of your light and aligning you to higher light inspired aspects of your being. A new sense of self as a divine spiritual being then manifests.

Archangelic Trinity

We, Archangel Amethyst, Archangel Hope and Archangel Faith embody the qualities that can lead you to a greater remembrance of the Creator. We wish to share our light with you to support a powerful release, purification and healing within your being. Many light workers lack trust and this can cause many challenges in their realities, as they try to follow their inner truth and guidance while feeling unsupported in the world and by the Creator.

When trust is lacking, the overall inner feeling is of being unsupported and fearful. The Creator trusts you completely and absolutely. There is no need for the Creator to doubt you in any way, even if you think otherwise. This means that the Creator supports you in every moment and area of your life.

Healing is required within your being, healing your inability to recognize the support, love and presence of the Creator within and around you. With the remembrance of your inner trust and connection with the Creator, you will recognize how you are in constant communication with the Creator.

We the Archangelic Trinity wish to heal areas of lack of trust within your being, humanity and the Earth. In doing so, belief, hope and transformation will follow and be activated, occurring naturally within all.

Discovering the Strength of Your Trust

In meditation or quiet time, from a state of peace and love within you, ask the below questions to yourself one by one, observing your reactions, thoughts, and contemplate whether your truthful answer is ‘yes or no.’ If your answer is ‘yes,’ then ask yourself at what percentage do you trust.

Do you trust the Creator to provide for you all you need and require in your everyday reality?

Do you trust your own abilities and inner guidance?

Do you trust the world around you, both physical and inner planes?

Do you trust yourself?

Acknowledge which question activates the greatest feelings of distrust within you. Then contemplate how this impacts your actions, experiences and daily reality. Does it create patterns or habits that you would like to release? Or inner feelings that stagnate you from achieving your goals?

Try to see the presence and manifestation of your lack of trust in your reality. Maybe there is another area not covered in the questions which lacks your trust? Your connection with the lack of trust within you will allow our healing to penetrate deeper as you are already opening yourself up to experience healing.

Experiencing the Archangelic Trinity Healing for Trust

Invoke us to be present with you:

‘I invoke Archangel Amethyst, Archangel Faith and Archangel Hope – the Archangelic Trinity, to be present with me now. With your powerful healing light, please dissolve the energy of lack of trust within me. Help me to access the expansive well of trust within my being, feeling completely supported and loved by the Creator.

‘I am ready to release now the cause of my lack of trust and to remember my true eternal and complete bond with the Creator. From this space of healing, I am able to recognize my belief in the Creator and myself as well as allowing the necessary transformations to take place. Thank you.’

We, three Archangels will come forth. Imagine, sense or acknowledge our presence as a triangle of light which you exist within the centre. The triangle extends above you and into the Earth.

An additional triangle of light as a pillar flows over and through your chakra column.

The third triangle of light penetrates your being as a smaller pillar of light, flowing into an area of your body, aura or a chakra where the lack of trust originated and where it is currently being held. Imagine your lack of trust as a clump of energy which the triangle of light surrounds and embraces. We the three Archangels will be present at the core and cause of your lack of trust.

We are the triangle, blazing our light we will release and dissolve your lack of trust as well as all its manifestations or connected energies. Breathe deeply and know that a deep and powerful healing is taking place at the core of your being which will impact the way in which you interact with the Creator and the world around you.

In eternal trust and healing,

Archangel Amethyst

Read More from Archangel Amethyst

“Archangel Amethyst via Natalie Glasson: Healing Lack of Trust,” July 21, 2017, at

Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/23/2017 7:09:26 PM

GaiaPortal 7-21-17… “Streets of Gold are unveiled”

This GaiaPortal update came out recently. So what is a “ferrite“? Well, click the link and you’ll see it. The phrase that stood out was, “characterized by extremely high electrical resistivity”. So perhaps the “Ferrites embed[ed] within the soft matrix” implies a growing resistance to that matrix. We shall see…

For further interpretations, I suggest checking Rosalie Parker and The Event Hub.


Streets of Gold are unveiled

Ferrites embed within the soft matrix.

Separations are resolved.

Banners of Illumination are raised.

Streets of Gold are unveiled.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/23/2017 7:11:46 PM

Daily Message ~ Sunday July 23, 2017

Galactic Free Press's picture

The act of gratitude, along with the practice of grounding, both work to anchor energy. The two together are absolutely integral for successful manifestation. So connect with the essence of what you would like to create for yourself, give thanks for its existence, and then ground it into your reality by inviting it in and anchoring it energetically. It does not need to be more complicated than that. ~Archangel Gabriel

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/23/2017 7:15:48 PM

New Moon Update 7/23/17

full moonDear Friends,

A good time to reflect on balance, your body, what has happened or is happening in your life and get as neutral as you can about it all. This is a day that you could either feel greatly empowered (and should) or you can feel beaten down by recent events and disempowered by something that has happened or current happening in your life. The key word is “empowerment” so see if you can become empowered in some way even with life’s challenges. What is the power to be harnessed in your current situation?

Use the energy of a reset, always available at the New Moon time, to turn this disempowered state into one of actively turning crisis into opportunity. On the other hand, if you are feeling greatly empowered by what you have managed to “do”, use this New Moon as an anchor point for gratitude, anchoring some new intentions and making a commitment to being seen in new and more powerful ways.



Astrological Notes:

Leo New Moon
Sun and Moon in Leo ~ 0º 44’

Sunday, July 23, 3:46 AM Mountain Daylight Time
(Sunday, July 23, 9:45 AM Greenwich Mean Time)

We are blessed with TWO New Moons in Leo. One is now in the first degree of Leo and one in the last degree of Leo on August 21st. That’s a lot of Leo; just the way Leo likes it! This is BIG ENERGY as we enter the eclipse window bracketed by a lunar eclipse at next Full Moon, August 7 and the much awaited New Moon Total Solar eclipse on August 21 at 29º Leo traversing the good ole USA and visible from Oregon to South Carolina.

Opening season begins with The Sun itself moving from Moon-ruled Cancer to Sun-blessed Leo on Saturday, July 22 with 0º New Moon following in less than a day. A Leo New Moon brings us in contact with our full radiance that emanates from our hearts. We are feeling our individual, sovereign selves to the fullest. We want to be seen and appreciated for our magnificence and our generosity. Creativity, expression, leadership, courage and joy are the codes that unlock the heart of Leo. With this regal, fixed-fire power sign ruling the heart and the spine, draw down the power of the Sun’s rays into your heart to strengthen your vitality and enthusiasm and illuminate your self at your best. Leo is known for stamina, loyalty, and possessing a strong will. Their ruler, the Sun gives them access to the third chakra and decisive action, strong recuperative powers, and the ability to lead, and take the public stage (or the royal center), while Leo itself gives courage, trust worthiness, and dignity with optimism and a playful, dramatic, sometimes flamboyant nature. Leo or the Leo part of you can have a tendency to take on too much work and get out of balance. Let Leo give you the courage to step out, let out a loud roar to back up any obstructing energy and marking a clear boundary, then take that risk of loving yourself enough to aggressively go after your heart’s desire. These are not the emotional waters of Cancer or the mental arenas of Virgo; this is the instinctual power of the King of Beasts

Mars has also just entered Leo; Mercury’s there too. New Moon is significant for impassioned Mars riding within 1º of the Sun and Moon conjunction! That’s hot. But, actually when Mars is so close to the Sun, it is made invisible and actually weakened by this proximity. Mars stays in the shadow of the Sun’s brilliance until early September, so we can expect a burst of energy then as Mars asserts independence at that time. Nonetheless, Mars gives the courage to vanquish the fears that arise as we tread new, uncharted waters and the energy and passion to make changes. Expect fear and excitement to be mingled as you let go of the old when you remodel, reconstruct, revamp your way of being in the world. And that’s what this LEO period is demanding of us all. The coming Full Moon lunar eclipse in Aquarius is about tear it down, move on, relinquish your attachments to the way it has been. Use it! Prepare for it! You know what’s not working in your life.

This chart has a preponderance of masculine energy. Mars is weakened. Uranus in Aries squares the Sun-Moon-Mars trio ~ shift, change, awakening is afoot. A square is a Crisis/Opportunity situation. We receive this Uranian influence from the deep cosmic intelligence beyond the thinking, rational mind. . Uranus has no qualms about letting the dragons of change loose on your life, perhaps because you can’t see how great it can be on the other side. Chiron in Pisces is bringing in feminine intuition and wholistic healing energy to bring us back into balance in its aspect of grace toward masculine Leo Sun, Moon, Mars. What’s being shattered? What’s being healed in the next month as we enter this sacred portal of change and reset during the eclipse cycle?

Eclipses are created by the Nodes ~ North and South that describe the point of intersection of the paths of the Sun, Moon and Earth. When twice a year, we get a solar and lunar pair of eclipses, we know that the Earth is aligned precisely with the Sun and Moon. We have only recently (May, 2017) entered the eighteen-month period of the North Node being in Leo and the South Node in Aquarius. A powerful new trajectory of growth (North Node) and release (South Node) is unfolding in the next month and will shape our 18 month journey of lessons coming from the Leo/Aquarius axis: asserting our individuality from the mainstream, releasing our masks covering the authentic heart-felt self, letting ourselves be used as vessels for our divine essence and our purpose in this lifetime, radiating our confidence and delight in our power to create a magnificent life, courageously standing up for the kingdom and community we want to live in, releasing our inner child to play, create, express, and becoming champions of love and awakening.

The asteroid goddess influence is significant. Pallas Athena (our creative intelligence and strategist), Vesta (our commitment to ourselves and our ideals) and Juno (our commitment to empowering partnership) are all aligned in the earth signs creating a Grand Trine to facilitate us all in bringing this powerful Leo energy down to the physical level to manifest it in abundance, relationship and the dance of true creative living. Bless them all for their gifts of the feminine as background to this powerful masculine time. Ceres in Cancer (our Nourisher, midwife, and Mother) supporting the Grant Trine to support us in our self worth as a feeling, loving being deeply caring for the Earth and all living, growing beings.

Heads up! Mercury in Virgo turns retrograde in the middle of the eclipse window on August 12. August appears to be THE major portal of shift and change for the year with Mercury, Saturn and Uranus all changing direction (that intensifies their energy and influences) plus two eclipses. Our security-needing habitual selves will feel the impact of letting more love and energy into our lives, but it’s clear, we have been preparing for this growth for many months.

All times are in Mountain Standard Time (MST)

  • 08/07 Lunar eclipse/Full Moon in Aquarius 15º 12:11 PM
    Visible in Africa Asia, Middle East and Australia
  • 08/12 Mercury retrograde 11º Virgo until 9/5
  • 08/21 Solar eclipse/New Moon in Leo 29º 12:30 pm
    Visible across the USA Oregon to South Carolina
» Source


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/23/2017 7:22:04 PM

GFP Newsletter - 7/22/2017

will's picture

One has to be daring, courageous. One has to take a step into the Unknown. For a while all boundaries will be lost. For a while you will feel dizzy. For a while, you will feel very afraid and shaken, as if an earthquake has happened. But if you are courageous and you don't go backwards, if you don't fall back to the ego and you go on and on, there is a hidden center within you that you have been carrying for many lives. That is your soul, the atma, the Self. Once you come near it, everything changes, everything settles again. But now this settling is not done by the society. Now everything becomes a cosmos, not a chaos; a new order arises. But this is no longer the order of the society - it is the very order of existence itself.

It is what Buddha calls dhamma, Lao Tzu calls tao, Heraclitus calls logos. It is not man-made. It is the very order of existence itself.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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