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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/22/2017 12:27:16 AM

Mike Quinsey: Human History

mikequinseyCan you believe that you are over half way through the present year. If ever you needed proof of the special times you are now in you need look no further. Changes are likely to come thick and fast that will propel you into the New Age, so that you can enjoy the advantages and benefits to be gained. Nothing will stop them coming into being and as you must know by now, the ultimate is to reach the point when Ascension will occur. We see the whole picture as all is in the “Now” and can assure you that all proceeds well and in accordance with the plan set by great Beings who monitor and follow your progress. Some souls will not be ready to ascend and that is to be expected, and their path is also planned to ensure they continue to evolve. It is one that meets their needs and enables them to continue evolving. All of you at some stages in your evolution are guided by Higher Beings, who are dedicated to their work that will not cease until all of the Human Race has ascended.

You are at a time in the new cycle when it is being established, which is why many of you seem to be getting nowhere fast. The turmoil and upsets experienced are all part of the changes that are getting rid of the old so that it can move forward into the higher vibrations. You have one foot in the 3rd dimension and the other one in the 4th dimension and before long both will be in the higher 4th dimension, and all of the problems associated with the lower vibrations will have been left behind. It is a slow but positive transition that requires no action on your part beyond doing all you can to maintain a high level of vibration. That requires a dedicated approach to your actions to ensure that you are positive in all of them. Negativity and fear will only pull your vibrations down so you must endeavour to avoid getting involved in situations that may create it. Keep calm and help to raise the vibrations by keeping your own steady, and send out loving thoughts where you find discord or negativity.

The truth of your history has been deliberately withheld and distorted to keep you in the control of the Illuminati. However, it is no longer possible to hold it back and it is slowly being made known to you. The history of Man is quite different to what you have been led to believe, and in the last century many archaeological findings point to a different path of evolution than the one traditionally accepted. Big establishments have been part of the cover up, and many finds that would have had a great bearing on your understanding have been hidden from you. For example in the last 100 years or so, many finds have revealed the existence of giants upon your Earth. In biblical times reference has been made to them as being very tall and having red hair, and tombs of such giants have been found in the Utah Mountains.

One of the most incredible finds in the 1920’s were in a burial ground in the west of Catalina Island, when several thousand skeletons were found of a blonde haired race over 7 feet tall. They were evidently also a fair skinned race of high intelligence, and their King was 9 feet 2 inches tall. Many artefacts were also found including the remains of a megalithic “Stonehenge Era” Temple. You might ask what happened to the evidence and why is so little is known about such a discovery. There were also skeletons of 8/9 feet tall giants who ruled in America a long time ago, and from their artefacts it was obvious they were also very intelligent. They also found a room holding the preserved remains of extinct animals such as dinosaurs, and that gives an indication of how old the remains must be. It is clear that many species of Man have existed over a very soon long period of time, and the truth of your past cannot be denied or hidden much longer.

The list could go further but the point has been made regarding your “lost” history. The most remarkable conclusion has been made based upon evidence found and recorded, indicating that at one time Giants even existed that were up to 70 feet tall. Yet the skeletons were Humanlike and clearly have a place in your evolutionary chart. Even in recent times your more open and aware historians have realised that so much evidence still exists that proves the real history of Man. It is important to understand the facts of your evolution from which you will realise that you have had earlier Solar Cycles where you had reached a highly evolved stage. They ended and then another Cycle began which as it developed took you further than you had progressed previously. So now you are about to reap the rewards of having greatly advanced your evolution to a point where you have the greatest opportunity to ascend. Every effort you make to prepare for Ascension will be worth every experience you have gone through. It is a wonderful time in spite of the happenings on Earth, and bear in mind that you and Mother Earth are ascending together. A new Earth and a new you, what better way to make progress and at last leave the heavy cloying vibrations that have been a continual challenge. Yet you have persevered and will joyously claim your place in the higher vibrations, and enjoy release from the demands on you that have made life extremely difficult at times. You are nearly ready to ascend and many old friends and relations are waiting to lovingly greet you and welcome you back. You will soon forget the traumas of your recent lives on Earth, and enjoy peace and harmony that will seem like utter bliss compared to your time in the lower vibrations.

As you have often been informed, no experience is wasted as each one that bears any importance on your life has been planned and enacted to give you the experiences you need to evolve. It is therefore advisable if possible to make your peace with anyone you have had problems with and sort them out. You can only do so much in this respect but having tried you can rest easily knowing that you have done your best. Look upon life experiences as though you are in a play and when the curtain comes down all involved can go back to their normal lives. After all, karma is like playacting and you keep on repeating it until you get it right. Your ego’s can be demanding but they have been built up by you and can also be brought into harmony and peace by you.

If you are reading messages like this one you are clearly well on the path to Ascension, having already expanded your consciousness beyond what you may call the normal level. As time progresses it should become clear that a divide is taking place between those who are preparing themselves for Ascension, and those who have not yet lifted themselves up. It should not be assumed that sources such as this one are the only means of preparation or the only pathway, there are many people with good intentions who have their own way of expressing them. Beautiful souls can appear in any walk of life so accept those who follow a different path to you.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/22/2017 12:35:01 AM

What If Every Outcome Blesses You?

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God said:

What limits you?

You do.

Ultimately, it is you yourself. Only you. One way or another, it is you. You are the inceptor. Whatever parts others in your Life may play, you are the one who makes the catch and creates a masterful feat or a bust and whatever else you may size up in between.

Credit yourself for where you land. You don’t have to credit others so much as you may. Don’t blame others so much either.

To credit others or yourself is a different story from blame. You are at the helm of your Life. At any moment of speculation, you don’t know whether what you call good or what you call sad is true. That which you may think is something wonderful, later you may rue. By the same token, that which at first seems unbefitting does indeed turns out to be a blessing. Have you not experienced this?

In any case, don’t sell yourself short. Give Life a chance to twirl you, and you may come out ahead. Be open to Life. What you may think and what really may be can be a horse of another color. Life is as Life is. Life, indeed, can undergo supposition. The thing is: There is no certain formula for Life.

Yep, sometimes Life is a switcheroo. Life itself has a lot to do with how you look at it. You just can’t be sure that your appraisal is correct. There is many a slip between cup and lip.

And so what? What if Life is or isn’t what you thought it ought to be? Life will see you through, one way or another. Life is the best thing you have. Life is the best thing that ever happened to you. Life may not be what you predicted, yet, inevitably, Life is a gift.

Do not tell yourself that you can’t let Life go. Of course you can. Of course you must. Yesterday is yesterday. Today is today. It is incumbent on you to let go of whatever holds you back.

You say you can’t let go of past hurts or offenses? Dear Ones, you have no choice but to let go! You are here to let go! You are not here to set Life right. Who told you that? Don’t justify yourself. Don’t say you cannot let go, for Life in the world is exactly about letting go. If you want to move on in Life, precisely you must let go of Life. You are not meant to hold fast to Life as you saw it yesterday.

So what if a teacher in ninth-grade didn’t please you? You are not, absolutely not, to be the regulator of the world. You may be certain that a particular ninth-grade teacher owes you an apology? It could be you owe the teacher an apology.

Who cares honestly? Don’t limit yourself any longer, and don’t limit anyone else either. What makes you so sure you know even the time of day! The teacher pained you? It can be that you pained the teacher. In any case, let it go. Really, no offense, yet who are you, Dear Ones, to be so sure you are the arbiter of the world?

I say no. I say you must, once and for all, let go. Unless you let go, you are rigid. Unless you let go, you rigidly hold on to punishing yourself too much.

You are not so high and mighty as you like to think. Do you really want to declare that you are a victim? Is this what you want to hold onto?

I tell you not to harbor judgment forever and ever. Why would you? Why would you call yourself triumphant because once upon a time you had limited vision and blamed someone else for your projection? Why would you? Why did you?

Dear Ones, let’s put the shoe on the right foot. Are you never mistaken? The idea that you are always right is a fallacy whose time has passed even if it were ever true.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/22/2017 7:04:35 PM


Saturday, July 22, 2017

Balsamic Moon Phase: release, dream

Moon in Cancer

SUN: 01 Leo - "under emotional stress, blood rushes to a man's head"

Higher Expression: excitement, holding strong, placing overwhelming emotions in "containers"

Lower Expression: overreacting reacting without thinking, feeling stuck, power and control issues

EARTH: 01 Aquarius - "an old adobe mission"

Higher Expression: ancient sources of information, spiritual retreat, development of the true self, endurance

Lower Expression: pushing one's beliefs, believing one's way is the only way, inflexible, false information

The New Moon enters overnight at 4:46 am ET/8:46 am UT at the degree of "under emotional stress, blood rushes to a man's head." This month we will need to "remember what the dormouse said: keep your head."

Mars is within one degree of the New Moon, adding energy and light. At the time of the New Moon, Mars will be discharging 02 Leo, "daybreak - the luminescence of dawn in the EASTERN sky."

Recall that the Sabian symbol for the solar-lunar year is "a woman's hat with streamers blown by the EAST wind."

In the Medicine Wheel, the east represents new beginnings. We are witnessing renaissance.

I will cover the New Moon in Leo, the first of two this year, in the upcoming audio recording.

For today, until the New Moon enters, release the feelings or situations that have occurred this month that you would like to pass with the month that is completing. Prepare to begin anew.

If "emotional stress" is upon you today (the Moon opposes Pluto this morning and will square the Eris Point later, so Eris Point people - those with strong natal aspects to 21 Aries - may be feeling much stress, as archontic energies are passing from us kicking and screaming), practice grounding yourself with Gaia Sophia. Let Nature restore your balance and cure the "head rush."

See you tomorrow!

(And if you capture a beautiful photo of nature, please send it my way

Mantra for the Second Renaissance and the Return of Wisdom

All roads lead to Liberty.
Sophia ke Thelete acousome. Wisdom and Will, let us attend.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/23/2017 12:32:42 AM

There is only Source, Father/Mother/God, and that is what you are, each and everyone of you.

Galactic Free Press's picture

As all the channels are reiterating, enormous changes are happening right now, right as you are typing this! They are essential aspects of humanity’s awakening into the awareness that all are one, that there is only ONE and that all are at one with That. The idea of separation would be an enormous joke if only you had not convinced yourselves so firmly that separation isREALITY! It’s not! There is only Source, Father/Mother/God, and that is what you are, each and everyone of you, without any exceptions. How could there be exceptions when there is only the ONE?

Many of you are now awakening to this knowing, this realization, and as you do your energy fields change vastly as Love flows through you abundantly instead of in the dribs and drabs to which you have all become accustomed. Consequently others, many, many others, are feeling, sensing, that enormous change is in the air, as it most definitely is. Those of you who read these messages, and many other beautifully channeled messages, have been holding the Light on high for decades to bring the awakening into the lives of all around you and to extend it to all on Earth.

At first, progress was slow, but as more and more of you became aware of your spiritual essence and answered the calls from your guides and mentors in the spiritual realms, the rate of progress expanded across the planet, while at the same time accelerating, thus much reducing the time it was going to take for humanity to awaken unto Itself, into the awareness that It is the beloved Son/Daughter of God.

The chaos and confusion worldwide – politically, ethnically, racially, philosophically, within multi-national corporations, and religiously – are powerful indicators of the ongoing changes, changes that will no longer be delayed or prevented. Everyone’s “dirty laundry” is coming out to be cleansed, and some are experiencing it as an extremely painful process. However, all that is not in perfect alignment with Love has to be dissolved in the laundering process, because it just muddies the waters of the vast Ocean of Love that is Reality, making it very difficult for you to be aware of who you truly and eternally are.

The moment You thought of being separate from Source, in that moment the remedy was created because God does not want His progeny to suffer even for an moment, let alone for the eons it appears to you that the universe has been extant. You chose initially to ignore the remedy that He so lovingly presented to you because you thought – like so many teenagers throughout the ages of humanity’s presence on Earth – that you had no need of Him or His remedy. You closed off – you thought permanently – access to Oneness, to Reality, to God, by constructing a screen, a veil, a curtain – call it what you will – behind which you chose to hide from Him, and then you forgot what you had made and that it was of the most flimsy or ephemeral nature. In truth there is nothing to prevent you from seeing and knowing God because He is All That There Is to See or Know! You just think –powerfully through your collective ego – that there is a great distance between you and God, an immense barrier that you cannot cross or penetrate.

When you awaken, when you choose to discard the screen/curtain/veil behind which you are hiding, all will become brilliantly clear as the Light that is Reality, the All, embraces and revives you so that you are once more the brilliant and glorious Light that your Father created as His beloved child. Then you will be in utter and complete joy, wanting for nothing, beingEverything!

As humans in form, with your severely limited knowledge, awareness, and intelligence, it is impossible for you to conceive of the intense and eternal joy that Union with Source provides in every moment of your existence, with never even a momentary interruption. Interruptions in your power supply are just reminders of the total inadequacy of your physical human condition, wake-up calls asking you to return Home, to Reality where all is aways perfect.

You are to awaken, there is no other option, your divinity is divinely assured because there is only ONE. Your destiny was established at the moment of your creation and it will never change. God is unchanging and so are you. You just attempted to experience change by constructing an imaginary state of separation that has brought you much pain, and yet you cling to it as though it is life itself. Life is eternal existence in the Presence of God. Life as a human is a very temporary, limiting, and unsatisfactory state of being which does not last and cannot last because you were created Whole, at One with God, and no other state can replace the perfection that God created for you. Rejoice that this is the case, celebrate, because it is God’s Will, and therefore also yours, that you awaken, and so you shall. Your awakening into Reality is the only inevitability of your human state. And the moment of its general occurrence is rapidly approaching.

With so very much love, Saul.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/23/2017 12:41:42 AM

Daily Message ~ Saturday July 22, 2017

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Dear Ones, we understand that releasing has been a major theme for many of you, and that it can seem to be an arduous task. We would like to present an idea that may make it easier to understand and allow you to let go of the old once and for all.

Many of you understand the concept of past lives. Some of you may have even done pastlife regression to actively let go of old wounds you may have been carrying forward with you. Once you have the awareness you are holding onto an old experience that happened in another life expression, you see there isn’t much point of holding onto it. You heal, you release, and you move on.

What if you started to have that same attitude to your releasing now? What if you were able to look at it with the same detachment – that the experience served you but now it is in the past and it only needs to affect the now if you choose to carry it with you. What if you could simply embrace the wisdom it offered and let it go?

You see, you are now stepping into a new stage in your life expression where much of what you have experienced thus far is becoming very energetically removed, much like a past life, and you are stepping forward to create anew. Phase one, the phase that had a lot of things on your to-do list has been completed, and now you are ready to move forward into phase two which is the phase of pioneering, creation, and self expression.

Much like the energies of a pastlife, the old themes and issues need not follow you. You get to bring forth your mastery and create with a clean energetic slate, so to speak. So allow the past to leave. Review and release with relief, and then decide how you wish to self express, in these brand new energies, with the beautiful tools and expansion you have attained through your experiences. ~Archangel Gabriel


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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