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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/21/2017 6:54:18 PM

Montague’s Message for Sunday, 16 July 2017

Progress continues to be made as yet another veil is lifted and you become more aware of the structure of control. It is alarming at first glance, until you realise that they are but 1% of the population of the Earth. That puts it into perspective immediately. They are no match for an awakened humanity and they know it. It is now your responsibility to open the eyes and minds of others. So much is out in the open now, it’s just a matter of pointing people in the right direction. Those within the Cabal are fighting amongst themselves. They are driven by greed. Do they not realise that they cannot take it with them. They use clones to infiltrate and trap people. The production of these clones has been perfected and they are widely used. They use advanced technology which is unknown to ordinary people.

Black Magic is as widely used today as it was in ancient times, except that today it is used by those who control you. They use off-world beings and artificial intelligence, etc. Secret societies use it all the time. It is kept hidden from you. They also use contracts from past lives, so it is important to clear all contracts from the past. The Cabal creates traps that you then fall into and are held captive. It is important that you release yourselves.

Take back your power. It is yours and yours alone. You were conned into giving it away. Always remember that all secret societies are ANATHEMA to the God of Love. Each and every one associated with a secret society, no matter his origin, is guilty of a crime against humanity.

Propaganda is flooding the Earth. The Cabal is desperate and it fears its demise. It will promise, plead, persuade; do whatever it takes to hold on to power. Do not fall for their lies. Tell them that when they stop putting poison in your air, food, and water, you may consider listening to what they have to say. Your Earth was infiltrated and taken over. Now you have to deal with the consequences. However, help is all around you. You just need to ask for it as it cannot be forced upon you. Do not lose this opportunity to create a world of peace and harmony for all.

Look with open eyes and minds at all the control structures. See them for what they are. Refuse to stand by and see them destroy all that is good and pure in humanity. Education is destroying the minds of your children. Why do you turn a blind eye to this criminality? Why is this being done at this time? Who is responsible? Why is poison being forced into the veins of innocent children without the consent of the parents who love them? Only DAEMONS could devise such a plan to harm the innocent. Not everyone walking the Earth is 100% human. They may look human and act human, but many are there to remove you and take what is yours. Do not be fooled by them.

As you connect with who you really are, all is revealed to you. You can see with your eyes the real beauty that surrounds you. You become aware of the energy of the ley lines beneath your feet. When your feet are bare, you can feel this energy entering your body. The beauty and energy of the trees becomes part of your life. There is the amazing energy of the rivers as they flow; for they too, share their unique energy with you. The majestic mountains share their power with you. You are surrounded by such splendour. Connect with it and share the energy.

Your minds only see your struggle to exist. This has been done to you by money. It is created out of NOTHING by the Cabal in order to enslave you. Only evil minds could have conceived such a plan and operate it with such success. But their days are numbered and the banks are already losing their power. It is the banks that create the reasons for wars, and all the misery and hardship that accompany them. That was the past.

The future is in your own hands. It is for you to create a future without war, banks, drug-based medicine, and GM food, etc. When the evil is removed, help to rebuild life on Earth will be available to you. We will connect once more to help rebuild all that was destroyed. Remember that all the religions have removed your direct connection with the God of Love, the Source of all that is. When this connection is re-established, you will become the Beings of Light that you really are. Many have dreamed of this moment when the Light of Truth, Love and Peace, removes all traces of darkness. The dark cannot exist in the light. The dark fears the light.

You see, every day, the lengths the Cabal will go to, in the hope that they can hold on to power. Their crimes against humanity are legendary.

Our young man in California is still without help, though more information on the Illuminati crime against him is being released. EVIL PEOPLE in the UK and the USA are involved. We need your prayers, your thoughts, your love of humanity, and your desire for justice, to create enough energy to help him. What he will do for humanity will reverberate in every corner of the Earth.

My dear wife has been under severe attack. An attempt was made to steal her soul but it was foiled. Protection and healing is now required, so please help. Every day is a greater struggle than the day before. Our work, which includes the young man, must be completed as soon as possible. Ask yourselves why the Illuminati would go to such trouble to locate and trap an ordinary young man. Why would they go to such lengths to have him imprisoned for 15 months without charge?

That is justice, US style.

My dear, it was brutal. They did not succeed. Rest is needed in order for you to recover. Please take the time to do so.

Always, your adoring, Monty.

NOTE: Read the message of 9 July here .

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/21/2017 11:53:56 PM

Daily Message ~ Friday July 21, 2017

Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/22/2017 12:11:49 AM

Angelic Guides via Taryn Crimi: When There is a Will, There is a Way

Today we would like to focus your attention upon your desires. Each of you have many desires, some of which have come to full fruition and many others that you are still shaping, shifting and molding.

It is quite common for humans to feel doubtful about some of their desires. Perhaps you feel as though you are “asking for too much” or that you have very little chance of ever actually manifesting them. This is what we would like to further elaborate upon today if we may.

You see, from our perspective, everything, and we mean literally everything is energy that is vibrating at a particular rate or speed. Here in the non-physical realms we do not translate our experiences with our eyes, or our ears or with our feeling of touch; rather we experience it vibrationally.

Every single thought that you have ever thought was once a vibration which you became an exact match to and translated into a concept, something a bit more tangible. Humans tend to think in pictures. Yes of course you each have that inner dialog going on in your mind but you watch your thoughts appear in your minds eye like a holographic movie most of your waking life.

When you experience something, it could be anything at all; you are able to determine your opinion of the experience. You can quickly decipher whether you loved the experience or if you never want to experience something like that again and everything in between. You look around at your reality constantly arranging things in your mind of what you do and do not want. Your desires are born from the experiences you have manifested as well as what you have witnessed in others.

When you decided to incarnate into your physical body you knew that you were capable of manifesting absolutely anything you wanted. Yet once you came here and began to immerse yourselves in your day-to-day life you started to doubt your ability. You began to base your expectations on practicality and the likelihood of something actually manifesting for you.

Each of you are creator beings. You create constantly. Your physical reality was never meant to bind you, or imprison you. It was meant to be a way to receive constant feedback of your most dominant vibrations, the sum total of your most habitual thoughts.

Your reality was meant to be used like a rutter on a ship, to help you steer towards what you want and away from what you do not want. Yet we see most humans become stuck in situations that they do not like because they cannot remove their focus from everything that seems to be falling apart, or upon what is not here yet. When this becomes the most dominant focus, you can only receive more of it.

Your dreams were never meant to taunt you, to make you feel not good enough, to make you feel incapable. If you desire something, there is absolutely a way of manifesting it fully, it just might not be the way you had expected. When you desire something, you have created it already vibrationally, energetically. The only thing left to do is to match the speed of that desire so it can become translatable to your physical senses.

It’s right here, everything you want is right here, there is nowhere else for it to be. But because you cannot translate it physically you doubt its existence.

It does not matter how big something is that you want, there is nothing that is too big for you to create. You would not have been able to conjure the idea or the desire in the first place if you did not possess the ability to manifest it physically. This is without exception.

You are so much more capable than you have given yourself credit for. Your life is not left up to chance, luck or coincidences. You are the one deciding what is meant to be through your focus and beliefs. You are the creator and you have no limitations placed upon you except the ones you believe you have.

You are divine creator beings who wanted to play in the physical realm for the joy of manifesting your desires into a fully physical world. So we remind you, that if there is a will, there is also a way. Allow the Universe to deliver all that you ask.

In love and light, We are your Angelic Guides

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Copyright © 2012-2017 by Taryn Crimi. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy, share and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/22/2017 12:18:25 AM

GFP Newsletter - 7/20/2017

will's picture

There is going to be an interim period, an interval, when the ego will be shattered, when you will not know who you are, when you will not know where you are going, when all boundaries will melt. You will be simply confused, a chaos. Because of this chaos, you are afraid to lose the ego. But it has to be so. One has to pass through the chaos before one attains to the real center.

And if you are daring, the period will be small. If you are afraid, and you again fall back to the ego, and you again start arranging it, then it can be very, very long; many lives can be wasted.

Enlightenment is always sudden. There is nothing like gradual Enlightenment. The gradualness comes if you are not daring, it comes out of your fear. Then you take one step towards the center, the real center, and you become afraid - you come back. It is just like a small child standing on the door thinking to go, but there is darkness. He looks out, comes back, again gathers a little courage, again looks.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/22/2017 12:24:09 AM

Ashtar: Open Yourselves Up To The Veil Within You Dropping Rapidly

ashtarI AM Ashtar and I bring you great greetings and great tidings for so many things are shifting and changing.

Not in the future, not in the days to come, but in the perfect now that you are in because you are in the now. There is nothing that is keeping you from continuing to have that perfect expression within you as you continue moving along through this transition. And yes, you are in the transition now. You are moving through the ascension process and everything is exactly as it needs to be and you are in the exact right place that you need to be because you are in a position to bring about all that you came to do.

All of you came here, all of you volunteered as you have heard many times in the Clarion Call. Many of you came in the ships, even within the ships of the Ashtar Command. Many of you are commanders within the Ashtar Command — the other aspects of you which you will be reuniting with when those moments come, when the frequency has risen. For all is exactly as it needs to be and all is being orchestrated.

Do not forget that, even for a moment, as you continue to deal with various aches and pains and symptoms that arise as these frequencies continue to rise and in your heavier, dense 3D body it is difficult to move in these higher vibrations. Just as if you were to suddenly appear on one of our ships in your 3-D body you would be feeling such a weighted down in these higher vibrations you would not be able to withstand it. For there needs to be an acclimating process that occurs to be able to move into these vibrations, into these higher vibrations. Even when we ourselves would come down and visit with you we need to lower our vibration which we are not apt to do very often. And when you have risen to the higher vibrations you will understand why.

Many of you will feel like you have fought through all of this and once you arrive at that destination of the higher vibration in the 5th Dimension and beyond you would think, why would I want to come back. But you have also heard from Sananda especially that many of you will come back; many of you will return to help those that are still struggling behind. Because many of them cannot help it but struggle for they do not know what you know, they do not yet remember what you are beginning to remember.

My dear friends you are beginning to remember. All of you. Open yourselves up to all that is there for you. Open yourselves up to the veil within you dropping rapidly. And the more you become aware of that veil dropping the more it will drop. But you must trust. You must believe.

You heard from one of our dear brothers not too long ago, I will mention his name, Moses. He spoke of the ‘marching orders’; that you have been given your marching orders. Yes that is true …. But not ‘orders’. We do not give orders. We give suggestions, we give requests. We ask that you be ready now. We ask that you be ready to move ahead to move along within your own personal consciousness but also to be ready to assist others.

This is your calling. This is your mission, many of you. Many of you have already heard that call, have awakened to that call, and have already begun to awaken others as much as you can. So I tell you now is the time. Do all that you can to assist others, to help others to awaken at whatever level that they are at. Just as when you first awakened you had no idea of much of this that we speak of now. That now you hear these things and you have heard them many times before but that is purposeful on our part that we repeat things over and over and over because it is difficult to get through that veil that is there for you still, all of the programming that you have had to deal with. But we do our part to pierce this programming to pierce the veil but it is now up to you to continue to let that veil drop so that you are ready for the next steps when they are given to you.

Those next steps are what you might call right around the corner. So close that you can reach out and touch them. We are so close to you now that we can whisper in your ears. If you’re quiet enough you will hear us.

I AM Ashtar. I love you deeply, more than you can all understand at this point. Continue now to trust in each other, in yourselves. Know that the truth will very soon be revealed in many aspects.

Channel: James McConnell

Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated “Believing is seeing!”


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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