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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/28/2017 5:50:42 PM

Two Sunday Meditations: 8 Minutes at 8PM, the Mother’s Tsunami of Love, 9PM, Archangel Michael’s Plea for Peace Now!

Voice of, May 28th, 2017

We invite you to two meditations, one at 8PM daily and one additional meditation on Sunday at 9PM .

At 8PM daily, bask in the waves of the Mother’s Tsunami of Love for 8 mins.

Then, at 9PM on Sundays only, join Archangel Michael and allow his Blue Breath of Peace to pass through us to humanity.

Please note that if the group meditation times do not fit your schedule, we can jump-time, forward or backward, from the time you are able to do the meditation to the group time.

For example: “I jump-time to the group time of 9PM, Plea for Peace Now!”

The Mother is reactivating the power of Her Tsunami to power-wash away any little grains of sand or particles within us. She says Her Tsunami is a return on the favour of all of us coming together in the Love:

“I am reinvigorating, I am reactivating, and I am bringing forth my Tsunami of Love. It has been the beginning and it is the end.

“No, not the end of life or civilization or existence, but think of it as an opening bracket and a closing bracket, and, in between, you have had, of course, many of my waves – it never stopped – of my Tsunami of Love, penetrating each and every particle of your being.” (1)

What has been happening is we’re becoming consciously aware of Who We Are, even while feeling miserable, distrustful, disconnected, amidst all the “dis’s”:

“What we have been doing is blending and blurring what you have thought of as your conscious/subconscious/unconscious.

“So things that have been previously heretofore buried perhaps in your unconscious or conscious minds are coming to the surface and being seen, acknowledged – dealt with! – as a conscious being, because your need for these – artificial really – separations is gone.

“So you’re consciously aware of ‘Here I am feeling miserable and distrustful and disconnected’ and all the dis’s’ and you think, ‘What is going on?’

“Well, that is what is going on. You are consciously, as a supreme being, fully aware of who you are and what’s going on within!” (2)

8 minutes at 8PM, ongoing daily

She gives us these instructions:

“Feel yourself walking into the water, lying on your back, buoyant, buoyant in this salt water. And as soon as you’re able, flip over on your back and feel the gentle waves, the gentle waves of our Mother Ocean, but also the gentle waves of the Mother’s Tsunami, the Tsunami of Love. Let yourself get comfortable. Yes, there’s an element of trust and the empowerment of your sacred self, of the assumption of your divine authority, your ability to choose how you experience this.” (3)

We’re advised: “If at any time you ever feel that the water is turbulent, that you’re caught in an undertow, that you feel that you’re too deep, allow the Mother to come and place Her hands underneath you and buoy you up and bring you to that place of safety, of comfort, where you know you are in Her arms and that you are nurtured and loved and completely safe. And float in joy.” (4)

The Tsunami of Love with the Mother. . . then Plea for Peace Now! with Archangel Michael. . .

“When there are billions holding the energy of the only acceptable reality being peace and Love, then peace will reign.”

Archangel Michael


Please note that if the group meditation times do not fit your schedule, we can jump time, forward or backward, from the time you are able to do the meditation to the group time.

For example: “I jump time to the group time of 9PM Plea for Peace Now!”


(1) “Mother Mary ~ Resurgence of The Tsunami of Love,” May 13, 2017,

(2) Loc. cit.

(3) Allow Yourself to Float on My Love,” May 21, 2017,

(4) Loc. cit.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/28/2017 5:55:42 PM

Daily Message ~ Sunday May 28, 2017

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Grace and ease come from embracing both the ebb and flow of the universe. It is peaceful acceptance of whatever is being energetically supported at any given time. There is no resistance or efforting on the path of grace and ease, just a flow of faith and trust that moves at its own perfect and divine tempo that is the joyful dance of co-creation. ~Archangel Gabriel


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/28/2017 6:08:42 PM

Seven Teachings from the Tibetan Book of Living and Dying

meditationThroughout mankind, there has been many spiritual documents and instructions uncovered, but we are faced with one problem; which one do we follow? Well, it’s up to you to decide which faith you’d like to partake in. However, these ancient Tibetan teachings will make life a bit simpler. Many researchers and philosophers have inscribed, written, and typed what they thought we should be doing here and why were here in the first place. Many people throughout the era of Transcendentalism tried to make life simpler, and outline the basic necessities of life. It’s a trend that never seemed to fade, and there are tons of different algorithms created for instructional purposes of a simpler life.

The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, written by Sogyal Rinpoche in 1992 is an extremely wise book that stresses only the most important lessons to be learned throughout life. The book consists of teachings from Tibetan Buddhism. It teaches many different Tibetan lessons, and these are the ways to live and die well, according to the book’s author, Sogyal Rinpoche in 1992.

Happiness is Up to You

The most prominent goal and ambition in people’s life journeys is to achieve overall happiness. The book has been referred to as powerful and having the ability to touch the heart and awaken the soul.

A Peaceful Death

As a Buddhist, I view death as a normal process, a reality that I accept will occur as long as I remain in this earthly existence. Knowing that I cannot escape it, I see no point in worrying about it. I tend to think of death as being like changing your clothes when they are old and worn out, rather than as some final end. Yet death is unpredictable: We do not know when or how it will take place. So it is only sensible to take certain precautions before it actually happens. Naturally, most of us would like to die a peaceful death, but it is also clear that we cannot hope to die peacefully if our lives have been full of violence, or if our minds have mostly been agitated by emotions like anger, attachment, or fear. So if we wish to die well, we must learn how to live well: Hoping for a peaceful death, we must cultivate peace in our mind, and in our way of life.

Slip Out of the Noose of your habitual Anxious Self

Above all, be at ease, be as natural and spacious as possible. Slip quietly out of the noose of your habitual anxious self, release all grasping, and relax into your true nature. Think of your ordinary emotional, thought-ridden self as a block of ice or a slab of butter left out in the sun. If you are feeling hard and cold, let this aggression melt away in the sunlight of your meditation. Let peace work on you and enable you to gather your scattered mind into the mindfulness of Calm Abiding, and awaken in you the awareness and insight of Clear Seeing. And you will find all your negativity disarmed, your aggression dissolved, and your confusion evaporating slowly like mist into the vast and stainless sky of your absolute nature. – Sogyal Rinpoche, The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying

Know Yourself

Without our familiar props, we are faced with just ourselves, a person we do not know, an unnerving stranger with whom we have been living all the time but we never really wanted to meet. Isn’t that why we have tried to fill every moment of time with noise and activity, however boring or trivial, to ensure that we are never left in silence with this stranger on our own? – Sogyal Rinpoche

Spiritual Truth is Common Sense

Spiritual truth is not something elaborate and esoteric, it is, in fact, profound common sense. When you realize the nature of mind, layers of confusion peel away. You don’t actually “become” a Buddha, you simply cease, slowly, to be deluded. And being a Buddha is not being some omnipotent spiritual superman, but becoming, at last, a true human being. – Sogyal Rinpoche

Meditation Unknots the Mind

Devote the mind to confusion and we know only too well, if we’re honest, that it will become a dark master of confusion, adept in its addictions, subtle and perversely supple in its slaveries. Devote it in meditation to the task of freeing itself from illusion, and we will find that, with time, patience, discipline, and the right training, our mind will begin to unknot itself and know its essential bliss and clarity. – Sogyal Rinpoche

The gift of learning to meditate is the greatest gift you can give yourself in this life. For it is only through meditation that you can undertake the journey to discover your true nature, and so find the stability and confidence you will need to live and die, well. Meditation is the road to enlightenment … Quietly sitting, body still, speech silent, mind at peace, let your thoughts and emotions, whatever arises, come and go, without clinging to anything. – Sogyal Rinpoche

Nothing Ever Works out How You Want It

Planning for the future is like going fishing in a dry gulch; nothing ever works out as you wanted, so give up all your schemes and ambitions. If you have got to think about something— Make it the uncertainty of the hour of your death. – Sogyal Rinpoche

Embrace Impermanence and Humility

What is born will die, What has been gathered will be dispersed, What has been accumulated will be exhausted, What has been built up will collapse, And what has been high will be brought low. – Sogyal Ringo

The optical Delusion of Separateness

A human being is part of a whole, called by us the “Universe,” a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest—a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circles of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in. – Sogyal Rinpoche

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/28/2017 6:13:27 PM

GFP Newsletter - 5/27/2017

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The first thing to be understood, and understood as deeply as possible is that Zen is nothing special.

It is nothing extraordinary. The people who are in search of religion are always, almost always, very egoistic. Their very search starts because their egos are not satisfied with this world. They would like something more precious, to be more of the Divine - something extraordinary. Egoists are attracted towards religion more easily, and this is the problem - because religion says that if the ego is there, there can be no growth. And egoists are easily attracted towards religion but religion starts only when you drop the ego.

But this world is temporary; nothing is permanent here and the ego would like something permanent, eternal. Everything in this world is made of the same stuff as dreams, and the ego is not content.

The ego would like things made of solid rock. So the ego condemns this world and starts a journey towards the eternal. But the eternal has its own conditions, and this is the first condition: if you don't drop the ego, you cannot enter the gate.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/28/2017 6:16:21 PM

Harp Music

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God said:

The world complicates. Heaven is simple. No complications here. Honest to God, Heaven isn’t a Court of Law as Courts are known in the land in which you live. Heaven is not out to entrap you in the sense that the world might.

O, yes, Heaven is out to recruit you. This is not against your will. This is your will. Heaven can be referred to as a State of Love. How everyone in the world yearns for this. Heaven is indeed your will. And it is Mine. The Love doesn’t have to be romantic.

Nor do you have to see Heaven prettied up. Harp music is fine, yet your heart may not be thrilled at the thought of harp music. Heaven is a State of Consciousness. It isn’t one size fits all. If the piano is your favorite instrument, Heaven will accommodate you.

Heaven is not pie in the sky. Heaven is the real goods. It is My Honest Truth, yet Heaven doesn’t have to be taken literally, you understand. I speak of how you think about Heaven and how you feel about Heaven. Your picture of Heaven is your picture of Heaven. In Heaven, there are not the constraints that fill the world like hopping toads, one after the other.

In Heaven, you have the license to Love all. This is not a law. It is a fact. Heaven is, indeed, your dream come true. In Heaven, you are in the Company of the Wise, and you are One of the Wise.

Heaven is not your imagination. Heaven is real, and Heaven welcomes you and blesses you. Heaven is at ease. Heaven doesn’t put on a performance. You are not graded in Heaven. You are loved, and you know joy. We could say you are overjoyed, yet that doesn’t say enough. It is more reflective of Heaven to say that your joy knows no bounds. Do you see the difference, My Dear Ones?

Heaven accommodates you. Heaven does not have to be filled with cherubs. Heaven doesn’t have to be without cherubs either. Heaven doesn’t have to be boring or routine. Of course, Heaven is definitely not a war zone. Heaven doesn’t have to be exciting. Heaven does not have to overwhelm you. Heaven is your birthright. Heaven is a matter of course.

Heaven is your place of birth. You come from Heaven, and you are Heaven-borne. Heaven is your Place of Being. No one is without Heaven.

But, ah, yes, you may well be distracted. It is possible to drive a car and live Life and yet be asleep and not know where you are. You can drive through anywhere and think you are somewhere else.

Where you irrevocably are is with Me. With Me is Heaven. You may not realize this now, yet there is nowhere you can be that is without Me. There is not a moment you can be without Me. This is impossible.

You may have sold yourself another bill of goods. You may see a different terrain. For you to be in My Sight is My Happiness. Whatever you may temporarily feel, having Me in sight is unqualifiedly your Happiness, only you may be sleeping your happiness away.

You come with an Absolute Guarantee. Heaven will dawn in front of you even as Heaven exists within you now. The Dawn will come. Heaven will fill your Heart. The Existence of Heaven will dawn upon you. You will know Me, and you will know Heaven as your Mainstay. So is it written. So it is.

I claim you as Mine. I declare Our Oneness to be true. I declare that there are no alternatives, except in the wild stories you tell yourself.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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