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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/26/2017 9:20:36 PM

You Are a Living Loving Breathing Being of Light.

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God said:

Do you perhaps have the idea that being disgruntled is second nature to you? Not so. Your true nature is good nature. Never were you meant to be or appear to be routinely displeased. Never were you meant to moan and groan and weep at disappointment. Never were you intended to let your good nature down and assume a role of displeasure. If you are on a foray of discontent, then be aware that discontent truly resides within yourself. You have opted for discontent. There are other choices.

Debate as you may, Beloveds, it is you who have wined and dined displeasur, you settle for finding fault with just about anything and everything, as if nothing is quite good enough for you. You may set yourself apart from the throng. You may see yourself as bombarded by the world, yet it is you who feels, if you do, that it is the world that gave you a raw deal. What advantage is there for you to think this way?

Beloved critics, the world is bound to reflect your thoughts, uplifting or down-turning. If you announce even only to yourself your disappointment with the world, you uphold the world’s playing of sour notes. You may even rush to prove the inadequacy of the world, as if the world is determined to let you down. Have you become more and more adept at forswearing and faulting the world as if you are a notch above? Of course, you have the freedom to look at Life that way.

Look, by the same token, when you give a little thumbs up to the world, the world will flock to you. Everyone and everything goes toward that which gives a modicum of joy. Give yourself joy.

It can’t be that you like to have something to complain about, can it?

In the fairy tale of the Princess and the Pea, the Princess emphasized the misbegotten and found pleasure in the slightest annoyance as she imbued the world with all her good taste! How good and sensitive she is, way above the quality of the world! She even deigns to say that the world is inadequate to her standards, that she really must have a world more considerate than this one, and that, really, as things are, the world must acquiesce to her! To the Princess, one-hundred soft mattresses are not enough for her to be comfortable in bed. One little pea at the bottom of 100 mattresses stands in the way of her getting a good night’s sleep!

Now, is it too much to ask My Children to refrain from grumbling? It may be that you see yourself as a connoisseur of the world. Connoisseurs stay at attention on the outer fringes of Life. A food critic doesn’t prepare the food, merely tastes it and makes his pronouncements.

I do not think you belong on the outside, on the rim, external to the real Life that is here as an offering to you.

Dear Ones, there is no outside you. All is within. There is no out there for you to frown at. Come back to Life and living in the World that grows with you.

Be at the Heart of the Matter. Be not desultory. Be not conciliatory. You are a Living Loving Breathing Being of Light. Rather than pointing out the wrongs of the world, shed Light. Make the world a better place by virtue of your raising the tone of the world high. Give, dear ones, and no longer think of cutting the world down to size.

Beloveds, it is for you to uplift the world. Make the world what you want it to be. Start now. Now! Raise the world. Find that which exists in the world to cheer the world on with, will you?

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/26/2017 11:53:52 PM

Caroline Oceana Ryan ~ A Message to Lightworkers - May 26, 2017

Caroline Oceana Ryan

Greetings, Makers of the New Earth! We are pleased to have this time to speak with you again.

Many of you feel that you are, as they say, “suffering another setback” as you look at this past week with dismay, regarding both world events and individual challenges.

We use the term “challenges” rather than “problem,” as that word implies stuckness, and you are never stuck, however you may feel about any situation at any time.

A Challenge is not a problem, but a situation that calls you up into the gifts, abilities, and outlook of your greater self.

That more powerful self is centered in not only the higher self but your most Divine aspect, and your soul.

And in these days of exhausting and completely re-forming changes, as you integrate the solar energies now reaching Earth, you may wonder if your higher self has gone into hibernation, or chosen to hide from you indefinitely.

And we would say, that even in the moments that feel that way, that could never be true.

There was of course a very sad and quite difficult day in England this past week, in which young people who had gathered for a joyful celebration instead found themselves in a situation of physical danger and emotional trauma.

And most assuredly, some persons present at that event did leave their physical form and their Earth lives, reuniting with their higher selves and their soul families, or at least, beginning the transition to such.

This is of course extremely difficult for those on Earth who are for the most part, still living “behind the veil.”

For most of their loved ones still on Earth are unable to conceive of their friends and family members being in not just “a better place,” but suddenly finding themselves traveling into some of the most beautiful, fulfilling, and celebrational aspects of this Universe.

And so, they grieve what they call a loss, though truly, no real loss has occurred.

For though they are still adjusting to their new situation, those who left the Earth this past week, due to that event and myriad other situations, are not grieving. They are reuniting with the very loved ones they left after choosing to live yet another Earth life.

It is of course difficult for them to leave their loved ones behind, knowing these ones will not understand that all is well, and will believe themselves to be separate from those who have moved on.

Your playwright known as Shakespeare (actually St Germain, in his incarnation as Sir Francis Bacon) had his Hamlet call death “that undiscovered country from whose bourn no traveler returns.”

Yet Hamlet was one for whom the veil was very heavy.

In truth, you have all returned from that much-discovered country, many times.

And once you Ascend into a higher dimension in this particular lifetime, most of you will choose to never again experience the travails and heaviness of a third dimensional life.

Yet something interesting has occurred in this particular third dimensional life.

For unlike all the others, you are no longer on that karmic wheel so many refer to.

And while the genuinely hard work of sorting through both past life issues and the challenges of this Earth life can take more strength and ingenuity than you may feel to have some days, you are nonetheless moving up that Ascension path, reclaiming your higher and most authentic self, while releasing everyone and everything that does not resonate with your new, far higher vibration.

And so you may wish to enact a few changes, in celebration of such.

To periodically go through your home, going over your belongings and deciding which items were appropriate for your old life, but do not hold a high enough vibration for your new life.

You may wish to look at your friendships, your daily work, the town where you live, and even a marriage or other partnership, and ask, “Does this situation reflect who I AM now, and who I AM becoming? Or does this belong to a chapter that has ended?”

We have noted in other Messages to you, that much in your world is in a powerful state of transition now, which at times can appear calamitous.

So that it may feel as if you are experiencing a very great earthquake or flood—a cataclysm of some sort, that is shaking you to the core, removing or replacing whole aspects of your outer life and revising much of your inner life.

Of course you are exhausted, angry, sad, or fed up many days.

And yet—you came for this!

You came for the thrill of this adventure, of remembering and reclaiming your co-Creator status in this Universe, from the seemingly impossible vantage point of living behind the third dimensional veil.

“What sane person would do such a thing?” you may be wondering.

And yes, it is so that many have suffered on the Earth plane.

And yet, the great mountain climber does not look for the next great adventure in a children’s sandbox.

The great explorer does not row across a calm lake whose shoreline is clearly visible on all sides.

The great scientist does not rerun the same experiments every day, because “I already know how they all turn out, so there is no stress involved!”

You came forward for the great challenge—even those specific challenges—that you are now facing, including a planet that feels to be imploding some days.

And yet, the frequencies of Lady Gaia Herself, as well as the overall frequency of human consciousness, are rising to the point where calamitous events will soon enough find no foothold on the Earth.

There have already been countless attempts by those who plan and carry out these events (who have not been correctly named by your news media), to stage many more events of a similar nature, to convince one country or another, and by extension the entire planet, that there is an invisible evil waiting to ambush you at every turn.

And of course, you know this is not true.

What is true is the unseen presence of billions of Galactic ships and trillions of higher beings, including many legions of Angels, circling the Earth and answering calls for help.

And our interventions are occurring more and more often now, as humanity’s vibration continues to rise to levels where the third dimensional veil—the tiny, narrow vision imposed upon you at birth—is no longer a factor.

Most of that veil is a matter of induced fear.

And it is fear that you must release, as you allow yourselves to realize that as you create new and higher vibrational realities inwardly, you also begin to create them outwardly.

None of this is being held back from you. It is a mechanism of your Universe that awaits your awareness of it, as it always has.

And so one of the practical methods enjoyed by the bi-weekly Abundance Group is the practice of “pretending” that you already have whatever is on your “Things to Manifest” list.

You do that by feeling the reality of a particular situation, such as a new form of work, sum of money, monthly income, or event.

In that deeply held moment of inner experience, this thing already exists.

It is already a part of your outlook and outer life. You feel it as already real—so that in that moment, it is no longer separate from you, but a natural part of your day.

Use this method, in which you are imagining or visualizing with real heart, with anything you wish to create for your Earth.

Do this as you inwardly experience the joy of the full enactment of NESARA Law, as well as the landings of your Galactic family members, of world Peace and the end of all weaponry, of free energy devices being used by everyone on the planet.

You may wish to add to that list your own beautiful visions and plans for a New Earth, and your own experience of that.

None of this is accidental, nor are your visions particular to you, so that you are selfish in desiring and requiring a life of full Abundance, Peace, Freedom and Equality for all.

You wait a moment of a grand intervention, as you have been programmed to expect.

Yet we are awaiting your own determinations to remake your planet, and believe us when we say, you are doing so, more and more each day, beginning with the state of your own consciousness, and your determination to rise higher on the vibrational scale.

And all of us and the transitioning souls of those dear ones who this week returned as planned to a Home of great beauty wish to say that Now would not be the time for fear, thoughts of division, or feelings of tragedy or loss.

Now would be the time to proclaim that indeed, death has no sting, no threat, no hold upon you, no place in your reality.

And so we hold the door open as widely as your present consciousness will permit.

Step through it, to the next level! One where you actively engage in what you have been told are only “dreams and visions.”

And know that more power, beauty, and joy awaits than even you have dreamt of.

You are such stuff as Universes are made on!

You too began with a dream, and a vision.

Namaste, dear ones! You are never alone.

Copyright 2017, Caroline Oceana Ryan

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/27/2017 8:59:05 PM

GaiaPortal 5-21-17… “Stampedes of Hue-forces greet the commoner”

New GaiaPortal update. This one seems to imply that the ordinary person (commoner) is now being “slammed” with awakening (Hue-forces).

A very interesting interpretation of this one can be found here.

For further interpretations, I suggest checking Rosalie Parker and The Event Hub.


Stampedes of Hue-forces greet the commoner

Stampedes of Hue-forces greet the commoner.

Awakenings rapidify.

Storms are brief, and cleanse the remnants.

Illuminations come.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/27/2017 9:01:54 PM

St Germain: I Am in Charge of Distributing Abundance to You

st germainI am St Germain. And first let me say how delighted I am to be in this Company! You are so loved, really beyond all expression. But more than that, you are honored and appreciated and thanked for all that you do in every moment, to be the Beamers that you came here to be, as Ashtar would say, absolutely! And to also be the visionaries, to join together in researching, and educating yourselves, and reaching the conclusions about the Oneness – the Sacred Oneness of all Life upon Planet Earth and beyond – with the desire to connect with all Beings of Light everywhere! Starting within your own Sacred Beings – your energy fields, if you will, lighting up with the Love You Are and the Love that you can bring in even more, because it is available for you. And reaching out to all others – and starting to get some messages, messages of Joy, of Peace on Earth!!!

“When you bring yourselves up in the meditative state, or even in your sleep times – although you may not always be aware of it – well, in either case, it is that you have an opportunity to be in the Higher levels of being, where there is only Light, where there is only Love. But it is a journey to get there, a journey which has many places along the way where you can stop and linger – or not – many places that can distract you off of your Paths – or not. But I am here to thank you for where you have arrived, and to assure you that, if it be your requirement, you shall indeed reach your ultimate destinations which is, of course, your Ascensions into permanent residence – all of you, where part of you already is in permanent residence, and that is the Higher Dimensions!

“But meanwhile we have this Mission to accomplish. So I will tell you right now that all matters having to do with your abundance are well in hand!!! I have seen to it that everyone – the entire human population of Planet Earth – will receive dollars or yen or whatever the currency is. It will all be backed with gold and precious metals, and to that end I have made that secure. So there will be no worthless paper money. All paper will be backed and have substance and equality! The price of gold will be the same Worldwide, for instance. And the dollar will be the same as whatever currencies there are in other nations. So there will be no more disparity. There will be no more speculation. There will be no more trading or arbitrage or however you want to call it!

“Wall Street, as it has existed, will not be controlling the economies of the World, because it is really those who wear the dark hats that have been controlling Wall Street and the banks and the whole monetary institutions and systems worldwide. That is ending! NESARA will finalize that ending!

“The distribution of abundance is to get you to a place where you will no longer need money of any kind!!! That’s right. This is a temporary solution to have everyone enjoy sufficient abundance, so that then they can be open to other means of securing whatever they need. People will be free, free to pursue whatever they choose to pursue. Many of you will indeed travel beyond Planet Earth and have an opportunity to interact with other civilizations. And there will be new ways of enjoying abundance other than how many dollars you have in your possession.

“Replicators – creating out of energy because everything is energy, we’re all energy – replicators will be able to accomplish a great deal of whatever it is that you desire to acquire, and I’m talking about things that have some density, that are what you would call material goods – food, clothing, whatever. There are excellent examples of those given in the Star Trek programs, for instance. You can tune in and see exactly how they are used. Your computers will be so interactive that you can walk around the room and have a conversation back and forth. You will have robots because no one is going to do in any form what you call ‘slave labor’ anywhere in the World!

“You will have opportunities to be creative, to enjoy the creations of others, and to create yourselves whatever it is that you choose. You will have free energy. There will be no such thing as an electric bill, or an oil bill, or putting your card in at the gasoline pump or any of that. Your homes, your vehicles, the World will run on free, non-polluting energy!

“You will have beautiful gardens and parks everywhere. Yes, of course, Humankind must take responsibility for the devastation that has been done, the destructiveness that has been practiced upon Planet Earth. Humankind must forgive all who have participated!!! And who might that be? Perhaps Humankind needs to do forgiveness for 100% of Humankind, and work with Mother Gaia and with those of us who come to be of assistance, in accepting our presence – and, of course, I’m not speaking of you, Beloved Ones, I am speaking of those who are at this moment unaware that we are here to work with you. But it is to be another Partnership, the cleanup of Planet Earth, the stopping of the destruction, the engaging of all of the technologies that are already in existence!

“All of these things will be done. And this will be another level of Freedom – for everyone on the Planet, all of the kingdoms of Mother Gaia – to thrive on a Planet which is completely healed! To be complete with these so-called humanitarian projects, because all of Humanity will be at Peace and in the enjoyment of abundance for all – not just the very tiny percentage. And it will be where everyone will have a sense of Oneness, where people will come together and express their ideas, where people will have the Freedom to live anywhere they choose – with all of the Earth a Garden of Eden, a Paradise, where everyone can receive, absolutely without any cost whatsoever, whatever education they desire!

“I congratulate you, Beloved Ones, and I honor you for being so brave, for being so courageous as to come and be here! And to be in this lifetime, where you still have time rolling out ahead of you, to be among those who are leading the way into this Golden Age, who are aware of all that it holds, who even now are willing to feel the Joy of it and renew your passions for bringing it about, because this is where we are going together! This is our Path and it is so bright. Feel it! Open your beautiful Hearts even more, and let this energy of Love come into your beings, so that you can bring yourselves even more into this Golden Age of which I speak.

“Now there may be some additional challenges on the way to its ‘official grand opening,’ as you might say. But for us in this moment, we’re already there!!! Feel it! Come back to this feeling and join with me and all of the ones who are here with you now. There are literally millions of Ashtar Command members and Ascended Masters, Angels, and representatives from all of Mother Gaia’s kingdoms, including the Higher Dimensional ones! Just reach out and be in Oneness with us! And let us support all of those members of Faction 3, as they are called. They’re on the Path with us and we with them. Let us come together in our Oneness and welcome all of those who are not yet aware of it. And then let us welcome those who are or have been in resistance to it and are still clinging to that resistance!!!

“Truly we are all One in Love, and even though, yes, there are some who will be answering for their deeds, let us let them know that they are as loved as we ourselves, and that we welcome them! It may take them longer, but we welcome them Home, even as we welcome each other. For that is the way of Divine Governance, and it begins within each one of us to reach out, to reach up, and to be the Lights of Love that we all are! Thank you so much, Beloved Ones, for being here in this Company. It is grand, indeed. It is a company of Love. Stay connected. Recall my words to you. I speak to each and every one of you and I see each and every one of you as the Divine Ones you are!

“Yes, we have all come a long way to reach this particular place on the timelines of Planet Earth. And even though I see it as all one shining moment, I know that you have memories – as have I, when I was embodied. And the Truth be known, I have a presence upon Planet Earth even now, for I must be among you in order to bring my part, my Mission of distribution of abundance to all! That is my major role of welcoming all of Humanity into the Golden Age!!!

“But I have much besides that to do! I am, after all, a master alchemist and so I bring with me the violet ray for all of you – for all of you to use as another tool along the way – to assist you in making your own alchemical transformational transmutations, to bring yourselves up higher and higher, to raise your own vibrations, and thus to bring yourselves up and out of the third dimension, with all of its illusions and delusions and lies and low vibrations. I honor you as being one with me on the Path to the Golden Age and beyond! And I see you as the great shining Lights You Are! And so it is. Namaste!”

» Source – Channel: Susan Leland


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/27/2017 9:06:18 PM

Daily Message ~ Saturday May 27, 2017

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Dear Ones, we cannot stress enough the gifts that unfoldment brings to your life. It is how you navigate from one now moment at a time, from one highest potential to the next highest potential at a time. It allows you to stay calm and centred, and able to move through your journey in small, manageable pieces that add up to big, wondrous change. It is through embracing the gifts of unfoldment you will finally experience the grace and ease in motion you've been seeking. ~Archangel Gabriel


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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