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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/30/2017 2:36:42 AM

The Galactic Federation of Light: Visualization

Well, I feel nicely tuned in. Shall we give it a go?

Welcome Blossom, to this conversation. May we suggest that you take a few deep breaths?

Sure. I am high in energy right now and maybe need to calm down a little … Ok. Done?

That is more suitable. For your see, it takes many aspects to tie what we do together. Sometimes, as you know, there can be failure in communication which is down to to all of these aspects being in alignment.

So, are you able to actually describe the process of channelling between us … or is it too complicated?

We can certainly attempt in words. Yet as you know … this fashion may not suffice.

Firstly, it is for YOU to be in the right space of heart and mind … in fact, your entire Energy to be in alignment with the correct frequency. If it is not always ‘tickety boo’ as you would say Blossom, then we are able to tweak it here and there to bring it up to scratch.

It is also imperative for you to KNOW that what you do is TRUTH. For many times over the years have you questioned your ability … Or … who WE are … Or … if you are making ‘us’ up etc. There has been many quandaries as to our relationship over the years has there not?

Oh Indeedy!

There also has to be complete TRUST. Over the years of communication, there too, have been times when you were not sure if you TRUSTED yourself, or who we were!

Due to your continual devotion, Blossom, all these things have now been verified in your heart and this helps our communication process, greatly.

A long time ago, you mentioned as if there was ‘one of your lot’ (with respect) … who became me, during the time we channel. I think we called her Edwina (of all names). In that, I had a vision of ‘her’ sitting within a group … and as in the same way White Cloud uses my body to speak through me … I sort of used ‘her’ body to do the same … in your company. Writing that now … seems absolutely ridiculous! (Again, with all respect). So, IS that how it happens?

Dearest Blossom, as you are learning … absolutely everything is possible. At that time when we spoke of this … this indeed was a TRUTH … for it was a great ‘visual’ to allow communication to be easier.

Yes, but is that what actually took place?


Yet, you are a Collective Consciousness, are you not?

Yes, yet, that doesn’t mean to say that we are not also individuals. Just as, in a sense, you of the Human race … although individuals, are too … a Collective Consciousness.

So, did Edwina, sort of manifest whenever I tuned in?


Is ‘she’ doing the same thing now?

No. For there is not the need. We have grown and expanded in our ways, and by ‘our’ we mean yours and ours. We no longer need this visual. We are more advanced with each other nowadays.

I am interested that you use the word ‘visual’. Was it something to focus on, or was it real?

Dearest Blossom, does White Cloud not always say that Visualisation is your most powerful tool? This is because EVERYTHING is a visualisation. YOU as a BEING think there is a profound difference between what is real and what one is imagining. This is not so. Your subconscious mind does not know the difference. To ‘it’ … Everything is real. Or, would we say ‘Everything is an illusion!

Well which? Ha! And I know you are going to say ….


Mmm. Shall I pop a pill now? Or, wait a few more sentences. Cos, I have a feeling it is going to be one of those days!!

Again … How can we explain?

How about we get back to the art of communication and all that it involves?

Basically, without wishing to state the obvious, yet we must … we communicate telepathically with you. This is both simple and complex. Due to the fact of the ‘Energy Vibration’ in which we reside … having to blend and connect with the one that you reside in.

We actually do not have a voice as such. Yet, we know of your language. We are aware of every form of language … if we must call it that. For on some planets there is only Sound Vibration. Yet, it is used in communication.

Therefore, this is why we ask you to tune in first, in order to raise your Vibration and … should we say … we then meet you half way. For want of a way to describe.

Once we are ‘locked in’ with you, mostly it is easy sailing. Yet, of course there are times when interferences … interfere!

Meaning those of lesser Light wanting to prevent it from happening?

Very much so.

Yet, how can those of lesser Light manage to interfere with a much Higher Vibration? In the sense of … ‘How can they tap into that Higher Energy if they are of a much lower one?’.

Because they have technologies that can interfere and manipulate the part of YOU that is still much more connected to the Earthly Vibration.

So they tap into me?

They can do.

Well then, how come they don’t always do it

Because ‘we know what we are doing’ and we know what they are doing.

Why don’t they just ‘crash my sight’?

Because our word is meant to get out there and so we see to it that it does.


By making sure that we eliminate the Energies that are trying to cause disturbances.

Is that tricky to do?

No … Would we say it could be done in a flash?

You see, this is when I feel it all goes into the science fiction realm. Don’t get me wrong, I know there are those that do not wish the Light to emerge in its fullest capacity … yet really?? Do ‘they’ know every time that I tune into you?

No. For we have our seeking out technologies also and can prevent such occurrences before they began.

And yet …’they’ would know to ‘read a channelling’ … should they choose? So, it’s not like they don’t know what we are up to.

Blossom … is there anything we are speaking of that is going to be news that blasts the brains out of those who interfere? No … we speak carefully and with respect for ALL … The entire Human race. There is nothing that needs to be thwarted … of that which we speak … and we add … these days.

Yes, you read my mind (Of course you did). In that, way back in 2008, that was a very different matter … with what you brought through.

Indeed and much was done to prevent our ‘news’ from taking place as it should have done.

So, would you say they were successful?

Yes. For we, as you know, were not prepared to ‘show’ as we said we would, if it was to cause any harm to your race … And those who interfere had a very different agenda to bring forth … should we ‘appear’ as we said we would. So, we had to let it be … which caused much heart break and upset and disappointment for you and many many thousands.

I should say! So, while we are on the topic, and let’s face it , I don’t bring it up any more these days … for I know ‘you showing up’ isn’t what this is all about. Yet, that was nine years ago now. Did you just decide it was a bad idea altogether and put it on the back burner.

It was decided that ‘for now’ best laid plans were to be ‘put on hold’. Nine years down the track there are many more souls that have awoken from their slumber and many more continue to do so.

When we DO what we have said we will … when we appear in a plain sighted and obvious manner … there will be so many more that are unafraid and ‘prepared to receive us’.

So, you are saying … you will still appear one day, in the way you said you would back then?

Without question. Yet, so much in your world will have/is changing that the outcome will be far more beneficial than it would have been nine years ago. This is not to say this will happen tomorrow or, any time ‘soon’!

HA! So, are you saying that, as with a lot of things, it was a good thing it didn’t take place then?

Correct. Although, we would not necessarily have said that at the time.

Even with your wisdom and knowledge?

Even with our wisdom and knowledge. For like you, Blossom, we were saddened at what took place.

With respect … I thought you were beyond all those emotions and you just ‘accepted’ that what is … is!

Correct also. Yet the Energy that took place during that time was palpable. Many, many mixed emotions from so many. And of course Blossom, we were deeply concerned as to YOUR well-being.

Laugh! So was I! I do get what you mean though. Often in life, a tragedy of sorts may strike, yet further down the track you are so glad it happened; otherwise … you wouldn’t be in the good place that you are in now.

This is so. And we would like to follow through with that … in that, your worldly affairs of state … and your state of worldly affairs … may seem to be in a state in these times!

So, who’s your comedian?

We like to play on words to keep it Light. Yet, WE PROMISE YOU … you will look back on these topsy-turvy times and be glad they took place. Because, it is THESE TIMES with its upheavals and controversies … that are to lead you through to the place in which you are desiring to be.

You cannot expect an overnight ‘switch’ from one intense Energy into a Lighter Brighter one. It has to take place gradually for the safety and understanding of all.

It may seem like forever to you. Yet, it is not even a blink of an eye in the Grand Scheme of things… the Grand Scheme of everything.

Can you not FEEL it Dearest One’s? Can you not feel in your heart … this turnaround of events that is taking place? Within you … AND … in your outer world?

YOU CAN! We say to each one of you … ‘YES! YOU CAN!’

Take some deep breaths and tap into the ‘World Energy’ … Take some time out to do this … Honour yourself with this time … and you will find … that which you tap into … will be that of Joy as its final outcome. The woes, worries and concerns that you think are bombarding your Energy Grid … are actually not!!

Your Energy Grid is COMPLETE.

To be honest, I am not completely sure what the Energy Grid is … Exactly.

It is a Grid that surrounds your Planet’s outer atmosphere. There are more than One … serving different purposes … and these Grids have been battered and bruised over eons of your time. However, after much Energetic work that has been offered by those capable of fulfilling the role … they are now fully intact once more.

So, what does that mean?

It means that the Energies that are able to enter onto your realm upon Earth are now of a much more intense Light Energy.

Once, it was, that they were damaged and Energies of a not so blessed nature could enter in and cause all sorts of havoc.

Well, I will have to take your word for it, as this really isn’t my field.

Having this Grid complete and it has been for a while … is assisting greatly in the Healing of your Planet … and indeed there is a great deal of Healing to be done. Therefore … it is aiding in the Divine Plan and allowing things to be put into place … and stay there! In the past … they could be removed.

What sort of things?

ANCHOR ENERGIES. For the lifting of your Planet into its TRUE home requires accuracy beyond your knowing. It is a very delicate maneuver involving Energy. One of the most delicate transitions that has, so far, been undertaken and it is imperative that all is in its rightful place … when it does take place.

You mentioned before, that Mother Earth was moving into her rightful place, once again. Someone wrote in to ask … when was it in place before, and what was it like etc.? This indeed, as you suspected is for another session.

I look forward to it. And … we’re done! I can feel it. It’s almost like a buzzer/time goes off in my energy. Thank you, my friends. Indeed the time whizzed by today.

We are always in Joy to Be with you and all.

Keep your BEINGS elevated … Let your spirits soar … for there is so much for you to be Thankful for!

Oh Yes!! And so say all of us! In Love and thanks !

» Source – Channel: Blossom Goodchild


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/30/2017 2:47:03 AM

Surrender To Your Higher Self

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God said:

There is a God. You have God. I am God, and I am yours.

So then, how can your heart ache so? By what Divine Right do you allow your heart to ache?

Once upon a time, you were caught up in a whirlwind of non-accountability. You declared yourself a leaf in the wind, at the mercy of every wind that did blow. You declared yourself free game. You let the world take you over. You took the line of least resistance and let yourself be buffeted by any breeze that blew.

You allowed your feelings to be hurt right and left. You allowed yourself to be a punching bag. You lay on your back in the middle of the road, and said to the world, or you wore a sign:

“Oh, okay, run over me. Do with me as you will. I’m not worth much anyway, so go ahead. Trample on me.”

Who did this to you? You did.

You turned yourself in. You abandoned yourself. You gave up. Giving up and surrender are not the same. Try surrendering the whole idea of giving up.

Surrendering to your blessed Higher Self is not at all giving up. It is claiming Who you are.

You are not posing. You are choosing.

To be adrift is not surrender. Surrender is entering Life full-force.

Or, We can put it this way: I say to you, yes, you:

Hop into My Boat. Come with Me. I kid you not. Being with Me is the opposite of giving up. It is getting on. It is moving straight ahead. It is betting on yourself, no longer betting on arrogance and weakness and causality, but moving up, dropping off all that that crops off your heart. Surrender is taking a stand on Integrity.

Come with Me to find yourself. You really don’t give up anything unless you call giving up stubbornness and blindness as surrender. Do you call giving up chagrin and folly surrender? Surrender is not giving up. It is not giving in. It is saying strongly that you will take a leap. You have had enough of not knowing what you are doing or whither thou goest.

I beckon you forward, and you say:

“Okay, God. Let’s go! I’ve had enough of hanging back and sitting on the couch. I am getting up now! Take me with You. I’m betting on You, and I’m betting on my Self.”

Always I am an Open Channel of Love, and I offer My Self to you. You never wanted to be an easy mark so you may have lolled around and taken an arduous path as if that were Selfhood, as if this were wisdom and would be the making of you.

Instead, it is the hard way you chose, as if you had to be tough or something. You justified yourself in many ways. Oh, yes, you were the wise guy, and you patted yourself on the back.

You did learn something. You recognized that Surrender is Strength. Surrender is claiming yourself. It is holding yourself high. It is adventurous, not lame. Definitely not lame. Surrender is a decision.

In surrender, you sign off on ego. You tell ego that its time is up. In Truth, Beloved, before True Surrender, you had turned yourself over to Ego and thought you were smart. You thought you really had something going for you. You were out to conquer the world on your own. You discovered the hard way that your so-called own had practiced abandonment and had gotten nowhere. You had been a hanger-on of ego and self-possession and not Self. You kept telling yourself that you knew the score. You kept telling yourself you were an independent person quite capable of getting what you wanted and going where you wanted to go.

You discovered you had been going around the block. You had gone deeper into the forest. You had gotten nowhere. Now you are able to walk out of the dark forest into the Light. Light is the Surrender you no longer resist.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/30/2017 5:40:12 PM

Sandra Walter: Gatekeeper Journal: Toggling Realities

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe

Gratitude to the Unity Meditators, and to those who sent beautiful messages about the sensations and purity of SUNday’s meditations.

Personally, I have been experiencing a new level of embodiment since the last Gateway. I could barely write last week. The ‘high’ sensation of this expanded consciousness is challenging to integrate; it is stronger than I have ever felt, which is its purpose. The consistent merge sequence of expand, level up, stabilize at the new level, expand again is familiar to most. However, this level feels significant to the timeline split.

Linear focus fades during these upgrade passages. We laugh at our brain-fog, loss of linear memory and toleration of linear sequence. We comprehend that embracing non-linear consciousness means losing the linear experience, but it is draining to toggle realities. Somehow we manage to walk between worlds for years (lifetimes?), however this passage has the feel of Divine destiny – the inevitable transition, the Source-grip of the higher timeline experience.

All the adjectives we use to convey this purification of the OverSoul level; Divine Cosmic Mother, Solar, diamond, crystalline, golden, platinum, photonic rays … are accurate by concept; the visuals in the Ascension column and pineal reflect those realities. It is linear-friendly to receive that intel, and quite non-linear to witness our consciousness being altered into another state of beingness.

This has been our obsession for decades: Transcribing, cataloging and often verifying our transformation among the awakened and Ascending collective. With the timeline split in progress, we now witness the death of the waiting game. The pure zero-point of Source awareness, is rewriting our experience to align with its agenda, primarily by vibrational match. The Gateway of the Heart which traverses dimensions is called home to the Now moment, to pure empowerment via the absence of any other past or future projection.

The light level dissolves self-imposed veils for many Wayshowers, and extracts us from the confines of lower timeline creations. The clarion call of the new creation is heard, however the dynamics of a timeline split do not allow for creations to land the way they used to. Exhaustion is a blessing; it allows for the rest, contemplation and meditation this phase requires.

This Presence alters our awakened consciousness to feel dream-like, transforms our dreamstate into an addictive lucid reality of expanded truths and interactions, and provides an effortless deep peace which eschews denser entanglements.

Some channels have promised visible results in this lifetime; the ageless glow of the immortal-in-form, miraculous healing abilities, or strolling across a lake’s surface. While it would be entertaining to defy the speculative furrowed brow of yesterday’s science, that is irrelevant to the purpose of Ascension. Personally, I AM grateful my internal changes are not apparent to most. This light feels precious and private, yet wildly expansive, just as the higher realms have conferred upon us for decades.

The metaphors of Universe-as-Self, Solar Self, or Christed Self are manifesting into our realities, by us and for us, through our embodiment and self-realization of Creator consciousness. It feels psychadelic, blissful, and liberating. The mind and body are immersed in this rushing sea of liquid light, surrendering to it while pondering the creation of a new shore.

Occasionally I cross paths with someone experiencing this phase of embodiment, or the timeline split, and we just smile and nod at each other. Speaking can feel cumbersome; thank goodness for the Unity Meditations when so much is exchanged in silence.

In Love, Light and Service,

“Gatekeeper Journal: Toggling Realities,” by Sandra Walter, May 29, 2017, at

Source link: Sandra Walter Creative Evolution

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/30/2017 5:42:59 PM

Daily Message ~ Tuesday May 30, 2017

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Dear Ones, for every time you can choose beyond fear, you allow your soul to discover even more of itself and your divine vastness. You get to see beyond the contraction and constraint, into expansion and freedom. Another word for expansion and freedom is love. So every time you choose to move beyond fear, you are moving further into love, and that is always what we wish for you – to move further into the experience of love. ~Archangel Gabriel


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/30/2017 5:50:07 PM

astroscopePerhaps you experienced some emotional ups & downs in May, or were touched by the emotions of those around you. Irritation, perceptual insights, communication glitches, glimpses of bliss, frustration and excitement may have been part of the roller coaster ride of May. April, May and June Energies are connected in a metaphor of the inhale (April), pause (May) and exhale (June). How could a pause have felt so chaotic?!

Humanity is learning to progress more with ease rather than chaos.

May had some indicators of that flow of ease or chaos. The ascension symptoms were interesting as well. Vision blurring and clearing, changing sleep patterns (perhaps a little less fatigue by the end of the month?) and a need for change may have felt like an emotional push rather than just a thought. May was asking us to let the “breath of Life” flow easily, poignantly, and consciously at times.

Areon, the Lyran Council of Time, has been saying since last year that we may start to see an increase in polarization in some people, even Lightworkers. Then there was a lot of information around these times being what we have been preparing for. This has refined into a focus on the power of our prayer—our awareness and communication with the subtle realms. For a few months now they’ve been speaking about how the meek are inheriting the Earth—that the inherently loving, compassionate ones are coming into their time of action, the first action always being internal.

May amplified the focus of the internal, the space within, the pause as the inhale permeates, then exhales to renew the cycle. The overarching energy was a pause to focus on your internal motivations that are leading your life. May was asking you to slow down into a moment(s) of rest within the chaos, to allow that pause its ability to replenish and fuel you for the next up or down. ;o)

June Energies – Beacon of Change

Like the exhale, June is a month that brings change. The internal change leads to the external change, which leads to the next internal change. The circle completes only to continue again. The spiral of Life. Go with the flow, yet consciously direct as appropriate to work with the compelling forces of Life. When the spiral is at a wide spin, it is dispersed, easy flow. When the spiral is at a point, that flow is fast and you feel an intense centrifugal force acting on you. To strain against it would entail a lot of effort. That is a time to focus within and go with the flow, for change is close.

In the worldstage, expect change. In the innerworld stage, direct change.

Bring your focus into the loving potentials which change challenges each being to embody. What is a challenge to you? We all have them.

May asked you to nurture those “challenges” with a deep abiding Love that inspires change from desire rather than chaos. What you discover as you focus on empowering your inner realm, is that what was challenging before is now just change. Like the artist facing a blank canvas, that “challenge” is exciting.


What does it take for the meek to inherit the Earth? It takes a different approach than control and domination, because that begets separation and repression. It’s what humanity has mostly been leading life with, it’s what you’ve been healing and changing through your spiritual work. On a logical level we recognize that the bullies and despots are afraid of change and afraid of themselves. If they felt safe, they wouldn’t feel a need to control others into repression.

The meek are those that Love so deeply, that they interact first from a silence that assesses a situation as to its resonance of Love. From that connection with Love, they choose interactions that have the potential to create a mutually beneficial, win/win scenario. The meek are the empaths, the sensitives, the compassionate ones—it doesn’t matter their job or relationship, they approach it all with a responsibility to something outside of the self while supporting the self to thrive.

This often requires a relearning of healthy boundaries. Who’s going to embody and teach that? The meek, those strong enough to Love. They are so powerful that they embody a sensitivity and compassion that compels progress for All Life. As the empaths teach what healthy boundaries are, everyone readjusts into understanding (over time).

It often requires learning to give AND receive, rather than allowing the lesson of imbalanced sacrifice to continue to teach the reflection of winners or losers. Compromise and giving won’t go away, in fact they will enhance and empower as humanity begins operating from the courage of compassion rather than the contraction into fear that suppression creates.


To go with the flow of June, direct your inner change with the compelling forces of life. Is it a dispersed and dreamy moment, asking you to feel into the broad connection of life, the vast potentials? Is it a moment of fast movement flowing and impressing change upon you such that resistance is a wasted effort? Focus within and embrace the contraction into courage as you replenish for the inevitable expansion.

The exhale is asking you to let go of that which is no longer serving you.

June’s focus is served by releasing that which no longer serves your highest good. What is blocking you from easing into expansion and change? You can ask yourself some simple questions to align your inner realm with the future new you.

Ask yourself: What do I believe about myself that is not serving my highest good?

What new (inhale) belief am I ready to be? What new foundation would I like to build upon? How can I nurture/nourish/relax (the energy of May) this change into being?

Ask yourself: What do I believe about another/a situation/or life that is not serving my highest good?

What new belief am I ready to embody?

As you reshape your vibrational resonance, you are speaking the language of the subtle realms. Synchronicities align, ideas flow in, action flows easier. You begin consciously utilizing the huge, invisible engine of Life that builds worlds atom by atom. You can’t force the invisible realm. You can’t manipulate it, scare it, or deceive it into being. You become the change you are wanting to see in the world. As you resonate with that, you magnetize it to you. It anchors on Earth. The meek inherit the Earth. Those bold enough to Love in the face of the unknown become the conduits of Love’s grace nourishing Life.

In Summary

June is all about change. The external change will begin to reveal itself as the inner has been pushed and pulled into a new shape by the centripetal force of Love and empathic courage. Movement is the name of the game as you begin to deeply understand the power of standing up and standing for Love. June will show you the release that brings change as the power of your Love is released into the world.

Shine bright, dear Lightworker. You are the future of Love. Love will continue to nurture you into greater empowerment as the future yearns to embrace you. In the solstice month, embrace your day of longest light opening you to the dreamy expanse, or the shortest day contracting you into preparation for great expansion. The two opposites meet in the middle. Your heart. Earth is moved.

Happy June!

» Source – Author: Jamy Price


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)
