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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/26/2017 6:55:28 PM

Saul via John Smallman: You Have Become So Accustomed to Your Severely Limiting Life as a Human That it Seems Normal

Audio version.

Humanity’s awakening process appears very strange to many who are just now becoming aware that they are spiritual beings having a very temporary human experience. As they feel the nudge or hear the call to attend to their inner life, their spiritual life, having given it very little of their time or attention so far, it seems a little threatening and rather demanding.

New interests or occupations often appear a little threatening to humans because they have become accustomed to following a regular routine that works for them and they do not like to change it, and new interests or new occupations always demand change.

If sought they can be exciting and energizing, but if it seems that they are being imposed upon them they resist quite strongly. With the latter scenario they often go into denial and refuse to address the subject – change! Change is the only unchanging aspect of the illusion!

Now, on Earth, as those of you who read messages channeled from the spiritual realms are well aware, enormous changes are occurring, changes that can seem to be catastrophic as the old order and the routine it managed collapses. Conflict and violence are arising in many unexpected places as the karmic inheritance of thousands of life-times on the Earth plane come to the surface of humanity’s collective awareness to be acknowledged, accepted, forgiven, and released.

And because the pain and suffering that is being unveiled is so intense, many are in shock. The safe little world in which so many sought refuge is proving to be nothing of the kind. It truly is providing an intense wake-up call for humanity, as it leads you toward your awakening into full consciousness, and that, despite all the appearances to the contrary, really is a reason to rejoice.

To rejoice raises your vibratory field, and it inspires you encouraging you to allow your creative energies to flow. When they flow freely and you engage with them or run with them your motivation to do so intensifies. You are creators just as God is, and when you are operating creatively, without judgment or anxiety, joy fills your heart. To create is to be God-like, and because God created you in His own image and likeness you are, like Him, creators.

The human sense of being separate, an individual being apart from all others, encourages a sense of inadequacy because of the limitations that being human imposes upon you. That is, you see others doing things that you cannot do, and you feel less than them. You then try to make up for that inadequacy by working harder, studying harder, and getting more qualifications in order to compete with those others and win.

But the whole point of being human is to recognize your own creative side and develop that, which is quite different from any one else’s, in fact it is unique because no one is the same as anyone else. When you honor your own uniqueness, your own individual creative abilities, and then allow yourself to develop them, you find satisfaction and contentment, and no longer need to measure yourself against others and judge the differences between you as good or bad, right or wrong.

And then, of course, conflicts do not arise. Conflict arises because your egos keep calling out: “me, me, me!” And they do that because they feel unsafe, threatened not only by the competences and abilities they see in others that they cannot see in themselves, but also because they do not recognize as valuable their own different creative abilities.

You cannot be as someone else, you can only be yourself, and yet in many cultures there is a continuous and ongoing collective judgment suggesting that if only you could be like someone else you would be much happier, and so would those whose judgment of you you choose to accept as more valid than your own.

But you are you, God created you perfectly as you, and He does not want you to try to be like someone else. To try and be a better person by being like someone else is to disown yourself and to disown the beautiful being that your loving Father created. It is in effect a negative judgment of God!

However, God does not take offense, He is perfect, infinite, unconditional Love, and he completely and utterly accepts everyone. He makes no exceptions because He created you all as perfect aspects or parts of Himself, except that you are not parts or aspects of Him, you are One with Him. To judge you would be to judge Himself and that makes no sense.

You need to focus intently and regularly on the divine truth that you and God are One. You need to keep reminding yourself of this. You have a saying in the large world-wide self-improvement community “Fake it till you make it!” Well, you have already made it, you are, due to religious, cultural, ethnic, and various other influences that have affected your human growth and development, just refusing to be aware of this.

The original choice to experience separation from God by building the illusion and moving into it included the choice to then be unaware of your divine heritage. You wanted to undo your eternal relationship at One with God and go it alone, detached, unzipped, disconnected from the Source that is You!

And with your enormously powerful creative energy you managed to construct an environment where it seems that you are alone, a very small and insignificant being in a vast and overwhelming cosmos. But of course you are that cosmos and all else that exists! There is only God. There is nothing apart from Him, and therefore you are Him, but with almost all awareness of that sublime state absent from your awareness while you are in human form.

To awaken, as you are doing, is to once again know yourself as One with God, inseparable from Him, and eternally creating with Him for the delight and joy of doing so. And that joy is utterly beyond description and beyond your ability to conceive of in your severely limited state of being as a human. You chose limitation because the idea amused you, but you did not realize how intense that limitation would be or how weak and feeble you would believe yourself to be while confined within a human body.

The body is essential for your sojourn in the illusion and it can provide pleasure and enjoyment as well as pain and suffering, but it cannot possibly embrace the fullness of the energy field that is God, that is Love, that is Reality. Were it to attempt to do so it would disintegrate instantly and very violently, and you would require a very long period of rest and recuperation from the shock of such a terminal event.

The awakening process has been carefully and divinely planned to ensure that it occurs smoothly, gently, and with an intense experience of being loved. When you feel the Love that is being offered to you, you will be unable to resist It or retreat from It because Its attraction is so strong. It will draw you Home, which is where, at the deepest level of your being, you always are.

To awaken demands nothing of you. All you need do is to allow it to happen. You have become so accustomed to your severely limiting life as a human that it seems normal, and you are very reluctant to release your hold on it. It seems to most of you that your human body provides the only form of life available to you, and even if it is very painful you do not want to let it go.

The purpose of going within daily to that holy inner sanctuary where the Light of God’s Love burns continuously is to become gently acclimatized to Love. Love is POWERFUL! You have no idea how powerful It is, and when you know yourself once more as Love, as you will, joy and wonder will flood into your heart – the Tsunami of Love – as you become once more aware of Who You are, the divine and perfect child of God, forever at One with Him in brilliance and glory.

All wants, needs, and fears will have dissolved as the Oneness that is God and You are once more consciously recognized and most lovingly embraced. There is a well known saying: “Home is where the heart is!” And that is true.

With so very much love, Saul.

“Saul via John Smallman: You Have Become So Accustomed to Your Severely Limiting Life as a Human That it Seems Normal,” May 26, 2017, at

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/26/2017 6:58:03 PM

Daily Message ~ Friday May 26, 2017

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Surrendering into what is desired is like setting your inner GPS to your next destination. It is an effective practice because you are willingly selecting the predominant energy you would like to experience and allowing your soul, your guides and helpers, and the universe to point the way there. It is co-creation at its finest because it is setting a clear intention of where you would like to go next and then letting your team navigate you there the most direct way possible. It is a beautiful example of empowered movement. ~Archangel Gabriel


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/26/2017 8:47:48 PM

Angelic Guides via Taryn Crimi: Don’t Let Negative Circumstances Dictate Your Response

Today we would like to focus your attention upon the tremendous control that each of you have when it comes to how you choose to respond to the negative circumstances in your life. You are living in a world of polar opposites, there are contrasting experiences in every single aspect of your reality. This can of course be seen as a blessing or a curse dependent upon your perspective. Allow us to further explain.

You see, each of you will and do undoubtedly come into contact with negative experiences, there are times when things appear to be falling apart, you may become frustrated and even feel as though you have no control. However, we often say, you are either the creator of your reality or you are not; and we can assure you that you are indeed powerful eternal creators having a temporary physical experience.

When you understand that everything in your reality is a result of your most dominant vibration, and therefore you can only experience what you resonate with, you begin to understand how very much control you actually have even over circumstances that appear to be ‘out of your control.’

When negative circumstances arise, you have one of two options, you can choose to remain in the vibration which attracted the problem to begin with, or you may choose to shift your attention and perspective elsewhere, preferably onto something that makes you feel much better. Why is this so important you ask.

You see, what you focus upon will always expand regardless of why you are choosing to focus upon it. This may seem contradictory to what many of you have been taught, but you simply cannot solve a problem from the same perspective that attracted it in the first place.

Many of the challenges that you face, have not actually manifested yet, rather they are imaginings in your mind of what may happen and often times it is of the very worst case scenario you can conjure.

As we have said before, your imagination can be the greatest tool you have at your disposal, or the greatest enemy you can create. You always have a choice as to what you are choosing to focus upon.

Now we are in no way declaring that shifting your thoughts onto something positive when everything feels as though it is falling apart is easy, but it is necessary if you wish to create something different going forward. Otherwise the very attention you give to the problems only gain more speed, more momentum and create larger problems from the power that you have given them.

May we suggest that when you are feeling particularly at peace or in a state of optimism, that you make a list of all of the things you can think of that you find to be peaceful, enjoyable, and inspiring thoughts. It could be different sounds, your favorite song, a walk in nature, going for a run. The activity or thought makes no difference as long as it is something that makes you feel better.

The reason we suggest this activity when you are feeling at peace is so that you access to the thoughts that resonate with the vibrational ‘channel’ you are choosing to focus upon. This summons more thoughts to you that also perpetuate the current feeling you have at any moment. You literally are changing the channel of your life and therefore you become a new vibrational match to entirely different circumstances.

Many of you know this to be The Law of Attraction and it is always at play every waking moment of your life.

Our intention for this message is to offer those of you who are feeling particularly discouraged, frustrated and in a state of worry to relax into the process of allowing the Universe to do the only thing it can do, reflect back to you what you are in resonance with. A shift into a new state of mind will make all the difference in the world for you.

As always we are always eager to assist you in everyway that we can, all you must do is ask and allow.

We hope that we have served you in some way.
In love and light we are your Angelic Guides

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Copyright © 2012-2017 by Taryn Crimi. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.

Taryn Crimi

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/26/2017 8:50:17 PM

GFP Newsletter - 5/25/2017

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The last barrier is the idea that your are empty, you are Enlightened, you have achieved, you have reached, you have known, you have realized God - the last barrier. Because with this realization, the 'I' is still clinging. Only the objects have changed, but not you. First, you were clinging to riches, to your prestige, to your power, domination, your house, your car. Now they have changed; now it is emptiness, now it is Enlightenment, now it is God. But your hands are still not open, you are carrying something within them. Your hands are closed. The very word, 'emptiness' means that now you have nothing, not even the one who can declare. That's why Joshu says: Do something, but be finished with this idea.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/26/2017 9:17:06 PM

Council of Radiant Light: Hesitant To Put Yourself First?

Ailia Mira

Opening from Ailia

Let’s take a minute and optimize our energy. Everything is energy. Everything is vibration, so focusing on how you feel is a way of knowing what your vibration is, and everything that you’re experiencing in life is happening through resonance. Everything you experience comes to you as resonant with an aspect of your active energy. This is what people talk about when they say you experience life as “organized by the law of attraction,” or based on your momentum energetically. It’s real and energetic resonance, regardless of what name you give it, is how energy organizes and unfolds as experience. So taking a moment to optimize your vibration and therefore your momentum is really good.

It’s beneficial, too, before receiving a channelled transmission because the better your energy state when you receive the transmission, the more you’re available, through resonance, to the upper frequencies and the transmission. Transmissions from Archangel Michael and the Council of Radiant Light are full spectrum transmissions of energy. There’s a broad spectrums of energies available in the transmission, and each of you receive in relationship to your present energy state.

You understand this kind of experience in life, if you think about it. Sometimes you encounter something and it has a particular effect on you. Then you revisit it again later and it has a different effect on you, potentially a richer effect on you. This is because of your dynamically evolving energy state. It may even have a diminished effect. This is all about your energy state because everything is harmonics, everything is vibration, and we perceive and connect with what’s resonant with us. In all realms of focus.

That’s the essence, in a way, of the law of attraction which says: like and like are coming together, drawn together. That’s how things are organized. Everything is organized energetically based on vibrational resonance, and time and space are organized by vibration.

Okay, so we’re going to say one more thing about this because it may not be evident to all of you. Time is part of our experience so everything doesn’t happen at once, so that we have an unfolding experience, and space is part of our experience so that everything doesn’t happen to me and everything doesn’t happen to you. Some of it happens to me and some of it happens to you based on where we are in space which and what we connect with is still what we’re resonant with, and so space and time help facilitate what we experience as personal reality.

We couldn’t have a personal experience of our life if there were not space and time, so space and times are fundamentals to our experience, and our experience of space and time unfolding is what we think of as life.

The version of each moment of space and time that we experience is about our energy and what’s resonant with our energy, and what momentums we’ve had going on.

Any time you think of it, taking a moment to optimize your energy state by elevating your vibration, and you know when you feel better and you’re elevated more because you feel better, and making it a point in your life to optimize your energy state is making it a point to be in alignment more often, and alignment, as we’ve said before, is clarity.

Alignment is physical wellbeing. Alignment is the way to financial abundance. Alignment is authenticity. It’s you being purely you, following the expanded-ness that is you as you’re guided in your embodied experience, so alignment is it!

Optimizing your energy makes that possible in the most fulfilled optimized way, moment to moment.


Hello, Divine Ones,

It’s great to be with you and we’re excited that we just had this ability to prompt Ailia and explain this a little bit. It takes hearing these things multiple times often to really grasp them, and more than grasp them, hold on to them because really a lot of you understand what’s being shared here. You get it. When you hear it, you get it, and yet to live it is different.

To live it is different. For the orientation to this and the leveraging of it and the skillful making it work for you, to become your standard state of being is different. As we talked about in our last conversation, even though this approach is simple, it’s not necessarily easy. It’s not easy because it’s different than how you’ve been living. So it is lovely for us to have this chance to connect with you and share with you transmissions that support you in reclaiming who you truly are. As you remember all this you liberate expanded cpacities and empower yourself to be who you truly are; to live in alignment with all you are, and be the being that you are, fully, here.

The real you is abundant and free and capable and expansive and flowing and eternal and perfect.

You can know the perfection of who you are in your embodiment and some people would say that’s far-fetched, and that’s okay because you don’t need anybody else to agree with this approach to living for it to be your approach and for you to get all the benefits of it. You are free and capable and without limitation, and you can experience yourself directly in this way.

To live this way in your embodiment is a radical notion to be sure for so many on Earth simply accept limitations. Because they accept limitations, they make limitation real in their experience. Believing in something, giving it your attention can and does make it very solid in your experience. So the sense that there are limitations and rules is quite real for most people. The stories and ideas that are out in the world, that are commonly held are often starting from a place that say there are boundaries, and these boundaries include your limitations and rules, and the equations too, of “what you must do to get what you want. Often some idea that you must do this, to get that.” A transactional relationship, a karmic relationship to embodiment.

Most people live their lives believing all these things are solid and questioning very little. In fact, there are very few rules that are part of your experience. There are the ones Ailia was just talking about, such as everything is vibration, you are eternal, that energy is organized through resonance. We would add to that that gravity keeps things in space organized. The most important of these is that you sovereignly create your energy is energy itself is organized by vibrational resonance, so it’s organized by infinite intelligence or what people call the law of attraction.

Energy is organized such that your state of being draws to you the essence of that which you are. Or another way to say that – that which is active in your vibration, in your energy can come into your experience.

You have many active vibrations and many thought-forms and beliefs that are also within your energy but inactive. You are free to dynamically alter your state of being – what’s active and what’s not – moment to moment. Your feelings indicate what your state of being is relative to the fullness of who you really are. And because you can chose how you’re focused you’re absolutely free. Beyond those fundamentals, are the implications of them such as you are free to make your experience whatever you wish, and yet so many people don’t really feel free to do that.

Some of you are still not feeling really at liberty to have the financial abundance you want, and we noticed this in the Q&A last week when there was a question which kind of expressed, “When so many people are poor, how can it be okay for me to have this immense financial abundance unless, of course, I use it to help everybody else?” So today we want to talk a little bit about these ideas of being sovereign and self-referencing, and to assist you with that.

Most human beings have some kind of idea about what it means to make yourself the priority, so we’d like you to check in with yourself right now and get a feel for your own trending belief system on this topic.

How do you feel about putting yourself first?

Just notice how you feel. Don’t feel bad about it. Don’t make yourself wrong. Just notice how do you feel about making yourself the priority and putting yourself first.

What we know is that most human beings, because there are prevailing ideas in your world, feel that putting yourself first is somehow at odds with caring about other people.

Somehow there is this idea that’s really well established in your world that when you put yourself first, that choice somehow does not benefit others. There is a pattern of thought which implies that in order to help others, you have to put them first, in order to prove that you care about others, you have to put them first, in order to demonstrate your love for another, you have to care and act like you care about how they feel, not how you feel. It makes you hesitant to do what you want and follow your spirit, in essence because you’re not sure it’s really “good” or “right” to put yourself first.

There is this way of thinking which puts at odds your choice or the choice we’re suggesting you make – to please yourself – with the idea that you might also have desires for other people to have happy, good lives, and this is a huge misunderstanding. Seeing it more clearly and dropping the misunderstanding empowers you to claim the freedom of who you really are.

Human beings have this idea in general that if you pay attention to yourself, you’re somehow going to hurt someone else. Not even that maybe it’s not so great, but that often there’s this idea that if you do so, someone else will pay for it. This is very backwards because, in fact, the more self-referencing you are, the more you have to give. We’re not suggesting you become self-referencing so that you can give to others. We’re suggesting you become self-referencing because sovereignty? It’s who you truly are.

Living in alignment is your normal state, and part of embodiment is the opportunity to reclaim that in a realm in which having access to it makes being here really fun. When you are putting yourself first and paying attention to how you feel, you’re in greater alignment. In this state, you’re easy to be around. You’re not showing up with other people asking or wanting or needing them to do something in particular so that you feel good. You’re not creating relationships in which you make someone else feel good and they do the same for you. You’ve moved beyond transactional and karmic relationships and into an unconditional confidence about creating your state. Your consciousness and you, are elevated. Imagine that and what it’s like to be around people who are unconditionally happy?

A lot of people have these kind of relationships which are about making one another happy, which are often called codependent relationships, relationships where each of them stand on their head in order to please the other and get annoyed when the other person stops acting this way.

When you are instead, pleasing you, embracing your sovereignty by being self-referencing, you show up fully resourced, aligned, happy, clear, abundant, radiant with wellbeing. It is from this state of being that you can actually really share your gifts.

The most beneficial way to share anything in life — in your personal life, in your business life, at your job, in any kind of relationship — is to share from a space of more than enough. I have more than enough. I’d love to share it! Be it money, be it ideas, be it time or energy, be it insight.

Sharing from more than enough is real sharing. It’s real sharing, but when you don’t have enough and you share? That is a mixed thing. You all know this. You all have had experiences when you were young where someone made you share something you really didn’t want to share. What was that like?

Usually in this experience there was resentment there. There was some kind of idea internalized that you were to give up what you wanted even if you didn’t want to do it. Even if that didn’t feel good to you. There was this message that it wasn’t okay to want something just for yourself. Can you see that hesitancy to do what matters to you in your life now? Of course you can – you learned this early on.

When someone you love tells you to, and then you share something with someone else that you really don’t want to give up, you resent the other person. It changes your relationship with them and it takes you out of alignment with who you really are.

It doesn’t have to be that way, but it’s often how it is, particularly when you’re young. Usually someone else is coercing you to act in such a way. Then the other part of this? When you’re young and you’re taught to share when you really don’t want to, what happens? The person who is trying to get you to share, they’re pleased with you. They tell you so. They affirm this out of alignment mode of being.

That’s the last part of this equation: you learn that you can get the love of the important person – usually an adult in your life – through doing things they think you should do, regardless of what you want. And then? Stuff in life starts to get confusing.

So at this point, now, understanding that everything is vibration and everything is organized energetically through resonance, we’re asking you to reconsider your relationship to sharing and to putting yourself first.

We want to encourage you to consider that you might have learned, as most humans do, that you can get attention from others when you please them and this has made life confusing for you. It’s made it hard for you to put yourself first and do what matters to you and feel at liberty to make your life as joyful as you crave it to be.

When you please other people and they express affection for you, they place positive attention on you, they’re kind of giving you an experience that isn’t the same as being in alignment, but it’s similar in the sense that you get more energy because attention is energy.

So when you’re taught that the way to get more energy is through pleasing others and then you internalize that pattern, then when someone comes along as we are in this conversation and encourages you to put yourself first, you’re inclined to pause.

You’re inclined to distrust that because you’ve got years upon years upon years of experience in which really nice things have happened in your life because you did what other people wanted you to do.

What we want you to try in this experiment, which we’ll remind you is how we’re asking you to play with all of this, as an experiment in which you will discern if it’s to your benefit or not. To discover not because we say it, but because you discover that you like it and therefore wish to continue with it… In this experiment we’re suggesting that you discover what it’s like to have that flow of energy from all that you are. To instead choose alignment, choose feeling good and let all that you are, the Source within you, fulfill you. And to feel what it’s like to show up fulfilled, fully resourced, clear, in well-being, elated, elevated, flowing freely, connected to the real you, your non-physical wholeness.

Discover having momentum because of the alignment with all that you are, and to discover how good it feels to be in that space and how much other people benefit from you being in that space. There is nothing more wonderful than a person who is unconditionally lined up with who they really are being in your presence.

You all have been with people like this when their energy is so good that it’s just fun and light and easy to be around them. Well, that’s who you can be when you make you the priority.

We invite you today, to consider anything which might be holding you back from feeling at liberty to make your alignment the priority. Your alignment is the direct way to facilitate an expanded experience of everything you want, and yes, it’s also possible to get things you want through using those other kinds of pathways. It’s possible to get what you want on pathways in which you do things to please people and they give you things, pathways in which you work hard and because you believe in it, it produces results. They work the same way – law of attraction makes them real, because you believe in them and act upon that belief. What you think is real and important is what is real and important to you.

So yes – those are options too, but we’re suggesting an option that allows you to really experience yourself as you truly are: free.

Free, and expansive and creative and thriving with radiant well-being and fulfilled in a sustained, steady flow of clarity and energy from within. That’s the path we’re talking about.

Today we ask you to consider thoughtfully and gently if there is some part of you that feels if you really put yourself first, you might not be a good person. You might hurt others. You might be violating some unwritten taboo in your culture and in the world. If that belief system still exists within you, we would encourage you to spend some time thinking differently about what it might mean not just for you, but for everyone you care about and for the world at large if you were in a steady state of alignment and inherently fulfilled.

We are complete.
We are the Council of Radiant Light.

» Source – Channel: Ailia Mira

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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