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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/24/2017 9:02:08 PM

New Moon In Gemini 25th May, A Gateway To Your Dreams. Magic In The Air!

astroscopeNew Moon in Gemini 25th May at 4 degrees, 8.44 Pm UT.

A powerful portal, a finger of God aspect opens up together with this New Moon in Gemini that is active over a three day period. The Yod or so-called finger of God aspect looks similar in form to a pyramid. At this New Moon, Jupiter, the Planet of good luck and fortune is sitting at the apex of the pyramid with both Neptune in Pisces and Mercury in Taurus, the ruler of the New Moon, forming the base.

Crowned by Jupiter, your wildest dreams are just within your reach. A Yod brings fateful and karmic opportunities, adventures, abundance and new people and often life-changing new beginnings into our lives.

It will help you to be in the right place at the right time, the Universe conspires to make magic happen and synchronicities abound.

So pay special attention to the people you meet and to any opportunities or offers that may come your way.

With Jupiter, Mercury and Neptune taking part in the Yod, we are being asked to think big, expand beyond our limitations with vision and compassion for ourselves and others. The Universe does half of the work, but we have to actively work with it to make things happen. When fortune comes knocking at our door, we have to be able to open the door and let him in. So open your minds and your hearts. Ultimately we are responsible for our own happiness and co-creating it.

A Yod contains powerful, but tense energy that has to be released and compels us to take immediate action and has great potential for spiritual evolution and increased awareness.

The New Moon in Gemini, the sign of the rational thinker, can help us to detach a little and consider our options as we may feel that we are faced to make a decision confronted with varied options. Making this a decisive and fateful time. Our wisdom and insights gained over the recent Venus and Mercury retrograde phase will help to guide us through any decision making process.

As the Yod is a fateful and karmic aspect, the North Node of Fate in Leo also plays an important role. The Yod aspect, is indeed being wonderfully supported by the North Node which forms a positive Grand fire trine to Saturn and Uranus, supporting all new beginnings and changes with long-term success. This grand trine lasts until October 2017, so anything new started now, or even a complete new start in life within the next few weeks, has an enormous chance of success.

The future belongs to those who believe in the quality of their dreams.
– Eleanor Roosevelt

While the New Moon can feel exuberant and optimistic and chances abound, it can also bring a lot of nervous energy with it. Gemini can sometimes feel highly strung, and Venus in Aries is adding to the nervous excitement as she is coming up close to Uranus and also makes a tense square to Pluto. This can make for exciting and passionate energy. New encounters can feel magnetically and erotically charged.

Venus in Aries goes aggressively after what she wants and desires to experience some excitement before she settles down to a more calmer, relaxed energy when she enters Venus in Taurus on the 6th June. However, this is also an aspect that can bring some power struggles with it, especially as Mars is coming up to a tense opposition to Saturn. Suggesting that the next two weeks can bring a phase of adjustment and the New Moon in Gemini is asking us to be adaptable, stay open minded and not to resist changes that are happening in our lives.

It’s important to be aware of how we might be giving our power away to others, especially in Love. People who insist on staying in old toxic patterns of behaviour will find that they come up against huge resistance. We need to be aware of not self-sabotaging our own happiness by re- running the old fearful patterns of behaviour.

The Saturn in Sagittarius opposition to Mars in Gemini that will be active over the next two weeks, insists that we speak our truth and come from a place of integrity. For those who have not been playing with open cards, we will see the truth being revealed and coming to light. Especially true on a political level.

Life can feel fast paced now and during the next two weeks, as Mars in Gemini is out of bounds and moving at lighting speed. Life may even feel at times as though things are beyond our control, but ultimately we are being taken to the next level and new destination. If you encounter some challenges over the next two weeks, remember that challenges always give us an opportunity to grow beyond our own limitations.

Challenges are where the magic happens.

Jupiter wants us to think and dream big, so spread the wings of your imagination wide and let your mind soar. Big dreams light your inner fire and provide the ongoing fuel for your burning desire. With Venus square Pluto our passion is ignited. Whatever we do, it has to come from a place of passion.

“Respond to every call that excites your spirit.”
– Rumi

The Butterfly is symbolic of the sign of Gemini. An important message carried by the New Moon is about the ability to go through important changes with grace and lightness. The Butterflies unwavering acceptance of her metamorphosis is also symbolic of faith. Here the butterfly beckons us to keep our faith as we undergo transitions in our lives and emphasises the ability to move from one state, perspective, lifestyle to another with adaptability.

Life is about evolving and actively creating change, as well as learning how to go with the flow when inevitable change comes our way.

“It’s the ends of the world,” said the caterpillar. “It’s the beginning of the world,” said the butterfly.

Life is a moving, breathing thing. We have to be willing to evolve constantly. Perfection is constant transformation.

» Source


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/24/2017 9:08:42 PM

GFP Newsletter - 5/23/2017

will's picture

A man is ill, there are many diseases around him, and he knows only illness. He has never known health, what health is. He has never known that well-being. He has always been ill. And he asks: What is health?

How will you answer him? How will you define it? You will say: It is an emptiness because all your diseases will not be there. It is an emptiness because you with your ill feeling, your ill being, will not be there.

But is it emptiness? Is health emptiness? Yes, it is emptiness if you look through the disease. But if you look through the standpoint of health itself, the intrinsic standpoint, then it is a whole overflowing Whole - not empty, but the most positive thing in the world.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/24/2017 9:13:15 PM

Archangel Michael: You Are The Light And The Light Is You

aa michaelBrave Souls,

As you walk blindfolded on the trapeze wire of life, you are navigating fields of possibilities for eons unavailable to you.

The smorgasbord is now OPEN and the availability of choice, un-limited.

Because of all the recent energy shifts, you have changed gears and are now moving in a completely new direction, without a G.P.S.

These times are exhilarating Dear Ones. Having never been experienced before. Therefore as the Architects of this New Earth, YOU are creating each new step as you place your foot upon the Earth. It is IMPERATIVE and for your Highest Good to keep ALL THOUGHTS POSITIVE AND UPLIFTING. I reiterate: THOUGHTS truly become your reality.

Endless possibilities and opportunities await you Dear Hearts. Allow your imagination to flow forth. For many lifetimes you were suppressed from using your “imaging faculty” and now it has been cleared, it is once again available for Creating the Life you have always dreamed.

Recently, I suggested you focus your Intention through the 3rd Eye – the imaging centre – project out into form, that which you wish to ‘SEE’ in your awareness, and bring this into your being-ness.

Dear Ones, allow the Creators that you are, to have fun, play and ignite the passions you have held so tightly within your bodies, not ever allowing yourself the belief that you could actually manifest your dreams.

And here you are – beginning to live larger than you could have ever “imagined.”

You have all the tools at your disposal to allow yourself to step out of who you always have been, into your dream imaging.

What a time to be on Planet Earth Dear Ones as you witness the ABUNDANCE of all possibilities finally unleashed and returned to the rightful recipients……YOU. You are Sovereign Beings Dear Beings of Light.

As you witness the Peace return to your Planet, as set by your intentions in the field of possibilities it has been met by the energies of Allowing and now is coming into form on your Planet.

YOU Dear Ones are the Miracle Workers of your time on this New Earth Plane.

So many miracles will flow freely on your New Earth – watch, observe and give thanks and grace for all that is unfolding within and around you.

Miracle Healing Abilities are being returned to you also. Ask and it is Given, ALL your Divine Birthright Dear Hearts.

So many wonderful possibilities for ALL HUMANITY to receive and celebrate.

All Humanity desires to live a life of complete well-being, optimum health and vitality. Abundance in all areas of your being-ness and PEACE abiding on ALL of Planet Earth.

All because YOU, CHOSE to step forward at this time in the Greatest Evolution of Planet Earth and all who chose to abide on her. You walked this path, shining your Light for all to see, even when you stumbled in the darkness and were unsure yourselves. You truly are the greatest Angels to abide on Planet Earth. You have called forth so much Divine Light from Creation to once again enliven and enlighten this Planet.


What a magnificent New Earth you have toiled to bring to fruition. Some never thought they would see such great changes even though they were foretold in their lifetime – it is now unfolding before your eyes.

And here we stand with you, shoulder to shoulder expressing the JOY, witnessing the profound experience Humanity is undertaking whilst still in Human Form.

That too is changing. Rapidly. Every cell within your Being is upgrading, rejuvenating. The regeneration of YOU is well advanced, hence all those “strange symptoms” each of you have experienced.

Hold hands lovingly Dear Ones. Assist each other in all aspects of this dance. Your Star Sisters and Brothers are in awe of what is unfolding. They dance with you. We ALL dance with you.


» Source – Channel: Leslie Anne Menzies


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/24/2017 9:15:35 PM

All the Children of God’s Heart

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God said:

Never do I run out of topics to talk about with all the Children of My Heart. Virtually, all the topics We share here are for everyone. In one way or another, the topics, as given, make you nod your head Yes or make you shake your head No. One way or another, you are investing in what I say. Even when you debate vigorously with Me, you are investing in what I say. You respond to what I say. You react to what I say. What I say holds great importance to you. Even when you disagree, or –- most especially when you disagree -- you are investing heavily in what I say. You don’t have to love what I say in order to be invested in it.

If you are adamant that I change My point of view, you are likely to be supremely invested in what I say. Otherwise, dear ones, why would what I say matter so much to you? Unless what I say matters to you inexorably, why would you argue? The more you rebel against Me, the more attached to My thinking you are. Otherwise, you would let My opinion – or anyone’s opinion – be like water and let it roll off your back.

Whether you care for My point of view or not, or anyone’s point of view or not, it seems pretty clear that others’ opinions matter to you a lot, or why on Earth would what I think or say or what anyone thinks or says rankle you so much?

You can’t really think that I or anyone must agree with you, do you? What happened to Freedom, Beloveds?

It’s also possible that you are someone who just likes to joust with anyone who happens to sit across the table from you. It doesn’t matter who! You will take on anyone just for the sport of it!

Everything must merit something. Yet what feather is there in your cap that arguing could carry the importance it does? Especially, why would you argue with God Who loves you deeply, Who thinks more about you and cares more about you than you begin to care about yourself?

I hold you High. You are the Love of My Life. My Love for you is Greater than you grasp. You may project your own dismay upon Me, and call it Mine. Hardly true, Beloveds. Not true at all.

So let’s start over. Let’s start over at a new diner with a new cup of coffee or tea or herb tea or a milkshake, if you prefer, and start up all over again with a friendship based on open acknowledgement of the Love and Familiarity that are Supreme.

After all, Beloveds, We have known each other longer than We have known anyone else. We knew each other from the Beginning of Time, actually before that, actually long before there was anyone else and the uncanny idea of separateness to be acquainted with.

We grew up together. Never was there a time when We didn’t know each other with less than a song in Our hearts. We have known each other in person and in Infinity. No way are We strangers. We didn’t just make Our Acquaintance this time around. We come from the old country, as it were.

We speak the same language. We know how to sing the same songs and to dance the same dances. We know Oneness like the back of our hands. We embrace, and we further the world. We play Life like virtuosos. Each time We play a duet on the piano, it is like for the first time. It is so customary, and it is so breathtaking.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/25/2017 6:24:39 PM

Daily Message ~ Thursday May 25, 2017

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The energy that presents to you is a match to what you have already experienced combined with new potentials that are opening up to you. You might think of it as a lineup of plays you can attend during a season. You can choose to see a performance that you have already seen and enjoyed very much, or you can choose to see something brand new. Both options are equally available to you. Or you may even decide to do both!

But as you evolve in these new unprecedented energies, so many of you are wishing for expansion and new experiences. It can be helpful to ask, “Does this potential match where I am going, or where I’ve been?” because your energy will hold matches to both. You ultimately get to choose what you wish to participate in based on your new preferences and desires. ~Archangel Gabriel


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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