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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/3/2017 6:39:45 PM

Message from Montague for Monday, 1 May 2017

May I respectfully remind you, my dear, that you are no spring chicken. You must try to pace yourself. The work you have undertaken to help release energy from many places in your world, takes time, and is proceeding nicely. Opening vortexes worldwide in order to allow the good energy to flow freely is very worthwhile. Transforming the evil energy that was implanted in the most unexpected places is also of great importance. That you and our friend can do this together is good. You are certainly covering parts of the world that you never expected to connect with. If people could be encouraged to take up this work for the benefit of all, then the transformation of your world would speed up tremendously. Doing this opens the prison gates that have held you captive in a life that can only be described as a struggle for your very existence.

The problem is that you have allowed an alien race to take over your world and make slaves of you. You are only now waking up to this fact, and you are looking for the answers. They are the 1% and you are the 99%. You do not need them, but they need you. As the light of truth is now flooding the Earth, all becomes clear and you can take action. Refuse to comply with their unrealistic demands. The main COSH they use to keep you in check, is (of course) MONEY. They invented the money system for this very purpose. Banks have been their most useful tool and they have used them against you in every possible way. Their great fear is that you will wake up and see what they are doing.

They are parasites which exist on the suffering of humanity. You know what to do with them: you remove them and ensure that they never return. The door must be shut firmly behind them. THEY WILL GO, for they cannot stand up to an awakened humanity. They are losing ground by the minute. They have satanically sacrificed your children so that they can drink their blood and eat their flesh, as that alone sustains them on Earth. This practice can no longer be hidden. It has taken many years for this to come out into the open where it can be discussed openly. This, my friends, is one huge step forward. Do not allow this to be hidden again: deal with it !

Your friends from abroad (as Veronica and I like to call them) are being vigilant. They are thwarting all attempts to start World War 3. You have friends off-planet, as well as in the afterlife, who have devoted themselves to protecting humanity and the Earth. Work with them and trust that your purpose at this time is to protect and preserve humanity. You want your children to have a happy experience on Earth. Not the nightmare that you have had to endure. You do not have to look for the parasites, for they are in your face, 24 hours a day, making demands on you. It is time to say goodbye to them. You must ensure that you never again allow yourselves to be smooth-talked into allowing them to get a foothold in the world. You want your children to be safe, and to have a life without fear, in a world where peace and respect for all of humanity is the norm.

These parasites make the weapons that they want you to use on your fellow man. Think about that . . . they pay you to kill and destroy the rest of humanity. What other species on Earth would want that? War is used to wipe out humanity NO MATTER HOW IT IS DRESSED UP. When they cannot have a war, they ensure that there is FAMINE, FLOOD, or an OUTBREAK OF DISEASE. These things create the energy of death and suffering which the parasites require.

Humanity is waking up and the Earth is becoming free of their control. You must now show the courage and the will to see this through. They can no longer use their old methods of control, so they are searching for new ideas. They find themselves exposed, without plans to cope with this situation, as it was never expected that man would wake up. After all, they have poisoned your food, air, and water, and filled your minds with absolute rubbish on TV and in the newspapers. They have controlled every aspect of your lives. Now, you are in a position to call them to account, and you intend to do so.

This is your great opportunity to live life as it should be lived. The parasites will threaten you; so call their bluff, as they cannot hurt you without your assistance. You have the upper hand, so use it to free yourselves from the bondage of slavery. When the beautiful energy flows freely throughout your world, plants will grow, and you will enjoy good wholesome food, drink water without the poisonous fluoride, and breathe unpolluted air once more. All the illnesses created by these despicable practices will be a thing of the past. They will go with the parasites, never to return.

The great awakening is happening NOW, so keep up the momentum. The path forward has opened up before you, and all you have to do is say goodbye to the past as you create the future of your dreams. Do not be so foolish as to allow the parasites to threaten you. They will use TV and the Press, but you know the truth and you cannot close your eyes to it once they have been opened. Base your judgment on solid evidence that you have taken the time to research for yourself and shared with others. You have taken massive steps towards your goal. Freedom awaits you. You can feel the energy rising. It cannot be stopped.

Your prayers are urgently requested to help rescue the young man who is in jail in the United States, falsely accused of a crime that never happened. Your thoughts and prayers could be instrumental in his release. Please help him.

My dear, please try to get some rest. There is a lot resting on your shoulders.

Always, your adoring, Monty.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/3/2017 6:51:04 PM

Daily Message ~ Wednesday May 3, 2017

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Dear Ones, your faith and trust, together, allow you to experience the feeling of being safe, loved, and guided. When you feel safe, loved, and guided it is far easier for you to be safe, loving guides for others, as well. It is an energy that spreads out – that stabilizes, balances, and serves – beautifully and consistently, and is the core foundation that you seek. ~Archangel Gabriel


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/3/2017 6:55:47 PM

Our God-Self via Ute Posegga-Rudel: Truth is Happiness

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Nothing is as it seems to be.
Truth is hidden, although it is obvious.

Mankind has been seduced to believe in lies convinced they are truth.

Therefore there is so much suffering because only what is true and right allows universal energy to flow in a benign and perfect way. Without interference, without obstruction.

When you live as My Truth, all and everything is straightened out. Upright, strong with integrity. Full of life force, radiant, happy.

Where there is suffering, life has not been lived according to My Divine Law. Its sign is Joy, Love, Compassion, Freedom, Ecstasy, Radiant Light and Natural Service to one another. A consciousness that understands the interconnectedness and unity of all beings does not hurt neither an other nor self.

I AM That. Mankind has forgotten that all of THAT IS TRUTH. When there is Happiness, It Is because of living Truth. Un-truth is un-happy. Such is the Law.

But I do not Speak of a happiness because you got this special ice cream, or did this beautiful boat trip, or your lover gave you the gifts and attention you expected to become happy. Or whether you got a lover at all.

My Happiness is free of all those conditions. It is your natural State of Being. It is unconditional Happiness and entirely independent of external events. It is not a ‘becoming happy’ by an external trigger. Because I AM, and the Happiness I AM is forever Free of all conditions of the worlds and universes.

This Happiness is yours eternally when your blinding bondage to illusionary things, beings and worlds has been severed. When I AM your True Fulfilment and therefore Freedom, bonded to Me.

Then you Stand in My Unwavering Truth, not bent by the things of broken light, but all your energies freely moving, Love filling your entire body, no separation, your mind sparkling with sublime bliss. Your Heart One with Me. Expanded to Infinity as Love-Bliss-Consciousness. One without a Second. Only My Utter and Pure Simplicity.

This Is because you live My Truth whole-Heartedly, Enjoying Me, not submitted to false mirror-worlds of illusion-lands, light or dark.

I AM the Conscious Light beyond the dual play of opposites. In Me you are being resurrected again and you look neither to the right nor to the left, with feeling of deepest heart-compassion in service to the world.

This is Truth, and if you live with this vision in your heart, everything resumes its original shape and follows their original Divine destination in the full current of abundant, living life. Happiness!

I AM your God-Self, The One Self of All!

Message conveyed by Ute

“Our God-Self: Truth is Happiness,” channeled by Ute Posegga-Rudel, May 3, 2017, at

Source Link: Ute Posegga-Rudel Messages from the Realms of Light

Copyright© 2017. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, Please post your comments on my blog so that I can be aware of them. Please share this message only together with this information and without changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me Thank you

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/3/2017 6:58:09 PM

The Psychic Abilities Of Each Zodiac Sign

astrology eraoflightAll the people in the world have psychic abilities. Accepting this is the first step in harnessing our own powers.

While this is generally a simple and well-understood concept, it gets a little more complicated when ascertaining exactly what type of psychic powers we all possess

Each person you meet can tap into the collective unconscious and extract something. It takespractice, confidence and the ability to discern between what you want and what you feel. Most importantly, though, is to know the limits of your own sign of the zodiac.

Your psychic abilities are tied to your astrological birth sign. If you know your sign, you can learn to focus on the specific psychic abilities you possess.

Psychic Powers By Zodiac Sign

Aries March 21 – April 19

Right Place, Right Time

Your psychic ability is finding the next big thing. For example, while simply walking aimlessly, you come upon a party and discover a performer who is honing his or her act in front of ten friends and some family, who will sell millions of dollars’ worth of concert tickets next year. You’re a talent magnet!

Taurus April 20 – May 20

Sensing The Invisible Border

The Bull taps deep into understanding boundaries. You avoid tension by never crossing the invisible line of acceptable behavior that every person establishes. You can sense when someone is trying to get past your personal barriers and are fearless in confronting these interlocutions before they get too deep.

Gemini May 21 – June 21

Finding The Words

The Twin is heavily connected to the five senses, so powerfully in fact, that a sixth sense is almost not needed. The Twin is a natural speaker of the right words. You will often be asked, “How did you know that?” and have no concrete answer. You just knew it. Your psychic sense pulls the right words out of thin air.

Cancer June 22 – July 22

Trusting Your Gut

The reason you know what is going to happen, psychically, is that your emotional sensibilities are able to feel what others are feeling. If you feel a bully is actually tentative under an aggressive posture, your aggression will be seen as bravado when in reality it was psychic empathy in action.

Leo July 23 – August 22

Timing Is Everything

You are connected, psychically, almost magnetically, to the rhythm of life, moment by moment. You know exactly when to show up. If the party starts at 6:00 PM and you do not get there until 9:30, suddenly, the boring affair will start rockin’. You know when to arrive, when to speak up, and when to make your move.

Virgo August 23 – September 22

Sensing Opportunities And Threats

Your ability to know information before it is released and to formulate a correct prognosis might seem like a stroke of genius. Your psychic sense of what the building will look like next year on today’s vacant lot allows you to know when to move into a neighborhood that is about to be a better place to raise a family.

Libra September 23 – October 22

Knowing The Other Better Than Yourself

Your psychic ability is to read other people, to understand their motives, and to know what their next move will be even before they know. But there is a blind spot. It is the mirror. You do not know yourself well enough to see your own accomplishments in a correct light. You also lose your sixth sense when someone gets close to you.

Scorpio October 23 – November 21

Filtering Out The Surface Layer

Your hunger for deep affection has an intense physical expression. The verbal is almost always an annoyance. Words get in the way in your pursuit of passion and you know a flirt from someone who really wants love. The ability to read lust and reel it in is your psychic power – and you can tell when someone is genuinely interested in a friend as well.

Sagittarius November 22 – December 21

Divining Success

Your sign has a natural optimism because you know ahead of time exactly where the opportunities are. While other people look at charts and graphs and hire consultants, you already know where and when to take the gamble, be it in business or in love. Your rate of success in pursuing gains is enviable.

Capricorn December 22 – January 19

Knowing The Pace

Some people suddenly stop doing what they are doing. They quit their job and move. They sell the house. Capricorns psychically know the pace of life. When it is time to grow, you start before any clues are out there or any information is available. You make radical changes in your life at the right time and move up the ladder of success at a steady pace.

Aquarius January 20 – February 18

Mind Reading

The ability to get what you want from other people is an Aquarian’s innate talent and you wield it as an art form. You could ask for what you want, but you already know what the other person is looking for and can package your needs and desires as their wishes.

Pisces February 19 – March 20

Seeing The Entire Picture

Pisces is by far the most psychic sign of the zodiac. The big picture is your specialty. You know where all the parts of the puzzle are falling. Science fiction and other dimensions are facts and you can visit them through intense visions, channeling larger truths back to the rest of us bound to the earthly plane.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/3/2017 6:59:20 PM

GFP Newsletter - 5/2/2017

will's picture

'Normal' simply means normally-abnormal, nothing else. Normal simply means like everybody else - but how is everybody else? Everybody else is also neurotic, lukewarm neurotic. Psychiatry, psychoanalysis, and all trends in the West can make you more adjusted, normal, that's all. The maladjustment disappears; you become adjusted. But what do you become adjusted to? If the whole society is sick, you become adjusted to sickness. If the whole society is neurotic, you become adjusted to the neurosis.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)
