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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/2/2017 9:30:16 PM

GFP Newsletter - 5/1/2017

will's picture

Look at the cross on which Christ was crucified. It has two poles: one is horizontal on which his hands were nailed - that is ordinary time, that is living near the roadside, living in the market, living on the crossroads - and then, the depth. His whole body is on the vertical pole. That is going deeper, deeper. When you go for a swim you swim on the surface; that is horizontal. Then you dive deep; that is vertical. A meditator dives deep - a thinker moves on the surface. Thinking is like swimming. Meditation is not like swimming, it is diving deep; going to the same point but on a deeper and deeper layer.

Stop travelling, because travelling is on the surface. Be still, don't travel, remain in the moment; then you start falling into the abyss. You may be afraid and that may be the reason why you go on thinking of the past and the future. Because if you remain in the moment, you will fall into an endless abyss.

A depth opens and you are absorbed into it.

The ego cannot exist on the vertical, it can exist only on the horizontal. The mind cannot exist on the vertical, it can exist only on the horizontal. But the horizontal and vertical meet; that is the meeting of the two poles where they become a cross. They meet, they meet in the present moment - the present moment becomes the meeting point. There, the horizontal crosses the vertical.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/2/2017 9:31:25 PM

Sheldan Nidle 5/1/2017

sheldan_nidle7 Caban, 0 Moan, 13 Caban

Dratzo! The gradual and secure process continues to move forward. Each step ensures that the demise of the dark cabal is growing closer every day. The old USA, Inc. regime is seriously working on ways to delay this movement by forging the terrible conditions for a large-scale war. This process is to be thwarted when the new NESARA Republic is formally announced. Until then the delivery system is readying the distribution of special funds.

The flow of all the incredible amounts of currencies needs to be carefully checked by a security system that thus far has proven to be successful in achieving its many goals. Hence, we watch this process and are quite confident that it can, in due time, achieve all the distribution goals that it was initially assigned. This process has been measured in achieving its goals. Remember, there are vast amounts of cash that it daily must review and then allow to advance to its next assigned station. Yet despite any potential difficulties, all is well.

During all of this, vast sums of allotted currencies have remained stable and have been readied to move forward at the proper time. Creating this process was the result of numerous agreements that allowed for these movements to begin and prove their reliability and safety. Those who sanctioned all of this are quite sure that its original goals are to be eventually achieved. It is the purpose of this to distribute the funds and legally terminate the current world system.

At each stage, there are a number of security checks to see that each of these funds is still the same as was promised you. We ask that you understand that these monies need to be counted and recounted as part of the process. Hence, there is a logical reason for the thoroughness and other safety procedures needed at every stage. In due time, these funds will achieve their many glorious goals!

Namaste! We are Your Ascended Masters! Your amazing visions continue to hold and to provide a most blessed background for this wondrous miracle that is now occurring across this globe. As those in charge of delivery work their way forward, we prepare humanity for a most marvelous set of heavenly gifts. It is not only a grand prosperity, but also a new reality that includes NESARA, a new global banking system and a full release from debt slavery. You are truly on the verge of a most divine time in your lives!

We Masters are happy that you have maintained your joy, and realize that the ultimate goal is your gentle transformation back to your natural state of full consciousness. In this marvelous state, you can easily change this present solar system into your new star nation. In addition, you can take this new reality and complete the mission that your ancestors initiated when you landed on this blessed place some 900,000 years ago. You and the Agarthans are indeed to soon make amends.

Out of this has come your many experiences in this realm. We graciously bless all who presently come from afar to honor us by carrying out this magnificent, welcoming mission. It is to set Heaven’s agenda for returning this whole realm to its naturally pristine condition. The Agarthans have created many crystal cities that are to contain the Crystal Light Chambers to welcome you back to your Galactic Humanhood. After that is to come a series of events which we Masters are to divinely supervise. As has long been said, “To whom much is given, much is expected!”

Today, we carried on with our weekly report. Let this be a time when humanity truly began to sense that its divine mission was being fully accepted by the Light, and the path approved to permit all to receive their sacred destiny. A new reality is now on the verge of unfolding! Know, dear Ones, that the countless supply and never ending supply of Heaven is indeed yours! So Be it! Selamat Ja! Selamat Gajun! ( Sirian for Be in Joy! And Be One!


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/2/2017 9:36:20 PM

Walk on Rose Petals

Galactic Free Press's picture

God said:

Now that We have taken care of your disposition toward the world, what’s next?

Good cheer covers a lot of ground. It covers the ground you and others walk on with rose petals.

Now that you don’t have to be the star of the show, you can spend more time considering others now and assisting them. It’s fine to live a walk-on part and not be the the lead star. It would be great, in the production of life that is so filled with applicants for a starring role, to have one with a walk-on part who doesn’t have to have the accolades due a star.

To think: To have one performer who doesn’t have to have the applause. To think: To have one performer who doesn’t mind applauding for someone else. One performer who doesn’t mind cooking for the crowd. One performer who doesn’t have to be filled with accolades, who can, instead, give them, fill up others’ plates and be glad to.

It is better not to think that you get the left-overs. And if you might get the leftovers, does that indicate unworthiness? It might indicate how worthwhile you are.

Is there an expression: “He who eats last eats best?”

If there is not such an expression, then I just made it up. First or last, no matter. Be glad to be part of the crowd. You don’t have to ride in a limousine. You don’t really want that on your tombstone, do you? “Rode around in a limousine,” when you could have instead:

“Served others as himself.”

“Paved a path for others.”

“Led the way from the rear.”

“Forgot about his ego.”

“Didn’t have to frame his portrait.”

“Tipped his hat.”

“Was happy to give.”

“Knew how to give and give well.”

“Gave happiness. Gained greater happiness.”

“Left no one behind.”

“Didn’t have to honor himself.”

“Had enough joy for all.”

“Gave others a lift.”

“Forswore his ego.”

“Needed no embellishment.”

“Managed without ego.”

“Forgot himself. Remembered others.”

“Brought everyone along.”

“Carried his brother.”

“Didn’t have to be at the head of the line.”

“Could be silent.”

“Took his time.”

“Gave peace.”

“Listened to what people said.”

“Cared about what you said.”

“Did not jump to conclusions.”

“Gave everyone the benefit of the doubt.”

“Said, ‘Yes,’ a lot.”

“Said, ‘No,’ seldom.”

“What he said mattered.”

“He meant it.”

“He spoke for more than himself.”

“He spoke his Truth.”

“He opened doors.”

“He gave up his seat on the bus.”

“He didn’t ask for much. He gave a lot. Giving was receiving to him. He knew not the difference.”

“Life was not a penance.”

“His Life and another’s Life were the same.”

“He sailed on in Life, coming from the depths.”

I think I have said enough.

We allow this Heavenletter to be short and sweet.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/3/2017 6:22:28 PM

Angelic Guides via Taryn Crimi: Are You Having Trouble Trusting the Process?

Are you having trouble trusting the process? You are not alone. Today we would like to focus your attention upon trusting the process of your desired manifested goals.

In the beginning of this year we labeled this year as the year of “Propulsion.” We offered you the analogy of a bow and arrow to signify the energy that would be most prevalent this year. Just as you would pull a bow string back and set your sight on the target you wish to hit, and then release the bow which would then launch the arrow towards the desired destination many of you are in the midst of this very same process.

The first three months of your calendar year were meant to help you better recognize your desired outcomes and get clear about the goals you intended to accomplish. Now that this time period has passed, you could liken this time to the act of letting the arrow go. The discomfort that many of you feel wells up simply because the arrow is no longer in your possession and yet it has not reached its destination either. This is when trusting the process is imperative.

So we would like to take this time to soften those discomforts, to ease the distress by reminding you that everything is exactly as it should be. Each of you have deliberately molded your passions, your interests, your goals and dreams in more detail than ever before. You have taken a laser focus upon where you want this proverbial arrow to land.

The time has now come to let go of your arrow and trust that all is being delivered to you. You have done much of the ground work. You have used your discernment to better navigate towards what you want to create going forward. This year is about trusting the process.

We remind you that there is always so much going on behind the scenes, far past what the five physical senses can detect, that if you can rely more heavily upon your intuitive senses you will feel the energy that has been set in motion. And this is why we say, we remind you to trust in this process.

Once an archer has pulled his bow back, and taken aim with precision he must let the arrow fly, trusting that he has set the coordinates accurately and now it is up to gravity to pull the arrow into place. And so it is with all of you, this past year has felt trying, challenging, unnerving and unsettling to most but you have accomplished so very much through the process.

Now it is time to let go and watch the wondrous Universe pull your dreams and goals into the physical and so we encourage you to trust in this process.

We hope that we have served you in some way.

In love and light, we are your Angelic Guides

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Copyright © 2012-2017 by Taryn Crimi. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy, share and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.

Taryn Crimi

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/3/2017 6:25:31 PM

GaiaPortal 4-30-17… “Selenium additives are exposed for all to see”

New GaiaPortal update. The word “selenium” can, of course, refer to the metal, but I sense that this word is used since it relates to it’s Greek origin, “selēnē, moon (from selas, light, brightness)“. Could refer to an exposure of the light in all, perhaps refers to the “lunacy” we see popping out all over the place these days.

For further interpretations, I suggest checking Rosalie Parker and The Event Hub.


Selenium additives are exposed for all to see

Selenium additives are exposed for all to see.

Energetics from on High are illuminated and embraced.

Forgivings are offered and accepted.

Manuals are released.

Forbearance is required.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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