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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/23/2017 6:32:23 PM

AAM: Synchronicity Among Reval, Disclosure and Ascension – Part 2/2

(Concluded from Part 1, yesterday.)

In this excerpt from a personal reading with him through Linda Dillon, March 10, 2017, Archangel Michael acknowledges pockets of entitlement and arrogance among lightworkers, which are no longer acceptable.

He points to a level of spiritual maturity that will be needed to accomplish the work of the next, Post-Reval era. Thanks to Dana for our transcript.

Archangel Michael: But even within the Lightworker community, there are pockets of entitlement and arrogance that are not acceptable. So that needs to be very clear and it also needs to be cleared.

And if… Never mind. We will not say… Yes, I will say this. If they do not do it, it will be done for them. And that is not a threat. It is simply a necessity for the unfoldment of the Mother’s Plan.

Again, if there is not a vibratory match (and we don’t mean frequencies because your star brothers and sisters have the ability to adjust their frequencies. They are not simply physical shape shifters; they are frequency shape shifters as well) so, if there is not a match (and again; the emotional, mental, spiritual maturity to engage with them – not as them coming a saviours but as equals, as brothers and sisters, as family) then that could not occur. Especially the fear factor could not be present.

Now all of this is being cleared up. So is there an association between the Reval, between what you think of as Disclosure, which means the world community – yes, through leaders, coming together to say, “We welcome you”…

Steve Beckow: So a group disclosure…

AAM: Yes, we have said that before. So, a group disclosure and the ability to ascend as one rather than feeling that, “We are the Mother’s chosen ones and we get to go.” It is the ability to go as one.

So they are all like locked puzzle pieces. You are correct.

Steve: So how does the Reval… How can I say this? I’m trying to find out how they are linked up.

AAM: Think of it in this way. If you have a child – well, you do have a child – and you say, “Now you’re old enough I’m going to give you an allowance of a dollar a week. And out of that dollar a week I want you to be responsible to pay your Cub Scout dues and to take out the garbage and walk the dog.”

There is a sacred contract there and you are teaching responsibility because you have judged and you have discerned that your child is ready for that. It is not that you have removed your support or that you’re not watching very closely over them and then you monitor that.

That is why we have also said, (this is an aside) there will be several waves of abundance. So we give you the allowance and we see how you do.

If in your spiritual maturity, you go forth, and we believe you will (we strongly believe you will), [in the belief] that this unfoldment is underway and that you are demonstrating, not simply a primitive attitude or a tribal attitude but more of a global, universal attitude, then you are ready to not only meet with your star family but participate with them, their technology, their gifts, in community, to go forth in the next phase in the building of Nova Earth.

So then it becomes a cooperative venture, not something that is laid on and not something that you are doing all by yourself. It is an expansion that is beyond measure. Then in that expansion, you are also ready to reach a higher level of enlightenment.

Steve: Okay, so that is how they are related. In that expansion you are ready to reach a higher level of enlightenment. It’s not that the higher level of enlightenment comes first to help you with the expansion.

AAM: You have received several upgrades in terms of what you would think of as your levels of enlightenment. So it is not that those adjustments have been absent. But let us also say that right now if you were to complete your full ascension, many of you would not bother to stay and finish the creation of Nova Earth.

Steve: So you really have to meter it out to us, so to speak, so as not to send us flying off into some other pursuit?

AAM: That is correct.

Steve: But we will have enough to do the job, enough smarts, enough heart…

AAM: Think of it as growing every day. Then you are given more responsibility, more allowance, and more cooperation. You begin to fully see us and engage with us. Many of the Masters return. So that you’re given all that you need to expand like a flower blossoming.

Steve: Alright, that’s very clear. Thank you, very helpful. (1)


(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading through Linda Dillon, March 10, 2017.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/23/2017 6:50:15 PM


Caroline Oceana Ryan ~ A Message to Lightworkers - March 21, 2017


Greetings, fellow Light Beings!

We are pleased to have this time to speak with you today.

You have been traveling the equinox energies, and the shift in Light, as true Jedis in the making!

You are witnessing and aligning with not only Light in the sense that your cells are being transformed into higher frequencies, but Light data, in the sense that you are viewing yourselves and one another in renewed and higher ways.

We are aware that there is much unrest, uncertainty, and shadows of doubt crossing not only the minds of many individuals, but of whole cultures across your planet.

These may be seen not as obstacles, but as part of this tremendous shift to a higher plane, both in terms of physical matter and point of view—mass consciousness itself.

During these times when the Ascension process takes over so much of one’s day (and all of one’s night), it is natural and understandable that many would feel that things are slightly out of control, that even current outcomes are too uncertain to be trusted with feelings of peace and calm.

This is your moment, dear ones, to come out of the need for outcomes, for this "uncertain" moment holds the potential for a great leap forward in your evolvement.

For you have been taught that processes exist only for the outcomes they bring—that you work to create great financial abundance, for example, so that you will have that abundance.

Your soul knows differently.

He or she knows that you have incarnated here at this time for the evolvement itself. For the growth engendered by the journey, and not only for what the journey will bring.

And so there must be a love of growth, a relaxing of the grip of control and the need for outcomes as being the reason for the way forward, and a new respect and love for the way itself.

You are the way, as you have heard from numerous teachers.

You are the vessel that holds the Light that brings not only the abundance, but embodies the consciousness that says, “I AM abundance itself, as I AM Love, and I AM Light. I AM both the Creator and the created, and all is well.”

This is why you are here.

Not just to “get through” or "get by" and pay the bills, or to overcome the inequalities and crimes against humanity that have been occurring on Earth for centuries.

Nor are you here to only to gain outer learning and information—nor even to speak with us, though that can be a great encouragement and step forward.

Yet it is a step forward only because that moment of connecting with any of us of the higher realms reminds you that this is who and what you yourself are.

You are not then “reaching” into the higher realms; you are realizing in a single moment of synthesis that you are yourself the very stuff of the higher realms, embodied at present in one small human form.

And so in this time of renewal and turning of tides, we invite you to see yourself as not so small and helpless as you have been taught to see yourself, but to see the beautifully powerful spirit that cannot be held back, no matter what may happen to you outwardly.

Take a moment now to look at your energy, and to see that the aura and the many energy bodies in and around it flow out from your physical self in every direction.
Get a sense of how far your energies extend—then see them fill with a stream of higher Light that flows down from Alcyone, the Great Central Sun.

See the Light of your presence flow out from your body in every direction, till it fills your entire home, then your entire neighborhood, town, region, and country.

You will see now, that it continues to expand, flowing outward until it envelopes the entire planet, and beyond.

We use this process at the start of most of our guided meditations, because we wish to encourage every Light Being currently in human form to see how great and how extensive their energetic presence truly is.

Likewise, the influence of those energies.

Your influence—your energetic presence—extends in fact, to the whole of humankind, the whole of Earth, the whole of the galaxy.

So that when you are out and about doing your daily chores, and you see a child in distress, you are able to send Light to that child's high heart, which comforts and encourages them at a core level, and to simultaneously extend that Light to every child and young person on the Earth.

Extend it all in need of encouragement now.

For many struggle at present, feeling that the sadness or shock or disengagement—the loss they are feeling, must mean that their life is over, or nearly over, and that it is best if they leave their bodies altogether.

That is not what those emotions indicate, whether they occur in an adult or a youngster.

Those feelings are the result of the multitudinous adjustments of mind, body, and Spirit, to the powerful Light pouring onto the planet from the Cosmos.

Far from indicating the end of any life, they are indicating a beautiful new beginning, an introduction to a whole higher form of human expression on the Earth.

But first, much detoxification of lower energies must occur.

Of course the ego-mind, trained as it is for survival, assumes that the release of these old attachments, identifications, addictions, judgments, expectations, and reactions, must surely mean that the “end is near.”

The end of that which you no longer want or need, however, is not an occasion for panic or sadness.

Even in the midst of grief, anger, or refusal to move on, the human heart has the capacity to sense that a miracle is in the offing.

And what you are seeing now, on your planet, is nothing less than a miracle.

Are there numerous smokescreens being thrown up before your outer eyes and fear-trained mind, to convince you that things are running the opposite of how you dream they can be?

Yes, of course—those well-planned (though shakily executed) schemes are afoot.
Yet do you still imagine that “those in control” really are in control?

Or have you correctly surmised by now that you and your fellow Light Beings are the ones with the greatest co-Creational say here?

That you and your fellow humans, even those only just now beginning to awaken, are the ones to bring this New Earth into noticeable alignment with everyday life?

You have seen a great deal shifting, and have been emboldened and encouraged by it, or you would not even be reading these words.

You would be shoving aside this writing as if it were only so much “fairy tale nonsense” and moving on to the “hard news” that displays only what the old controllers deem fit for your consumption and their purposes.

Instead, you have met in this etheric space to agree with thousands of other Lightworkers (though only two or three are needed)—that yes, you will go out into the world today realizing that as Co-Creators of this new life, you are able, with only the smile that reassures or the encouraging word that bears witness to a higher reality, to carve from the block of marble that is Universal energy, a New Reality.

One where everyone is fed, housed, educated, and made well again.

Where all live in a peaceful environment, able to express their unique and irreplaceable gifts, and full of joy to do so.

Where families, couples, singles, and communities live according to the higher design of their own souls, rather than the programming of the old matrix.

Where Earth takes her place amidst the Intergalactic Confederation of Worlds, with humility and grace.

And when can that begin? you ask. When does this New Earth come in?

And yet that is our question to you.

For in truth, you have begun it, purely by being on the Earth at this time and anchoring the higher energies required for fifth dimensional thoughtforms and outer forms to become part of everyday living.

And we ask that you anchor them for yourselves as well.

To have the courage—the gall and the unheard-of audacity—to stop a negative thoughtform in its tracks and to remind it that“I Am creating something far higher than your worry, or your judgment, or sadness. You can come along, or you can keep quiet. It’s up to you.”

For this is what is needed now, dear ones!

This is why the old phrase “Jump in the saddle” is needed now.

For no one can rescue you from outer circumstances that you have yourself, on a higher level, placed there to put yourself in the position of having to realize and use your own co-Creative power.

You may believe us when we say that whatever you may be gifted with, or cured of, or or fulfilled by, you will create the same challenging circumstances again and again, until you understand:

“I AM abundance! I AM health and well-being! I AM self-love, and able to give and receive the Love of another! I AM. And that is all that is needed here.”

And indeed, it is, though you have yet, most of you, to grasp that fully.

Here is your road, your way forward. And we are with you at every moment of it.
Namaste, dear ones! You are coming to see your glory, and we rejoice to see it.

Copyright 2017, Caroline Oceana Ryan

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/23/2017 8:55:24 PM

You have chosen to be a part of the ascension of Planet Earth

148877038046750You have chosen to be a part of planetary ascension and this is essentially why you are here now. You may be feeling as though you are no longer a part of this world but know that you cannot completely take yourself out of this world because you being called to work with people who are still living in this world and in the illusion of the old paradigm.

You are learning how to adapt yourself to both worlds. And you will develop the level of unconditional love and compassion needed to do the work you have come here to do.

There are still many who do not understand who they are. These people have been called “the lost ones”, although in truth no one is ever lost. These people do not understand why their world is the way it is. They cannot accept their role as creators. They look outside of themselves for someone or something to blame, and they continue to believe that this has caused their reality to be what it is. Your work is to be among these people and to touch them with your light and with your love. This is all that is needed.You will do this by expressing the light and love within you. You will express your God Self by being the light, the vestibule, the channel (vessel/cup), the one who expresses unconditional love and compassion, understanding, kindness etc., whether that be with a smile, or by doing the grocery shopping for someone who is ill, or by washing the feet of an elderly person who can no longer do it for themselves, or by simply listening to their woes and being there for them in their hour of need. The world is filled with people in need of unconditional love and there is a multitude of different ways and possibilities open to you each day to make a difference in someone’s world, to light the spark or ignite the flame of Divine Love within.

When faced with a challenge ask yourself, “What would love do now” or “What would Jesus do?” Then allow the voice of Spirit to be felt in your heart. Allow the knowing of this to flow through you. The answer most times would be a simple one such as “Be true to yourself.” Know that when you are being true to yourself, you are to tuning into your heart, not the ego.

This is part of a series of initiations you will all go through; for all those who are wishing to embody 5th Dimensional consciousness.

You are learning to discern which choices lower your vibration and which choices support your rising energetic frequency. You will soon learn which choices are more in alignment with your highest intention because being out of alignment, even in the smallest way, will cause you to feel discomforted and unhappy.

Learning to stay out of judgment is one of the most challenging initiations you will go through before reaching the higher frequencies. The good, the bad and the ugly are all a part of you at some level. Getting your hands dirty once in a while forms part of the purification process. Become as innocent and accepting as a child. Allow yourself to feel vulnerable whilst knowing you are completely safe and protected. These are initiations into a World of Mastery.

Cease having any expectation whatsoever because expectation is a form of conditional love. Begin to see yourself as the grain of sand as well as the entire cosmos. There is nothing you are not. You created it, all of it.

We leave you with our absolute love and our blessing, and guide you to stay in your Heart, for it is there in your Sacred Space where you will find all you have ever needed and indeed, all you will ever need.


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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/23/2017 8:58:19 PM

Making Music for God

Galactic Free Press's picture

God said:

Beloveds, I hear you. I hear you say:

“Dear God, what a God You are. You don’t despair. You don’t lock any doors. You unlock the doors within me that I lock to myself.

“I put myself into a trance as if the Meaning of Life can only be temporary. The temporary may be likened to a coat of many colors that I cover my soul with. I make this coat all-important, as if I have no say about it when the actuality is that I have all the say in the world about it. I hold this coat to me and wrap it around me as if it were Life itself.

“I am indeed wrapped up in the surface of Life, as if this surface is all that there is. I cover myself up from Reality. I hide myself away in a pocket. I look not into the Mirror of Myself. I fritter my Life away.

“Of course, You would say that I uphold fiction with my every breath. I wrest fiction from the world and call it my own.

“Does this mean I carry a false self that I reveal to the world even as I try to cover up the falseness of me with various ruses? When I look into a little mirror of myself, I must see an illustration of myself, even a cartoon of myself. I would like to look at myself in a clear mirror and see my reflection as You, God, do see me.

“Sometimes I don’t feel that I exist. I just hang out here in Life, refusing to get on with it. I persist in the illusion that I am a mere hollow tube when I am to be a flute for You, God.

“I would love to make Music for You, God. You say I can, yet, really, how can I possibly contain such wondrousness as You suggest? I would take off my old wrappings if I could. I would stand before You as You. I cannot presume, for presuming strikes me as arrogance supreme.”

Now I, God, say:

To let go of your wrappings is Great Humility. Was Christ arrogant? Were all the Spiritual Great Ones arrogant? No, they were the Essence of Humility. They spoke of Me in Gladness. They carried My Brilliance.

I speak matter-of-factly: The Brilliance of God is also yours. When you are remarkable in My Light, you don’t have to personalize it nor dance around it. When Light shines, Light shines.

The Bright Yellow Sun does not remark about his prowess. The Bright Yellow Sun simply shines and serves the whole world. He sustains it. The Sun does not regard his Bright Light as if he owns it. It is simply for him to shine. He shines Himself in service to Me and also in service to you, for the Sun knows not of separation.

You, on the other hand, have beheld separation. This is immodest arrogance. Shine in simple service to All That Is. It is arrogance to declare that you are suffering. Your arrogance does a song and dance. You cry Wolf.

Restart yourself. Distinguish responsibility from blame. Blame comes from adhering to the past. Responsibility is right now.

Look not for cause, for cause leads to fault.

Expand your horizons. You have a heart to soar with. Keep your eye on Me. It is not new that your attention on Me is for you and not for Me. Come, know Me for your sake. Look at Me, for the Grace of this Great Universe is greater than you perceive it. You have suffered foolishness very well. Accept wisdom now. Let go of withdrawal from the Fullness of Life.

Step up right now to claim your Self as the Son or Daughter of God. This is your right. This is the seat I offer you, and that you are to accept. No longer demure about what I hold for you. Anything less than your Full Acceptance of the Fullness of Life is false modesty. Be true to yourself and true to Me. Reach higher. Appear before Me. I have been waiting for you. Come now.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/24/2017 6:22:40 PM

Message from Montague on Sunday 19 March 2017

There are many in your world who do not want to see the truth. They close their eyes and hope that all that is being revealed regarding paedophilia will just disappear. But it will not. It must be faced and dealt with. You can no longer run away from these issues. For humanity to continue on Earth, you, all of you, must refuse to allow paedophilia. Turning a blind eye to it gives permission for it to continue with your blessing.

Many opportunities to expose this vile practice of the torturing and killing of innocent children were blocked in the past. Mr Trump is the only person to openly take on this mammoth task and you all see what has been unleashed to silence and obstruct him.

Look at them. What are all these people frightened of? EXPOSURE. They exist on Earth because they drink the blood and eat the flesh of innocent children, for without this, they cannot survive.

Do not dismiss those who bravely expose such utter evil. Take note of those who oppose them, as they have a lot to lose should humanity wake up and prevent their evil practices. You are honour bound to protect your children. I can assure you that what is happening every day is far worse than you could ever imagine.

Please watch for following video

Donald Trump vs The Whores of War

The corruption is completely out of hand. The corrupt control your food, water, air, your medication, and all that is forced upon you by your governments, with the sole purpose of wiping you off the face of the Earth. They want it for themselves alone.

Everything is designed to dumb you down; smart phones, TVs, meters, need I go on? Do not fall for the hype that is designed to draw you into your own destruction. They make you pay dearly for all these items that destroy your lives.

Stop behaving like sheep. Refuse to be led to your own destruction. Their evil plans are out there; they do not need to hide them, as you are all so mind controlled that you would not believe the truth. Time is running out, but like sheep, you blindly run towards your own destruction. Is this what you want? Do you really want to give up your life on Earth? The Earth was entrusted to you and you have allowed these preditors to take it from you. Now they want rid of you.

Believe in yourselves. You could restore the Earth and replant it. You could remove all the dangerous chemicals which are needed to produce GM crops. Allow the Earth to sustain life, as it did in ancient times, when hunger and famine were unknown to man. Know that today, famine is man-
made. The Cabal needs your suffering to ensure that it retains control.

As I have reminded you many times, “nothing is as it seems”. You are being lied to, convinced that black is white. Everything is totally controlled. This has to stop. The moment you say NO to their plans, they are finished. You have the POWER, so use it !

There are good people who are speaking out. They are exposing what is being done all around you. Listen, do your own research, and you will find the truth. Time is of the essence, my friends, so please do your research.

David Icke - America is Gone ! Wake Up Please !

My dear wife is far from well. Much is being done to prevent our work. I will withdraw for now and allow her to rest.

My dear, rest is essential to restore your strength. Please rest. Things are moving forward.

Always, your adoring, Monty.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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