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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/23/2017 5:47:49 PM


Thursday, March 23, 2017

The Oracle Report will return Monday, March 27 for the New Astrological Year.

Mantra for the Second Renaissance and the Return of Wisdom

All roads lead to Liberty.
Sophia ke Thelete acousome. Wisdom and Will, let us attend.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/23/2017 6:06:21 PM

AAM: Synchronicity Among Reval, Disclosure and Ascension – Part 1/2

In this excerpt from my reading with him through Linda Dillon, on March 10, 2017, Archangel Michael looks at the tie-in between the Reval, Disclosure, and Ascension.

He reviews the range of response to be expected from lightworkers and their nearest colleagues.

Thanks to Dana for our transcript.

Steve Beckow: Is there is temporal tie-in or synchronicity of (you have answered this partially, in the past) among the Reval, Disclosure, and Ascension?

Archangel Michael: Yes.

Steve: Is there anything you want to say either privately to me or publicly about that?

AAM: From the very beginning I have endeavored, as much as an Archangel can endeavor (I am playing with you), to emphasize that what you have called the Reval has been about spiritual revaluation. That vision I have needed and will continue to need to bring to everybody’s attention, time and time and time again.

This is simply not about a temporal or a physical manifestation because one has committed to be a Lightworker. In fact the level of entitlement amongst many is appalling and I say that very strongly and very clearly.

It is not because you are the chosen people. It is because there is a need and an agreement and a soul agreement in the fulfilment of the Mother’s Plan that when the spiritual re-evaluation of enough people, and the commitment to truly change, takes place, then the physical manifestation of those resources come forth.

As we have said in the past, we do not make funds available to create dictators or for buying weapons of mass destruction or war.

Steve: Or châteaus in the south of France.

AAM: That is correct. That would be an abomination of the Mother’s Plan.

Now I am not talking about ease. In fact we have just spoken of the need for balance in every aspect of one’s life. So I’m not suggesting to you that you are given resources so that you can work 24 /7 on a project, or what you previously thought of as your job or work.

Because everything is an integrated whole and work and play and family and the entire list is of a whole. So humanity and those who are recipients of resources have need to be at a level of spiritual maturity to use these things wisely.

They are not just the recipients of a lottery. They are the guardians, the stewards of the practicalities to create institutions and societies that are kind and loving and, might I say, elevated; that are in alignment with the Mother’s Love.

Now there are those that have no knowledge, no association, no belief system that is in alignment with what you feel, or believe is the Lightworker/Loveholder community. That is not to say that they are not mission- and purpose-driven in the same way.

But their level of spiritual maturity in their pathways also has to be at a level where they can claim divine authority. Not to be the new cabal or illuminati or usurpers of power, but to create a balance upon this planet and, in our words, a world that works for everyone.

This delineation and even the opinions behind it, of have and have not, have need to be eradicated. So the level of maturity has need to be present.

And we suggest that you have done stellar work, and I mean you, the collective and the Lightworker community, have done stellar work in doing this. (1)

Tomorrow he looks at lightworker entitlement and arrogance and confirms that Disclosure will be a group event.

(Concluded in Part 2, tomorrow.)


(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading through Linda Dillon, March 10, 2017.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/23/2017 6:07:46 PM

Daily Message ~ Thursday March 23, 2017

Galactic Free Press's picture

The Divine Combination of faith, surrender, flow, and trust, can be viewed as a progression of a person’s awakening process. Let us explain what we mean by that.

The first step in the enlightenment process, is faith – the belief in something more than yourself. The next step of that process is starting to work with that something larger through the aspects of surrender and flow and a willingness to be led.

But the final, most important aspect to fall into place in a human’s awakening process really is trust, for it completes the model of the Divine Combination. All of the aspects must be employed together in order for the magic of enlightenment to occur.

It is the aspect of trust that most enlightening human beings are now realizing the importance of, as they start moving forward in the new cycle of creation you are entering on your planet at this time.

Trust is vital because it completes the combination which opens the doorway to enlightenment. It completes the circle, if you will, which perpetuates forward empowered movement with the full support of Source because your are in willing recognition and acceptance of that support.

There are many things that happen when you put into place the final piece of the Divine Combination. Faith and trust begin to work together, anchoring the energies of acceptance, allowing, patience, and peace. Surrender and flow keep you in ever expanding movement in the highest, most supported way available to you. You begin to play and create in higher vibrational energies which can only lead you to your greatest experiences and highest service.

So trust, Dear Ones. Allow that final piece to fall into place and shine in your most beautiful expression of self. You are ready for this step, for it is what all your work on your enlightenment process has been leading up to, and where your soul has been beckoning you to go all along. ~Archangel Gabriel


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/23/2017 6:23:03 PM


-What's in Your DNA Akashic Records- by Selacia

Our world may seem turned upside down right now but your life doesn't need to be. In fact, some of your greatest breakthroughs and progress can occur during these uncertain times. In this article I'll describe the key resource that exists within your very DNA - connected to your soul's akashic records - that can help you break free from very old stuff and live more of your life purpose.

What's in Your DNA Akashic Records

Here's some background on the vast treasure housed inside your DNA akashic records. There is a field around the DNA that can be read like a map, revealing the akashic records of your soul's journey over time. Key events are there, as are your responses to those events. Key qualities like gifts for writing or healing are also recorded there. Key imprints of your soul's lessons over time are there too. Key tendencies and experiences - whether yours personally, your ancestors, or even those of humanity - are also there. Key encodements assisting you with your enlightenment, including your mastery of spiritual teachings, are also found there.

When I speak of your soul's journey over time I'm referring to this life, past lives, and even times in between lifetimes when you may have made soul agreements or vows. Your soul's journey is interconnected with the journey of your family or ancestors, humanity in general, and key people from other lifetimes who are showing up again now.

Here are a few specific examples of the types of things I intuitively see when I do 1-on-1 DNA intuitive healing sessions.

FIRST is relationships, a key issue for everyone alive now seeking to create a more loving world. That's often the best place to start and there's plenty there. Example: a woman came to me to heal an old relationship that she had difficulty letting go of to move on. As I worked with her, I could see a pattern that began long before this life and which needed to be cleared at its root in the past before she had closure. To clear patterns at their root in the DNA is what makes the difference.

SECOND is money, another key issue around in many forms over the centuries. Even wealthy people can carry vows of poverty or other limiting beliefs about money, the past patterns often arising when the economy tanks or when other key catalysts occur. The world's instability today is catalyzing money themes for many people. What happens is that an issue lying dormant within the person's DNA comes to the surface as a result of some sort of crisis - personal or outer world. To learn what is in the person's akashic DNA record, then, provides the starting point for healing across time. As with the first example, the goal is knowing the root cause and clearing things from there.

THIRD is trust, a huge issue front-and-center in 2017 as themes of distrust and division have escalated to crisis proportions. The trust themes could be personal - as in self-doubt and distrust of personal decisions or life direction. The themes are also between people in all kinds of relationships - whether they are 1-on-1, in groups, or the individual vis-a-vis government and other authority figures. At a DNA level, many people have a conditioned distrust of certain people or groups of people. In fact, the roots of racism are typically at the genetic level of DNA, passed down over the generations.

FOURTH is life purpose, many people these days feeling either lack of clarity about their path or blocked from fully expressing the gifts of their soul. As with the examples above, keys to self-understanding and healing are found within the DNA itself. Example: when a person gains the quantum perspective of their soul path including key gifts and talents from past lives, a current interest or career direction can begin to come into relevant focus. Simultaneously, as the person becomes aware of and clears DNA-level blocks to manifesting purpose, brand-new pathways forward are created. One example of a DNA-level block could be a past life experience of rejection or persecution involving the use of talents. Abilities needed this life to express life purpose frequently were honed over a series of lifetimes. Some experiences inspired confidence, others could have left problematical imprints in the DNA.

Keep in mind the big picture of this lifetime. This is no ordinary life and certainly no ordinary time frame. Whatever successes or challenges you experience, know that they are a part of your soul's path to find wholeness. There really are no random jobs, love affairs, or life circumstances. Each of these arises from seeds planted before, and you can grow spiritually from any of them.

You are a divine changemaker, after all, alive now to bring your love and light into this world. As you do this, you will naturally attract what you need and you will be a significant force for good. The ripples of this goodness have no end.

Copyright 2017 by Selacia - a globally known writer, DNA intuitive healer, spiritual teacher, and the creator of The Divine Changemakers * All Rights Reserved * * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this entire copyright notice, with link back to website, and the full article text.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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Person Of The Week
3/23/2017 6:26:37 PM

GFP Newsletter - 3/22/2017

will's picture

The religious leaders were doing a tremendously beautiful business: no investment, all profit, no income tax. The religious profession is really the only superb business. You don't have to invest any money into it, no risk of losing, no risk of the dollar going down. Wherever the dollar goes it doesn't matter; it is always profit, never loss. In religious business it is always profit.

And you don't have to manufacture any commodity; you don't have to create factories and bring labor and labor problems - strikes and lock-outs. No problems at all. You deal in invisible commodities.

Nobody can see the god, nobody can see the angels, nobody can see the heaven. It is really a strange business.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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