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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/22/2010 5:56:22 PM
Dear Friends,
A new important message from Saul. I don't know if I am wrong in perceiving in it faint resonances from Buddhism and maybe from the Book of Ecclesiastes: "Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity..." remember? where the word for "Vanity" in the Bible can perfectly be translated as "Illusion".
As always, channeled by John Smallman.
Luis Miguel Goitizolo

Your human body is an illusion

It is very easy to believe that you exist in a hostile environment where you always have to work hard in order to ensure your safety and survival; and if the illusion were real that would indeed be the case. The god you think created this challenging universe no more exists than the universe itself. That god is a figment of your collective imaginations, invented by you to try and make sense of the insanely hostile environment in which you seem to have your existence.

But God, your Father, created you from the infinite Love that is all that exists, making you an eternal, perfect, and essential part of it. There is no other way that He could or would have created you. You are eternal, loving thoughts in the Mind of God, where everything you could ever need or desire is instantly present within you. There is no pain, suffering, or betrayal; they do not exist. Your human body and the life you are experiencing within it is an illusion that you made for your own amusement. Initially it gave you pleasure and captivated you, so you expanded it — “More is better!” — and as it grew it started to become dark and threatening, and you became lost within it, or so it seems.

It is only a dream, a collective one, that you all experience differently, even though its physical manifestation is apparently the same for each of you. And you are going to awaken because dreams are only momentary interruptions to consciousness, even though they often seem to last for long periods of time. Most of you have experienced falling asleep, having an intense and busy dream, and then awakened to find that you had only been asleep for a very short time. So it is with the illusion. When you awaken you will be amazed at how brief has been your period of sleep. Time is a major part of the illusion, making it seem very real, and making it appear that you are waiting for the moment of awakening to occur. This is extremely difficult for you to understand as you continue to maintain the illusion and experience the sensations it provides.

So focus on the knowledge that your Father’s Love for you is greater by far than anything you can conceive of, and that His Will for you is eternal joy. That being the case, nothing can ever harm you because it is not His Will that you be harmed, and only what He wills is real. Deep within you that knowledge is eternally present and can never be lost. You can choose not to be aware of it as you stumble along in the illusion, but when you seek it out you will find it and recognize it. It is your sense of hope, your desire to be known and loved, and this can only be satisfied by God. It is there because He placed it there at the moment of apparent separation, and you can never be without it until you awaken and experience eternally that hope and desire fulfilled.

It is your destiny and your Home, it is where you have your eternal ecstatic existence, and it is impossible for you not to awaken into the bliss-filled awareness of this, which is God’s and your infinite divine Reality.

Encourage your hope, intend that your deepest desires be honored, and remind yourselves constantly that nothing else but God’s Will, which is also truly yours, is possible, and know that this is so.

With so very much love, Saul.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/26/2010 11:14:41 AM
Dear Friends,
So the universe is only illusion, and we should always be aware of this fact. Not that the modern scientists have discovered this, right? It is something that always was clear for religion in its highest and deepest expression.
When I first read about the most esoteric "Mind and Mind Only" Buddhist doctrine, about thirty years ago, it was an unexpected, astounding and yet somehow long awaited revelation for me. And while it is true that at first I found it sort of difficult to grasp in all of its wonderful, magical reality, soon I somehow intuitively realized that it was true, an immense, splendorous, beautiful truth. The universe is NOT real, but somehow I AM REAL, and my conscious awareness of it is actually the only thing that is entirely real!
The fact that I had always been irresistibly attracted by the beauty of the opening lines of the Book of Ecclesiastes also helped in my grabbing this otherwise unbelievable reality: "Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity..." These words had the seal of truth about them, and not only in their poetic quality, but also in that according to an erudite opinion that I mysteriously had the opportunity to read at the time, they should rather be translated from their original source as "Illusion of Illusions, saith the Preacher, Illusion of Illusions, and All is Illusion"!
Another delicious coincidence soon came in the form of an explanation that I was given by a great Hari Krishna friend of mine, who told me that this highest truth should actually be expressed as "the universe is and IS NOT real at the same time." Why? asked I, "If you come down a street immerse in these deep thoughts about the non real universe and everything and you hit your head on a lamp post as a consequence of it, you will see why it is REAL at the same time," he told me. And he was right of course. It is the impermanence of everything in the universe that makes it unreal. Nothing that is here now and relatively soon will be dead and gone can be real. There is no real past or future, only the NOW is real. And it is real only for us, for our conscious awareness of it, that it is real. But ultimately it is not. Mind and mind only, again. The spirit and the spiritual world is real because they are eternal, they exist in absolute timelessness in the absoluteness of divinity.
I will continue this later. Now I must go out for a walk with my dogs, and after that I may be trapped by the non real reality of my daily home chores. And later on there is also some surreal activity I must attend to, some course on electing our City Hall authorities for the members in charge of it - whatever that means. But I will try to be back soon. I still want to talk abut Plank and how the most minute particles of matter can actually not be said to be matter but just pure energy, and how it is that that which is behind them as their background or support where they act, that sort of void or emptiness in mid of them - something like a blackboard supporting what you write on it with a chalk - can actually be said to be more real than them themselves.
Luis Miguel Goitizolo

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/28/2010 2:22:34 AM
And here, dear friends, is yet another message from Saul which somehow defines and completes the previous ones. Yes, I am becoming a fan of John Smallman and Saul. This duo provides an accurate report of the Earth's current affairs within an impeccable metaphysical atmosphere. I truly love their messages. I hope you are also enjoying them.
With Love and Hugs,
Luis Miguel Goitizolo

The loving flame that burns within you is inextinguishable

One day at a time, or indeed one moment at a time, is the best way to live in the illusion, because it helps you to undo the hold that time has upon you. In Reality there is only “now,” this eternal moment in which Creation, God, Heaven, is always present, happening, being. Nothing passes and is gone, nothing is awaited, because all is now. This is an extremely difficult concept for you to grasp as you wander, almost blindly and very insensitively, around in the illusion.

Some of you have limited psychic abilities, which give you brief ephemeral intimations of Reality, and which demonstrate clearly to you that what you normally experience through your bodily senses is as nothing compared to what truly exists. That you have shared these insights with others who apparently do not share these skills has been most beneficial for humanity, by alerting it to the possibility that there is far more to life than the limited opportunities and experiences it presently seems to offer.

You exist now and always; you do not get born, live a short and possibly meaningless life, and afterwards go out like a light when the electricity is turned off. You are all eternal aspects of the divine creative flow, existing beyond space and time in perfect harmony with each other and with God. This existence is permanent, unchanging, and unchangeable, and for that reason alone life can only be joyful, exhilarating, and inspiring.

Your experiences to the contrary are due only to the imaginary and illusory environment that you have built and that you maintain by your ongoing collective belief in it. You have filled it with monsters and demons, terrors and catastrophes, which you continue to develop, thus intensifying your belief in it. Fortunately, it is a chimera — a dream from which you are scheduled to awaken into God’s divine Reality, all that exists.

Deep within yourselves you know this, although you have closed off your awareness to it, and so you seek it in the illusion in the company of others, in material security, in intellectual and philosophical explorations. Or you seek to distract yourselves from the suffering that your environment causes you by dulling your senses in a wide variety of ways. But nothing works, because the loving flame that burns within you, placed there by your Father, is inextinguishable. You can cover it over, pretend it is not there, but it always reappears, insisting that you are missing something, that life is far, far more than your present very unsatisfactory circumstances would have you believe.

However depressed you become, however strong your unbelief seems to be, that state is bound to collapse, disintegrate, dissolve, and fade away because it is totally unreal, does not and cannot exist. Consequently, you will awaken into the sublime state that is your eternal Home. There is nowhere but that. The dream, the illusion, must and will evaporate, leaving you fully awake, fully alive, and in exultant happiness in the Presence of your eternally loving Father. So, REJOICE! Know that all is divinely taken care of and that you are coming Home to the most glorious of celebrations. All is eternally well.

With so very much love, Saul.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/2/2010 12:41:16 AM
Dear Friends,
An important message from Master Hilarion.
Love and Hugs,
Luis Miguel Goitizolo

September 26-October 2, 2010

Beloved Ones,

Your World is spinning in a more accelerated manner and in many ways for most of you, there is simply not enough ‘time’ to do all that you intend to do each day. We ask that you be patient with yourselves and try to relax when all that you intend does not materialize as quickly as you wish it, for there is a sense in each of you that time is speeding up but that you are standing still. Your perceptions are undergoing a radical change and this will become more noticeable as this year continues. Instead of fretting about how to meet your goals, just relax and go with the flow of what apparently is and stay connected with your inner core of Being, for in this way, all the changes that are occurring around you will not affect your equilibrium as much.

The Wheel of Life continues its inexorable journey through the Cosmos and you are privileged to be a part of it - all that is required is that you stay aware of your power to make choices that will empower you to be your own highest potential in manifestation. Know that by your presence and your persistence to be the Light that you truly are, you are contributing to the highest and greatest good of All. All is well and as it should be. You are the shining Lights and hope of the new World that is dawning and together we all create this wondrous happening in each moment of Now. By focusing your consciousness on the present moment as often as you can, you are practicing your Mastery of yourselves and Life and the end result will be of great benefit to you and all around you.

We remind you to feed your physical bodies with foods of the highest vibrations such as fresh fruit and vegetables and to drink plenty of clean water each day. Listen to what your body tells you it wants, even though it sometimes doesn’t seem to be the right desire in your conscious awareness. Rest assured, your body elemental knows what it needs for perfect functioning and excellent health during these powerful times. If you are feeling great waves of heat within your body, it indicates a metamorphosis taking place in every atom and cell of your Being, on all levels and this is the process of Ascension, cleansing and purifying in readiness to absorb the higher frequencies of the Cosmic Waves of energy that are now coming in. Take the time to be out in Nature as often as is possible for you, as this will help to cleanse your auras and energy fields and keep them operating at the highest possible levels and always connect and ground yourselves to the crystalline core of Mother Earth, especially if you find yourselves functioning too much in your mental body, with too many thoughts running through your mind.

The need to spend some time each day in a state of stillness by going within is almost a required practice in these changing times and will help you tremendously in maintaining balance. Remember that most of you absorb the energies and thoughtforms of others around you, and that you need to be aware of this so that your daily walk upon the Path you have chosen is more filled with grace and ease. By going within first thing in the morning and becoming clear in your own energy field, you will become aware when you go out in the World that feelings and thoughts that come into your consciousness that do not resonate with your high intentions are most probably NOT your thoughts and feelings. Ask us each morning to assist in cleansing your auric field of all thoughts, feelings and energies 24/7 that are not in alignment with your highest and greatest good and trust that you are receiving this assistance.

Much mental discipline is now required of each of you as you each come into more of your personal power, for as you do this, you become conscious co-creators of what manifests upon the Earth plane and the more you concentrate on creating a World of peace, Love, harmony and joy, the more this will become manifest in daily existence. Trust that your powerful intention to manifest the Golden Age upon this beautiful, evolving Planet is coming to pass. Follow your inner guidance and dare to be the grand and majestic Beings that you have always envisioned that you could be…in other words, DREAM BIG!

Until next week…..

I AM Hilarion

©2010 Marlene Swetlishoff

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/2/2010 12:44:55 AM
Dear Friends,
his was posted by 'Lucy' at Galactic Free Press. I found it enormously interesting.
Luis Miguel Goitizolo

Things Are Getting Pretty Wild Now

Thu 30 Sep 2010

Things are getting pretty wild now, but awaken minds and hearts, know that there is more good going on than negative. We know that there is a lot of info out there which does not resonates with our way of perceiving things and life; but Honesty of love in the heart causes us to discern better, forgive and forget those bad intentions from the dark.

Right now many sites are disappearing like magic, and this has shocked me since yesterday. Probably these sites are sending confusing messages or they just have been blocked because they carry the truth. Who knows!

I usually visit Galactic Friends, Galactic Round Table and others, because I know many messages there have truths in them, but I also sometimes doubt of some other messages given by these sites. Why? Well; because I don’t believe that fear has to be written between the lines to make you wonder if what you are going to be experiencing, will be more chaos, earth changes and death to many before we get to Ascension. If we are here is because we had to be here to finally welcome us into Heaven on Earth. Is not that what we have wanted all of our lives? I have and I can’t wait!

If we are here right now, it is because it has been decree by Heaven for us to do so. So how come if we can sense and perceive that humanity is changing in every place and corner of this world, and this has been happening with honesty in their hearts, “something that has been expected from us for eons”, to do so; for us to have the right to go forward into a better life; then this means that years don’t go in vain in our lives and existence. Every thing changes and evolves naturally; and us, with a brain that senses what is good or wrong, and a heart which also does the same, are destined to evolve and ascend in this universe as naturally as everything else does. So where are we going wrong now? What is going on? Who does not want us to be in unity and be surrounded by God’s Love?

I don’t believe that God’s Will could be disrupted by any human; unless we all decide to do so, and reject the love’s energy that is pouring from heaven for us to earn what was promised. I don’t believe that we want the contrary. I know that we all want freedom of the heart and freedom to express and share this love energy with the rest of the world. Is there anything wrong on this? I don’t think so.

Evil floats everywhere, but it is up to us, to know how to fight this energy. LOVE LOVE LOVE ALWAYS

Ascension for me has a meaning, but that is my feeling inside my heart of what this means to me.

We go through life, learning many things, good ones and bad ones, and as the result of this, if you are a person with love in your heart and bitter situations disrupt those feeling of love, soon you will find yourself in confusion about who you are and the intentions that our Creator had, to birth us here on Earth.

I feel that we naturally know the truth of who we are, and when we grow up, is like going up into a ladder, where each step brings you closer to your truth. Ascending those steps in the ladder is where you come to the top, for your graduation point. This for me is Ascension, where you get to the Apex. Your golden pyramidal cap that you earned by experiencing ups and downs in your life to find yourself. The last step is where we start a new life; aware of love and what it means for us and the one thing that will ever reside there, in us for eternity. Eternity, Love, Understanding ourselves forever in Peace and once you are “up there”, you will be able to see back and know that from there on your life has to change for good, and embrace Love eternally. That is God’s Way. We are open doors that no man can close.


Here is an example of what is going on now. Steve send this message by mail and I am sharing with you.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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