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Robert Talmadge

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9/4/2010 8:40:39 PM

Hi Luis,

I have been trying to put into words my experiences these past few months but the symptoms are sometimes so temporary that it defies any type of explanation. I see we have some of it already done and this is better than my own words.

I would ad that ascension has strange effects depending on our own frequency at the starting point of the changes.

I might have skipped a few points along the way because I have developed abilities well in advance of the current changes, some years ago.

The most pronounced and difficult to deal with was an identity crisis which lasted a few months until I could put things into perspective and focus my intent on being in the "now moment", the eternal now.

We have a lot of baggage that needs to be shed to become fully adept at absolute focus. By this I mean that we must let go of our having-ness or attachments to things and learn to focus our intention by the force of conscious will in as pure a manner as possible.

Love and blessings


Robert Talmadge To follow your dream, follow your heart.
Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/7/2010 12:42:49 AM

Hi Luis,

I have been trying to put into words my experiences these past few months but the symptoms are sometimes so temporary that it defies any type of explanation. I see we have some of it already done and this is better than my own words.

I would ad that ascension has strange effects depending on our own frequency at the starting point of the changes.

I might have skipped a few points along the way because I have developed abilities well in advance of the current changes, some years ago.

The most pronounced and difficult to deal with was an identity crisis which lasted a few months until I could put things into perspective and focus my intent on being in the "now moment", the eternal now.

We have a lot of baggage that needs to be shed to become fully adept at absolute focus. By this I mean that we must let go of our having-ness or attachments to things and learn to focus our intention by the force of conscious will in as pure a manner as possible.

Love and blessings


Dear Robert,

Every time I read something from you I find it so fraught with meaning that everything else seems insubstantial. This is so wonderful.

Reading your posts has become a fascinating experience for me. I relish every word and sentence and after a while they acquire a new and deeper meaning.

There was a time when I sought to be in the eternal now through the practice of meditation. I had wonderful experiences that got me there in full and it was heaven-like, but oh paradox, it was so ephemeral. Only thing that was left was an intense longing for it to come back.

Mantra yoga, prana yoga, karma yoga, I would try everything. Intensely mystical experiences abounded, but nowhere did I find what I have been experiencing of late. I believe it has to do with my writing about transcendental matters that sort of brings its own reward with it.

I do still practice so-ham meditation, perhaps the most simple and straightforward method to be in the now and here and at the same time the most profound ever. I don’t seek any powers, the only power I delight in is the power of pure prana consciously entering my nostrils and lungs and energizing and nurturing my body and mind in depth and then going out back to the center of the universe and for all I know, God himself.

Recently I have been trying to find and get my balance in my own center. We, my dogs and I, go as assiduously as possible in the early morning to a secret-like spot near my district, where a big tree stands aloof amid a very large and beautiful forest-like park hiding between buildings. Once there my dogs respect my silence and stay still and silent at my side as I stand by the tree breathing deeply and slowly, my feet firmly planted on the ground and my mind blank, until I feel standing at the center of the universe. Not that I always get to that point where I feel the entire universe revolving around me, though, but after a while I feel myself so strong and balanced and centered that my day becomes relaxed and plentiful, my meals taste delicious and my conversation is so peaceful and joyful, as in fact is every other daily activity, that in that day I am to all effects the most happy and realized person in the world.

But I don’t want to pester you more with my talk about me or my experiences. It is the power of your words that makes me loquacious.

Thank you so much for posting, you honor this forum by doing it.


Luis Miguel Goitizolo

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/11/2010 9:07:58 PM

Dear Friends,

Can a single musical note repair your DNA?

Here's is something you can most properly call a heaven-like healing treatment method for the New Age... through the unbelievable power of an out-of-this-world musical scale.

Enjoy the read!

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

Can a Single Musical Note
Repair Your DNA?

Did You Know...

... that simply listening to a single musical note that vibrates at 528 Hz has been shown torepair your DNA?

Sound Frequency
All music that we're familiar with consists of notes from the 12-Tone Equal Temperament Scale. Each individual note has vibrational limits.

However, there is an ancient 6-tone scale of electro-magnetic frequencies called the original Solfeggio Scale. This scale, which was lost for centuries and was just recently rediscovered accidentally by Dr. Joseph Puleo, is said to hold unlimited potential in healing and personal transformation.

One of the notes on the Solfeggio Scale, particularly the one that vibrates at 528 Hz has been used by biochemists to repair human DNA.
The frequency of 528 Hz appears to influence the water molecules that surround the DNA helix, thereby bringing about healing effects on DNA.

Perhaps the leading proponent of the miraculous healing power of the 528 Hz Solfeggio note is Dr. Leonard Horowitz, world famous author of 15 health science books, and Harvard graduated public health expert. According to Dr. Horowitz, all healing occurs from sonic waves or vibrations, specific frequencies of sound, resonating throughout the universe. He claims that human cells use DNA, like radios use antennae, to receive the note vibrations and attune the body’s rhythm to that of the cosmos. He refers to the 528 Hz Solfeggio note as "the frequency of love" which, in addition to providing health benefits, opens the portals to spiritual transformation.

This is echoed by Dr. Candice Pert, PhD, who states that energy and vibration go all the way to the molecular level. She further states that we have 70 different receptors on the molecules -- and when vibration and frequency reaches that far, they begin to vibrate. This vibration, which happens at the cellular level, opens the chromosomes and exposes the DNA to the frequencies.

DNA HelixExperiments involving in vitro DNA exposed to different recordings of musical styles have been performed by Glen Rein of the Quantum Biology Research Lab in New York. Four styles of music, including Gregorian chants that use the Solfeggio scale, were converted to scalar audio waves and played via a CD player to test tubes containing in vitro DNA. The effects of the music were determined by measuring the DNA test tube samples' absorption of UV light after an hour of exposure to the music. The absorption of UV light is regarded as a significant effect on DNA because when the DNA helix unwinds, it allows such absorption.

The results of Glen Rein's experiments showed that the Gregorian chants caused a significant increase in the absorption of UV light versus rock music, which had little or no effect. It was concluded that the audible sound waves of the Solfeggio scale can cause resonance in DNA and can, indeed, have profound healing effects.

To experience the effect of the 528 Hz note of the Solfeggio scale, just type "528 Hz" in and you'll find several videos that feature this healing frequency.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/15/2010 1:21:46 AM

Dear Friends,
Here is yet another encouraging no less than enlightening message from Saul. As usual, an important read.
By John Smallman.
Luis Miguel Goitizolo

You have been accepting the unreal ‘reality’ as normal

The waiting-period is winding down towards its conclusion, and as it does so you will find yourselves experiencing some unaccustomed sensations and emotions. Do not be alarmed, as these are an essential part of the awakening process. If you will discuss these experiences with your friends it will expand your perception of what is occurring, provide you with encouragement, and confirm your sanity! You most definitely are not going insane. These experiences are a result of your decision and intent to reach for the Light, and indicate that you intend to awaken and that you are moving towards that joyful state.

Some of you are experiencing a lot of stress as you head for the exit from the illusion, and this is really not at all surprising when you consider the amount of time you have spent within it, accepting its totally unreal ‘reality’ as normal. In the illusion, change frequently causes people stress — sometimes extreme stress — so it is to be expected that the decision to head for the exit would produce stress. So don’t lose heart; you are on the divine path Home. Your Father has guaranteed your safe arrival, and when you depart from the illusion, along with everything else, you will leave your state of stress behind. No such state exists in God’s divine Reality.

Despite your stress levels you are all doing sterling work in preparing yourselves and others for humanity’s mass awakening. You have chosen and created, with enormous ongoing, divine assistance, an abundance of noble paths that all appear to be very different, and which you are following with skill and fortitude. Each one of you has your own individual path to follow, which is why there is such an abundance of them, but they all lead to unconditional forgiveness of yourselves and others, bringing you to that place of deep peace within, and from which you will return Home.

By following your paths with such diligence and dedication, you demonstrate to all with whom you interact that life is valuable, beautiful, and has a divine purpose. You are indeed holding the Light, whose brightness continues to intensify as you share it and as more and more people become aware of it. They are then amazed to realize that they too are holding their own piece of it which they are sharing, and they watch with wonder as it grows from a flicker to a blaze.

Truly, the divine plan for humanity’s awakening is unfolding precisely as intended — it could not do otherwise — and the paths are brilliantly illuminated by all you Light holders who are increasing in number in every moment.

When you start to see the results of your endeavors, which you most certainly will before you awaken fully, you will be overwhelmed with joy, and your faith in your Father’s eternal Love for you will strengthen and intensify as you stride boldly and confidently along the path that is leading you Home.

With so very much love, Saul.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/15/2010 9:37:52 PM

Dear Friends,
Did you think you know all you need to know about Ascension? Then wait to read this message from SaLuSa!
Love and Big Hugs,
Luis Miguel Goitizolo

SaLuSa 15-September-2010

Everything is racing along its allotted path, and when it all comes together you will have reached Ascension. It is the final act that will close the door on duality, and see you moving into the higher realms. The ideal conditions for the end times to materialise are fast approaching, and all that you have been working for will be your reward. Subconsciously you have always known it to be so, as you knew this lifetime would lead to a successful conclusion. If you keep your sights upon the good that is to come out the chaos, you will be able to keep out of troubles way and take everything in your stride. After all you have been preparing for these times over many lives. Your final experiences will be ones of upliftment, and you will have everything that you need to establish yourself as a Galactic Being.

From where you are your expectations for the future seem so far away, yet unbeknown to you advancement continues to bring the times of great change much nearer. It is possible to live in the way you envisage is necessary for Ascension, as it requires no more than the intent to treat others as you would have them treat you. Love is the key word in the higher dimensions, and it is an energy that is pure ecstasy to enjoy. All of you at some time have experienced the joy of such a vibration, but have yet to know the power that it carries. You will exist in a constant state of elation, and happiness that knows no bounds.

You have so much to look forward to, and making every effort to be ready for your Ascension will ensure your success. As you must know by now some souls will not feel ready to move on, finding contentment in their present existence. They will however have subconsciously noted what has taken place, and these memories will in a later period of time awaken them to the truth of their being. You never totally lose your memory of the trials and tribulations you have experienced, or the joy and happiness you have shared. It is what life is about and it is planned life by life to advance you spiritually. No souls are beyond help, but can sometimes become virtual prisoners in the depths of darkness that can overwhelm them.

Clearly it is hoped that as many souls as possible achieve the great leap forward, and there will be no lack of guidance from their helpers. However cycles of opportunity will continue to come around, and those who choose to remain in their present dimension will have periodic chances of upliftment. It is quite possible that some of you will choose to serve those in such a position, as their Guides. There are a number of options open to you after you have ascended, and they will reflect your new found love for all life. For those of you who are uncertain about their future, there are Higher Beings who have a greater spiritual understanding that will preside over your decision making.

What you are learning on Earth is that duality is an illusion, and bears little resemblance to the dimensions where you really belong. However, it needs an awakening of Self to the truth, before you can really appreciate what you left behind in taking on the challenge of duality. Now the intense Light starts to shine out from Earth, and we know that it signifies your superb response to the energies converging upon Earth. Can you doubt that Ascension is a certainty, because regardless of what the dark Ones do to impede your progress, it will not make any difference. The battle that has been taking place between the dark and Light always had a predictable outcome; even so you had your freewill.

The Galactic Federation is in touch with the Ascended Masters, and many Higher Beings that form the various Brotherhoods. We respect their position and authority but do not regard them in awe, as we all have our particular responsibilities working as One. On Earth you tend to work against each other, rather than in friendly cooperation, which you will find becomes more evident with our coming. By that time major changes will have occurred that will remove the obstacles to such cooperation. At heart you are all benign Beings seeking peace and comfort in your lives. That has been deliberately denied you by the dark Ones, who have caused chaos wherever they have gained control. Fortunately that control is rapidly vanishing, and now you are experiencing the inevitable difficulties of releasing yourselves from them.

As ascended Beings one of your most exhilarating experiences, will be your new body. They will be of energy and lightness so that you barely realise you have one, and because you are in the higher vibrations you will feel the perfection that they bring you. No aches or pains, or disabilities as along with illnesses they cannot exist in the high vibrations. On Earth your bodies by contrast are like lead weights, and sensitive to discomfort and disease. Your new bodies will be indestructible, and you will simply move to another one when you choose to change it. You will find that they do not wear out, and by your understanding last indefinitely. Finally, when out of the body you will be able to take on any appearance you desire, which may be useful when meeting up with souls who would not otherwise recognise you.

The significance of the changes we have mentioned may not dawn upon you, but they mean you have total independence. It is a freedom that is at present difficult for you to comprehend, but deep within you will acknowledge it as one of your sovereign rights. These will gradually be restored as you rise up, and become completely restored with the ongoing process of Ascension. As you will no doubt realise, there is quite a big jump to be made from your present situation. However, it will take off very soon and the changes will come fast and frequently.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius and privileged to have this contact with you. From it you gain some idea of what we are like, and our outlook on life. We are different to you because we are already ascended Beings, but our mission is to bring you alongside with us. For those who come with us we shall move into other parts of the Galaxy, as we seek more opportunities to serve those evolving into the Light.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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