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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/17/2010 1:05:34 AM

Dear Friends,
The following beautiful poem and message and in fact, the entire contents has been borrowed from a post by Myrna Ferguson at Jill's Mountain of Love. So beautiful indeed.
Luis Miguel Goitizolo

One with the Light

by Valerie Donner

Become one with the Light.

Drink the Light.

It brings the best feelings.

You know you are all right.

The Light comes from the Creator

It is as pure as can be.

It registers in our brain

And can save humanity.

Become one with the Light.

Breathe it into your cells.

You will be so bright.

The Earth will get well.

Breathe in the Light

As far as you can see.

It will make you as happy

As you can be.

© 2010 The Ground Crew

A Message From the Pleiadian High Council September 10, 2010

Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. We meet again on the spiritual pathway of thought. We know your thoughts well. We know you for you are as a part of our heritage and we are a part of yours.

If you were asked to give proof of our existence I say look to your skies. Get quiet and see what happens above you. We are here in your skies and around you as well. We follow you everywhere, in your media, movies, in your homes and offices. We are one with you. We are not spying on you we are simply a part of your everyday lives in many more ways than you realize.

It is our job to be helpful during these trying times on the planet. We are here to assure you that we mean only good for you and the Earth. We have the technological means to assist you and make your lives easier. We are only a part of a team that has been assembled to help the Earth and all of life move into higher grounds. This means that you will have a new life that serves you far better than the third dimensional one of suffering and separation.

Our Creator wants the best for you. This might be a new thought for some due to the religious teachings from the past. It is true however. The rampant changes that you are experiencing now are not meant to be punishment. They are intended to be the force that opens up the energies on the Earth for something that each of you deserves—a happier, more harmonious, loving life.
In the Pleiades we have no need for money. We have all that we need. We are always provided for in every way. We love each other and co-operate. We don’t need laws like you have on the Earth. We abide my universal laws. They come from the Creator. These laws are how life is meant to be. You have much to learn about these laws. Some of you are more aware of them than others. You will begin to learn about the true nature of life and how simple it can be.

There is great beauty in store for you. The Earth is a gorgeous compilation of plants, minerals, animals, and life from universes far beyond yours. Even though your scientists would like you to believe otherwise, your physical bodies are comprised of 250 different root races. That is why many of you feel that you do not belong on the Earth. Some of you are Pleiadians and are from other star systems too. The Earth was designed to be a “vacation spot” and will return to this state after being cleansed and healed. You are all going through this too along with the Earth.

The beautiful babies and children that are being born on your planet right now know much about what I am speaking. They will teach you. They will amaze you with their intelligence and abilities. They are programmed differently and are contributors to the ascension process.

What I can tell you today is that all is moving well with your planet. Even though things are challenging you will move through them and it will be well worth the adjustments and adaptations. We are with you.

I am Mira, from the Pleiadian High Council.

Million Minutes for Peace Campaign

We’re proud to partner with Odyssey Networks in the “Million Minutes for Peace Campaign.” Together we're working to collect one million pledges to pray for peace for one minute at noon on the United Nations International Day of Peace (September21). Please forward this message to your email list. Thank you and may peace prevail on earth. Please click here or see below for more information on this website.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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Person Of The Week
9/17/2010 1:16:56 AM

Dear Friends,
And to make it short, this message from Sananda has been borrowed directly from another post at the Mountain, this one by Jill herself.
Don's miss it!
Luis Miguel G.

Sananda: Stay Calm as The Storm Gathers

Beloved Ones,

I come forth this day to speak with you all about the great changes that are occurring and will be occurring in the weeks ahead. The changes are within the consciousness of Humanity, the changes will be occurring within the heart centers of Humanity, for the energies that are being directed to the Earth at this time affect the heart chakras of all who receive this energy. There will be an opening of the heart centers and there will be a clearing of the hearts of Humanity and as this occurs, there will be more clarity in each individual as they look about them, as they see the World around them. There will be more clarity in their thinking processes and they will begin to perceive that what they were told or assumed was real is really not, and they will begin to voice their intentions for the truth, the truth of what really is in the World that they live in.

In every part of the World, this will be occurring, people will question their Leaders, people will demand answers in a peaceful way, but they will not rest, they will insist on the highest integrity in those individuals that they choose as Leaders of their countries. The future Leaders of each country must come from a place of High integrity, for the people will no longer tolerate those who are in it strictly for their own agendas. People will no longer tolerate those who give lip service but meanwhile, do not serve the Highest Good of all. There will be a people revolution, a quiet revolution where people start making choices to live in their highest truths.

You, the Lightworkers, have already made your choices and you have each worked diligently on yourselves, cleansing and clearing and purifying all aspects of your Beings. You started out as diamonds in the rough and you are now polished gems, sparkling, brilliantly faceted, wonderfully Lighted Beings. Each of you have walked the thorny paths, for that is what you chose in order to gather experience and strength within yourselves to prepare you for these times. Now those times are upon you and those who are ready will begin to Awaken, you will remember, more and more, who and what you are, why you came here, what your Mission at this time is. Those of you who have known your Mission will be offered new assignments. It is your choice whether you will accept or not, for you have already served the Highest Good and if you choose to just enjoy the rest of your lives upon this Earth, you may do so. All is a choice.

As we look upon you from our vantage point, each of you are brilliantly faceted gemstones beautiful to behold. Many of you are multi-colored, many of you radiate strongly, a single light, and each of you brings richness to the World, color, diversity, and interest, for if you were all the same, life would be dull and uninteresting, and so, we say to you, let each facet of the jewel that you are shine forth brilliantly. Sparkle and radiate the Light that you are around you. Walk in the Light and the magic of your Beings, your Higher Beings of Light, for it is through your example, the living example of the Christ Light upon the Earth, that you will effect even greater change than you have to this point, for it is by your shining example in the days ahead, that more people will turn to the Light, more will remember the Light, will remember that they chose to be here at this time to assist the Earth and all upon Her to Ascend to the Higher Dimensions.

There are many who are on the verge of remembering the purpose of their presence here on Earth at this time, and so I say to you, Beloved Lightworkers, stand in your Light, hold your Light. shine forth the brilliance of your Light and your High integrity and the purity of your hearts. Many of you have had to withdraw, whenever you can, from those around you, in order to protect your energy fields from all the negativity that has been expressed around you and this is natural that you would do this, this is necessary for your renewal and for staying grounded in your Light and so we encourage you to do this when you can, it is not always possible in the World that you live in at this time to do that, but if you can withdraw from the World at times as a means of self renewal and nurturance, that is a good thing. This is highly beneficial for each of you.

We see each of you with renewed enthusiasm, raising your frequency levels and accelerating them to a Higher and Higher vibration and this is highly recommended at this time, this is what is in the Plan that each of you agreed to take part in. Connect to your inner selves and stay calm as the storm gathers around you, as those who Awaken begin to express that which has been long suppressed within themselves. This will happen in waves, it will not happen to all at once, it will happen in waves, and so, if you become cognizant of when these waves are occurring, you can then assist by directing loving, healing energies at those times to Humanity and this will assist them in calming themselves, in helping them to connect within in contemplation, in renewal, in the releasing of fears, of illusions, of the glamour that has influenced them for their entire lifetimes.

Your presence on the Earth is so very, very important at this time. We have called you our ‘front line’ before, Beloved Ones, for that is what you are, it is your standing in your Light and practicing your methods of Lightworking each day that has created this opportunity for Humanity as a whole, and the Light is growing and the Light is moving across the World and it is happening in waves, for that is how Light travels, in waves and rays. Know that you are all being assisted at this time, that you have but to just think of us and we are with you. If you decree and invoke our presence, we are instantly by your side, amplifying your frequency levels, doubling your frequency every time you practice your methods of raising your frequency levels. This is of greatest importance and you who are our ‘front lines’ are supported in ways that you cannot even conceive at this time. It will, one day, become clear.

Stand strong in your Lights, Beloved Ones, there is much need of your loving, stabilizing presence in the days ahead. Know that each of you are always loved beyond measure.

I AM Sananda

©2009 Marlene Swetlishoff

This Message may be shared with others provided that Scribe's name, copyright, and including this link,

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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Person Of The Week
9/17/2010 9:59:22 PM

Dear friends,
'It is coming at a speed which is hard to imagine even! This is Archangel Michael's last channeled message and I must confess, for me, it is hard to believe the whole of it actually. But here it is anyway, and it is certainly worth the read.
Enjoy it!
Luis Miguel Goitizolo

Your “Survival Kit” for the Ascension Journey

Message from the Archangel Michael,
Accompanied by Ashira*
Transmitted 10 March 2010

Channeled by Meredith Murphy |

Archangel Michael

Now let us begin. It is coming toward you at a speed which is simply hard to imagine even; this new human existence which is being formed by the elevation of your own beings into the soul oriented, personality-less human. At times you find yourselves awakening to things which you imagine to be the most amazing experience that you have ever known and I tell you now, you are just beginning to sense what is possible for yourselves and amidst the energies you are orienting to lately: YOU ARE SENSATIONAL. And you have hardly begun to realize this.

I use this word, so sexy and filled with charisma for that is the kind of larger than life zing that your emerging energies will radiate when tapped and flowing through you, residing in you cells and permeating your energy field. It will create a radiance of self that is magnetic, profoundly comforting as you embody so much love, and powerfully creative. What a mix! You are dawning upon the beginning of a new age on the planet Earth and the awakening of this magnificence within you will open the doorway to transformation of your planet and your structures, your process and your systems, your experiences, your relationships, your “families” your way of choosing and collaborating – all of culture and lifestyle will evolve; and rapidly to align with these new frequencies…being layered upon the dimension in which you focus.

The only invitation that is needed by you to match these expansive energies and bring them into being in your own experience, is oddly enough, appreciation of your seemingly exhausted, drained and highly un-cooperative much of the time body! Your physical vessel, despite its seemingly stick-in-the-mud ability to move forward and “lacking” the same passion and ambition you have experienced in the past, IS despite all evidence to the contrary, coming along with you! That is, after all, the experiment! To bring your body forth into an integrated fashion; to shed the personality and instead of once and a while tuning into your intuition, also known as your soul’s guidance, you will instead release all that is NOT soul, and the soul will shine through the physical vessel and the emergence of this will be nothing short of sensational! {But I am stealing Ashira’s thunder…}


We are Ashira, unified in light and love and here to herald the new age…and the Archangel Michael speaks of that which we sing of, and YES, this metamorphosis will result in the emergence of the New Human.

{Smile} These letters should be shimmering and radiating light…don’t you think Michael?

Archangel Michael

Yes I do! {Smile}


The new human comes into being so that Earth, may create new. The planet and you are one and the same from a cellular and organism perspective, you even share a unified consciousness—attuned to one another and deeply influenced by one another. Resilient and informed, the planet and you live in a highly creative and collaborative existence already. It is only for you to realize that the glory you see around you in nature also is the glory of your physical vessels, and the Archangel Michael and I have come together at this time, blending our perspective to invite you realize what will ease and accelerate all that is transpiring:

The time has come to embrace your bodies.

Archangel Michael

You have SUCH disdain for these amazing physical forms. IT is SO cliché in your experience to realize that you despise your bodies that speaking to you of this in such a way that truly penetrates that high tolerance you have adjusted to for hating your bodies so much, is an enormous challenge even for me. {Smile}

Aha! I’ve got your attention now…good!

Beyond the essence of who you are is an all inclusive energy, beyond form and even beyond thought. This layer of consciousness would be hard for you to even conceptualize, but it is highly creative and vibrant and it is this layer of consciousness in which manifestations happen almost immediately, that we ask you to consider when realizing your body. The consciousness in your body is connected to this layer and receives communication and information well before you consciously do.

Let us re-introduce you to your body and share some of the amazing testimonial from our fellow galactic leaders, ascended masters, and others deeply devoted and attuned to the ascending energy of your planet and remind you of the awe you might allow yourself to feel for your body.

This body is, already, in another dimension, highly revered. The Earth would not be nearly so delicious a destination were it not for the body’s ability to sense and give the inner sense, the soul, an experience of the planet that is distinct, nuanced and multi-dimensional itself.

We ask you then, to realize that your body is the vessel for your soul to ascend and participate in this glorious chapter upon the Earth as she shifts in space, aligning with the center of the Milky Way and arises into a consciously unified energy field, creating thereby a new platform for creation for all of the Omniverse and in so elevating all of you, elevate the entire Omniverse in an ongoing and nearly continuous ripple throughout the All-That-Is of late, invigorating everything.

And who or shall I say, WHAT bears the brunt of so much of this beautiful, splendid, awe-inspiring among all non-physical beings, squeal for joy thing which we are all following with rapt attention? YOUR BODY.

Remember of course, that your soul is well acquainted with all of these aspects of non-duality, unified consciousness, love, light, etc. It is the cells and the consciousness within the cells of your body which is rising to the occasion and as such giving you a grand and glorious entrance as one of the few, the proud, the New Humans!

Without your body, which by the way, you created—chose the gene pool and the parents, chose the “birthplace” and the time/space moment to enter the game—you would be one of us, out here, watching the game, blessed and honored that such brave beings are making all of this possible, sending them love and strength, signs and encouragement, messages and healing energies…but you would not be the center of our awe filled attention. This is the result of this amazing amalgamation between you, the inspired and select soul, and this amazing body you chose specifically for this journey. THIS JOURNEY—the Ascension Journey.

You choose a body which is robust, deeply resourced, resilient, informative…perfectly suited for your experience. So, now that we’ve established and applauded your choice of body and the body’s own amazing consciousness in so many wise and constantly attuning cells, let us turn our attention to the most significant alignment process underway—that of you and your body.

Your body is already acclimating to the emerging and evolving Earth energies. There is no need even for conversation or a memo—your body IMMEDIATELY gets what’s happening on the Earth, what energies are coming in, what those energies are instructing the body to do—release this, give rise to that—and the body is all over this activity pretty much in unison with the energies even beginning to move toward you. There is instantaneous communication between your body and All-That-Is.

So, if you are wondering what’s up with the planet, what’s up with the energies lately, in addition to listening to your heart, reading channeled messages, talking with others sharing the path, paying attention to your dreams, journaling, divining with the Tarot or the I-Ching…why not also, if you are not already, spend some time getting to know your body’s point of view on things?

You spend so much time understanding your emotions, your relationships, learning to “quiet” your mental state, working with your light bodies…how well do you know your vessel? How easily can you repair it, yourself, when it is feeling a little out of whack? When it sends you a signal it’s on overdrive do you notice? Giving it a rest?

Ah my beloved ones…the clues are so much closer than you typically think or notice. All is within your grasp. All is within your experience. Go beyond surrendering to the process…go out and meet it.

Your body invites you to join it in ascending with the Earth. It is well on its way, the connection to All-That-Is clear and sustained…perhaps there are some things that will assist you in attuning yourself to your body. {Big smile!}

Now isn’t that easy and wonderful? A little kit for how to manage through all of this, right with you all the time. And you don’t even need to know the details…they will all become clear in hindsight. Just let go, listen to your body, look out of those beautiful eyes and enjoy the ride.

Oh, and every once in a while, take notice of your audience…cause we’re loving the whole thing and are happy to live vicariously through you, and enjoy the giant waves you’re sending our way. The surfing has been mighty excellent thanks to all of you.

Joy Joy Joy. Just thought I’d cheer for a minute before I close by reminding you…I AM the Archangel Michael, here with Ashira who is serenading you as we speak, just to remind you, that YOU, my sensational friends, are profoundly and in all ways, already loved. Take note of this. {Ashira likes my pun}. We certainly hope you are having at least as much fun as we are.

*Ashira is a collective of non-physical beings who sing the song of creation and celebrate the amplification of energies in form>>For an introduction,click here to read more...

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/18/2010 1:55:29 AM
Dear Friends,
Presenting Equinox 2010: The Path of 'The Becoming' Begins!
Love and Blessings,
Luis Miguel Goitizolo

P.S. Let's begin with this wonderful video.



The Path of "The Becoming" Begins!

Stand up, shoulders back, brush yourself off and know yourself assured in the victory of light... it is time to celebrate! Our sleeping Splendor has awakened and we now advance into a brand new harmonic and focus of light activity.

This Equinox, September 22, inaugurates the Grand Opening of the PATH OF THE BECOMING! This is a new, awe inspiring journey of resurrection, the raising of the human self into our full glory as children of the Most High God. We, the Christed ones, shall soon walk upon this Earth in the full mantle of our illumined Presence and radiant expression of Divine-Human Perfection.

The clarion call has sounded throughout the multi-universe for a Great Gathering of the Flames in a grand convergence to the Earth this Equinox to unveil new dispensation in support of this transition. Through this full moon Cosmic Ray focus and time portal of incredible power and amplitude, we are directly experiencing initiation from the heart of Mother-Father God into The Great Becoming!

The Cosmic Ray of Multi-Universal Service Heralds in New Dispensation

This Equinox, may we joyfully welcome the days ahead as the mighty forcefields of love prepare and train us in how to raise ourselves into the blazing light expression of our mighty I AM Presence.

We are entering into a most amazing phase of our evolutionary leap which is especially accelerated during these next two years leading up to 2012. As we gratefully kiss our path of awakening to a close, we progress into a brand new dispensation in which we unfold our greater gifts, miraculous abilities and cloak on brand new garments of radiant light.

All that we have gained from past teachings, academic principles, philosophical concepts and spiritual ideologies during our Path of Awakening also comes to a close for many of us serving in "lightworker" roles. Our current understandings are merely a filament to where we are now being swiftly taken. As this new journey begins for our collective group, most of our former teaching aids and tools for ascension no longer will apply. This new energy that will be revealing from within our bodily temples does not, in any way, adhere to the mental constructs created through the lens of human perception.

We are amazingly intelligent as a human species, yet it is not intelligence that is leading the way and forming this new crystalline matrix within our new biology. It is Wisdom through Love as this is directed by Mother-Father God through our I AM Presence, as the giver, the knower and the do-er of all of our activity.

We are no longer a free will human race! We are transcending into a unified diamond heart God Race, the I AM Race of ascended beings... and the I AM Presence leads the way!

The Initiation of the Resurrection

Light bearers choosing to undergo quantum transfiguration of their entire human energy form, are asked to step forward on the inner planes in unwavering commitment to this path of becoming a Christ Presence upon the Earth. From esoteric understanding, this time upon us can be defined as the "Initiation of the Resurrection". It is also the core of the Christian gospel story in which Jesus the Christ was finally freed from the pull of earthly matter.

In the book, "From Bethlehem to Calvary", Alice Bailey summarizes the culmination of our long and arduous preparation for Mastership in this way:

''We are resurrected to life eternal and become of the company of the immortals when we have fitted ourselves to be co-workers with Christ in the Kingdom. It is when we lose the consciousness of the separative individual and become aware of the whole of which we are a part that we have learnt life's final lesson and need no more return.''

This Initiation of Resurrection is taken by the willing, the strong and pure of heart and those who are ready to completely surrender all aspects of the human consciousness to this process of the Great Raising. Those of us who are prepared KNOW without any doubt that the time has finally come. We are boldly determined and have ability to hold steadfast focus upon a most accelerated and intensified period of training and development. This next journey can be likened to a Mystery School, only this academia is being played out through the lens of daily life at hyper light speed.

Never before has this type of ascension been accomplished while retaining a bodily form and never in such a pace of exponential quickening. We are, however, victoriously assured. We are also tremendously supported in all of the spontaneous changes that will be occurring as the illusory time space construct continues to rapidly dissolve from our human realities.


The Adam Kadmon Form

"Adam Kadmon" is a term taken from the ancient kabbalistic tradition and refers to our 5thdimensional light body expression and what we have been describing in our communications as the I AM Avatar Blueprint of Light. This new biological form emerges through a greatly expanded DNA genetic framework which activates the latent codes and original patterns of perfection within each of the trillions of cells in our human body.

During our fall from Grace, the Higher Mental Body (also referred to as the Holy Christ Self) disengaged and we lowered in frequency to the distorted plane of duality, losing all memory and multidimensional functions. In order to now make our way back into the full glory of our true nature, we enter more deeply into the cauldrons of divine alchemy through the sacred fires of transmutation. It necessitates a gradual yet steady rejuvenating , restructuring and respatializing of our entire cellular make-up in which the old matrix is completely replaced with quantum energetic circuitry that can house very high, stellar frequencies within the form.

Following are the more significant areas of change coming to our physical bodies....

Physical Body Regeneration -
Due to the greatly expanded DNA genetic framework now activating, we are undergoing complete physical regenesis in which great cellular rejuvenation recharges our cells to a much higher electrical potential and frequency. Each of our cells within the human body will recognize light as fuel, similar to photosynthesis in plants. Our entire biochemistry and human body functioning radically transfigures into one of super human blueprinting. Light becomes our fuel and food will no longer be needed.

Physical Immortality -
The age long genetic program that the human body wrinkles and dies is a conditioning that can be reversed, just as every other human limitation that we are transcending. As we bring in greater electronic light and re-engage with our Higher Mental Body and I AM Presence, an "eternal vibration" becomes the background of our consciousness and we will absolutely self realize physical immortality.

Exceptional Healing Powers -
Through our capacity to assimilate greater levels of electronic light substance in our cells and as the more refined geometries of color and sound are brought into the body, physical ailments are cured instantly. Our abilities to miraculously and spontaneously heal others through this vibration will naturally unfold.... and already are!

Instant Manifestation and Precipitation - We are bringing the I AM life force back into our Central Nervous System and to all of our electrical connections. Energy pathways will be filled once again with the golden liquid light. As we carry more light resulting in a greater capacity to love, we experience instant manifestation through the purity of thought and feeling.

It is very important to mention that it is through the quiet feelings of harmony, our silent attitudes and deepest contemplations that is the primary energy behind manifestation. Manifestation with the new energy is assured when this frequency of pure thought and feeling is directly given to our I AM Presence... as the knower, the giver and the do-er!

We are no longer projecting our intentions of manifestation outward, rather, bringing them inward and releasing them to the great God Self to fulfill.


Grid Transmissions
Equinox Full Moon
Wednesday, September 22

During this most auspicious full moon and celestial Equinox alignment, we are initiated on to the great path of The Becoming heralded in by the Cosmic Ray of Multi-Universal Service.

Through this ray focus, all life is lifted into the heart of Mother/Father God. This is the ultimate journey and through this beautiful diamond colored flame of love, all life steps into Unity Consciousness and the experience of coming HOME.

As these first-wave humans making transition into the perfected Adam Kadmon blueprint, we find that our greatest strength and stability comes from each other and especially through our attunement with the New Earth crystalline consciousness matrix.

The purity from our one heart pulse keeps us focused and aligned while providing the necessary stabilization to the human electrical system and processes of transfiguration as we journey deeper into the blueprint of God Perfection!

Join us on the Grid this Equinox in Celebration of our great HOMECOMING!

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/21/2010 3:01:59 AM
Dear Friends,
According to Lauren Gorgo, if the past week was tumultuous due to the energy shift that had us the victims of strong headaches and sinus disturbances among other ailments, then we should start bracing ourselves for what is coming probably this very Equinox on 22.9 or, who knows, by 10.10.10.
Big Hugs,
Luis Miguel Goitizolo


Ass Over Teacup

So this article was supposed to be the second part to "Stepping into the Flow" that I posted earlier this week...but I should have known better. There is no such thing as a "linear" order to events any more, and though I naively thought that I could force my will against divine will, the universe took a completely different turn just to show me who's boss.

This energetic turn, while short and intense, was so unexpected and out of the blue, that I literally ended up back in fetal position wondering how to feed myself, let alone how to piece together the rest of that expired energy update.

If you felt like this past week coming off of Mercury retrograde has been unusually challenging... to the point that you thought you were back at the beginning of this heinous journey…you were not alone. I was officially ass. over. teacup. Completely unplugged.

Just as we were beginning to S L O W L Y make forward moving strides toward our new lives, we were collectively capsized by a white squall of sudden self-doubt while plunging even deeper into the seas of uncertainty. Some huge waves of incapability came crashing on our shores that may have caused you to question really BIG things on even deeper levels…questions like:Is this thing REALLY gonna happen?... or maybe even questions about your long-held creations, like: do I REALLY want to be doing this?...OR...Is this REALLY what I want? ...or Can I REALLY do this?

Not only have we just been capsized by these sobering questions and purgings of doubt, but we are hanging on to the bottom of a boat that is rapidly taking us over the edge of a canyon wall that we can't. yet. see. Sweet Jesus.

Naturally, these periods of clearing & integration can create a serious dip in confidence. It's like, the further we ground into our lives and bodies, the more sober we become and the less plausible this all seems. (yikes) But these feelings only exist while we are knee-deep in clearing…once we make it thru to the other side of an integration period and can exhale, we get it…but in the meantime its like waking up from a long dream and wondering how we got here…but more importantly, how and when we will get the hell OUT of here.

These frustrations of being held back have been r e a l l y intensifying this past week...boiling within us like a geyser ready to burst through the earth and launch us into the stratosphere thru the release of over a decade of mounting pressure. These building emotions (anxiety/omg-the-STRESS/rage/disappointment/discontentment/etc) that have been coming to a head are definitely aiding us in moving forward, and thank heavens for that because we literally can't see a foot in front of our faces!

From where we stand…and from the compression of time collapsing in on itself...there is no such thing as predicting the future anymore, so we are all riding the wild waves of the present moment with such focus (and with a "please-god-let-me-survive-this" death grip) that the energies shift too quickly now to pretend we know anything.

And we really don't know anything…we have NO IDEA what's actually in store for us (which is part of the excitement!) other than a barely perceptible feeling of "we are so close"...

But to what?

And that's what this week has been all about:

1) releasing more preconceived notions of what will be, so we can create what is with total freedom…
2) purging the deeply embedded fears that block us from our power (which accounts for those odd solar plexus/abdomen rumblings & pains), and...
3) witnessing the building momentum (frustration/stress) within that is bringing us to a sort of "live free or die" mentality…

...and all of this in preparation for stepping out and becoming visible to the world again.

This week was designed to shake up our foundations for the purposes of loosening any lingering feelings of incapability (do I really have what it takes?) so we can move forward into the unknown with confidence as we step onto a bigger life platform without knowing any of "the how's".

The Pleiadian High Council mentions that the greater purpose of this week was to "step further into our divine template as we begin to honor the physical transition from human to divine human." In fact, they say that this whole week has been an extreme balancing act between these two realities (separation/reconnection), and one that we are now learning to master the art of.


Because change is S L O W L Y beginning to show up in our external lives, so much needs to be accomplished to restructure and align our outside world to match our new internal processing. This made the recent disconnect even more daunting as we were thrown back into our old separated selves again…unplugged from our power source while in the middle of some BIG life changes (and we are still at the tail end of some intense cellular transmutation).

For many, this new platform means... or will mean...moving to a new geographic location (& if u are not moving, you may have just noticed that EVERY ROOM in your house is now the wrong color or that you suddenly hate your refrigerator), ending or beginning major relationships/careers/businesses, starting new projects/partnerships and finding a new or revised physical outlet for the expanded expression of the YOUniversal you. With regard to these changes, the PHC says…"stabilize & brace yourself for change." Luckily, we're wise enuf now to know what this really means: "settle into a box of donuts and marathon run of Jersey Shore on TiVo." Yeah, I said that.

These disconnection periods, while shorter now than ever before, feel so extreme because we are so close to being fully immersed in the oneness, that the stark comparison of separation is becoming, vibrationally speaking, too much to bear.

But as I mentioned in the last two updates, we are still ebbing and flowing, finding our feet and stabilizing in the new which means that one day we are completely amped up and running insane amounts of energy…(you know those days. you suddenly feel like a superhero with amnesia, thinking you can do ANYthing while forgetting the last 10 years of consciousness climbing as you run in circles, or into walls, because you are completely unable to ground, focus or sleep) …and the next we are down for the count, sleeping (integrating) for hours on end like we just came off of a wicked coke bender.

These fluctuations are not only physically taxing, they also create disparate emotional extremes between…"ANYTHING & NOthing is possible." Holy mania batman.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch... we finally made it through the dimensional doorway of the grand crosses of the summer months (winter for the southern hemisphere)…the proverbial eye of the needle…and this month we are settling into our new grooves, securing our foundations, and beginning to physically restructure our external lives as we step into the universal flow of perfect timing. We may still pop back through the door now and again (like we did all this week) to revisit the old (or just to give ourselves a swell swoop in the arse), but the visits will be shorter and shorter until not at all.

New Wave of Light

The PHC also wants us to know that despite how awful we can feel at any given moment, that they are, in fact, "regulating the amount of light that each of us willfully inhabits" (sheesh...can u imagine what it would be like if they weren't???) and that there is coming a new wave of energy that will take us beyond the confines of time and space. (I think they may be referring to the equinox (9/22 (EDT) or the 10:10…or both...but as usual, I am only given enough information to get us through the here and now. Besides, what does it really matter at this point…they all hurt.)

Speaking of pain, I am also hearing that altho we will be moving forward with less resistance beginning this week, I am getting a heads up that we may also be momentarily returning to that horrid state of separation again (presumably during one or both of these next two downloads?)...feeling the distance between our higher & lower self...but that this is only a temporary disconnect that will apparently complete the rewiring of our pituitary/pineal gland. (hence all the headaches, sneezing, vertigo, ear pain, body temp irregularities (chills/sweating), deep sleeps/insomnia, burning/watery eyes, and sinus ick)

(Also worth mentioning…during this very sensitive time of pituitary/pineal activation (known to the outside world as "allergy season"), it is important to steer clear of any/all environmental toxins, noxious fumes (like diesel exhaust for example), fragrances with chemicals…especially petroleum based... anything that is not a natural, that you are sensitive to, or could cause interference in the opening of your third eye)

The PHC say that the pituitary and pineal are finally signing prenups and preparing to merge in sacred union…aka the sacred marriage of the male and female energies within us & the recipe/ingredients for transfiguration) Apparently, from this merging forward "all will be regarded as "new territory" and the old world will seem to separated by a demarcation point. This demarcation point represents the completion of the merging process and from this point onward, our conscious memory will seem split before and after ascension."

(So curiously this like BC/AD? I am pretty intrigued by that notion, and can't help but draw the correlation. BA/AA??? Would love your feedback on that idea...)

They say that the reason this is being brought to our awareness is to assist us (especially the more irreverent of us) to realize that this is a ginormous shift taking place and that the experiences we tout as nonessential, are indeed of great importance...and that the longer we have consciously been on this path and worked with these energies, the more profound the external proof of our internal shift will be.

Well, I don't think any of us going thru this process can doubt the depth of the transformation...regardless of what we think or be-lie-ve, our bodies don't lie.

And that, I suppose, is the comedy in collective perspective : ))

Happy Equinox!


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