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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/30/2015 9:00:17 PM

The UN Climate Conference Starts Today ~ Send Energy

CLIMATE4-1The United Nations Conference on Climate Change
November 30 ~ December 11, 2015
Paris, France

Participate in a 14-minute transmission to support this crucial meeting. Join us at any time of the Conference dates.
The sooner the better!


Let’s help build the field and open the portals of light to insure that an intelligent climate agreement is reached that greatly benefits our transitioning world.

We are calling for intervening support to overlight and protect the UN’s 2015 Climate Change Conference and all people, groups, strategists, governments and countries who are directly influencing its most positive outcome.

Send your light of grace to the negotiation process and help empower the minds of everyone involved with ideas for sustainable solutions that are fundamental to lasting peace and financial justice.


It is now reported that the global temperature hike is already halfway to the ‘two degree warming’ danger zone.

As the global climate summit in Paris is readying to kick off, NOAA, NASA and other global temperature monitors have released data showing that the planet is halfway to two degrees of warming, the much publicized limit of “controllable” climate change.

This ‘2 degrees of Celsius’ is the threshold for the rise in global warming. If we cross this level, it is expected that we will enter into the ‘danger zone’ for climate change. At this level, arctic ice continues to melt and sea levels rise. Entire countries could disappear. A large percentage of animals become extinct. Fires rage, hurricanes are constant and droughts become more severe. The availability of freshwater would significantly decrease. Loss of life is inevitable.

Let’s shift this reflection! The Paris conference is perhaps the most important meeting for climate change to get international agreements in place. Can you give 14 minutes of your time to assist in making a call for Divine Intervention to overlight this summit and inspire the world’s political minds?



Conference Info:
There is a lot of information on the internet about this conference.

Please research: “United Nations Conference on Climate Change”

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/30/2015 9:05:26 PM

A Big Push in Consciousness

heart consciousnessHow can I not comment on the channeled messages we’re seeing these days.

Notice how coordinated they all are. What do they all say in common? Love, love, love, love, love, love.

Natalie Glasson’s message hit the ball out of the park for me.

“An explosion of light is moving through the atmosphere waiting to penetrate your being.” (1)


“It may feel that everything that does not resonate with the light is protruding from your being, wishing to remain anchored within your being while also wanting to escape. This may create a chaos within you which will be experienced at different levels for each individual.”


“In the past it has been through chaos that light has been born. Again you are moving into an experience of inner chaos awakening to bring forth and allow an explosion of light into your being.”

Totally. And I’m ready for the light.

I just spent the morning feeling bummed out, before realizing that these emotions were arising to be experienced (finally) and let go of. All they want is for me to experience them and let the river of awareness carry them away.

“Chaos doesn’t have to be something which you are fearful of or shy away from because it is seemingly not spiritual or [impossible] to be enlightened when you experience chaos.

“However your reactions are the keys which allow you to move into a space of light within your being. Can you experience chaos within your being without fear and with a reaction or response of love? This is what is being asked of you.”

No, I cannot. Not yet. Not completely.

And then the piece de resistance:

“A light which is the supreme love of the Creator and will intensify the supreme love of the Creator within you will explode within your being, it will fill every cell with light and create a powerful realignment encouraging balance, healing, further Creator consciousness awareness and resonance with the Creator. Imagine if all misalignments, blockages and limitations were dissolved and your entire being was free to reform itself into an awakened and aligned version of yourself.”

This is the Light of the Self, the Christ, the Atman. This is the pearl of great price, the treasure buried in a field, the mustard seed that will grow into a great tree.

The message goes on to amplify what we may experience in this phase of our Ascension. It promises a fourth-chakra experience. We’ve already heard the Mother and AAM describe a seventh-chakra experience and a permanent heart opening in 2017.

One aspect of their report I’m hesitant to mention because we’ve all had such difficult experiences with dates. They predict this experience for most people will haopen between Dec. 21-26, 2015:

“Many people will experience an explosion of light within their beings sometime from the 21st – 26th December 2015, those who experience it during this time will either require the collective support of others achieving it at the same time to aid their activation or are supporting the collective in their experience. Those who do not require amplification from the collective consciousness of humanity will experience their light explosion with divine timing either before or after these dates.”

Eeek! Not another date. I can’t avoid mentioning it here but I won’t mention it again, I promise.

I maintain that it doesn’t have to be the sight of a bright Light that we experience from the impact of these energies. I believe it can also be an explosion in consciousness, the vision of one’s Chosen Ideal, or other manifestations. But the impact will be the same.

For me, this ability to look upon chaos without fear or reaction is what the growth movement aimed at. It’s what est was all about, Zen, Vipassana (certainly), and enlightenment intensives. To regard everything with the same loving glance, without judgment or reactivity.

My work with vasanas could be boiled down to: Are we willing and able to experience our past traumas, now, without reacting so that we can then let them be swept downstream by the river of awareness?

You and I have been having this conversation about major vasanas (or what Linda Dillon calls “core issues”) constantly for nigh on … oh … many years now. That conversation is now being declared a “global” imperative. It’s no longer a small and local conversation, but an inclusive, planetary one. I for one am swept away by the thought.

I don’t even know what it means. I feel finished with the subject and now the planet is being implicitly asked to master it. I guess this is what wayshowers do, right? Talk about the territory they’ve been through already?

“The chaos which is arising from within your being is beautiful. You may have already experienced it in the past few weeks.”

Uh, yes.

“Be experiencing it now or about to identify it within your being. It may feel all-consuming, familiar or simply a mild frustration and yet if you are willing to recognise the chaos with awareness and love, you will accept and ignite an explosion of light within your being.”

I’m up for that. Ready, aye, ready.

Holy mackerel. The rest of Sunday’s messages are also on love. A big push in consciousness must be on. Or that’s the way it seems to me.

Now to take pen in hand and continue drawing the new map of Ascension. Ascension has had long times of gradual elevation. If we were to see the Light of the Divine Child (Self, Christ, Atman) in a fourth-chakra moment of enlightenment, as the Andromedans suggest, then that would be one instance of Ascension being sudden.

I imagine that would be followed by another period of gradual ascent. And that too would be followed by another sudden moment of “ignition” – the sixth-chakra sight of the Light in all creation.

Then more gradual ascent and then the kundalini would reach the seventh-chakra and we’d have the sight of the Light transcending creation.

And finally, at the end of our current round of Ascension, the kundalini would double back to the heart through the nerve called the Atma Nadi and permanently open the heart in the experience of Sahaja Samadhi.

This is the manner in which Ascension can be said to be both sudden and gradual.

Oh, yes, and I mustn’t neglect this diary entry. At the beginning of writing this message, I was not in the transformed space. And now I am.


(1) “The Andromedans: Explosion of Light Within,” Channeled by Natalie Glasson, November 27, 2015, at

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/30/2015 9:09:42 PM



Hi Precious Hearts,

I know this is a very busy time for all of us, however, we are being given an incredibly important opportunity to assist this blessed Planet and ALL her Life forward in the Light during the accelerated Ascension process we are experiencing at this time. Due to the logistics that have to be orchestrated in order for this facet of the Divine Plan to be God Victoriously fulfilled, we must begin the registration process now.

This Activity of Light will take place during the 30th Annual World Congress on Illumination, August 13-20, 2016. This event will be held on an exquisitely beautiful seven-day Alaskan Cruise. In order to organize an event of this size the Cruise Line requires that we reserve the rooms now. We have reserved a block of rooms of varying prices and they will be booked first come first serve. For this reason, if you have the Heart Call to serve as an instrument of God for this event by being physically present on this wonderful Cruise, please go to our website and check out all of the information listed for the 30th Annual World Congress on Illumination by clicking on that link.

In order to reserve your space and the room you would like to have, only a deposit is required at this time. Your final payment can be made later.

The Company of Heaven said they will be revealing much more information about the importance of this facet of the Divine Plan as we progress through 2016 step by step. However, the following information will give you an idea of the magnitude of opportunity at hand.

Please listen to your Heart and respond according to the inner direction of your I AM Presence. Once again, our Light is needed and our time is at hand.

In December 2012, after we God Victoriously moved through the Shift of the Ages and Birthed the New Earth, the Company of Heaven said that the next three years would provide opportunities for Humanity to transform the Earth and ALL her Life in ways that had never been attempted in any system of Worlds. We are now completing the third year of the New Earth and from the miraculous events that have taken place, I would say that Lightworkers around the World have succeeded in this holy endeavor beyond anything we could have ever imagined.

Humanity en masse is Awakening at warp speed and people everywhere are beginning to “see with new eyes and hear with new ears.” Because of unprecedented influxes of Celestial Light and Gamma Rays from the Cosmos, which were Divinely Timed to reach the Earth during this Cosmic Moment, Humanity’s DNA/RNA structures have been recalibrated and our Twelve 5th-Dimensional Solar Strands of DNA have been restored to their original Divine Potential by our I AM Presence. This is causing a shift of consciousness within every man, woman, and child on Earth that is unparalleled in the history of time.

The myriad events that have been successfully accomplished over the last three years are pulsating in all of their glory in the Realms of Cause where everything begins. Now they are filtering into the hearts and minds of Awakening Humanity. As these patterns of perfection resonate as an Inner Knowing in each person’s Heart Flame, the newly re-calibrated DNA structures are accelerating the shift of consciousness that is taking place within every person. This is an individual process that is being orchestrated by each person’s I AM Presence.

The way this shift of consciousness will manifest in each of our lives will begin with the Inner Knowing that WE ARE ONE and that there is NO separation. We will KNOW that there is no such thing as “us and them.” One by one, we will realize that we are interconnected, interrelated, and interdependent and that whatever we do to help or harm one person will either help or harm ALL people, and Mother Earth herself.

The next realization in our shift of consciousness will be that Divine Love is the mightiest force in all Creation. Our I AM Presence will clearly reveal to us the profound Truth that when we align with the unfathomable Power of our Father-Mother God’s Divine Love with every thought, feeling, word, action, belief, and memory we express, the patterns of perfection that we have co-created in the Realms of Cause will tangibly manifest in our individual and collective life experiences. Then, we will truly BE the Light of the World and together we will co-create Heaven on Earth.

The Company of Heaven has revealed that this shift of consciousness will continue to unfold in perfect Divine Order throughout 2016. There will be myriad Activities of Light orchestrated by Lightworkers around the World during 2016, which will boost the effects of this Awakening process. Then, when we reach the Cosmic Moment of the 30th Annual World Congress on Illumination, August 13-20, 2016, Humanity and ALL Life evolving on this sweet Earth will be ready for the next quantum shift in the unfolding Divine Plan.

We have been asked by the Company of Heaven to orchestrate the 30th Annual World Congress on Illumination within the Portal of Light through which the patterns of perfection from the Realms of Cause enter the mental and emotional strata of Earth. This Portal pulsates in all of its resplendent glory in the Ethers above Alaska in the USA.

The 30th WCI will take place on an Alaskan Cruise during which the Lightworkers who are physically present from around the World, will join their Heart Flames and form a transformer of Light, a Holy Grail, through which the Light of God will flow to open this Portal of Light to full breadth. Once that is accomplished, the patterns of perfection from the Realms of Cause that reflect the Divine Love, Eternal Peace, Vibrant Health, Abundance, Bliss, Ecstasy, Wonder, and Awe of the 5th-Dimensional New Earth will far more easily flow through the hearts and minds of Humanity into the physical plane.

The 30th WCI will be a wondrous and life-transforming event for all of those who are willing to respond to their Heart’s Call and volunteer to serve as Instruments of God on behalf of our sisters and brothers in the Family of Humanity, and Beloved Mother Earth.

As 2016 unfolds, we will be sharing important information on how this facet of the Divine Plan will be God Victoriously accomplished. Alaska is a wondrous expression of the Nature Kingdom. In the embrace of Alaska’s exquisite beauty, we will easily connect with the patterns of perfection that we will experience once the New Earth is tangibly manifest through the Portal of Light associated with the Realms of Cause.

In our brochure you will get a glimpse of the beauty we will experience on this glorious Alaskan Cruise.

In order to organize a group this large on a Cruise Ship there are very specific deadlines for registrations that we are obligated to fulfill. For that reason, registrations for this World Congress are very different. Please go to our website and carefully read all of the information, so that you will not miss this amazing opportunity.

If you are interested in joining us for the 30th Annual World Congress on Illumination on our Alaskan Cruise you MUST REGISTER THROUGH OUR WEBSITE. You cannot register directly through the cruise line.

We are all Blessed beyond measure to be able to serve Life in this wondrous way. Please listen to your Heart and respond according to the inner guidance of your I AM Presence. God Bless You, Precious One!

30th Annual World Congress on Illumination, August 13-20, 2016.

Patricia Cota-Robles
New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization

FAX: 520-751-2981
Phone: 520-885-7909

New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose
PO Box 41883,
Tucson, Arizona 85717

This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included. Thank You.

©2015 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

The information in this monthly sharing is being given to Humanity by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. The Divine Intent of these celestial sharings is to encourage, empower, uplift, and inspire Humanity by allowing us to see the bigger picture during these wondrous but often challenging times.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/30/2015 9:11:24 PM

GFP Newsletter - 11/29/2015

will's picture

God has given you a life to be lived, and lived spontaneously, with no pattern. Don't become a slave and don't become an imitator. Love yourself, respect yourself, and try to live your life the way you feel it. And even if you are a failure you will be contented. And imitating somebody else, even if you succeed, you will remain empty inside, filled with straw and nothing else. Alas!

The person who will succeed in imitating Christ will be the person who has completely destroyed his possibility of growing. He has been playing, he has not been living. And howsoever intelligently you try to imitate, imitation is unintelligent. Intelligence never tries to imitate.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/30/2015 9:14:35 PM


Marilyn Raffaele ~ The Arcturian Group ~ NOVEMBER 29, 2015

Dear ones, again we lovingly seek your attention. Issues on planet earth have become increasingly more intense in many directions--reflecting perfectly the energy of duality and separation. Many are awakening but many still resist. Let go of fearing that the dark will out, for ascension is a given in spite of all you are seeing and hearing through the media.
When tempted to fear, remember that fear is the energetic substance of these manifestations and more fear only adds energy to the illusion. Choose to limit the time you spend absorbing mainstream news, health ads, and other drivel available 24/7. Stay informed but not enmeshed.
All who are ready and choosing to ascend into higher dimensional energy will do so, and those choosing to stay in what they have always known will also do so. Ascension is not a matter of intellectual knowledge but is an attained state of consciousness. There are many who seem to have no interest in spirituality, but who live from a highly evolved state of consciousness attained in previous lifetimes. These seemingly disinterested individuals are moving into new energies as well because they have the qualifications, so to speak.
We wish to discuss what the world is calling a disintegration of values, which simply means that many concepts and traditions generally supported as being necessary for happiness or even "salvation", have begun to change, disappear, or are being flat out disregarded by many, particularly the great number of very evolved souls coming to earth at this time.
Individual values based in obsolete concepts still form the basis of many belief systems and those continuing to hold strict value systems that only allow issues to be seen one way, are experiencing sadness, anger, and even panic in the belief that their "true" values are disappearing.
It is especially difficult when conscientious parents attempt to teach their children values and find that the children do not accept the parent's values. Many of the children being born now, are already evolved well beyond what parents and teachers are trying to force onto them.
Obsolete value systems simply do not resonate with anyone who has evolved beyond them. Third dimensional blindness often makes well meaning and loving parents or teachers continue in their attempts to instill old energy into a child, believing that the child must embrace them for their own good--often utilizing medication and experts to influence the "wayward" child to the parents values.
Values are changing, not going away. Like everything else, they are evolving to higher levels. Values reflect states of consciousness and the consciousness that formed them in the first place is evolving and changing, leaving those who do not understand this, to question and experience confusion. Values often reflect the consensus consciousness of a group or country and can thus be very different from one and another. This alone is proof that some values are simply concepts because truth does not vary from country to country.
Values originated in earlier times when man needed rules. Over time, many of these rules became distorted from their original purpose when claimed by those in power who discovered that enforcing rules was a good way to keep the masses in subservience, which is still true today.
Rules were also incorporated into religious doctrine by churches and declared to be spiritual truth, along with the promotion of a heaven or hell awaiting those who might choose to disregard them. To this day, many value systems simply reflect concepts originally utilized for the purpose of having power over others.
We are NOT saying there is no need for rules, for many still need rules. What we are saying is that it is time for you who are spiritually evolved, to evaluate your personal values and see if they are holding you in a belief system that is now obsolete, serving only to keep you in what you have evolved beyond.
Take a honest look at everything you hold as being right. This will be different for every person, as no one has had the same exact experiences creating their values in the first place. Value systems color every experience, causing certain issues to be seen only as black or white and allowing no room for unconditional love.
This need not be a difficult process for you are ready. Honestly and with pure intent, look at any issues still causing you to gasp, be shocked, or feel that "others" are wrong and you are right. Examine then, any personal values you may still hold that is causing these reactions.
A current example could be the issue of gay marriage or partnerships which so many consider to be "sinful" in spite of the fact that these partnerships are often more loving or on a higher level than many heterosexual partnerships. The so called "spiritual values" touted righteously as a basis for opinions such as this, simply reflect a value system based in spiritual ignorance and "religiosity".
Many so called religious values of today are promoted by sincere but as of yet un-awakened individuals holding positions of religious or political influence to whom many have willingly handed over their innate power of discernment. The followers then blindly accept what they are told and become disciples of error who attempt to convert everyone else.
Every issue of daily living is endowed with value of some sort reflecting the state of consciousness perceiving it. We simply say examine your values and make sure they are yours and not someone else's. Often they are values you were taught or brought with you into this lifetime and which you continue to hold. Some will remain true and valid, but your job is to discern the difference. You are ready.
Often it is a fear of rejection by family or group that causes individuals to cling to some outgrown value system but just as often it is cellular memory still resonating from some one or more past lifetimes in which it was taught that severe afterlife punishments awaited anyone daring to digress from commonly accepted truths.
There comes a time in everyone's evolution where they must take the "leap" so to speak, trusting their intuition and going forward regardless of what the un-awakened world may think. As you move into higher and more illumined living, you soon find others who have also made the "leap" being drawn to you.
Living out from a higher state of consciousness does not mean you must not seek help through traditional sources if you are guided to do so, or that you must never welcome assistance from an "expert". Always go within first and you will find yourself gently guided in some seemingly ordinary way to the right medical person or expert--one of a higher resonance, more attuned to your state of consciousness.
This guidance may come as an intuitive knowing, a name that seems to stand out from the others, a friend or article may point you in a particular direction. Spiritual guidance is always available, manifesting in practical and gentle ways you can understand. It is not something accessible only to those deemed worthy as many have and still believe. You are, always have been, and always will be "worthy" for it is your own consciousness.
The energy of ascension is the energy of Oneness. You are the manifestation and expression of One Divine Consciousness and thus can never be separate from your innate wholeness and completeness. Inner guidance is a facet of your completeness. You can only experience separateness from what you seem to need if you believe you are separate. This is the story of evolution.
There are many very evolved souls working on high levels in professions the world sees only third dimensionally. They have chosen to help the world in ways it can relate to, bringing their highly evolved resonance into whatever actions or services they provide. Evolved souls can be found in every profession and aspect of society, even the military, serving to quietly lift the energy of the world through what appears as very ordinary. THESE PEOPLE ARE YOU!
At this point for most of you it is simply a matter of practice, trust, and allowing the process. These actions will serve to gently guide you beyond the limiting values still held by so many in an un-awakened society. You are learning to be comfortable with where you are in the process through the realization that everything necessary will and is taking place without your thinking or manipulation.
Never consider yourself a failure if or when you revert to old values, for the fact that you recognize it means that you have awakened. The "old" you would not of been aware of these things. There is no such thing as failure, for failure is based in duality and separation. Every failure simply represents another step along the way to remembering...rejoice in each and every failure.
We are the Arcturian Group 11/29/15

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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