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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/1/2015 5:58:02 PM

Daily Message ~ Tuesday December 1, 2015

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When you experience disappointment in another it is because you are looking outside of yourself for satisfaction. As you have no control over what another does, this amounts to gambling with your happiness. You will always end up feeling let down in one way or another, because only you can create your own foundation of wholeness.

What you are truly seeking, and what will always satisfy you, is connecting to the unconditionally loving and supportive Source within you. Choose to love yourself so completely and deliciously that your deep satisfaction is assured. From there it is easy to simply love and accept others for who, and where they are, without condition. ~Archangel Gabriel


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/1/2015 6:02:30 PM

The Arcturian Group via Marilyn Raffaele: November 29, 2015

Arcturian Group November 29, 2015Dear Ones, again we lovingly seek your attention.

Issues on planet Earth have become increasingly more intense in many directions – reflecting perfectly the energy of duality and separation. Many are awakening but many still resist. Let go of fearing that the dark will out, for Ascension is a given in spite of all you are seeing and hearing through the media.

When tempted to fear, remember that fear is the energetic substance of these manifestations and more fear only adds energy to the illusion. Choose to limit the time you spend absorbing mainstream news, health ads, and other drivel available 24/7. Stay informed but not enmeshed.

All who are ready and choosing to ascend into higher dimensional energy will do so, and those choosing to stay in what they have always known will also do so. Ascension is not a matter of intellectual knowledge but is an attained state of consciousness.

There are many who seem to have no interest in spirituality, but who live from a highly evolved state of consciousness attained in previous lifetimes. These seemingly disinterested individuals are moving into new energies as well because they have the qualifications, so to speak.

We wish to discuss what the world is calling a disintegration of values, which simply means that many concepts and traditions generally supported as being necessary for happiness or even “salvation”, have begun to change, disappear, or are being flat out disregarded by many, particularly the great number of very evolved souls coming to Earth at this time.

Individual values based in obsolete concepts still form the basis of many belief systems and those continuing to hold strict value systems that only allow issues to be seen one way, are experiencing sadness, anger, and even panic in the belief that their “true” values are disappearing.

It is especially difficult when conscientious parents attempt to teach their children values and find that the children do not accept the parents’ values. Many of the children being born now are already evolved well beyond what parents and teachers are trying to force onto them.

Obsolete value systems simply do not resonate with anyone who has evolved beyond them. Third dimensional blindness often makes well meaning and loving parents or teachers continue in their attempts to instill old energy into a child, believing that the child must embrace them for their own good – often utilizing medication and experts to influence the “wayward” child to the parents values.

Values are changing, not going away. Like everything else, they are evolving to higher levels. Values reflect states of consciousness and the consciousness that formed them in the first place is evolving and changing, leaving those who do not understand this, to question and experience confusion. Values often reflect the consensus consciousness of a group or country and can thus be very different from one and another. This alone is proof that some values are simply concepts because truth does not vary from country to country.

Values originated in earlier times when man needed rules. Over time, many of these rules became distorted from their original purpose when claimed by those in power who discovered that enforcing rules was a good way to keep the masses in subservience, which is still true today.

Rules were also incorporated into religious doctrine by churches and declared to be spiritual truth, along with the promotion of a heaven or hell awaiting those who might choose to disregard them. To this day, many value systems simply reflect concepts originally utilized for the purpose of having power over others.

We are NOT saying there is no need for rules, for many still need rules. What we are saying is that it is time for you who are spiritually evolved to evaluate your personal values and see if they are holding you in a belief system that is now obsolete, serving only to keep you in what you have evolved beyond.

Take an honest look at everything you hold as being right. This will be different for every person, as no one has had the same exact experiences creating their values in the first place. Value systems color every experience, causing certain issues to be seen only as black or white and allowing no room for Unconditional Love.

This need not be a difficult process for you are ready. Honestly, and with pure intent, look at any issues still causing you to gasp, be shocked, or feel that “others” are wrong and you are right. Examine then, any personal values you may still hold that are causing these reactions.

A current example could be the issue of gay marriage or partnerships which so many consider to be “sinful” in spite of the fact that these partnerships are often more loving or on a higher level than many heterosexual partnerships. The so called “spiritual values” touted righteously as a basis for opinions such as this, simply reflect a value system based in spiritual ignorance and “religiosity”.

Many so called religious values of today are promoted by sincere but as of yet unawakened individuals holding positions of religious or political influence to whom many have willingly handed over their innate power of discernment. The followers then blindly accept what they are told and become disciples of error who attempt to convert everyone else.

Every issue of daily living is endowed with value of some sort reflecting the state of consciousness perceiving it. We simply say examine your values and make sure they are yours and not someone else’s. Often they are values you were taught or brought with you into this lifetime and which you continue to hold. Some will remain true and valid, but your job is to discern the difference. You are ready.

Often it is a fear of rejection by family or group that causes individuals to cling to some outgrown value system but just as often it is cellular memory still resonating from some one or more past lifetimes in which it was taught that severe afterlife punishments awaited anyone daring to digress from commonly accepted truths.

There comes a time in everyone’s evolution where they must take the “leap” so to speak, trusting their intuition and going forward regardless of what the unawakened world may think. As you move into higher and more illumined living, you soon find others who have also made the “leap” being drawn to you.

Living out from a higher state of consciousness does not mean you must not seek help through traditional sources if you are guided to do so, or that you must never welcome assistance from an “expert”. Always go within first and you will find yourself gently guided in some seemingly ordinary way to the right medical person or expert – one of a higher resonance, more attuned to your state of consciousness.

This guidance may come as an intuitive knowing, a name that seems to stand out from the others, a friend or article may point you in a particular direction. Spiritual guidance is always available, manifesting in practical and gentle ways you can understand. It is not something accessible only to those deemed worthy as many have and still believe. You are, always have been, and always will be “worthy” for it is your own consciousness.

The energy of Ascension is the energy of Oneness. You are the manifestation and expression of One Divine Consciousness and thus can never be separate from your innate wholeness and completeness. Inner guidance is a facet of your completeness. You can only experience separateness from what you seem to need if you believe you are separate. This is the story of evolution.

There are many very evolved souls working on high levels in professions the world sees only third dimensionally. They have chosen to help the world in ways it can relate to, bringing their highly evolved resonance into whatever actions or services they provide. Evolved souls can be found in every profession and aspect of society, even the military, serving to quietly lift the energy of the world through what appears as very ordinary. THESE PEOPLE ARE YOU!

At this point for most of you it is simply a matter of practice, trust, and allowing the process. These actions will serve to gently guide you beyond the limiting values still held by so many in an un-awakened society. You are learning to be comfortable with where you are in the process through the realization that everything necessary will and is taking place without your thinking or manipulation.

Never consider yourself a failure if or when you revert to old values, for the fact that you recognize it means that you have awakened. The “old” you would not have been aware of these things. There is no such thing as failure, for failure is based in duality and separation. Every failure simply represents another step along the way to remembering – rejoice in each and every failure.


We are the Arcturian Group

The Arcturian Group. Channelled by Marilyn Raffaele. November 29,

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/1/2015 6:05:09 PM

GaiaPortal 11-30-15… “Crystal elementals descend from above”

gaiaportal_logo171This seems very positive. The only thing I’ll add here is a definition of “portent“:

…an indication or omen of something about to happen, especially something momentous.


Crystal elementals descend from above

Crystal elementals descend from above.

Magic points are noted by all Gaia beings.

Unification becomes priority energetically.

Life paths are unveiled as individuals relax.

Portentions are released, as collectives embrace.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/1/2015 6:12:46 PM

Night sky guide for December 2015

Galactic Free Press's picture

December 2015 will feature three meteor showers: the Geminids, the Puppid-Velids and the Ursids. The Geminid meteor shower is popularly known as the "king of meteor showers". This year, it is expected to produce up to 120 meteors per hour at its peak, which will occur on December 13/14. The crescent moon during this period will make for a fantastic show.

The Puppy-Velids shower will peak on December 9 and will produce a maximum of 15 meteors per hour at its peak. The 28 day old moon during this period will enable a good viewing experience. The Ursids, on the other hand,will peak on December 21/22 and are expected to produce only between 5-10 meteors per hours. The waxing gibbous moon will probably block out most of the fainter meteors further spoiling the show.

The new moon is always the best time to observe faint objects in the sky. This month it falls on December 11.

This month's full moon, known as the Full Cold Moon or the Full Long Nights Moon falls on December 25.

  • December 4 - Conjunction between Moon and Jupiter - 05:19 UTC. The Moon and Jupiter will make a close approach, passing within 1°42' of each other on December 4, 2015. At the moment of closest approach, the Moon will be at mag -11.6, and Jupiter at mag -2.0, both in the constellation Leo. The pair will be too widely separated to fit within the field of view of a telescope, but will be visible to the naked eye or through a pair of binoculars.
  • December 6 - Conjunction between Moon and Mars - 02:39 UTC. At the moment of closest approach on December 6,2015, the Moon will be at mag -11.1, and Mars at mag 1.1, both in the constellation Virgo. During this period, the conjunction will be close enough to fit comfortably within the field of view of a telescope, but will also be visible to the naked eye or a through pair of binoculars.
  • December 7 - C/2014 S2 (PANSTARRS) reaches its brightest. Comet C/2014 S2 (PANSTARRS) is forecast to reach its brightest, on December 7, 2015 at around mag 9.2. It will lie at a distance of 2.10 AU from the Sun, and at a distance of 1.92 AU from the Earth.
  • December 7 - Conjunction between the Moon and Venus - 17:20 UTC. The Moon and Venus will make a close approach, passing within 0°38' of each other. At the moment of closest approach, the Moon will be at mag -10.4, and Venus at mag -4.7, both in the constellation Virgo. The pair will be a little too widely separated to fit comfortably within the field of view of a telescope, but will be visible to the naked eye or a through pair of binoculars.
  • December 9 - Puppid-Velid meteor shower peak. The Puppid-Velid meteor shower runs each year between November 17 to January. This year the shower will peak on the night of December 9, 2015 with a maximum of 15 meteors per hour. The 28 day old moon during this period will not interfere with the viewing experience.
  • December 11 - New Moon - 10:31 UTC. As on every New Moon day, the Moon will pass close to the Sun and will not be visible on December 11, 2015. This time is ideal for viewing faint objects like galaxies and star clusters in the night sky as there is no moonlight to interfere.
  • December 11 - 204P/Linear-Neat at perihelion. Comet 204P/LINEAR-NEAT will make its closest approach to the Sun, at a distance of 1.93 AU.
  • December 11 - LMC is well placed for observation. Across much of the world, the Milky Way's dwarf companion, the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), in Dorado, will be well placed for observation on December 11, 2015. At a declination of -69°45', it is easiest to see from the southern hemisphere and cannot be seen from latitudes much north of 0°N. At magnitude 0.9, LMC is visible to the naked eye, but best viewed through a pair of binoculars.
  • December 13/14 - Geminid meteor shower peak. The Geminids are one of the most popular meteor showers in the night sky. They run each year from December 7 to December 17 and produce up to 120 meteors per hour. This year, the shower is expected to peak between nighttime on December 13, 2015 and early morning December 14, 2015. The Geminid meteor shower is caused by the object 3200 Phaethon which is thought to be an asteroid with a "rock comet" orbit.
  • December 15 - NGC 1981 is well placed for observation. Reaching its highest point in the sky around midnight local time, The open star cluster NGC 1981 in Orion's sword will be well placed for observation on December 15, 2015. At a declination of -04°25', it is visible across much of the world; it can be seen at latitudes between 65°N and 74°S. At magnitude 4.6, NGC1981 is too faint to be seen with the naked eye from any but the very darkest sites, but is visible through a pair of binoculars or small telescope.
  • December 19 - Conjunction between Moon and Uranus - 01:27 UTC. The Moon and Uranus will make a close approach, passing within 1°06' of each other on December 19, 2015. At the moment of closest approach, the Moon will be at mag -12.3, and Uranus at mag 5.8, both in the constellation Pisces. The pair will be too widely separated to fit within the field of view of a telescope, but will be visible to the naked eye or through a pair of binoculars.
  • December 21/22 - Ursid meteor shower peak. The Ursid meteor shower lasts annually between December 17 to December 25 producing a maximum of 10 meteors per hour on its peak which occurs between the night of December 21, 2015 and early morning December 22, 2015. The Moon will be 11 days old during this period and will significantly affect viewability.
  • December 22 - December Solstice - 04:42 UTC. The December Solstice occurs when the Sun reaches its most southerly declination of -23.5 degrees. In other words, when the North Pole is tilted furthest – 23.5 degrees – away from the Sun. ​It is called Winter Solstice in the northern hemisphere, where it is the shortest day of the year. In the southern hemisphere, it is the Summer Solstice and the longest day of the year.
  • December 25 - Asteroid 27 Euterpe at opposition - 09:53 UTC. ​Regardless of your location on the Earth, 27 Euterpe will reach its highest point in the sky at around midnight local time on December 25, 2015. Asteroid 27 Euterpe will also make its perigree at the same time passing within 0.958 AU of the Earth, reaching a peak brightness of magnitude 8.3. Nonetheless, even at its brightest, 27 Euterpe is a faint object beyond the reach of the naked eye or binoculars; a telescope of moderate aperture and a good star chart are needed.
  • December 25 - Full Moon - 11:13 UTC. As on every Full Moon day, the Moon will be lying almost directly opposite the Sun in the sky at a distance of 376 000 km (233 635 miles) from the Earth. Full Moon nights are very bright and not conducive for observation of faint sky objects in the night sky.
  • December 27 - NGC 2232 is well placed for observation. The open star cluster NGC 2232 in Monoceros will be well placed for observation. It will reach its highest point in the sky at around midnight local time on December 27, 2015. At a declination of -04°45', it is visible across much of the world; it can be seen at latitudes between 65°N and 74°S. At magnitude 3.9, NGC2232 is tricky to make out with the naked eye except from a dark site, but is visible through a pair of binoculars or small telescope.
  • December 29 - Mercury at greatest elongation - 05:59 UTC. Mercury will be well placed for observation in the evening sky, shining brightly at mag -2.5 on December 29, 2015.
  • December 29 - NGC 2244 is well placed for observation. The open star cluster NGC 2244, in the rosette nebula in Monoceros, will be well placed for observation. It will reach its highest point in the sky at around midnight local time on December 29, 2015. At a declination of +04°52', it is visible across much of the world; it can be seen at latitudes between 74°N and 65°S. At magnitude 4.8, NGC2244 is too faint to be seen with the naked eye from any but the very darkest sites, but is visible through a pair of binoculars or small telescope.
  • December 31 - Conjunction between the Moon and Jupiter - 17:05 UTC. The Moon and Jupiter will make a close approach, passing within 1°23' of each other on December 31, 2015. At the moment of closest approach, the Moon will be at mag -12.1, and Jupiter at mag -2.2, both in the constellation Leo.The pair will be too widely separated to fit within the field of view of a telescope, but will be visible to the naked eye or through a pair of binoculars.

Tonight's Sky: December 2015. Video credit: Hubble Space Telescope

Sources: InTheSky (Dominic Ford), SeaSky

​Featured image credit: Solar System Scope / TW

Original Article:

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The Watchers

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/1/2015 6:24:27 PM

Suzanne Lie: Thirty Veils Of Illusion – The Illusion of Questioning, #4.

30VeilsOfIllusion (2)Where am I? Oh yes, I am here. I see the door behind me and I see Lady Astrea to my right. Perhaps I can ask her now about why I don’t remember my Earth life while I am here. But, before I can formulate the question, I hear her saying,

“Dear, you will know when you remember this experience on Earth when you remember your Earth life while you are here. Be patient with yourself. It is very difficult to live two realities at once, and your Higher Self will determine when you are ready.”

Higher Self? What is she talking about? Does she mean that there is even more of me than my waking and sleeping self? I am even more confused now than I was before I asked the question, but now I must enter the circle. I hope I can remember to ask her about that “Higher Self”.

I am entering the circle and, as I do so, I feel like I am coming Home. The two dear Ladies appear as if from nowhere and lovingly release another veil and I hear the voice of Lady Leto.

It appears that she, too, heard my question as she says, “Last evening the work was very deep and you were unable to carry any of it to your outside mind. Know that seeing the connection between the inside and the outside is sometimes dependent on your fortitude. In this case, it was better not to remember the night’s work so that you could rest.

“This evening the Ladies have lifted the ‘Illusion of Questioning.’ To question is to feel the separation between yourself and the ultimate Source. To question is to put one’s consciousness into human consciousness to ask of a higher or another source.

On this side of the veil, we are living in a constant state of knowing. All divine information is readily within our grasp and we easily attune to whatever is appropriate. Also, on the spirit level, we are not bound to attune to only one thing. I can personally attend to you while I can, just as personally, attend to all others who are also calling me this day.”

As the veil is given to the Brother, Hilarion speaks, “I can see, my One, that you are ‘questioning’ this concept. This, of course, is part of the reason why you were unable to bring forward any of the work of last evening. I will try to explain this to you. To you particularly, questioning has been an important part of your growth.

Questioning is a lot like wanting. Wanting denotes that you do not already have and this wanting pulls one out of the cosmic flow of All in All. Questioning acts in much the same manner. When you question, there is an underlying energy field that denotes that you do not already know. This separates you from the Universal Mind.

“To release the ‘Illusion of Questioning,’ one would instead unify. When you unify with the Universal Mind, no questioning is necessary as your mind is united with the Universal Mind. Then the information desired can be collected just as it is ‘collected’ from your physical brain.

Dear One, try not to question this concept, but rather take a moment to experience the difference. First, ask yourself a question, then unify. As you have seen, to question dissects your consciousness into individual words and concepts. To unify, however, opens you to all answers simultaneously.”

As the other Brothers take the veil, Apollo speaks, “The opposite polarity of questioning is understanding, because you do not have to question if you have grasped what was said. We have unified with your consciousness and, therefore, know exactly what you need us to say to you to further your understanding.

The basis of questioning is insecurity and impatience. Insecurity comes from the illusion of space because one is insecure in one’s supposed separation. Impatience comes from the illusion of time. Therefore, space and time bind questioning. As you transcend both space and time, the illusion of separation and the human quality of impatience are also transcended.”

With mighty Apollo’s final words, I could feel myself being pulled back into space and time. No, no, I don’t wish to re-enter yet. I have more questions…

Q and A on Questioning Your SELF

Please share how you questioned your SELF and
How you found the courage to BE your SELF.

Thank you, in the great year of 2016, we


Thank you for your messages!

Suzanne Lie: Thirty Veils Of Illusion – The Illusion of Questioning, #4.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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