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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/29/2015 6:53:57 PM

Saul via John Smallman: Look for Love Everywhere, It Is Endemic

saul-300x91John’s audio blog can be found here.

The illusory world, the world in which you experience life as humans, does appear to be undergoing an upsurge in violence, suffering, and conflict. Your mainstream media are taking full advantage of these events to encourage you to engage with an increasing sense of fear. Doing so just drags you deeper into the nightmare that is the illusion.

Focus, therefore, on the “now moment,” this actual moment in which all your needs in this moment are met. Doing that brings you inwards to your holy inner space where the Light of God’s Love for you burns inextinguishably. Then you will feel the warmth of the confirmation that you are eternally held lovingly in the divine Embrace. Feeling that your energy fields expand and Love flows through you, out into the world, where it is so sorely needed to help bring people to their inevitable awakening.

You all chose to incarnate as humans at this point in your evolutionary journey because you knew that your services were needed, and because you could envision how effective your service as humans would be.

You are all extremely effective in every moment in which you intend to share and extend Love to those in need and suffering, whether they be the flood of migrants camping out in harsh weather conditions on the borders of European countries, or those suffering oppression and persecution in their home countries, or those experiencing intense poverty in your own localities.

What is presently occurring is making it very difficult for anyone to ignore or be unaware of the desperate need of so many impoverished ones across the planet. And you know there is no need for this state of affairs. The problems of poverty can be solved, but the main political focus worldwide tends in fact to be very localized – “what need I do to be re-elected?” – and is of course fear-based.

Fear is a severe drain on your energy fields, and feeds those who would control or oppress you. Focus on Love, knowing, as you do, that Love is Real and that anything not in alignment with It is unreal.

When you do this you strengthen and empower yourselves and you drop the fearful egoic masks that you have been presenting to the world, replacing them with the vision of the loving being that you truly are and eternally remain. Your appearance then changes to align with your loving intent, the stress and agelines of your faces become far less prominent, and others then see an utterly non-threatening being whose loving energy field interacts with their own creating a space of peace and trust between you.

As you have so often been told, “You are eternal spiritual beings having a temporary physical experience.” It is your inevitable and unavoidable destiny to awaken into Reality, into the Presence of God, into Heaven, because there is absolutely nowhere else!

You have never left that holy and wondrous state, you have just shut down your memories of it to enable you to engage with the illusion and the sense of separation it provides. It is your collective will that maintains it, but you have recently changed your collective will, and as a result the illusion is disintegrating in preparation for your awakening.

What appears to be happening, in what most see as the real world, are the activities of the executives and minions of those who have for so long enslaved and oppressed humanity, as they desperately seek to retain their grasp on power.

By bringing about events and instances of violence and conflict that are apparently moving the world towards division, and even anarchy, they are attempting to arouse intense fear so that people will seek a return to the status quo, to the apparent stability they remember of previous times, by supporting wholeheartedly the system that has caused all these problems in the first place.

Do not be misled by the false promises of those whose concerns are not and never have been in the best interests of humanity, for if you allow that to happen you will be very disappointed indeed. Taking sides, supporting one side – nation, religion, political party – against another has never worked, it is divisive and always leads to further conflict.

Many of your sporting activities encourage this most enthusiastically, and many of you have come to believe that it is the normal way to engage with one another. Competition is thought to lead to improvements and advances in most of your fields of human endeavor, but the cost in terms of human suffering is enormous! And the truth of that is demonstrated wherever you choose to focus your attention.

Once more I am encouraging to you focus on being loving in every moment, regardless of the situations in which you find yourselves. It has been clearly shown throughout the eons of the illusion that conflict never resolves issues, it only escalates the troubles and establishes a larger area of conflict, as people feel obliged to take sides and make disingenuous judgments to support their opinions for doing so.

Love does not enlist support against, instead It offers space in which harmonious cooperation can peacefully resolve issues to the benefit of all involved. With Love there are no losers!

First, forgive yourselves for whatever you feel is unworthy of you in thought, word or deed. Having done that, then accept yourselves as you are with unconditional love.

When you cease your own internal wars and make peace with yourselves you can then offer forgiveness to others. And because of the personal changes you have made within yourselves by making this intent and holding to it, others will see you differently and will respond differently to you. You can only change yourself, as you all know, but all across the world people are changing themselves, and in doing so opening their hearts to Love.

Look for Love everywhere, It is endemic, so expect to find It by offering nothing else. Initially you will be surprised by what you find, then you will come to expect It as you naturally share It. Your nature is and always has been Love, and now many are realizing this and removing the inner cloaks or veils that have kept It hidden. This is the time of humanity’s awakening, it is an awakening into Love, so be your true and natural selves, be loving! That is all that is asked of you, and you have the ability and the desire to do it perfectly!

With so very much love, Saul.

“Saul: Look for Love Everywhere, It Is Endemic,” Channeled by John Smallman, November 29, 2015,

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/29/2015 6:55:04 PM

GFP Newsletter - 11/28/2015

will's picture

I am against all kinds of imitation because I respect the individual. Learn from everywhere. Learn from Jesus, learn from Buddha - they have something great to share with you. Participate in that sharing, but never imitate.

You are here with me - never imitate me! Listen to me, understand me, feel me, feel my love for you, drink this presence that is available to you, participate in this silence, but don't imitate. There is no need for you to wear the same clothes that I wear or to eat the same food. There is no need to follow my lifestyle.

But the idea has become very deeply planted in you. You have been told again and again and conditioned for it. Nobody has ever told you to be yourself. Everybody was giving you an example:

"Be like that. Be like Jesus, be like Buddha, be like Mahavira" - as if your whole purpose here is just to act somebody else's life and not to live your own; as if God has not given you a first-hand life but only a second-hand life. This is disrespectful to yourself and this is disrespectful to God too.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/29/2015 6:59:51 PM


Linda Robinson ~ AA Zadkiel ~ You are a Multi-Dimensional Being of Light




Greetings Beloved Ones,

This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Holy Lady Amethyst, and we are being joined by a Host of the Angelic Realm and the Hathors. Today, we wish to discuss your multi-dimensionality as a Being of Light.

You are living in an exciting time where new experiences are occurring. As your Earth is ascending and you are continuing on your ascension path, more aspects of your total Being are coming into your awareness, and new energetic pathways are being revealed.

You, as a Being of Light, have traveled through many dimensions throughout the aeons of time, and you have experienced many different situations. Each incarnation you have experienced has been written in your akashic record, and you carry each aspect in your energetic signature.

As the veil between the dimensions thins, you are remembering more of your different aspects in this and other lifetimes. Very often this happens when you visit a particular location, or you meet someone who seems familiar. You may feel that you have been to a certain location, yet you know that you have never been there in this lifetime. You may feel as if you have always known the person whom you have just met.

When these situations occur, you experience the phenomena of realizing that all time exists simultaneously. Linear time is an aspect of the third dimension. However, when you rise to the higher dimensions, you are aware of the simultaneous aspect of events and so-called time.

Each incarnation that you have experienced represents an aspect of yourself. It can be compared to the rays of a spectrum of Light. When the Light is split into its various parts, you are able to see a rainbow of colors. However, each color is part of the entirety of the spectrum of Light. Each color is part of the whole or the one.

As you view yourself and your current situation in this manner, you realize that each experience carries within it a point of learning, and each lifetime is part of the totality of your Being.
In the higher dimensions, you are also aware of the vastness of the omniverse and that there are worlds beyond worlds. There are unlimited possibilities for experiences.
As you allow your mind to float along this unlimited vision, you may feel that you have experienced another dimension previously. This can open you to other knowledge and possibilities for awareness.

This may lead you to realize that you are a multi-dimensional Being of Light.
This presents a larger view of Creation and All That Is, and you realize the vastness of the possibilities for your role in this great Creation.

As you contemplate this view, you realize that certain qualities are very important for you to nurture.

The first of these qualities is Love and the accompanying understanding of the Oneness of all of Creation. Love is the quality that allows you to move between dimensions. It is a feeling of wanting the best for everyone and everything. It is realizing that everything is composed of Divine energy and that each person has a Divine Spark within.

It is first feeling Love for yourself. It is tuning in to your Divine Spark and realizing that this is what connects you to the totality of your Being.

This connection and your understanding can be strengthened by tuning in to your Divine Spark regularly during your day. Each time you focus on your heart center and feel the Love within, you are tuning in to your Divine Spark.

As you continue this process, you are aware that the person with whom you are talking has a Divine Spark and that both of you are part of the Oneness. Your awareness increases, and your Love expands outward to humanity as a whole. You become aware that Love and Light are the fabric of Creation.

When you remain centered in a state of Love, your vibration or frequency increases, and your Light shines brightly. As this occurs, your awareness of the totality of the Oneness of Creation increases. You are aware that you are a multi-dimensional Being of Light, and your Love radiates throughout the dimensions.

Beloveds, we are happy that you are aware of the Oneness of Creation and that you are radiating Love and Light throughout the dimensions.

Know that you are greatly loved.

WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Lady Amethyst
…and we surround you with Love.

And so it is.

All rights reserved Linda M. Robinson,
Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given. Linda M. Robinson,

This information may be published in journals, magazines or public print only with written permission. Email:


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/30/2015 2:08:06 PM

NorthPoint ASTROLOGY JOURNAL: Your Guide to Planetary Energies for November 30 – December 6, 2015, by Pam Younghans

Auroras over Abisko National Park, Sweden on November 29, 2015
(photo credit: Chad Blakely, posted on

LAST WEEK’S JOURNAL focused exclusively on the effects of the Saturn-Neptune square, and it may have felt odd that I didn’t write about the Full Moon that occurred on Wednesday the 25th. Truth be told, I got so caught up in explaining the energies of the Saturn-Neptune square (exact on Thursday the 26th), that it wasn’t until after I clicked on “Send” that I realized I hadn’t said anything about the lunation.

But, perhaps this writer’s muse knew what she was doing, given that the Full Moon opposed Saturn and squared Neptune. This means that the contradictory and complicated effects of the Saturn-Neptune square were a major ingredient in the overall influence of the Full Moon.

(To read about the Saturn-Neptune square in last week’s issue of NorthPoint Journal, please click here .)

ONE FACT about last week’s lunation that feels important to bring forward now is that thought-full Mercury was also very involved in the Full Moon, being in close aspect with the Sun, Moon, Saturn, and Neptune. And, the Moon itself was in expressive Gemini, the sign ruled by Mercury.

Any time Mercury shows up at a party, themes of communication, reasoning, adaptability, and transportation are emphasized. We no doubt have been aware of some of those issues over the past few days, especially if we’ve been challenged by family interactions over the holidays, or we’ve been worried about travel plans and scheduling.

MERCURY continues to be an important participant in our lives as we begin December. We awaken Tuesday morning to the vibrant energies of a Mercury-Uranus trine (exact at 5:59 a.m.), which encourages us to think in new ways, to access our higher mind, and to be openminded in all of our interactions.

However, just two hours later, Mercury forms a challenging square with Chiron. This may indicate a lack of confidence in our new ideas, or a sense of not being able to clearly verbalize our thoughts. If this occurs, it is an opportunity to take communication to a different level, to a more intuitive, feeling-oriented space.

RESEARCHERS tell us that human communication is conveyed not only by words, but through body language and tone of voice. If our words are meant to convey acceptance, but our facial expression or vocal tone reveals impatience or a lack of understanding, the recipient of our communication will walk away feeling that something is wrong, even if the words themselves sounded right.

With Chiron in compassionate Pisces, and Mercury in idealistic (and sometimes zealous or self-righteous) Sagittarius, we will want to be especially aware of times when the three components of productive communication — words, body language, and tone — are not in agreement. This is our opportunity to catch ourselves in old habits and to allow our hearts to guide our words, rather than using words to coerce or convince.

ANOTHER MERCURY SQUARE starts our day on Friday, but this time, Jupiter provides the challenging influence. As the biggest known planet, Jupiter’s primary effect is to enhance and exaggerate; while Jupiter is in discriminating Virgo, we want to be of practical service to others, and yet we may be especially prone to seeing what is wrong in the world instead of what is going well.

As Mercury squares Jupiter on Friday, we’ll want to watch our thinking and our words, to make sure we don’t over-think or over-state conditions. Being realistic doesn’t mean that we’re supposed to always focus on the negative — it also means that we need to notice the silver lining, especially if storm clouds seem to be especially prevalent.

THE ASPECT of greatest impact this week is likely to be the Mars-Pluto square, which occurs at 12:51 p.m. PST on Sunday. A square aspect always represents a conflict or obstacle that must be overcome if we are to move forward.

These two planets both have strong agendas. Mars in Libra is motivated by the need for balance, fairness, and justice — but, when it feels unfairly treated or sees injustice, it can also become very competitive and confrontational.

Pluto in Capricorn is intent on transforming aspects of society and government that have outlived their usefulness, making sure that humanity stays on track with our evolutionary goals. Pluto often accomplishes these intentions by creating situations of imbalance, so that passions are aroused and the need for change is powerfully apparent.

As Mars and Pluto form their square aspect next weekend, we become aware of a feeling of urgency. Imbalance and injustice become increasingly untenable. And, our need for large-scale change requires us to search our personal motivations more closely.

In peace,


How to subscribe to the NorthPoint Journal: If you have been forwarded this issue of the NorthPoint Journal and would like to receive it by email every week, please fill out the subscription form on the “Journal” page of Pam’s website.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/30/2015 7:12:52 PM

The Oracle Report, Monday, November 30, 2015

Since the news is slow today, I have some personal things I’ve been neglecting that I must try to get done today.
I suggest you follow zerohedge, com, because Tyler is doing a great job with both the financial and political news, and also Sputnik International (probably the best for up-to-date, flowing news) and
The financial news is looking terrible, and I don’t know exactly how this collapse will develop, but I sense that it is all pre-planned and calculated.

Those who follow the energies – and everything is energy – are thinking the tension will build until the 10th, and then ‘something’ will happen,

with the new moon presenting on the 11th,
hopefully a chance for a new beginning.

Try to prepare yourselves for some rough days – gas in the car, prescription drugs, food for yourselves in case trucks stop moving and for pets, — even a supply of water, etc., etc., etc. We’ve been through this before, but I’m sensing we are approaching the real thing.

I ask that you please do not leave comments today; otherwise, catch-up for me tomorrow will be too much.
If you have news – a link – I will check back and try to release it.

If I can, I will return later today.




Disseminating Moon Phase: share, communicate

Moon in Leo

Goddess of Wisdom: Kamala – Goddess of the Lotus

God of Will/Desire: Elias – God of the West, God of Transformation

Skill: begin a week of shifting perspective and perception

True Alignments: simple solutions, inner child, self-assured, taking aim, strategies, patience and taking one’s time, assisting others, one step at a time, adjusting, aiming for goals, coping, understanding or putting things together, making a point, assistance from higher forces

Catalysts for Change: losing sight, refusing to see options or alternatives, codependent, false confidence, not getting to the point, not giving or receiving, refusing growth, tired of the same old same old, shock, irrelevant, disrespectful or “lower-level” value system, immaturity, rushing though, hopeless, obstructed vision, thinking one is smarter than everyone else

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: “a woman drawing aside two dark curtains that closed the entrance to a sacred pathway”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres”

Today we begin a seven-day period of time when clarity and enlightenment attempt to part darkness (the things we cannot see or face). We’ve entered the Disseminating Moon Phase of the time of year that is like a month-long Disseminating phase, so we have “double Disseminating” energy. This means that signs, synchronicities, conversations, background or overheard conversations, messages, feedback, advice, guidance, and the information field in general will be doubly-profound and doubly-helpful. The universe’s goal is to get us past whatever is blocking our way or keeping an entrance or opportunity at bay.

This begins today as Mercury reaches the degree of “seagulls fly around a ship looking for food.” This symbol addresses how, where, and with whom we self-minimize or accept only “scraps.” If we are minimizing ourselves (not seeing ourselves as important or recognized as a legitimate part of something), we can examine if there is one “need” that is outweighing the others and is leading our actions– maybe to our own detriment.

Starting today and continuing through next Monday, December 7, the information field / source field/ music of the spheres / mind of God will provide ample information for us to “part the darkness” and re-join the sacred pathway to our inner selves (Home) that has been closed off. Mercury activates the “seagulls looking for scraps” dynamic today; the Sun will reach this degree next Monday, at which time Mercury will be in conjunction with the Galactic Center (27 Sagittarius) – the point or place or space of Spiritual Home in our galaxy, known to the ancient Gnostics as the pleroma. Mercury is moving toward this degree or place or space or point over the next week, and when it does, direct spiritual communication and communing activates. See the path? It’s a personal and collective information revelation. And it leads to revolutionary change.

To gain the maximum benefit from this energy, the questions to hold in the background over the next seven days to shift perspective with are:

What do I need to see that is holding me back?

Where am I accepting only scraps?

Where am I minimizing or diminishing myself or not seeing my worth?

What am I getting?

What need am I trying to fill?

What am I waiting for?

This energetic is beginning today on the heels of the Sun conjunct Saturn at “deep within the depths of the earth, new elements are being formed” and just as Mars and the Black Moon make conjunction at “a professor peering over his glasses at his students.” So we are immersed in a pattern of shift that helps us understand and grow. New “elements” and new “lenses of perception” are emerging.

Signs and synchronicities are also abundant with Venus at the degree of “the sight of an autumn leaf brings to a pilgrim the sudden revelation of the mystery of life and death.” The mystery of life and death is that it mimics or teaches us that we have many metaphoric lives and many metaphoric deaths during our journey. What is inside of us that yearns for change? The answer to the mystery comes from returning to the value of the basics – quality time, people over things, the beauty of nature, and the state of contentment or satisfaction (Peace Pilgrim).

We have all we need for any encounter today, as the Earth is at the degree of “a quiver filled with arrows.” Don’t go into any important conversations, situations, or meeting unprepared. Supply yourself with what you need before you dive in.

If we look deeply and listen closely over the next week, we will make great strides on our mission to build the Second Renaissance. We can overcome the barriers of the heart and mind that keep us unenlightened – in the dark – and held back. Are you ready to become smarter..wiser?


9:26 pm ET MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2015/2:26 AM UT TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2015: MARS CONJUNCTS THE BLACK MOON at 10 Libra 50 and the Sabian symbol for 11 Libra “a professor peering over his glasses at his students.” When Mars and the Black Moon come together, things can erupt — eruptions in consciousness (suddenly realizing or putting things together) and eruptions of emotions (that have been held in, especially related to feeling overlooked or not appreciated, and anger at being treated poorly or used, deceived, or betrayed). Mars and the Black Moon are exceptionally impulsive, with words and actions that happen in the blink of an eye. When Mars aspects another planet, it energizes that planet’s dynamic. Thus, Mars is energizing our personal and collective shadow sides — our fears.

But it is also energizing the other polarity of the Black Moon – rebirth. Things don’t look like what they seem, as the professor notices as he peers over his glasses at his students. He sees that what’s really happening is that deep within, new elements — new ways, new understandings, new beliefs — are forming.)

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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