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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/24/2015 5:29:19 PM


Lauren C. Gorgo ~ Excerpt 5 D Report ~ Polarity Integration: neutralizing opposing realities

Where to begin, where to begin…there is so much taking place at the moment, on so many levels of our being, and and yet so little in comparison is comprehensible as yet.
I will do my best to translate what I have a context for, but know that the information that I can currently put words to is only the very tip of a mammoth iceberg becoming visible for the first time. Aka, we are just beginning to peel back the veils to reveal this whole new world (from within) that we, as unified BEings, get to explore and create simultaneously.
The analogy is so played-out but the anticipation of what we are becoming feels a little like Christmas, only we don’t want to tear into all our presents at once…we want to savor in each glistening moment, handle each gift with measured restraint, with the attention and care it deserves, as we feel ready to open (to) it. And of course, “ready” is relative to our own process and how much greatness we are prepared to embrace within.
Speaking of prepared…not that any of us expected it, but it certainly hasn’t been the easiest time since the 11:11 gateway. Depending on where we still hold resistance to our full divine Self and new life experience (read: what wants to be), the pressure has been enormous for the purpose of forcing us to break any chains that still bind us, hold us back from goodness, from our greatness, and/or disempower us.
The last 30 days under the scorpio sun really upped the ante in this regard, adding the extra alchemizing element of (core level) transmutation and relentless resolve to decalcify those stuck places within. With scorpio’s unforgiving archetype (Pluto) lending his always-enjoyable transformational intensity to the already intense resurrection process, there is only one real guarantee: discomfort.
Luckily, we are wizards at finding comfort in discomfort by now. ��
Now that the quick, but condensed revisit to our shadowland is over…save for the full moon this week…hopefully you are finding your formerly-fragmented self back in one piece and can see more clearly what was hidden and/or still waiting to be transmuted/transcended prior to that soul jaunt to the netherworld.
All things considered, and since the final blood moon and eclipse series in September, moving out of this year is proving to be both exhilarating and daunting, like climbing up a massive roller coaster in preparation for the inevitable free fall that is right on the other side. And yet, with the absence of separation between what is and what will be, we are living the free fall and the climb at the same time!
Tho we are still anchoring in this new consciousness, one thing is clear…our training wheels are officially off and it feels as if we are speeding into 2016 face-first, gliding thru time and space as tho we hit a wicked patch of black ice. At times, all we can do is pray that we don’t spin-out of control and land in a ditch…at other times we are able to handle our new multidimensional Selves with aplomb, with the poise of a master even.
The last three months of every year is a bit much to manage because we are both reaping our harvest from the three seasons prior as our conceptualizations and creations are made manifest in our physical lives, while simultaneously opening to the upcoming year’s energies and planting the seeds required for germination in the spring.
This always gives the effect of walking between worlds, a time of split-focus and extended busyness…of endings and new beginings…of letting go of the old and opening to the new. But this year, as many complete the integration of our higher Self in form, the changes that we are navigating are off the chart type changes…we’re talking endings of epic proportion, not just for us personally, but for an entire earth age of human existence. It’s impossible to grasp at this point, but here we are.
We are so deeply submerged in multidimensionality now that “simultaneous” is taking on a brand new meaning as we learn how to handle multiple focuses at once. For example, at the moment creation is wildly accelerating and we are being called to contend with a myriad of life situations at once, and yet we are also needing to keep a grounded pace and give much needed attention and nurturing to the resurrection phase that is also demanding our focus. Both are vital at this time, and yet we find that if we try to separate or compartmentalize those clearly simultaneous happenings, we can’t.
This can be quite challenging to navigate with any measure of grace, but it’s on purpose. We are learning (experientially) how to work with the universal (cyclical) creation model and our old habits of linearity…of wanting to focus on one thing at a time and bring said thing to completion before we begin the next thing…are being sorely tested.
The deeper we move into the merge of our higher and lower selves…the more we realize that our divinity acts as a governing overlay to our humanity and that this thing called life is a separate-but-equal endeavor, one that we oversee with christ consciousness. On a good day this can amount to the ability to “do it all”…we can tend to our humanity and all that entails, while also acquiescing to our divine directives and all THAT entails. On days of distortion this can amount to internal conflict…to not knowing which “self” to follow or how, and so disharmony ensues.
The key is in tempering a balance between selves, finding common ground that creates harmony and accord. This balancing act of unifying form & formless/seen & unseen will persist in demanding our focus as we continue to move our physical selves and lives into unity.
Meet everything with non-resistance.
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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/25/2015 6:03:22 PM

The Oracle Report, Wednesday, November 25, 2025

There is much to read and consider today here and in the news.
For the moment, I will leave you to do so :)

Full Moon Phase (5:44 pm ET/10:44 pm UT): clarity, illumination

Moon in Taurus/Gemini (12:15 pm ET/5:15 pm UT)

Goddess of Wisdom: Kamala – The Lotus Goddess

God of Will/Desire: Elias – God of the West, God of Transformation

Skill: see what is forming; return to basics

True Alignments: finding meaning, accepting true self, faith, new depth of experience, creation, patience, perseverance, wisdom, reverence, progress, helping others, things becoming balanced, joy, following signs (especially signs from nature – be on the lookout!)

Catalysts for Change: neglecting others, hatred, untrusting, impulsive or premature action, not giving or receiving, not asking for help when needed, too much emphasis on appearance, glorifying the past, tricks, not ready

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: “a woman drawing aside two curtains that closed the entrance to a sacred pathway”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres”

We enter the Full Moon phase of the month later today, and with it comes some very intense astrological aspects. The Full Moon phase continues through Saturday, November 28, and the energy follows a progression. Interestingly, the Sun is located at “a little child learning to walk” and Mercury is located at “a mother leads her small child step by step up the stairs.” So today is the day to follow the trail or “sacred pathway” on which the Wisdom Goddess Gaia Sophia, Mother Earth, is leading us.

11:30 am ET/4:30 pm UT: Venus moves to 20 Libra and the Sabian symbol that ruled the entire last lunar month, “a Jewish rabbi performing his duties.” Recall that last month was the month (lunar month, October 12 – November 10) that would show the level of power that the cabal/Illuminati still held. The “only” thing they could get going was downing a Russian passenger airliner under energetics where world domination could have been taken by the most powerful. They are not as powerful as they were.

Now, we see the repeat of the imprint with the downing of the Russian jet by “Turkey” (new world order/cabal controlled). Venus hits this degree again today, so the counter moves will be interesting, as the goddess Gaia Sophia leads the way today (a mother leading her small child), not the rabbi. I will talk about how the split within Orthodoxy – the remains of the ancient wisdom – is playing out in the macrocosm of the world later, but today it is all eyes on Venus).

12:15 pm ET/5:15 pm UT: The Moon moves into Gemini and effectively begins the Full Moon energetic, since the Full Moon is in Gemini. Gemini energy is concerned with “the other” and naturally seeks fulfillment outside of itself in the external. This is why it is called the sign of the twins. The higher octave of Gemini is a “cohesive circuit” that self-fulfills and then shares its genius with the world. Gemini energy is very mental (since it is ruled by Mercury), hence the genius element.

The lower octave of Gemini rejects and disapproves. It overdoes in order to compensate. This isn’t necessary because the truest Gemini energy needs no outside approval because it can naturally provide it for itself.

5:44 pm ET/10:44 pm UT: The Full Moon phase begins each month when the Moon is directly opposite (180 degrees away) from the Sun. The Moon will be at 04 Gemini and the Sabian symbol of “holly and mistletoe bring Christmas spirit to a home” when it becomes Full. This energetic signature is about returning to basics and enjoying the simple pleasures of nature. When we do this, we invoke the feeling or place of spiritual home.

The Full Moon seeks to bring us meaning and joy while wisdom is imparted. Like a lotus, the lunar cycle unfolds. The Full Moon phase brings the blossoming of all that was in place (mindset, beliefs, feelings, and intentions) during the New Moon phase (November 11-14). What was happening then comes to another level of expression or development now.

11:51 pm ET/4:51 am UT: Saturn moves to 08 Sagittarius and the Sabian symbol of “deep within the depths of the earth, new elements are being formed.” How perfect.

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 2015 8:57 pm ET/FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 2015 1:57 am UT – VENUS MAKES OPPOSITION TO THE ERIS POINT WHILE MARS AND THE BLACK MOON ARE IN CONJUNCTION: I am jumping ahead because, as stated at the beginning of this report, the energetic of the Full Moon phase follows a progression. The Eris Point is the degree in the sky where the planet Eris, Goddess of Rebirth twisted/socially-engineered by the Illuminati into the Goddess of Chaos and the Battlefield, was located when it was discovered. Before April 18, 2015, when planets (especially Mars) aspected the Eris Point, false flag operations were undertaken. Many believe that the Illuminati worship a “Dark Feminine” but in actuality they seek the destruction of the feminine and life itself. This is because their minds are controlled by a supernatural force called the Archons, of whom the ancient Gnostics warned us.

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2015 9:26 pm ET/TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2015 2:26 am UT – MARS MAKES EXACT CONJUNCTION WITH THE BLACK MOON SQUARING PLUTO (anger, aggression, war, underworld) while the Sun and Saturn (empowerment of control dynamics) are conjunct, while a Grand Trine between Mercury, Uranus, and the Moon, and while Jupiter, Mercury, and Chiron are in a T-square. That’s astro-speak for massive transformation.

The activation of the Eris Point and the Black Moon over the next several days will once again give us a sense of the cabal’s strength and power. Based on the data, it isn’t going well for them. It’s curtains! It’s more like chaos, but that’s what happens when you fool with Mother Nature. We watch like old owls up in a tree, which happens to be the Sabian symbol for the location of the Sun tomorrow and the day for the Wings Around the World group meditation. See you then.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/25/2015 6:23:15 PM

Help Send Energy to the Paris UN Climate Conference

climate1The United Nations Conference on Climate Change
November 30 ~ December 11, 2015
Paris, France

Participate in a 14-minute transmission to support this crucial meeting. Join us at any time of the Conference dates.
The sooner the better!


Let’s help build the field and open the portals of light to insure that an intelligent climate agreement is reached that greatly benefits our transitioning world.

We are calling for intervening support to overlight and protect the UN’s 2015 Climate Change Conference and all people, groups, strategists, governments and countries who are directly influencing its most positive outcome.

Send your light of grace to the negotiation process and help empower the minds of everyone involved with ideas for sustainable solutions that are fundamental to lasting peace and financial justice.


It is now reported that the global temperature hike is already halfway to the ‘two degree warming’ danger zone.

As the global climate summit in Paris is readying to kick off, NOAA, NASA and other global temperature monitors have released data showing that the planet is halfway to two degrees of warming, the much publicized limit of “controllable” climate change.

This ‘2 degrees of Celsius’ is the threshold for the rise in global warming. If we cross this level, it is expected that we will enter into the ‘danger zone’ for climate change. At this level, arctic ice continues to melt and sea levels rise. Entire countries could disappear. A large percentage of animals become extinct. Fires rage, hurricanes are constant and droughts become more severe. The availability of freshwater would significantly decrease. Loss of life is inevitable.

Let’s shift this reflection! The Paris conference is perhaps the most important meeting for climate change to get international agreements in place. Can you give 14 minutes of your time to assist in making a call for Divine Intervention to overlight this summit and inspire the world’s political minds?



Conference Info:
There is a lot of information on the internet about this conference.

Please research: “United Nations Conference on Climate Change”

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/25/2015 6:25:00 PM

Good Enough for Me

Sacred 11I’d like to continue our discussion from yesterday and perhaps widen it a bit.

I’ve been impacted by the discussion I had with Sue Lie and the Arcturians Tuesday morning, which will be featured on An Hour with an Angel Thursday night. We discussed the fact that what we give our attention to becomes our intention. What we give our attention to is what shows up for us in our lives. What we think, we end up creating and experiencing, by the law of attraction.

Earlier I had said that we neither had the staff right now to cover Paris events nor does anyone want to give the Illuminati the satisfaction of having us sweep ourselves up in their instigated hysteria. Of course we’re devastated by the tragedy and feel great compassion for the victims (who live on) and their families.

But we don’t want to allow the Illuminati to set our agenda and send us into fear.

I now see however that the matter goes further. We don’t have the needed staff to follow the baseline of news (period). And when I personally do, what results is an incomplete comprehension, out-of-date news, etc., etc.

In relation to Paris and to the news about TNT Tony, which I only became aware of when a reader wrote in, I see again that I can’t ride two horses. One has to be dedicated to following these stories, not simply announcing them. Otherwise we stir up a hornet’s nest, which I’m not equipped to deal with later.

This work of gathering news on the outside world is not what I’m here for and probably not what my colleagues are here for either.

A long time ago, Archangel Michael said to me in a reading that he did not want me on the frontlines of battle, fighting the good fight. There are others who have it in their soul contracts to do that. I didn’t understand the implications of that then and am only gradually learning what they are.

I once covered the cabal’s beat, but that time now is getting further and further behind me. I’m here for Ascension and, coupled with that, to build Nova Earth.

So it isn’t that I’m unfeeling and it isn’t that I want to bury my head in the sand. But, in the scarce time I have to get so much done, I have to reaffirm my intention to stay with the Ascension Agenda, the Abundance Agenda and the Disclosure Agenda.

Another aspect of what I’m dealing with as I look at these matters concerns how hard it’s getting to follow my moods up and down. The process of reactivation may see us get angry (rise up, so to speak) or get depressed (fall low). I can no longer go to those places. They feel too unpleasant.

The Arcturians on AHWAA today returned to their earlier message that we’ll have to be masters of our thoughts (feelings too, but thoughts especially) because in 5D what we think we make manifest. For me, who’s focussed on internal states more than external events, I can’t afford the mistakes I make (any longer) when I get mad or fall into a depression.

I don’t have a manual that says how to avoid these states. But I have the huge motivation of wanting to fulfill my promises to the Mother and not wanting to fail in my mission. So I find myself with a lot of attention on avoiding those states these days, where before they served me.

The road gets narrower and narrower if I’m to do the work I signed on for. I have to withdraw attention from the many thoughts I have that are judgmental, prurient, grumpy, selfish, etc. The work just goes on and on, but it gets finer and finer as well. In granularity. In refinement.

Nonetheless, if bliss is the reward and the successful conclusion of one’s mission, then all of this reconstruction of self is worth it.

Krishna once said that enlightenment was the reward of all effort. Until that time arrives, the bliss train is a great ride and good enough for me.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/25/2015 6:30:02 PM

David Wilcock MAJOR NEW ARTICLE 11-25-15… “DISCLOSURE SHOWDOWN: The War For The Truth”

David_Wilcock_Search155So here it is!! The one we’ve all been waiting for! Just saw this viaDavid’s FB page. This consists of four sections:

I’m posting the beginning of the first part, and linking to the rest, as updates from David will likely occur, and that’s how DW likes it to be posted, and if I were to do it any other way, there’s always the potential I’d be portaled off to Gaiam TV’s Boulder Colorado studios in my underwear. Enjoy!

[Note: I’ve included a few of the links, but to see all of them, and to view the images, please go to the original article.]



The downing of a Russian airliner, the “heart attack” of the founder of Russia Today in DC, the stunning UFO-like missile test over LA, the Paris shootings and the Turkish attack on a Russian warplane may all be signs that the war for Disclosure is reaching its climax.

At least six different insider sources are telling us the Alliance has reached a huge decision: They have finally agreed to move forward with Disclosure.

Disclosure involves a tremendous release of classified information that will utterly change everything we thought we knew about the world today.

This may include some sort of official announcement, in the not-too-distant future, that non-terrestrial intelligent civilizations are visiting Earth.

A short-term initiative is already being implemented now — while the longer-term initiatives of how much to tell us, and when, are still being negotiated.

All five of these highly unusual and violent events occurred AFTER the majority of our insiders leaked this new intel to us… independently of each other.


Only the Old World Order “Cabal” group is now opposed to Disclosure. And, as usual, they are using terrorism to try to stop it — against Russia and France.

These attacks may be intended to bully Alliance countries and create fear, so they will hopefully rethink their decision to release the big secret.

Regardless of the secret and deadly war now being fought, the weeks and months ahead could finally produce some very exciting changes.

So many things are happening all at once that we feel it is important to summarize what we know in one single investigation.

[PLEASE NOTE: You may post excerpts of this article on your website or social media, but please link your readers back to this original as updates may occur.]



Like everyone else, we were shocked and saddened by the downing of the Russian airliner and the Paris shootings.

And what in the world is Turkey, a US ally, doing shooting down a Russian warplane that is bombing ISIS, everyone’s terrorist arch-enemy?

Up until this all started, things had been quiet for a couple months — in the sense that negative mass incidents were not dominating our collective attention.

When we wrote “Terrifying Global Events” in late August, the “endgame” seemed to be approaching very rapidly.

We had two more large sections of data ready to go, but held them back once it was clear that the critical time had not yet arrived.

It was also admittedly necessary to take some time out, breathe and rebuild our resolve to continue fighting this battle.

Given what we are now seeing in the news and hearing from insiders, the time of change we were anticipating is happening now.

11/25: Russia Bombards Syrian Rebels Near Downed Russian Jet

The incident was one of the most serious publicly acknowledged clashes for half a century between Russia and a NATO member country.


If you are new to this and find yourself saying “What insiders,” or something less polite, our contact with multiple whistleblowers is easily provable — with video.

I (David) attended the Disclosure Project in 2001, featuring 39 insiders. I appear in the SIRIUS feature film that refers to these proceedings as well.

An article providing details about SIRIUS was prominently featured on the “Most Viewed” sidebar of The Huffington Post for well over a week.

I worked closely with Project Camelot, a group that has released videos of many whistleblowers, for their first four years — and met many of their insiders.

You can see me in Part 2 of the Pete Peterson Camelot video. Pete has been a very reliable and trusted source ever since we did this taping six years ago.

I also got called up on stage with NASA astronaut Dr. Brian O’ Leary and space program insider Henry Deacon halfway through this video taken in Zurich.

Now there is an entire show on the Gaia network where I am interviewing the space program insider Corey Goode, entitled Cosmic Disclosure.

Cosmic Disclosure has broken all previous viewership records for Gaia (formerly GaiamTV) and now has an audience comparable in size to that of CNN.

We have leaked insider data for many years in David’s Blog, creating controversial articles averaging over 100,000 unique views each.

Wherever possible, we have done the hard work of finding provable data to match up with insider testimony, so you don’t have to “take our word for it.”

Although the progress has been painfully slow, the disclosure war we have been documenting here has become ever-increasingly obvious.

There are countless news stories emerging every week that reveal the secret war that is raging behind the scenes — on a global level.

The truth truly is stranger and more fascinating than fiction — and you become part of the solution by learning about it.

This investigation will be a “long read,” but it will definitely not be boring. It presents a compelling narrative of data we have never before summarized.

So drop whatever you are doing, strap in and prepare for a wild ride.


Read more at Divine Cosmos…

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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