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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/24/2015 5:08:38 PM

The Council of Nine via Eliza Ayres: Communique

dscn0147We are the Pleiadians. We are your sisters and brothers. Long have we watched you from afar, but now we move among you as human beings. We are here.

In our hearts we sing to your planet, which so lovingly supports your race, despite ongoing efforts to destroy her, by those who are not of this world or dimension.

Free your world and yourselves from the tyranny of hate, despair and anger. Turn to one another in an air of acceptance for each of you is entirely unique and individual, yet part of a collective whole.

We understand the pain and suffering in the world comes from ignorance. You have forgotten your sacred ties to the earth, to heaven and to each other. Release your fears.

Let the dreams of your childhood come back into your adult memory and shake yourselves loose from the need to compete against one another.

There is a profound misalignment in your world, stemming from a deep loss of soul memory of the sacred beginning of the Universe. You have become ignorant of your own beginnings. And your true history has been hidden from you.

Many of you see yourselves as being apart from Source, lost, like a stray cat or dog, or a neglected child or elder. You have never been separated from Source, for the light lives within you, within the secret chamber of your heart. There you are one with Creator, with Source, with Father / Mother God.

Your race once descended from the Light and to the Light it shall return. The path of Return has commenced. The Event of which so many speak is happening Now, as more and more individuals decide to change their lives and seek the sacred within. And as that heart opens, they suddenly can see their neighbors and co-workers in a new light.

The Light illuminates and brings with it divine wisdom. This wisdom has always existed, but has remained hidden during the dark ages after the fall.

We encourage to you to seek out the wisdom that exists in the teachings of the indigenous peoples of the Earth. They have held these secrets close to their hearts, knowing that the wisdom would be needed by all of the people, even as it appeared that the world was dying.

The old world is dying. The world that many of you grew up into and became conditioned to is now in the process of coming apart. Dark forces resist the ever increasing pressure from the light and seek to ensnare the multitudes in darkness and ignorance once again, so their control of the reins of government and commerce cannot be loosened.

It is up to each individual to make the choice whether or not they wish to be free, whether or not they wish to change their lives and then to take the next step.

Your process of transmutation takes on the form of a spiritual journey, where you are divested of your old beliefs. For the sake of your healing, you relive and pass through many transformations as the layers of old sticky energy are removed and released from your energy field.

You are undergoing a complete clearing of your individual, familial and cultural karmic patterns, so that humanity will not have to relive their lives in a repetitive negative circle of suffering and misery. You are breaking free of the Wheel.

In a time long lost in the mists of time, humanity lived upon this planet in harmony and grace, in a paradisiacal setting in the midst of the Pacific Ocean. Some of you remember this land as Lemuria or Mu. While there, humanity had not yet taken on physical form; that came later on Atlantis, as the entire planet descended in frequency.

Once your consciousness was housed within bodies of light bodies, yet as the planet descended in frequency and the vibration slowed down, your bodies took on physical form, becoming heavy and dense.

What you see as physical matter is simply vibration slowed down to where it can be seen and felt by the physical senses. In truth, your world is made up of waves of light and sound, dancing at different frequencies. As the vibration slows, the matter becomes dense. As the vibration increases, form becomes light. Sounds can be seen as color and colors emit sound.

As your consciousness expands into the higher frequency ranges, you will begin to experience the underlying music of the Spheres, the songs that the planets and stars sing to each other, that even your cells sing to each other in a frequency that is beyond your current physical ability to hear.

Once your bodies are freed of the old programming, you will begin to ascend into the higher frequencies until your physical body is transformed into a magnificent body of Light. This is what is taking place for those among you who are dedicated to the ascension process in this lifetime. These way-showers are re-living the sacred path of initiation that once was hidden from the multitudes.

The path is challenging, but we bid you to remember that everything you do is for the sake of all humanity. Keep your focus on your desire to know God, to embrace God, to allow God’s angels to sing to you, to guide you and to enfold you within their Grace. Your desire to know and feel Oneness will bring you safely through any challenge that you might face. Know that you carry great power, wisdom and grace within.

In truth, you are all human angels, long ago descended into this world, a story that will be told elsewhere. You did not fall out of malice or deceit or rebellion, but out of a desire to experience the deepest levels of Creation, that of the lower worlds, of the third dimension.

Some of you even descended lower, taking form as the elemental beings, enlivening the rocks, trees and animals. All life has intelligence and is alive. Allow the elementals to share with you the wisdom they have learned. Reflect on the sacredness of the smallest creature and the wonder of creation, which has been brought forth for your enjoyment.

Life can once again become harmonious and gracious, freed from fear, but first allow the purging fires to burn away the dross of misunderstanding and open your inner eyes so that you might look upon the world and see that there is, in truth, no bad or good. There is only consciousness.

It is how you choose to judge some experience that ensures how you will continue to draw that same energy to yourself. Let go the need to judge and view the world with neutral eyes, filled with compassion. Allow what you experience and observe to teach you the deep wisdom of Spirit, how matter is merely animated light.

Release yourself from self-judgment. If you feel that you have failed, allow yourself the option of trying over. The angels do not judge as they do not have egos. The ego mind or left side of the brain has reigned long over this last age, but the unification of the two halves has commenced, even as the long deactivated DNA of your cellular structure is lighting up, in response to the incoming waves of protonic Light emerging from the center of the Universe.

With the two hemispheres of the brain becoming one, you will contain Unity consciousness. It is what you are within, deeply hidden within your own crystalline DNA. You are in the process of leaving behind the pupae or caterpillar stage of your evolution and becoming, once again, Angelic Humans, capable of so much more than what you can manage today.

As we look upon each of you, we see your past, now and future. For us it exists in the Now. Each of you has a choice whether or not to go forward into the Light or to retreat and remain in darkness. We love you no matter what choice you make and will remain as guides for those who are willing to explore beyond the comfortable boxes into which you have been coaxed and conditioned by well-meaning but ignorant adults and mentors.

This journey is an individual one at first, but will soon expand to becoming a collective experience as more and more individuals awaken to the startling truth that they are a fractal portion of God, a light being having a human experience.

We greet you in a New Dawn for Humanity and the rekindling of a beautiful friendship between our two races. We are One, as humanity does not exist on Earth alone. There are many races who claim this solar system, this galaxy and this Universe as their home. As your consciousness expands, you will begin to communicate with and traverse to these other worlds. There you will be greeted as long-lost relatives, as indeed you are.

We honor you for your willingness to explore the lower levels of Creation and welcome you Home to the stars.

The Council of Nine, via Eliza Ayres.

“The Council of Nine: Communique,” channeled by Elizabeth Ayres, November 21, 2015,

Source site: Elizabeth Ayres Blue Dragon Journal

© All Rights Reserved, Elizabeth Ayres Escher,

Do not alter this message from its original written form without prior permission from the author. Include links back to this blog when reposting. Translations into other languages are permitted.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/24/2015 5:15:11 PM

The Oracle Report, Tuesday, November 24, 2015



Sometimes the stars and the Sun and the Moon align in a way that can only be described as magical. Magic happens today with a special combination to blaze open this month’s “sacred pathways.”

The timing is perfect, as always, since we are in the Gibbous phase of the Moon — the time of the lunar month that is most magical (meaning the power of the mind, intention, and mindset, among other things is higher).

Today’s magic comes courtesy of Mars, Mercury, and Saturn. But it really isn’t the planets doing this. It’s the energetic they are activating based on where they are in the starry sky. They “play” the particular frequency of the all-pervading “music” of Spirit. The planets are instruments and the sheet music is the code of the Sabian symbols.

Today’s “music” is magical because the level or “degree” of harmony of the location of these three planets are in beautiful archetypal resonance:

MERCURY AND SATURN: 07 Sagittarius – “Cupid knocking at the door of a human heart”

MARS: 08 Libra – “a blazing fireplace in a deserted home”

The human heart is the “inner home fire” – the place of true self. Is the door to your heart open or closed? If the door is closed, you are coming back because you would not have left a fire blazing in the fireplace at home. You would be coming back.

The magic of today’s energy is how it can bring us back to our inner home fires and the things we love about life. Everything is better when we are operating from that place — the fireplace or place of fire.

How connected are you to your heart – your true self? Where has it lead you? Is the path restrictive or freeing?

If it is restrictive, Pete Townshend says it best: “release yourself from misery.” (Let My Love Open the Door)

Mercury will conjunct (come to the same place in the sky as) Saturn at 11:43 pm ET/ 04:43 am UT. At the same time, Mars is in sextile to both (60 degrees apart). The magical dynamic is already in “place” or already in effect and will build up in a wave.

We are never alone, never abandoned, never unsustained. Those things are illusions that keep embers of fear going. Today let’s reconnect with what is real and true and speaks from our heart’s desires. Let’s reconnect the Sacred Pathway.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/24/2015 5:17:52 PM


Caroline Oceana Ryan ~ A Message to Lightworkers - November 23, 2015

The latest guidance for Lightworkers, from our friends, the fifth and sixth dimensional Galactic and Angelic beings known as the Collective:

Greetings, friends! We are glad to have the opportunity to speak with you again today.
For many, this is a time of approaching holidays and time with family or community.
A time of taking stock of the events and important moments of the past year, with dreams and hopeful thoughts for what may occur in the next year.
Amidst our blessings for a joyful holiday time, whatever that may mean for you, we would ask, that among your dreams for this next year, you include full Disclosure of the Galactic presence.
You are "within range" of this occurring in the next year, along with the full enactment of NESARA law.
Though we have often mentioned these two aspects of your increasingly fifth dimensional Earth life, we mention them again now, as you are again entering a new window of potential for these to occur fully, though they have been unfolding in quiet ways for many months now.

You are not only being guided by those of us in the Intergalactic Confederation.
You are also constantly watched over and sent healing, empowering, enlightening energies—now more than at any time since the fall of Atlantis—by numerous Angelic circles who are surrounding the Earth and singing in tones of high resonance that is Love Itself.
These tones contain the sorts of frequencies that awaken those willing to become awakened, and that open doors in human consciousness that in turn open doors within the Earth’s social, economic, and political structures.
There are additionally new waves of Galactics arriving, who are aiding Earth by helping to dismantle the old energy technologies long ago put in place by the old power structure, in an effort to keep your consciousness low and disempowered.
We ask now that you daily envision NESARA fully enacted, and Disclosure fully occurring.
Hold also in your hearts the image of the Violet Flame of St Germaine enveloping the Earth, as often as possible throughout the day.
Not only because these will bring great movements forward in terms of human awareness, human rights, and astounding economic and political renewal and reform, though these are powerfully significant.
But because your own consciousness is requiring these changes, as expressions of your ongoing forward and upward movement in this Universe, which is also evolving and Ascending.

You have asked us, in your own etheric travels and your times speaking with us and those whom we serve with, to encourage these historic events.
Not only for the outer changes they will bring, but for the Love, Light, and higher awareness that must naturally accompany them.
And so we ask, at this time when so many will be having a special day and special meal of giving Thanks, that you thank your higher selves and souls, who require this great change now to occur upon the Earth.
Not only for the resulting reforms and economic and social justice that will result.
But for the mass awakening that their unveiling will signify.
Like a great snowball gathering speed and volume as it races down the hill, so will the amount of celebration, Love, and Unity around the planet grow exponentially, even in the moment that these are formally announced.
So envision that moment often, and feel deeply the joy and elation you will experience in that moment—and yes, give Thanks!

For in your hearts, in your dreams of what is and what will be—this is already your Truth. This has already occurred.
Know and believe this, for it is your own creation.
Namaste! We give thanks for your courage, your consciousness, and the ongoing beauty of your Earth lives.

Copyright 2015, Caroline Oceana Ryan
If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to this original post. Thank you.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/24/2015 5:22:31 PM


Selacia's 2016 Predictions: - Year of Truth and Justice -


It has taken a very long time for humanity as a collective to begin facing and openly debating closeted issues of truth and justice. Coming out of the shadows increasingly during 2015, awareness of these themes began reaching a critical mass. Yes, over the centuries we've had an endless number of revolutions, atrocities, and wars rooted in these themes. The difference in 2016 is our sheer numbers and a growing acknowledgement of what's at stake if these issues are not addressed.

Major Opportunities to Shift How We Live Together

Oftentimes the way a year ends sets the stage for the next year. Themes and unresolved issues that reached a boiling point in one year tend to remain front-and-center. This is certainly the case for 2016, a year when we as a collective will have major opportunities to shift how we live together on the Earth.

When we study nature - observing mass species extinction and other human-induced problems like climate change - we have a litmus test of just how precarious life here has become. Climate change, in fact, is among the issues tied to truth and justice.

The whole notion of climate change has been made into a political vehicle, putting a shadow over the truth of what's going on and delaying constructive action. At the same time, rising sea levels and barren farm fields will potentially become an injustice to millions of poor people around the world. While rich countries may have resources to help cope - at least for a while - the poor have no such options.

Cosmic Energies Illuminate Untruths, Injustices

In 2016 cosmic energies will put a growing spotlight on untruths and injustices throughout society. We've had a taste of this already, due to the long dance of Uranus-Pluto that has catalyzed a mega reworking of our world.

The needed changes are core-level, impacting how we relate to one another on basic levels. They involve long-established patterns of power mongering, inequality, oppression, and a veiling of information by those in power as a means of control.

Needed societal changes don't come easily, so there is still a lot to unfold. It's important that each of us remains strong and in our empowerment. Inner strength and heart-centeredness will be necessary to weather the ups-and-downs. We will need to be present and mindful of what we are creating with our thoughts and actions.

Role of Divine Changemakers

As divine changemakers, we know that we are quantum, creating our future a moment at a time. We stand at the forefront of the massive changes happening now. This is a role encoded within our very DNA. Each of our paths leading up to now, including earlier this life and past lives, has led to this role.

If you felt like you moved through a fiery transformational time in 2015, know that this tempered you and helped you for this next phase. The bigger shifts are not easy to make - you will feel them deeply, often to your core.

Even before 2015, you went through some big changes. On the other side of them now, you are stronger, more whole, more accepting, and more loving. Those qualities are vital for your enlightenment and for the planetary influence your light is to have.

What does this mean? Each time you become more whole and more loving, you help humanity as a whole and raise consciousness across the planet. Do not underestimate the power of this. When you see injustices and lies, remember your role. Do the best you can to embody justice and truth sourced from love.

Be a Neutral Observer

As 2016 progresses, the things that separate people will be in the spotlight. This includes everything from outmoded laws, societal structures, prejudices, and dictatorial regimes. The talk may get loud, the actions messy, as people on both sides of issues resort to fear and finger pointing.

There is good news in this! Loud and messy gets more attention and has the potential for the bigger shifts needed now. Keep that in mind throughout 2016 as things heat up. Rather than go into fear or anger about how long the changes are taking, use each instance to go within and see how the outer may apply to inner changes you can make.

A change in view within can make you more effective and perhaps launch a new element of how you serve in the world. Taking things to the personal level first, rather than being angry at the upside-down world, gives you spiritually-grounded power!

For healing and transformational change, issues must be brought to light and seen for what they are. Do what you can to stay neutral as you process social media discussions and the news. There is a lot of fear in the air - it must be brought to light in order to change the status quo. Inherent to the human condition is a learned fear-based response to the unknown and "outsiders." This is nothing new of course. What's different now is the cumulative effect of raised awareness and the numbers of people who are connected in real time to what's happening globally.

Fear-based labeling of people, religions, and countries must be avoided if we are to have a peaceful world. That's not always easy, even for those on the path of awakening - the fear and DNA-level prejudicial conditioning is that strong. Everyone has it. Therefore, be watchful for your reactions when you hear about refugees settling into your city or construction nearby of a place of worship involving a faith different from yours.

From a higher perspective, knowing we are eternal beings with many lifetimes before this one, all of us have at some point been a refugee. Even considering this lifetime, if you trace your lineage back far enough, don't you think some of them were refugees?

Fear and separation have been intertwined forces in our society for thousands of years. As long as people fear their neighbors and view others as outsiders, humanity will remain mired in endless senseless battles. Similarly, an uneducated populace is not equipped to express itself in an empowered way. Uneducated is more than lack of education - it is also misinformation served up by media controlled by the elite.

Divine Changemaker Tips for 2016

As you know, this is not your ordinary life and you have no ordinary life purpose this time either. You are a divine changemaker, choosing to be awake for your biggest adventure yet!

Here are a few tips to help you move through 2016 with empowerment and relative calm. I use the word relative here, as you will of course have ups-and-downs along with stress as your world continues its mega restructuring.

FIRST, know that a time is coming when truth and justice will prevail on Earth. Think quantum and big picture when you consider this. Make allowances for the ripples of seeming setbacks along the way, trusting that love can move even the biggest obstacles. Love is the most powerful alchemy there is. Be relentless with your love.

SECOND, if you find yourself reacting strongly to an injustice in the news, consider that at a DNA level some of your own ancestral injustice issues may be getting stimulated. Go within and explore this. If you sense that your ancestors suffered an injustice and you may be carrying some of their pain in your DNA, seek healing at that level. This will help you and your ancestors.

THIRD, stay in touch with your body and feelings so you can consciously and appropriately respond to life events. You are meant to be alive now, moving through these moments. Your body may sometimes have unusual symptoms as you process things. All of a sudden, for example, you may become tired for no apparent reason. Tune into your body and if you need a short break or rest, take it. Similarly, if you become emotional, check in with yourself to know why. Process the feeling before you engage with the world so you can be clear and effective.

FOURTH, strive to be more discerning. Be your own truth watchdog. Question your questions. Do this for increased discernment and clarification. Example: when something rings true for you and you have received an inner validation that seems to validate that truth, ask more questions.

If something you hear scares you, question why. Higher truths do not generate fear. Reasons you could be scared: (1) the messenger of a truth describes things for manipulative purposes (2) your own fear-based subconscious programming (3) what you heard is only part of the larger story you are not being presented.

Facts are facts. Presentation of facts is another matter. Be mindful as you digest facts to check out underlying meanings and potential agendas. Sometimes a presentation can be skewed so a person or group makes money - convincing you that they are the only ones with the information and you must come to them to have answers or to be safe from some consequence. Be aware.

FIFTH, since truth is a key theme for 2016 - previously hidden truths increasingly coming to light - regularly intend that you discover more of the things that have held you back. Invite spirit's view of your hidden blocks to enlightenment - including what prevents you from being fully open, loving and compassionate. Include yourself in the picture. You must start with self-love and self-acceptance before you can fully embrace anyone else.

SIXTH, since justice is about fairness and in 2016 more of society's long-unfair practices will be revealed - look within to understand your personal justice triggers. These may be big or small - like finding out you were paid half the salary of others or feeling that your roommate in the 2-bedroom apartment has the better bedroom. Look at these things. In your outer world during crisis, when you see something unjust, don't look away and pretend it's not there. Go to your heart and spirit for a higher view and respond to what you see from that place. Show others what it means to be conscious, awake and heart-centered during crisis.

SEVENTH, no matter how much darkness you encounter, the light is always there. Invite a connection with that light daily, within yourself and within others. Trust that you never walk alone. Spirit is always with you.

Copyright 2015 by Selacia
- author of Earth's Pivotal Years, healer, and teacher * All Rights Reserved * * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this entire copyright notice, with link back to website, and the full article text.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/24/2015 5:25:29 PM

GFP Newsletter - 11/23/2015

will's picture

Just see how you are made with being and non-being. Something in you is present: that is your sexuality. That's why in deep sexual experience the past and future disappear and you are utterly present to the present moment and it becomes a moment of meditation. So is the case with death: if death suddenly is encountered, the mind stops, all past and future disappear again.

If you have been in an accident, when you see that another car is coming and there is no way to avoid it and the accident is going to happen - just a few seconds more and you are gone - in those few seconds all thoughts disappear. Suddenly there is silence, utter silence. Silence that you have been seeking your whole life and were not able to attain, is attained. It comes from nowhere. Death makes you again present to the moment; it brings you to the moment.

These are the two most potential experiences. Please, don't be afraid and don't avoid them.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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