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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/24/2015 4:31:00 PM

Matthew Ward on Environmental Damage and Climate Change – Part 2/2

Matthew Ward(For Part 1, see

From Matthew Ward, Illuminations for a New Era: Understanding These Turbulent Times. Channeled by Suzy Ward. Camas, WA: Matthew Books, 2003, 74-9.

Destruction through weather control technology and its aftermath is intended, so it also results in twice the negativity as a naturally occurring weather event. Although droughts and floods are the most easily achieved effects of weather manipulation, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions have been “improved” so that target effects often are partially attained.

The caricature of the mad scientist with flowing hair and popping eyes is almost applicable, as the few people with the knowledge and the authority to literally “Make my day!” weather-wise on Earth are not rational. And their source of “inspiration” is not human but is the dark ones among the reptilian civilization. However, with thanks to the advanced technology of our space brotherhood light workers, the weather controllers’ plans never have been fully successful and their most diabolical efforts have been almost entirely thwarted.

This is not to say that severe weather-related events will not continue with potentially serious consequences. That is the most likely scenario as the light vs. dark battle rages on. But due to our benevolent space warriors, nothing will be as bad as was anticipated before they came to the aid of Earth with doubled and redoubled light efforts. 

As for global warming – and no respectable scientist on Earth will deny this is happening! – what has caused this? The hole in the ozone layer?

No, that is another result of what has caused global warming: Negativity. The thinning of the ozone layer that eventually resulted in the hole was initiated some time ago by vehicle and heating fuel systems and other chemical reactions and emissions, which also are effects of negativity. No, that is not a surprise, but this may be – the ozone situation would have happened without any manmade efforts, solely as a natural and desirable result of the light increasing on Earth.

The thinning is helpful in purifying the atmosphere and lightening the density immediately surrounding the planet. If this were known to your scientists who could publicize it, there would be no grave concerns about the diminishing ozone. But so far this is known only to the few scientists who deliberately do not publicize it, a strategic reversal of the dark intent regarding publicity to create fear.

In Earth’s third density the protection of the ozone area has been necessary for her life forms, but the need for this is lessening rapidly as the planet is absorbing more and more light in tandem with all her life forms from human to algae.

You asked if global warming will continue. Yes, because whatever has been set in motion must run its course – energy doesn’t get directed and then of its own volition, stop and hover or turn unless it reaches equally strong opposition. And that is coming!

At this point enough souls have awakened and are seeking Truth so that there is a great rising, yet still subconscious, of requests for assistance to avoid planetary destruction. This has enabled the detrimental effects of the warming process to be brought within the guidance of the light brotherhood, whose advanced technology will lift and steer the energy streamers into positive outcomes.

This would be stabilizing temperature ranges to attain better distribution of heat and cold, and leavening the extremes in arid and humid, fertile and abused, lands. It would be getting rid of air pollution and neutralizing toxic wastes in water and soil and radioactive waste in leaking storage containers and in discarded weaponry. It would be the recovery of the most damaged parts of Earth, reclaiming a balanced ecological system and restoring the harmony that once existed within all of her animal and plant kingdoms.

Some there know of these off-planet sources of assistance. It is time for ALL there to recognize, welcome and thank our extraterrestrial family of diverse civilizations whose massive light-beaming and technology have been and will continue to be literally lifesaving for Earth and all her light-receptive beings. This assistance is more complex than you yourselves can manage, but it is not the responsibility of your space friends – your space family! – to manage all aspects of this salvation for you.

They answered Earth’s own plea for help, and myriad others in light service are helping also, but assisting these sources to re-create Heaven on Earth is the mission and birthright of all you souls who chose to participate during this unprecedented era. Your positive thoughts and sentiments are required for the return to health, peace, love, harmony and remembrance of your relationship with each other, with God, with all life forms throughout the universe.

This is not merely a prayer or fervent hope. It is a reflection of the universe. The changes within each of you and the planetary changes are only the reflection of the most pervasive universal changes since the birth of the various worlds of the cosmos.

Mother, I know this goes way beyond your questions, but it all is related. As I have often said, everything happening anywhere on Earth is related to everything everywhere!

(For Part 1, see


(1) Matthew Ward to Steve Beckow, in Suzanne Ward, email, April 30, 2010.

(2) By “weather technology,” Matthew means not only HAARP, but also scalar-wave technology. Note that both the Russians and the Americans have scalar weapons. It is not clear to me how much of global weather has been caused by the one and how much by the other.

(For Part 1, see

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/24/2015 4:32:37 PM

A Spiritual Perspective on the Paris Massacre – Part 4/4

Paris 234


The Illuminati’s Future

Many will wonder what impact the Paris Massacre may have on the Reval. The Ascended Masters say it will have little or none, but the operation remains huge in scope.

“Currently, what was delayed by the dark is quickly moving forward. Telecommunications and various courier groups are busy making sure that the funds are delivered and are, in fact quite secure. We are also making sure that a whole host of new technologies are ready when the new governance occurs. …

“At present, there are a number of activities being completed. You are very close to a start of funds going out to you. Maintain your focus! All of us are extremely dedicated to seeing these first stages completed.

“Our liaison and diplomatic corps can attest to the large amount of progress that has been made in the last few months. We know that this operation is huge in scope and that it is a most complex proposition. Yet, we are indeed going to achieve a full success in all areas. The scheduling of all of this remains secret.

“Despite this, we can readily say that this progress has moved beyond anything seen before. Its success is imminent. A truly wonderful day for all participants is about to occur! Take these funds and use them to forge a new and much kinder reality!” (1)

The “dark oligarchs” will ultimately fail, the GF says.

“The Light in its numerous parts holds the upper hand and these brave ones are succeeding in readying the means to spread prosperity, reveal a new monetary and financial system as well as create new governance for all.” (2)

Matthew tells us that the Illuminati remain defiant although they see their time has come. They’re carrying out “actions of quiet desperation” around the globe, including terrorist attacks and telecommunications tie-ups. (3)

He reveals that “some of Earth’s Golden Age planners met with some of your wisest individuals to determine the best ways to hold the Illuminati accountable for their crimes against humanity, recover their vast fortunes that were illegally and immorally amassed, fairly distribute those monies as well as release technologies they have long suppressed.” (4)

Not surprisingly then, he sees the Illuminati as well on their way to being permanently disabled.

“Along with intensifying light on the planet, the expanding strength of parties collaborating to uproot all of the Illuminati’s malicious tentacles assures that their worldwide network is on its way to permanent dismantlement.” (5)

Cosmic Awareness warns that the Paris Massacre “will bring forth more events, more false flags, with a heightened response of the military and the police. But again this may only be a deception to draw more and more into the fear that is being created in the world at this time.” (6)

The Illuminati do not know that they are dead, CA observes.

“The nefarious ones do not understand that they are dead. Their power base has been shattered. They are the corpse that is still twitching. Do not mistake the twitching of the corpse to be that of an animated being or body.

“They do not even realize themselves how far things have progressed and are still acting in old ways, habitual ways, ways that have in the past been successful for them, but these ways are no longer as effective, even if the claims are made on the televisions and the radios and in the press of those in this world who think that that is reality. It is not reality any longer. Reality is shifting and it begins with each and every individual as they begin to see through the veil of deception and sense the brightness that lies beyond.” (7)

Sheldan Nidle’s sources tell us that the Light forces are also “preparing the steps required to bring disclosure to a decades old official cover-up.”

“This time is one in which the Light forces have returned in strength and in guile. The strategy employed by the Light’s proponents has brought the dark oligarchs to their knees. Their imminent defeat and the agreements that go along with it has caused them to strike out and hope for the deep emotions that can somehow turn their plight around.

“As the horror of their acts fade so does the chance that their dark and dastardly deeds can ever succeed. Instead, the world is realizing why these dark deeds and Internet manipulations took place and is seeking quick remedies for the dark’s actions. Those who support the Light are now proposing how to quicken their demise.”

The GF explain that “monies are in place and special military and police units are ready to strike a swift and final blow. Thus, the dark’s panic is quite real.” He tells us that many of the illuminati are under house arrest.

“It is vital that both the transfers of power and mass arrests happen in an easy manner. At present, many of the upper levels of the oligarchs find themselves under house arrest. Certain precautions have been taken to ensure that this operation remains on schedule. We have used some of our personnel to further secure this situation. (SN)

Thus any fears that the Illuminati will succeed are apparently groundless. The Reval goes ahead and will redistribute money globally, either directly or through our gifting. The pincer is closing in on the Illuminati, many of whom are under house arrest. Their malicious network is on the way to being permanently dismantled.

In summary, then, the Illuminati caused the Paris Massacre, as they’ve done many others. They attributed it to ISIS because they want ISIS to be seen as a worldwide threat, a problem for which the Illuminati’s militaries are the answer. They are pursuing psychological warfare by using ISIS to frighten whole populations.

Their instruments in the massacre were the CIA and Mossad, assisted by French security. The international drug trade, which the CIA largely manage, paid for it.

The Illuminati did it to bring in the New World Order, under their control and enforced by their armies.

They also did it to accustom people to having their borders closed and seeing armed soldiers on city streets.

Our sources request us to remain focused on freedom and peace and to send the world light and love. The new energies that came in with Wave X of the Tsunami of Love are having their effect, rousing people and awakening them.

Any fears that we’ll be subjugated by the Illuminati are unwarranted. The impact of the Reval will be the death knell of the Illuminati. The pincer is closing in on them and braking up their malevolent network.


(1) Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation via Sheldan Nidle, November 17, 2015, at

(2) Loc. cit.

(3) Matthew’s Message, at

(4) Loc. cit.

(5) Loc. cit.

(6) Cosmic Awareness, “Paris Terrorist Situation,” Nov. 15, 2015, at

(7) Loc. cit.

() Loc. cit.

() Loc. cit.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/24/2015 4:38:11 PM

Your Life from Its Highest Branch

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God said:

As natural as life is, life often feels strange to you.

There is an old song called Stranger in Paradise. Stranger in Paradise is not the Truth of you. You are no stranger to paradise. You are a stranger on Earth. Paradise is plenty familiar to you. And, yet, here you are with a role to play for a while on Earth.

In truth, you are not a Stranger on Earth either. Everyone you meet, you already know. You don’t consciously remember. Nevertheless, you react.

Anything is possible in Earth. There have been so many lives, and so many stories, and not one the same. So many people, one after the other, and no two personalities alike. And, yet, each of the variations are One with Me, just as you are One with Me.

Life on Earth is a paradox. On Earth, everything has gradations, and everything has its opposite or many opposites. The Earth is a land of opposites. And so We have words like near and far, right-side-up and upside-down, now and then, and why and why not. Earth is many-layered everywhere you look. Earth is a foreign land. Paradise is where you come from. Paradise is where you have mostly lived and gone to school. Paradise is the is school everyone went to first and majored in. On Earth, there are multitude kinds of terrain.

Right now you have what amounts to a spree on Earth even as you may well want to flee from Earth and get right back to Paradise. You may well prefer Paradise. Despite the difference between Paradise and Earth, despite the fact that Earth seems to take from you, Earth gives you fantastic experiences, and I am with you either way.

Earth and Paradise each offer you its own specialty. You evolve. Sometimes you can hardly believe how much you learn. And that which seems to take a while is Infinity which is no time at all. Come, get comfortable wherever you are.

An oasis and a playground both offer you great opportunity. Grab opportunity to you. You have golden opportunity even where you may see none

Fling your life wide open.

Get up and dance wherever you may be. Shake a leg. There is something worthwhile for you to grow by regardless of what circumstances may look like. There is love to keep and love to give away. There is the ladder of life to climb. There is juice in every lime. There is the strength of might, and there is the strength of tenderness. And so you evolve. Right now you are living your evolution. That means evolving, and so you grow, and so you fly, and so you soar, and your heart grows bigger, and so you bless a world hungry for your blessings.

You find trump cards within yourself that you had no idea of. All the treasures are from within. Appurtenances are only appurtenances. The real gold is inside you, and you are beginning to see how you can supercharge your life by living it, by taking hold of it, and by letting go of it. You begin to own your life, and you make it what you will. You make your life, and life expands. Your vision expands. The world is how you look at it.

You make your way in your life, and you make your life what it is regardless of outside circumstances. The outside world is not the making of you. You are the making of you. You make your way in life. You make your life.

You have many opportunities to spend your life from its highest branch. You are closer to the Sun and the Stars than you know. You are in pursuit of them, and they are in pursuit of you. There is a coming together of glory. Within your heart is glory, looking to find its match in the world.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/24/2015 4:43:39 PM

Suzanne Lie: Thirty Veils Of Illusion – The Arcturians and The Illusion of Sorrow. #2

loveThe Arcturians – The Safety of Love.

Beloved Ones,

We the Arcturians come to you within your NOW to salute you for your ever-expanding transmutation into higher and higher frequencies of consciousness.

As your consciousness expands into the frequency of reality which is the threshold connecting the fourth and fifth dimensions, often known as the Rainbow Bridge, your perceptions of reality take a quantum shift.

The reason for this shift is because your fifth dimensional perceptions come online with your 3D brain. This shift occurs when you then begin the process of reconnecting with your Multidimensional mind.

This reconnection with your Multidimensional mind occurs once your consciousness expands into higher delta and gamma wave thinking. You may not be aware of this shift within your consciousness, but will become increasingly aware of the messages you are receiving from the fifth dimension and beyond.

Actually, your fifth dimensional perceptions come “online” with your Multidimensional mind, which is the interface between the higher worlds and your third and fourth dimensional thinking. Then, once you become aware of your Multidimensional mind, you become aware of your incoming information from the higher octaves of your Multidimensional SELF.

More and more of you are starting to think in a Multidimensional format. The difference between your third/fourth dimensional thinking and your Multidimensional thinking is time. Time rules your physical world. When you love what you are doing, “time flies.” When you are doing something you dislike, time crawls.

In reality, time is an illusion of the third/fourth dimension. Long ago, Ascension meant that one consciously traveled into the highest realms of the fourth dimension at the close of their physical incarnation. Now, Ascension means to consciously travel beyond the fourth dimension and into the fifth dimension.

Within this NOW there is a worldwide process of Ascension into the fifth dimension. However, you can only participate in this event if you can perceive it. The difficulty is that if your consciousness is only consciously calibrated to the third/fourth dimensions, you will only perceive the third/fourth dimensional realities.

There is no “good/bad” or “right/wrong” to these choices of consciousness and perception. Some humans are not interested in a conscious connection to the process of planetary Ascension. Many of them have been wearing an Earth vessel for myriad incarnations and desire to remain within the third/fourth dimensional format to which they are accustomed.

However, more and more of you are remembering and dedicated to fulfilling your mission to assist in Planetary Ascension. Your first challenge is to expand your consciousness enough so that you can be in constant, conscious connection with your own Multidimensional expressions of SELF.

This conscious connection with your higher and higher dimensional expressions of your SELF serve as a “Jacob’s Ladder.” This ladder of ever-expanding frequencies of reality will guide you when it is your NOW to release your Earth vessel and return Home.

This “Jacob’s Ladder” is actually the frequency trail that you created when you volunteered to take a vessel to assist Gaia with Planetary Ascension. Those of you who came in in the late 1940’s and early 50’s had to “hide” your higher Light for many decades before you could openly perform your mission.

The difficulty was that if you “hid” your true, Multidimensional SELF for too long, you began to think that it was YOU. Fortunately, the higher frequencies of Light entering Earth’s atmosphere within your NOW are interacting with your 97% DNA, which has be “turned off” for most of your Earthly incarnations.

(For information about this DNA, please see:

This 97% of your DNA serve as personal wormholes of Multidimensional Light. Hence, they serve as the communication route between the frequency of you wearing an Earth vessel and your true, Multidimensional consciousness that is now being activated.

The “lost Ones” who knew they could not expand into their higher frequencies of Light, had to amplify their fear campaigns to lower the consciousness of the masses. However, “the masses” are increasingly awakening to the Truth of their Multidimensional nature.

As more and more of you consciously acknowledge that you are Multidimensional Beings, your innate higher perceptions of clairaudience, clairvoyance, and clairsentience will also become normal.

These higher dimensional perceptions give you important information about your environment that is far beyond the perceptions of those who still wish to harm and dominate.

Most important, your higher perceptions allow you to recognize your increasing power to transmute your reality into a higher frequency of resonance via the power of your innate Unconditional Love and Violet Fire.

As each of you, as well as within groups, consciously transmute your reality into a higher frequency the forces of “power over others” will be left behind in the lower astral realities that they have created.

Also, your expanded perceptions allow you to perceive possible realities from the perspective of the fifth dimensional NOW. Hence, can perceive a “possible realities” before they occur.

You can then support that possible reality by sending Unconditional Love and Violet Fire into it before it even occurs. By this contribution, you simultaneously ground a higher dimensional version of reality and transmute any attempts of the lost Ones to interfere with the Divine Plan.

It is in this manner, those who are ascending into the higher frequencies of reality can assist by creating a safer world for those who are just beginning their process of awakening.

Just as you were guardians of your third dimensional reality while it was your primary reality, you will maintain your third dimensional guardianship as your expand your conscious awareness back into the Multidimensional Being that you have always been.

Thus, with every “step” you take into the higher frequencies, you leave a trail of “bread crumbs” for others to follow. It is true that there are still enemies against the Light. However, those “enemies” are decreasing more and more each day.

By transmuting new projects far beyond the reach of the lost Ones, you greatly assist with the process of Gaia’s Ascension. Most important, your protection and guidance assists with the inevitable defeat of the lost Ones. Since Gaia is a free-will planet, those who choose to serve the darkness will be left behind until they choose to serve the Light.

Furthermore, as more of humanity recognizes that they are Multidimensional Beings who have vessels of Light on myriad dimensions and realties, they too will realize their own inner powers of transmutation of darkness into Light.

Within this NOW, many of you, our Lightworkers, are moving through your final initiations into your fifth dimensional consciousness. These initiations appear as problems, but if you recognize them as initiations, you can remember to use your innate Multidimensional powers of Transmutation and Unconditional Love.

Please remember that if you assist just two people to remember their true Multidimensional nature, and those two people each tell two people each, and this continues from person to person to person… just think how many people will know the TRUTH.

Will the Truth set free humanity from the limitations of the 3D Matrix? It will only set free those who want to be “set free.” There are still many humans who are not ready to move beyond a third dimensional matrix of realty.

Gaia has chosen to be a free will planet in which all Her Beings could make their own decisions. Therefore, those who are not ready to ascend can continue their lessons of incarnation on Earth until the NOW of Gaia’s Ascension. Within that NOW, they can choose to ascend or to continue their third dimensional adventures on another planet.

As you can see, Gaia’s original blueprint has long been corrupted. This corruption was because Gaia also choose to offer the opportunity to live within polarities which appeared to be separate. These polarities, such as good and bad, are only polarities if one does not perceive that which resonates between the extremes of the third dimensional spectrum.

Fortunately, as your consciousness expands further into the frequencies of the fifth dimension, you can perceive the higher dimensional energy fields that connect that which was perceived as “polarities.” Then, instead of perceiving polarities you will perceive a “Spectrum of Light.”

With the awakening that NOTHING IS SEPARATE, you realize that “everything is ONE.” When “all life is ONE” then you cannot have a winner or loser. You are ALL in this together. When you are all connected in Unity there can be no competition with each other and no domination over each other – the concept of “other” will be extinct.

Do you see how the third dimension will and is shifting into a higher frequency of Gaia’s holographic program? Whereas before, Earth reality was based on “separation from” and it is now transmuting into “Unity With.”

You have all seen that the lower frequency realities, such as the third and fourth dimension, are resistant to change. This resistance to change has occurred because many have not felt safe, and one must feel safe to try something new and advanced.

How does one “feel safe” when they think they are alone in a frightening world? They don’t! In fact, they often feel sorrow.


“The Illusion of Sorrow”

The dizziness, bright light and loud buzzing are a little easier for me to bear this time. However, it seems to takes forever before I can accustom myself to this intense light. Gradually, I can see the circle of light before me and I can feel Lady Astrea gently reminding me that it is my time to enter the circle. Again, the Ladies come to me and remove an unseen veil and, as they do so, I hear the voice of Lady Leto from within saying, “This veil is the ‘Illusion of Sorrow’.

As you may recall from your life dreams, the theme is again and again the loss of Love and the resulting sorrow. Know my One that Love can never die. It may change or move to a higher vibration but it cannot die. Once the energy of Love has been formed on Earth, the creator of that energy has made a lifelong friend. For, to be Creators of Love is the major Earth lesson for all of mankind.”

As the Brothers of Hilarion’s retreat take the veil, I hear Hilarion’s voice saying, “The energy field of Love acts as a shield. When you become a Master of Energy, you will be able to see Love Energy in any environment. Love energy is different from all other energy fields. Other energies leave the aura of the Creator and begin their traverse throughout the realities, which is eventually terminated in their three-fold return to the Creator.

Love energy, of course, also leaves the Creator, but it leaves a small portion of itself with the Creator as a shield of protection. This is because Love is very attractive and adhesive. It clings to all that it comes in contact with. Love is the most powerful energy force known on the planet Earth, with Divine Love being the highest frequency of all.”

I then hear the voice of Apollo, “Dear One, good morning again. How you have suffered in this life! How you have felt unloved and unlovable. The sorrow that has come to you from the illusion of loss of Love has been your most difficult life lesson. As you know from your individual karma in other lives, you have tended to not value your loved Ones and have instead focused your energies elsewhere. Because of that pattern you have ‘feared’ the karmic retribution of loss of Love and, my Dear One, as you know, ‘Fear Precipitates’.

“Know now in your heart of hearts, Love can never die. Love always remains in the Soul of the lover and the loved Ones. Love is a Soul quality and, therefore, rises eventually to the level of Soul. Even if the Being is to die, it does not matter because the Love shall automatically be passed up to that one’s higher body. Remember that there is no true sorrow, as there is no true separation. Separation is the ultimate illusion, particular to the planet Earth. On the sun, we are all One.

“Remember now that your feelings of sorrow are truly loneliness for home. This loneliness for home is a divine discontent. Allow divine discontent to guide you into your spiritual heart. Use this illusion. Feel the sorrow and carry it to your heart. Set it at the feet of the Oneness where your Soul will mop your brow and touch your heart. The One awaits your gift. The giving is your treasure.”

With Apollo’s mighty words I feel myself fading and know that I am now returning to Earth…

Q and A on Sorrow

How have you transmuted fear and sorrow in your life?
How have you assisted others? You sharing will assist others…
Blessings, and thank you for your comments.

Thanks in advance for your comments

Suzanne Lie: Thirty Veils Of Illusion – The Arcturians and The Illusion of Sorrow. #2. November 22, 2015.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/24/2015 5:07:16 PM

Daily Message ~ Tuesday November 24, 2015

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We often speak of the importance of the elements of surrender, faith, flow and trust. We have been asked the difference between faith and trust, and we are happy to clarify that for you.

Faith is the belief that there is something that exists that is bigger than you. It does not matter if you call it God, or Source, or Creator, or Goddess. You could even simply call it “more” if you do not know exactly what you believe. Faith is simply the acknowledgement that there is something vaster than your individuated aspect of self.

Trust is the belief that not only is there something bigger than you, that bigger something has your back. ~Archangel Gabriel


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)
