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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/12/2015 11:17:07 PM

China helps Pakistan build world’s largest solar farm

Zofeen T. Ebrahim

Chinese companies are building a massive solar power station in the Punjab desert, but is the project the most effective way of solving Pakistan’s escalating energy crisis?

Chinese workers carry one of the 400,000 solar panels installed at the 100MW plant in Pakistan that could eventually be scaled up to 1,000MW, which would make it one of the world's largest (Image by Quaid-e-Azam Solar Power (Pvt.) Limited)

Some 400,000 solar panels, spread over 200 hectares of flat desert, glare defiantly at the sun at what is known as the Quaid-e-Azam Solar Power Park(QASP) in Punjab, named after Pakistan's founding father.

The 100 MW photovoltaic (PV) solar farm was built by Chinese company
Xinjiang SunOasis in just three months, at a cost of around US$130 million (833 million yuan) and started selling electricity to the national grid in August.

This is the first energy project under the US$46 billion China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, a key part of China’s ‘new silk roads’, linking the port at Gwadar in southern Pakistan with Kashgar in China’s western region of Xinjiang.

The 100 MW plant is the pilot stage of a more ambitious plan to build the world’s largest solar farm. Once complete in 2017, the site could have capacity of 5.2 million PV cells producing as much as 1,000 MW of electricity – equivalent to an average sized coal-fired power station
– and enough to power about 320,000 households. Construction of the next stage is already underway, led by another Chinese company, Zonergy.

Eighteen months ago, the site was nothing more than wilderness. Now a mini city has emerged in the middle of the desert, with over 2,000 workers accompanied by heavy machinery, power transmission lines, blocks of buildings, water pipes and pylons.

Reducing emissions, providing livelihoods

The Cholistan desert is the ideal spot for solar power, said Muhammad Hassan Askari, operating manager of the solar park. The area gets 13 hours of sunlight every day while the huge expanse of flat desert is ideal for a large commercial solar project.

The big advantage of solar power, he said, is that a large park can be completed faster than thermal or hydropower projects, which take much longer and require a lot of maintenance.

The solar park will also shrink Pakistan’s carbon footprint, said Najam Ahmed Shah, the chief executive of QASP, displacing about 57,500 tonnes of coal burn and reducing emissions by 90,750 tonnes every year.

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Pakistan aims to reduce its reliance on hydrocarbons, especially imported coal, oil and gas, to around 60% by 2025 from the present 87%. The country has a target to produce 10% of its total energy mix from renewables (excluding hydropower, which already constitutes 15% of the total energy mix). The current generation from renewable energy is around 1-2%.

While Pakistan contributes less than 1% to global GHG output, the country's carbon emissions are growing by 3.9% a year. By 2020 it will spew out 650 million tonnes of CO2e (carbon dioxide equivalent) if the current trend continues, said climatologist Qamar-uz-Zaman Chaudhry, the UN secretary general’s special advisor for Asia with the
World Meteorological Organisation.

The solar park will also eventually generate 15,000 to 33,000 jobs for local people alone and attract investment to the region.

Unprecedented scale

However some experts worry the project is too ambitious and will require costly investment in grid
infrastructure and maintenance. Former director general of WWF-Pakistan Ali Hassan Habib, who now runs a company providing rooftop solar solutions, welcomed the project but was uneasy about the government "jumping into untested scale". The plant will be almost double the size of the existing largest solar PV generating facilitiesworldwide, he said.

"It may have been better to build the equivalent remaining 900 MW closer to where electricity is consumed – on say the rooftops of large parking lots – rather than installing it in remote locations," he said.

Environmental impact of clean energy

Because solar energy is still finding a foothold in the energy mix and technologies are evolving, not enough is known about the park's impact on the environment and natural resources.

Some negative impacts have already become apparent. For example, solar power consumes lots of water. PV panels may require little upkeep, according to QASP, but they need to be kept squeaky clean. An estimated one litre of water is used to clean each panel. Water consumed to clean the eventual 5.2 million panels built will be colossal for a country that is fast becoming
water stressed. Currently, 30 people take 10 to 15 days to clean the entire 400,000 cells.

"This year we've been very lucky as there have been unprecedented rains and so panels were cleaned automatically," said Askari, who said they were looking for more efficient ways to clean panels.

At the same time, increasing human activities will disturb the arid region's rich biodiversity and wildlife, such as the
chinkara (Indian gazelle), caracal cat and houbara bustard.

The construction of new road network and supporting commercial activities associated with large solar PV projects do leave a substantial footprint on the land, agreed Habib.

Shah justified the project, saying it was built on uninhabited wasteland. "An
Initial Environmental Examination was carried out and we got a nod from the Environment Protection Department before embarking upon the project," he explained.

To offset any negative impact, Habib suggested the government set up an environment and social fund.

Environmentalists are also concerned about the fate of the millions of PV panels that will wear out within 25 years. The panels will have to be recycled to extract the silicon used to make them, and then replaced.

Pakistan's energy crisis

Pakistan has been in the grip of severe energy shortages for many years with some rural areas left without power for up to 20 hours a day. There has been little local or foreign investment in the industrial sector because of the extensive power cuts, and a number of factories have had to close down.

With an installed electricity generation capacity of 22,797 MW, the country’s total production stands at just 14,000 MW. In recent years, demand has risen to 19,000 MW.

While the 1,000 MW of solar energy will help ease energy constraints, Askari said government investment in several other hydropower and coal projects should also help alleviate power shortages.

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif promised power cuts would end by 2017-2018 at the inauguration ceremony of 100 MW solar project in May this year.

Not everyone is happy

But some critics say it is the investors who will get rich from the solar project, while consumers will have to pay more in the long run.

"Hydropower can produce energy for less than half the price of solar and about the same as wind so why a fixation on solar?" said an Islamabad-based energy expert working with the government, who spoke to on the condition of anonymity.

He is sceptical of solar for a number of reasons.

First, the solar farm will actually produce far less than the much touted 1,000 MW of electricity. "On average, solar power plants deliver only about 20% of installed capacity, and the peak production is during the day, while the peak demand is in the evening when the plant does not produce anything," the expert pointed out. Alternative arrangements have to be made to draw upon hydro or thermal sources at an "extra cost". But the project’s owners say the 100MW solar plant could produce near to capacity at 85MW at its peak.

Second, solar energy is more expensive than other energy sources. QASP claims it is selling solar power to the grid at US$0.14/unit. Sources within the
National Transmission and Despatch Company say they have signed a deal to buy electricity at US$0.24/unit, which will drop later to perhaps US$0.17/unit after seven years when loans are paid off. In either case, this price is far higher than the $0.07 for hydropower, $0.11 for fuel oil and $0.12 for imported LNG.

"And these figures are only for generation; another 25% must be added to it for cost of delivery to be borne by the consumer, accounting for losses and theft,” he pointed out.

"The financial justification for solar was approved when oil prices were at US$110 a barrel," he said, lamenting that the government refused to heed to advice that oil prices would drop.

Others argue that the cost of building and operating solar plants will fall over time, making it competitive. Vaqar Ahmed, deputy executive director at the Islamabad-based think tank, Sustainable Development Policy Institute, said: "For every new technology the fixed costs are higher in the initial years and diminish over time as economies of scale are achieved." And learning from China, efficiency will rise and prices for solar cells will continue to decline, he said.

Wind could be a much bigger contributor to Pakistan’s energy needs, said WWF’s Habib, given its potential of 120,000 MW. "Unlike solar, wind energy maintains production at night," he pointed out.

Political risks

With just a little over two years left in his term, the success of the solar project is important for Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif.

"The project has huge political implications for the ruling Pakistan Muslim League (N)," said Lieutenant Colonel (Retired) M. Hassan Malik, who is responsible for the security arrangements of the entire QASP area.

"Through this project the government also wants to send out the message to the outside world that it has the capacity to undertake mega projects and will provide foolproof security to investors."

Working in an area characterised by lawlessness and extremism, Malik's job is challenging. "Not only is the park a national asset, we have foreign nationals working at the plant, so the sensitivity is two-fold," he said.

There are 800 to 900 men guarding the site where around 400 Chinese workers and over 2,000 labourers work at any given time.

Culture shock

For Alexander Halbich, a German engineer who has been at the park for over a year, getting used to heavily-armed security guards following him around was the most disconcerting aspect of his new job. "The food is good, the people are extremely hospitable and we do go out to the city once in a while tailed by armed guards, but there is little to do after dark," he added.

"There isn't much to do in the evenings," agreed Muhammad Hasan Askari, who heads the technical team. Hailing from Lahore, Punjab's capital, he keeps himself busy with work and looks forward to going home at the weekends.

Foreign workers get to go home less often. "I go every three months for ten days or more," said Zhang Ting, a young Chinese engineer. "I'm quite ready to go home by two months but when I do go back, I miss Pakistan and the work," she added.

Ting had to deal with a language barrier and hostile weather when she arrived to work at the site. The Chinese engineer also had to adjust to a very different work culture.

"We resolved the issue by getting more Pakistanis on our design team to crease out the differences and conflicts," she said.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/13/2015 6:19:19 PM

The Oracle Report, Sunday, September 13, 2015



New Moon Phase: begin, intend

Moon in Virgo/Libra (Sunday 10:41 pm ET/Monday 2:41 am UT)

Goddess of Wisdom: All – Led by Shodashi (Goddess of Beauty, Goddess Who Aligns)

God of Will/Desire: Kathe (God of The South)

Skill: maintain equilibrium

Catalysts for Change: uncooperative, self-centered, sacrificing the self, fearful, irresponsible, overindulgence in self-pity, deconstruction, forcing or dominating others, false flags, fooling with Mother Nature, feelings of loss

True Alignments: cooperation, learning from the past, the rhythms of Mother Nature, believing, constructing and reconstructing, skillful, passionate about something, courage, safe, the five senses, like-minds brought together

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: “a girls basketball team” (unity)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres”

Happy New Moon!

The New Moon in Virgo is at 20 Virgo 10 and the Sabian symbol of 21 Virgo, “a girls basketball team.” This month, the full-court of the sacred feminine energetics floods the field to bring unity and alignment with our highest and best. The effects will be widespread, with marked changes in our lives and in the world.

The next two days – Sunday, September 13 and Monday, September 14, 2015 — will yield much valuable information. This information is going to enable us to gauge (game) the status of things and how this will effect us for the remainder of the year (and beyond).

Insights that reach far into the future will be evident. This means that wise owls engage the skill that we’ve been practicing here for years: maintaining physical, emotional, and spiritual equilibrium during key times in history. The next two days are the most important to date.

The importance is due to a confluence of several things that I have detailed in the “Messages in a Bottle” recordings and also on Phoenix Rising Radio. The confluence of various religious calendrics and astrological signatures make today and tomorrow just about the best opportunity to affect the future than any I have ever seen.

One piece of this that I have not discussed is the fact that the Moon will contact (activate) the North Node and the Black Moon during this time. This dynamic begins in earnest Sunday at 10:41 pm ET/Monday 2:41 am UT when the Moon moves into Libra. When the North Node and the Black Moon are together, new beginnings, new roads, new paths, new opportunities are born!

It gets better. The Sabian symbols give us even more information. Here is the breakdown with corresponding time of exact activation. Exact activation means this is when the energetic begins. The activation of these continues during the entire time the Moon is in Libra (until Wednesday, September 16 at 11:43 am ET/3:43 pm UT) but will have long-reaching effects. The next lunar month, the Libra New Moon, will connect directly with this one:

1:28 am ET/5:28 am UT MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14: The Moon conjuncts (comes to the same “place” in the sky as) the North Node (destiny) at 01 Libra 22 and the Sabian symbol of “the light of the sixth race transmitted to the seventh.” This energetic is about epic progress and provides conditions to bring things to a new, higher level. It’s about carrying things forward – transmitting them into the future. It’s about ensuring the continuation of the race. This is the destiny.

3:12 am ET/7:12 am UT MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14: The Moon conjuncts the Black Moon (rebirth) at 02 Libra 13 and the Sabian symbol of “the dawn of a new day reveals everything changed.” This energetic is about sudden new beginnings. Darkness recedes. We see changes. Things can happen very quickly.

Adding to the light motifs in the energetics, Venus, goddess of Virgo, is discharging the energy of “brilliant sunshine just after a storm.” How wonderful.

We are focused on the light and love and abundance that comes with the Virgo lunar cycle. Thank you to everyone who has already participated or who plans to participate in the “Wings Around the World” meditation (detailed below). The parliament of wise owls around the world are aware of the times. The unity of our awareness and our maintenance of love when fear is presented is our strength.

I will be posting a special audio addendum to today’s report later today to go into a bit more detail.

Also, please join me in sending some love to wise owl Logan, who is a little over two weeks away from completing his full-court trek across the country to raise awareness of the biowar on humanity and all things truth. Logan is now outside Cedar City, Utah and heads into an intense stretch through the Nevada desert early this week. If you want to send him a note of encouragement, you can reach him at


The “Wings Around the World” meditation is below. Join in anytime after the New Moon in your time zone – you do not need to do it at the exact time of the New Moon. It’s a “wave” and does not follow our notions of time and space.

The “Love Prevails” meditation from July 17 (which I now like to call the “Wings Around the World” meditation) will be Sunday, September 13, the day of the Virgo New Moon. If you are inclined, you can perform the meditation anytime this Sunday (September 13) after 2:41 am ET/6:41 am UT. I will prepare everything in advance of the exact time of the New Moon. No dogma here; adapt this to your preference:



A group meditation (a gathering of minds) that occurs at individual times is the mission. Please modify this according to your own practice and style. Picture:

  • Your shield of divine protection
  • Yourself taking flight as a wise owl
  • Yourself taking your place in a ring around the Earth with the other wise owls around the world
  • From your heart, emanate a wave of alignment with love, freedom, and the value of life
  • Feel the pulse circle as the music we are putting around our sphere
  • Repeat what you know in your heart: “Love prevails.”

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/13/2015 7:00:21 PM

The Sun That Rises in the East

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God said:

Your heart is like the Sun that rises in the East, you realize this, don’t you?

Your heart is bright light. Your heart radiates its light. Its light falls on all. This is your heart’s nature. This is the nature of every heart. In the world you live in, sometimes you, My children, overlook the nature of your singular heart in an attempt to follow the world and so neglect the Truth of Your Own Heart.

Life in the world can make you profit-centered. In business as well as everything else, you want to be greater than profit-centered. Dealing with people is its own ball-game. You don’t stay the same. Your heart is the Sun. Let your heart radiate. Watch what you do with your life.

Don’t squint your eyes at people any longer. This means that you don’t look exclusively for people who contribute profit to you. When you look at people, you are not looking to specialize in those who bring you fame or access to others who profit you. You seek Being.

Monetary gifts are not the measure of people that you are to take. Some people have more financial worth than others. More financial worth is all that means. Of course, you don’t discount someone because he’s a millionaire. You don’t discount someone because he is not a millionaire either. The size of someone’s pocketbook isn’t meant to be your deciding factor when it comes to making friends and valuing people.

You do not waste your time. There is precious little time to simply enjoy those who come before you. Look not for ulterior motives when you make friends.

In the world, there are strata. You may really enjoy your friend’s maid as much as your friend. Don’t define yourself and others according to status. You don’t need a set of rules to regulate your friendships.

A wealthy man can be wonderful. You already know that money isn't everything, and yet the size of someone’s pocketbook may turn your head the same way good looks may.

If I were to tell you to consider your heart in every situation, you would rightly say that sometimes your heart leads you down roads you later regret. You say your heart isn’t always reliable. In fact, heart has lead you astray more than once. In that case, I say that you found out something. A mistake of any kind brings you to discovery. Every instance in life is a new instance. It is not always easy to know when you are wise or when you are not.

However, don’t miss an opportunity because of a decision your mind made ahead of time.

Keep learning. You will in any case. Just don’t forget your heart. Don't forget that you have a heart. Have a heart for yourself as well as for others.

What I am saying is to have no false gods before Me.

Follow the Truth of Your Heart. And, yes, of course, you learn.

There is the saying that for want of a nail, the shoe was lost. I will add that for the want of a heart, life’s meaning has been lost.

You may have an ambition, and when you achieve it, what do you have? Success does not always feel like success. Where is life taking you, and where do you want to go?

Life isn’t so easy to assemble or disassemble.

Life has a way of its own.

Sometimes just live life. What will it bring?

Find out.

Live your life on Earth while you have it. Your biggest discovery is who you are, Who you really are. You are more than you have thought. You are greater than anyone has thought. You are mightier, and you are more beautiful than anyone has thought. What brings meaning to your life? What do you really care about beyond a bill of goods?

When you go to the super market, do you go by your shopping list or someone else’s?

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/13/2015 7:03:08 PM

Daily Message ~ Sunday September 13, 2015

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When was the last time you stopped and recognized how fabulous you really are? When was the last time you stopped to tell yourself how much you loved you? Look into your eyes in the mirror. See the innate goodness, the innocence, the caring, the divinity. Then know that we see you in your truth in such a glorious way that is infinitely more than what you see in yourself, and is breathtaking to behold. There is no harm that can come from allowing yourself to see your own truth and loveliness, Dear Ones. Only more love can come from such a pure and nurturing action. ~Archangel Gabriel


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/13/2015 7:07:00 PM

A Time for Discernment

ascended-mastersI’ve just read a channeled message that advises us that there have been meetings with the cabal to tell them that their end is nigh.

The message says that Sananda was accompanied by the Mother and Father and “others” of the Company of Heaven. It says the meeting was held in the Third Dimension and it was necessary to appear before the cabal because it needed to see that the Company of Heaven meant business. It argued that the cabal didn’t believe in the higher dimensions. It said that members of the cabal were astonished because they had never seen such beings before.

And the message went on.

Folks, tell me that your discernment is sharp enough to catch the tell-tale signs of a message that has no validity. As we head into what is being said to be the run-up to the first wave of Ascension, we’ll be reading a lot of channeled messages, many of them from new sources. The cabal itself may even disseminate false messages. We need to be able to rely on our discernment.

Some new channels will feature a little awkwardness in their messages. We published one recently that does. These don’t rule a message out of court.

Let’s look at the short excerpt from the message in question and see what doesn’t ring true.

Accompanied by the Mother and Father? I doubt it. The Father is beyond the dimensions, beyond materiality, formless, trasncendental. No one has ever seen the Father and never will. And yet Sananda was accompanied by him?

Good luck getting him to a meeting.

“Others” of the Company of Heaven? The Father is not a member of the Company of Heaven and could never be one among many or one in any group.

In the 3rd Dimension? That was gone some time ago.

Appearing to the leaders of the cabal for them to believe we mean business? Envoys from the Company of Heaven have been appearing before the cabal for years.

The cabal was astonished by the appearance of higher beings? No, the cabal has been speaking to extraterrestrials and higher-dimensional beings for decades and have seen Archangel Michael and others for years.

The cabal even refused to believe there were higher dimensions above the 4th where they thought they reigned supreme? The cabal knows about the higher dimensions. They know sufficient about universal law to ask a group of higher-dimensional beings visiting our solar system in a very large mothership recently to leave (and the ETs respected that request and did leave).

So, yes, we may post some new channels at this time, even if they feature a few awkwardnesses. But we draw back from posting those with so many inconsistencies, contradictions, implausibilities, improbabilities and impossibilities that the credibility of the source is seriously brought into question.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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