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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/9/2015 6:23:27 PM
Blossom Goodchild
SEPT 8th, 2015.

Once again, I greet you my friends. At last back home in Australia. Purposely, I haven’t read much of others work regarding the changes that are to come, so as not to be influenced in anyway. Yet, I am aware that much excitement is occurring due to a New, Higher Wave of Energy that is to come through … I leave this transmission in your very capable hands.

(The Federation of Light spoke through me. Here is the audio link with the transcript below. It is recommended that you listen to the audio, rather than just read the transcript ... as the Energy that comes through, penetrates deeply into the soul.)

Dearest Souls of Earth … We offer this day, through the Energy of our words … Love … Peace … Joy … Happiness. We offer to you ALL things that fill your heart with LOVE.

We come this day also, to bring you words of wisdom. To offer you Knowledge … that perhaps, needs to be remembered from deep with inside your Being. Yet, most of all … we come to let you Know how much WE LOVE YOU … How much we care for you. We have been walking this journey with you since it began … yet, there are many of you that know not of our existence.

There are many of you that are in full awareness now of who we are … And as we move together … deeper into the Brighter Light … that you are … that we are … our Energy of Love … intertwines … blends together … merges as One … in the finest array of colours … to show you … to allow you to FEEL THE TRUTH OF WHO YOU ARE. THE TRUTH OF WHO WE ARE. For even though there are many, as indeed, this lady who allows us to use her voice box … who sometimes fully Know of our existence … of our Truth … of the reason why we come … and yet, even within that full Knowing … now and then, there are doubts regarding that which we say.

For instance … we have spoken of the Pillars of Light. There was a little discrepancy with our Lady, Blossom … regarding this … in your time … a while ago. Yet now, is that not which we have spoken of … there … before your very eyes?

We come not to prove of anything. We come only to assist you along your journey. To offer you Hope. For we understand that residing upon and within your Earth plane can sometimes be more than a little confusing. It can bring downheartedness … and we desire that your hearts be only uplifted. This is why we come. And we ask that now … in this very moment in which we bring forth this message to you ... you FEEL your heart … you FEEL your heart smile … you FEEL it beat a little faster.

For Dearest Friends … Dearest Ones … Dearest Family … there is much to be excited about.

The Energy that is to pour through into your Planet Earth … is to be like no other that has been before. We are … in the mind’s eye of the lady, Blossom … showing to her once again … these vast Pillars of Light. They, as they progress … as they become more in numbers … are to differ greatly from those which are sent currently.

For when activated … when connected within the deepest place of your heart … your Being … they shall emit a pulse. A pulse that resonates with yourself. A beat ... like your heart. A beat that shall become One with your heart beat. Emanating LOVE … and you shall see also … the deepest colours of the Rainbow.

These Pillars of Light shall eventually present themselves to you as PILLARS OF RAINBOW LIGHT … and how your hearts shall be filled with the HIGHER PURER LOVE.

Your Knowing of who you are in that instant … shall give you the FEELING of completeness.

The understanding of why you are here shall be given to you in an instant.

Hold your spirits High.

HOLD ON TO YOUR HATS … as we have said.

Be Joyous … Dearest Ones. Be Joyous and excited. For it is to be so … that a HIGHER POWER OF LOVE is to enter into your Earth’s atmosphere … to shine down upon you … to enter into your Being and to allow you to be in the presence of the Divine.

This Divine Light is within you. It has always been within you … for you are of it … and yet, as this Greater Power pours forth … it ignites on a deeper scale … the Divine Source that lies within.

Prepare your Beings as your see fit. We do not say to you ‘Do this. Do that’. We say to you only … In / As / Through /Of LOVE … think on these words that we offer and act accordingly … in a manner that FEELS correct for you … and you alone.

Remember Dearest One’s, to breathe. That is all you need do … now and always.

Breathe in LOVE … Breath out LOVE … As you connect with one another. As you connect with ALL THAT IS.


We are ever closer. Find Peace within your souls. For by doing so … as you breathe out … you offer Peace to places upon your Planet that are in so much need of this Energy … To souls upon your Planet that are in much need of this Energy.


Breathe it in … Send it out. Be gentle with yourselves … Be kind … Be Loving … to yourselves.

The time that is upon you is one of Greatness.

The lady, Blossom, can FEEL as we speak to you … of the immense LOVE that we have for you. We ask that you FEEL it also. As we say often … words are inadequate. Yet, as you Know US as Truth … as you breathe in our LOVE … the FEELING it gives you … allows you to Know … WHO YOU ARE … WHO WE ARE …Your family of Light.

We are One family … We travel together … moving forward … into a Higher space … into a Purer Vibration … and SO IT IS.

Please revisit The Invocation 'We are the Game Changers' whenever the mood takes you ... to keep our Vibrational Energy as HIGH as we can.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/9/2015 6:32:29 PM


Gillian MacBehth-Louthan ~ 9-9-2015


Cosmic and personal completion! Entering the next level of love of heart, of soul and service to the planetary evolution through healing of self first. Free-falling from the height of the nine into the next level of Light. Entry and exits all in the same breath. A quantum leap into unknown gifts comes through the nine. Are you ready to see and become more than you are at this very minute of time? Nine is the photo finish on the heavenly line of multiple choices. If you believe you have won, you have!

As you walk forth into the door of completion, the longing for what you once desired will be changed forever. For in the recognition of completeness there are no needs, there are no desires, there are no wants. All is automatically filled by its corresponding parts of completion. As you sit in all of what you once were and all that you are destined to become, You look back upon your life and wonder was all of that necessary? Couldn't I have reached an all-natural state without the stress, the strains, the pains, and the lessons? The answer that you hear so loudly in your heart is No!

You needed to walk the ladder of experience in order to come to the roof of yourself, in order to see over the hills and the dales that you once thought you needed to experience. You enter a place of graceful emptiness. A place where you have completely emptied out of what you thought you were suppose to do, who you thought you were supposed to be. It is a place that you need not fill with any yearnings. For in the emptiness of all that you are, there is such a fullness and completion that nothing will hamper your movement forward. It is only by emptying a glass that you experience its full potential. When something is full and complete, the next step is emptying.

Light defines itself in completion as light. The vibrations of all substance reside with the genetic imprint in the house of light. The light holds the original blueprint of all things. Light comes in many shades. There are thousands of shades of white and there are thousands of depths of black.

On this planet of duality, you are given the task of dissecting the light and dark of your life. This year has issued a truckload of white lies outlining a gray ever-changing area. Many speak loudly with forked tongues. They ride the rails and do not commit verbally to any given ideology. Humanity tends to stay close to the borders of light and dark, straddling the razor-blade fence of that particular creation. Humanity is now asked to do the cosmic wash and swim through all the dingy whites and dive deep into all the darks, without coming up for air. In other words, you are to come fully into your experience of life not judging the many shades of white/ light, nor judging the many shades of gray or shadow.

Each of you will become translators of energy. It would be a very bland world if everything were just vanilla. The hills and dales have created moral-fiber lines in your heart. Walking the path of poverty and prosperity has gifted you both the pauper and the prince’s viewpoint. It has tenderized and seasoned you well. So stand tall knowing that everything is perfect. Stand on the chessboard of this earthen experience stretching your self and encircling all roles. In coming full circle one meets another face of their self. Completion does not mean destruction of the old but rather the use of that matter of past experiences as a support beam in upcoming creations.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/9/2015 6:39:14 PM

If You Try, You Will Succeed


By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

Most spiritual seekers probably aren’t focused on success, because they care more about enlightenment or the spiritual path. It isn’t all bad, however, and it depends on how you look at it. Striving for financial or career-related success could be seen as pointless from a spiritual perspective, but this isn’t the only kind we can achieve.

In my opinion, it comes down to whether we strive for personal, ego-driven success or success in helping people who need us. We can also achieve spiritual success by reaching a level of enlightenment or reaping the benefits of regular meditation, and we gain a sense of accomplishment and limitlessness when we succeed.

It feels great to accomplish something we never thought we could, and the journey teaches us about effort, perseverance and willpower. It teaches us that we can do anything we put our minds to if we’re truly passionate and committed, and the difference between those who fail and those who don’t is their effort.

If we want to succeed at anything, we have to try. If we want to approach enlightenment, we have to diligently pursue whatever brings us closer to it. If we want to bring food and water to impoverished people, we can’t just keep talking about it; we have to make an effort. We wouldn’t have food or water if it weren’t for someone making an effort to get it to us, albeit at a price, and we have to do the same if we want to help the poor, sick and hungry.


If we want to master an art and use it to help people, we have to take steps to improve and figure out how we can help others with it. We can’t expect things to magically fall in line until we put in some serious effort, and we might be surprised at how quickly success reaches us when we really try.

It’s amazing what can happen when we’re dedicated to something (especially if we’re passionate about it), and dedication is all we need to go far. If we keep going, we’ll naturally achieve more and help more people along the way. If we give up halfway through, we’ll have only regrets and broken dreams to look back on.

We won’t look back and think, “Wow, I actually did that!” Instead, we’ll think, “Wow, I could’ve actually done that if I just kept going…”

Regret would replace satisfaction, and we’d always be reminded of the wasted opportunity. We don’t have to take this path into such an unhappy existence, and with dedication, we’ll make sure we achieve our goals and live our dreams.

We just have to show our inner universe that we’re willing to try, and most importantly, keep on in troubling times. This becomes easier when we’re rooted in the heart, because we can approach our work more calmly and enjoy it more than if we were stuck in the mind.

Giving up will be the last thing on our minds when we approach challenges from a willing, heart-centered space, because we’ll enjoy them. We’ll understand that they’re here to help us grow, and as long as we have love (and we stick with love when we get stressed), dealing with things that used to bring us down will be easier.


We’ll no longer stress over little things, and we’ll realize that challenges encourage us to try a little harder and we don’t ever have to give up or admit defeat. Defeat and failure have nothing to do with the challenge itself, and we only fail when we give up.

Even if we do give up, we can reverse our failure at any time by giving it another try. It might take a few tries before we master a challenge or overcome an obstacle, but even if it’s distant, success is guaranteed if we keep on. Even when we’re dealing with something we think is impossible, perseverance will solidify our eventual success and we just have to get through the headaches that initially make us want to stop.

This basically requires us to shift into love, and when we do, we’ll find that it’s our natural state of being. It’s the state we’re meant to inhabit, especially if we want to spiritually succeed or succeed at helping the world, and it allows us to joyously address (and eventually get past) our obstacles. It’s the key to doing anything positive or progressive – especially anything that has to do with creativity – and it enriches life with a sense of happiness and good fortune.


It’s the key to dedication, and thus, to success. It doesn’t matter where or how we want to succeed – we can do it if we have love. If we can return to love and understand that we’re fragments of our creator’s omnipotent consciousness, we’ll quickly realize that we can do anything.

We aren’t just human when we have love, because its awesome power energizes us and encourages us to do something with our time here. There’s no telling what we can do when we focus that energy into a real and lasting effort to help the world, and we’ll just have to make that effort and find out. If you ever feel like you aren’t strong enough, just remember that you’re a portion of God and you’ll be infinite when you tap into your true power.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/9/2015 6:47:01 PM

Sandra Walter: The Final Equinox-Blood Moon Eclipse Gateway

sandra-walter-ascension-300x294Blessings Beloved Light Tribe,

Significantly higher frequency light has been consistent since the Cosmic Trigger at the end of August. I AM sure you are experiencing the wild and wonderful aspects of this influx.

It launched us into the completion of this two-year project of Equinox – Blood Moon Eclipse Gateways. While it is by no means a final gateway, it is interesting to see so many awakened to this project as it reaches completion. This tetrad of Gateways activated the embodiment phase of Christ Consciousness, and for many of you the reality of the Golden Race upon Gaia has become quite vivid.

It is important to stay focused as anxieties – and rampant sensationalism – attempt to distract from this project’s true purpose. Many of you remember the beginning of this tetrad in early 2014; the entrance of energies which would accelerate the Shift for those choosing to Ascend. The completion of this tetrad sends Gatekeepers into a new phase of service work, while simultaneously supporting embodiment of the new consciousness.

In the last few articles, it was revealed that the Solar Cosmic Christ templates, which have been used as a path to embodiment thousands of years, are being alchemically transformed by the collective. We are creating something brand new which supports the evolution of consciousness, as well as the dissolvement of that which does not serve a new Universal agenda of uncompromised Peace.

Spiritual Maturity

Choices made prior to last month’s trigger are already blossoming for many in the Light Tribe. Consistent alignment, adjustment, and flexibility are needed to navigate these unique frequencies entering our Solar system. Understand that the outcome of these more intense passages are dependent upon the foundation you have laid, and your commitment to holding New Light in your consciousness, fields and body vehicle.

You have created platforms for those pure Oversoul qualities and desires to stand on. As the amplification grows stronger, it is complimentary to consistently reset your perspective, fields, and activities to keep up with the deluge of New Light.

As a Gatekeeper and Wayshower, it is fascinating to experience dramatic changes in my consciousness in this Now moment. While the physical changes are interesting, and the side-effects become more unique from person to person, it is the expansion of consciousness and the experience it brings which makes this journey well worth the effort.

I feel we are (finally) moving into a phase when the collective will understand the larger Galactic perspective, rather than obsessing over the physical, governmental or planetary changes indicative of a dimensional Shift.

The Equinox wave may make the new consciousness aspect very palpable, if we have a large percentage of the collective more focused on the internal birthing of the Solar Heart consciousness than on external anxieties.

Personally I would rather not delay or step down the energies any longer, and it seems the high-vibe collective is moving forward regardless of the distractions. The light is bombarding us, however it is our engagement with it which creates our new realities. Certainly an interesting area on the map.

Gatekeepers, We Feel You

The Equinox wave, which is already in progress, creates deep shifts in the magnetics of the planet and significant veil-thinning. While the visuals grow vibrant and bizarre, the vagus nerve ear singing grows more complex, and the heart center takes on a new life of its own, we remain calm, focused and clear for the influx of light.

Gatekeepers and Gridworkers are focused on stability, so that those taking on embodiment have the maximum amount of support possible. It is important to work with the land, water, crystals, kingdoms and elementals consistently throughout September in order to make this as easy as possible for all concerned.

The abundance of programs, anxieties and sensationalism surrounding this last tetrad passage is a clear indication of its significance in our Ascension process. If you are late to the Equinox-Blood Moon intel, feel free to join our focus.

The energies available from September 9 – 13th are preparation for the coordinated Gateway opening on September 19. Gatekeepers and Gridworkers, do your best to hold the Higher Light in place, and let the lower frequencies drop away. It already feels very transcendent, so many of you will need to step away from the collective in order to serve in the clearest, calmest, and most focused way possible.

Obviously there is a lot being thrown at us, and in our integrity we simply step away from distractions. Gold and Crystalline/Diamond frequencies are keys to these Solar Cosmic Christ Gateways. Use them creatively to reflect your own unique expression within this collective focus on embodiment support.

Embodiment Protocol: Adept-Level

Transforming density to a higher state of consciousness demands adept-level intention. Use your Divine intelligence to merge with the oversoul/I AM Template of the New HUman.

Here are a few suggestions from the Ascension Path September protocol:

– Maintain alignment with the Higher Self Perspective

– Meditate on the Heart Center/Solar Cosmic Christ center to receive activations

– As much Nature time as possible; codes are flowing through Solaris (SUN), Gaia, kingdoms and elementals right now that seek and find resonate structures in your energy fields. Vibration = vibration; get out in it and breathe it in. This is nourishment for your transition to a new level of consciousness; honor it.

– Silence is Golden, literally. The frequency of Gold is the interface between Source and our DNA. Meditate with this frequency, circulate it through your torus fields, and the collective/Gaia. We use the crystalline consciousness existing all around us; our crystalline internal structures align with it and it changes the container for our consciousness.

– Avoid folks who use polarity as spiritual conversation. It is not the time for that. You own your Ascension; it is not open for debate. Your perspective and your heart are not up for review. You are an Ascension artist; design it to reflect the unique Source-Spark of your Heart.

– You are infinite; Choose your path and experience it. Change that path if you’re not experiencing what you desire. The light turns up the volume on our choices, and it will get very uncomfortable if your actions don’t align with the trajectory of your intentions.

– Eliminate any last vestiges of the old Self. Challenge yourself to dropping things which feel unnecessary now. If it is meant to be, it will come back.

– Be aware of the new grounding in service and creativity as your expression in form changes. Grounding is no longer grounding into mediocrity or the density; it is anchoring these new levels of creativity into our lifestreams and the noosphere. Be unique, shatter the mundane.

– Recognize interference and shut it down. Distraction and emotional triggers access us through fears stored in the subconscious. Shut down the fear, shut down the access. Shut down the external access altogether if you can. Avoid online activities, anxiety, searching, or drama. Tune into your heart and take advantage of the support for a permanent internal shift.

– Engage in practices which please the Heart and calm the Lower levels as they transform.

– Support the planetary detox with body detoxification if you have not done this.

– Oxygenation supports cellular changes and resets; move, move, move.

– Meditation is deep, powerful and important for stabilization within the collective as well as your own consciousness as it transforms.

Fall in Love with Divine Love

Photonic Light is a Cosmic frequency of Divine Love. It is a natural force with an agenda to create Balance, Purity, Harmony, Evolution. The Equinox – Blood Moon Eclipse is not the last Gateway ever; that belief is spiritual sensationalism.

We are merely experiencing an onslaught of higher-level light because so many of us are expanding into larger energy fields, so the planet can release more of that light (the monitoring of photons comes from both outside and inside the planet since the Gate merge last year). The completion of this divine tetrad creates stability as the platform for re-creating 3-D collapses next year.

Embodiment IS the stability needed to bridge the worlds. Solar Cosmic Christ templates are Universal, however the individual (fractalized) expression of them is unique. Let us all unite in our intention of Service to the New Light and show HUmanity what is possible.

For our Unified Focus:

Equinox: Wednesday, September 23, 2015 at 1:22 AM PT (Pacific Time)

The September Equinox occurs the moment the SUN crosses the celestial equator, a point in space above the Earth’s equator equidistant from North to South poles.

Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse September 27 at 7:47pm PT

The eclipse peaks from 7:11pmPT – 8:23pmPT and is at least partially visible in Europe, South/East Asia, Africa, Much of North America, Much of South America, Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans, the Arctic and Antarctica.

I will be offline through the end of the month in order to serve and experience these heightened energies. Source bless our endeavors and reveal Divinity through every heart willing to engage in Ascension at this time. Blessings upon Gaia, the kingdoms, elementals, beloved HUmanity, and this grand Cosmic project of the Return of the Christ.

In Love, Light, and Service,


“The Final Equinox-Blood Moon Eclipse Gateway,” by Sandra Walter, September 8, 2015, at

Source link: Sandra Walter Creative Evolution: September 8, 2015

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/9/2015 6:49:19 PM

Your Inner Compass, by Owen K Waters

compassThe Nature of Change

One constant that you can count on in life is change.

Change exists because life is in motion, and motion is one of the three aspects of the original consciousness that underlies all of Creation. Everything in the universe springs from two complementary aspects of consciousness – thought and feeling – set into motion.

The existence of motion as one of the fundamental components of Creation guarantees that change is continuous. The point of life is to experience infinite variations of expression of the one underlying consciousness, Infinite Being.

Changes in Your Life

Major changes in life are rarely easy, but our very reason for being is to work through changes and experiences in life.

Today, changes are being accelerated by our being in the global transformation called The Shift. Many would say that today’s changes are intense to the point of becoming chaotic. In physics, chaos is a temporary phase between one natural state of harmony and its transformation into a higher form. The transition phase between the two states becomes very choppy until the higher form is reached.

Today, we are moving through the storm before the calm.

We are so beset by change that it can become hard to discern what changes are important and what changes are just societal noise which has little bearing on the real paths that we need to tread through life. It is here that a sense of inner direction becomes an exquisite asset.

Navigation Through Life

Sometimes your own purpose in life seems like an ever-unfolding saga. Like a journey across the seas by boat, your journey through life is made safe and direct by the use of a compass. In this journey, you have a built-in compass that helps you navigate in the most appropriate direction.

That compass is your sense of innermost joy. As an expression of your inner being, like a compass, your innermost joy points the way. When you think about the one action you could take right now which would move you towards the most long-term inner joy, you are seeing that course of action which is most connected to your inner being.

Because destinations in life are reached in steps or stages, your inner compass can actually point in seemingly different directions on different days. They key is to realize that the one task you can best address at any given moment is the one which is most aligned with your innermost joy.

Each step on a journey is different; yet, all steps lead to the final destination. If you are inspired to do one thing today and to do something different tomorrow, it is because those tasks are both steps along the pathway to the desired destination. Trust in the timing of your inner guidance. It’s wisdom comes from the part of you which is your connection to the universe and to Infinite Being.

Be attentive to your inspiration and the ideas that it brings. Make a note of these ideas as they occur and, in retrospect, you will be amazed as to how insightful they were.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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