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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/7/2015 7:35:41 PM

GFP Newsletter - 9/6/2015

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Sometimes I see a person walking towards me very arrogantly, and the words that he speaks are very polite. The way he walks is arrogant, and that is far more true. He is not aware of that. The words that he uses are very polite, false. They are not true, because they are not in tune with his body. The body is less deceptive than the mind. You say one thing through your mouth, and your eyes are saying a totally different thing, a different story; and your eyes are more true than your words.

You say something, but the tone of saying is more relevant, more expressive than the actual words used. You may say yes in such a tone that it means no. You can say no in such a loving way that it means yes. Remember it: words are not so significant.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/7/2015 7:41:49 PM

Celia Fenn: The Tsunami of Luminous Light and the Return of the Divine Masculine Frequency

11924584-10154104820243906-1184903875-o-2(Image by DebAura Araznu

Beloved Family of Light, so you have entered now into the month of September, and you are riding the wave of Luminous Light that was received by your earth at the 8/8/8, or the Lion’s Gate.

You have felt the intensity of this new wave of Light Codes as they have assisted you to shift your own personal frequency and to adjust to the Higher Frequencies represented by these Luminous Colors and Tones.

In September, you will be given further opportunities to embody and embrace these new frequencies and allow your Soul to dance to these new tones and sounds.

The purpose of this Tsunami of Luminous Light is to support you as you finally arrive at your destination of full Multi-Dimensional or Nine Dimensional embodiment on Planet Earth. The Earth has fully shifted into her 9th Dimensional Matrix, and so those who are ready are riding with the Tsunami of Light into 9th Dimensional Consciousness.

Indeed, Beloved Ones, this is why there is so much chaos and confusion on your Earth right now. This Tsunami of Light is functioning as a Tsunami always does, washing away all that is not stable and secure and creating space for new creation.

So, at this time, the Earth is anchored in the Fifth Dimension, but many are still working with a Third-Dimensional Consciousness. Then, there are many who have begun to raise consciousness and have lifted into sixth, fourth and even seventh levels and higher.

And so, each person is receiving the Light Codes and frequencies according to where they have arrived in their personal journey of evolution. If they are still in lower consciousness, then this time will seem chaotic and fearful.

Beloved Ones, know that the Third Dimensional Consciousness is rooted in duality and fear, and so sees every event as something to fear and as evidence of the “end” and “collapse”. The Apocalyptic Atlantean consciousness is strongest in the Collective at this level, and so there is much fear that is being put out and experienced by those who are still in this frequency of fear.

However, as Family of Light, you will know that you have reached the Fifth Dimension on Inter-connection and you will know too that the Earth passed through the “End Time” Stargate in 2012 and is now firmly on a Timeline and Journey into a New and Miraculous future.

Those of you who have embraced and emobodied the Sixth and Seventh Dimensions of Consciousness will be feeling intense surges of Creativity and the desire to express yourself and your Soul in every way possible. You will feel a very joyous coming together of the Body and Soul in the sacred marriage of Spirit and Matter within yourself as your “Twin Flame Union” is anchored within your Heart and Soul and Spirit.

It is a time of great Celebration in the Angelic realms and we are here beside you to share in your Joy and Celebrations.

So, in this month of September, your first intense date will be the 9th of September, when you will cross through the 9/9/8 Stargate. At this point, the Energy Wave of the 8/8/8 will be intensified and lifted to a Higher Frequency or Tone to match the incoming energies. This is a time when those of you who have embraced your Master Light and Codes will feel a very strong impulse in your body and soul.

You may experience this as electrical pulsations of energy in your body, and you may feel very tired as your physical vehicle acclimates to this new frequency. We would suggest that at the 9/9 you allow yourself a very gentle and very “inward” meditation so that you can connect with your own inner power and your inner mastery of the Light Codes.

Then, a few days later, you will experience the New Moon in Virgo and also a partial Solar Eclipse., and so this will be an opportunity for you to connect with the Earth, with the New Earth in her new frequencies of Light and to decide what you would like to manifest in this new cycle of time that is unfolding on the Earth.

It is a time to look to what physical changes you might wish to make in your life, and also to look to what changes you might make in your life to better nurture yourself and take better care of your health and wellness on the Earth.

As the frequencies rise in your Light Body and your Physical Body, you may find that you will need to live in a “lighter” way, and that includes your lifestyle and your diet. Let your Heart and Soul be your Guide at this time. The Solar Eclipse will also anchor in the New Solar Frequencies of the Divine Feminine and the presence of the Goddess and the Magdalene will be felt very strongly at this time. Allow her to be a part of your Being and embrace the Inner Goddess that you are!

On the 23rd of September you will enter into the Equinox energies, and here you will have an opportunity to balance out these powerful energies that have been coming in since July and August. The Equinox represents that time when the day and night are of equal length, and when the Earth prepares to changes seasons on its Journey around the Sun. In the North the movement is into Fall and Winter, and in the South it is into Spring and Summer.

These powerful Earth energies of change are also powerful forces in the Earth’s geomagnetic field, as well as in your own Light Bodies. This is a good time for Ceremony and Meditation, and to remember that you come here also to honor the Earth and to be the “voice” of the Collective Energy of the Earth as you celebrate the passage of the Equinox.

Then, on the 28th, the energies will reach a Climax as you celebrate the Full Moon in Aries/Libra and the Total Lunar Eclipse which will also be a Blood Moon and the last of a series of four intense Blood Moons that have been the bearers of the waves of intense change. A Fire Moon is always a powerful Full Moon, and so Moon in Aries as a Blood Moon is the Full Moon of the Phoenix!

It is the moment when the New is born from the ashes of the Old, and the power of the new arises in your Hearts, Soul and Spirits. At this time, you can expect to feel a powerful surge of “new” energies and a connection with new opportunities and new directions in your life, and in the life of the collective. What was perhaps hidden will now be revealed and made clear!

It will be an opportunity for Humanity, as individuals and as a Collective, to stand up and move forward as Beings of Light and Love and Compassion. There will be opportunities to choose between Love or Fear, and to decide what kind of Frequency and reality you will choose to create on your timelines for 2015 and 2016.

Beloved Ones, this is a time of Celebration and Joy! Do not allow the waves of the Tsunami to sweep you away into confusion and chaos, but remain firmly grounded within your own Heart and Soul, connecting to Heaven and Earth and being a Conduit or Transmitter for the Divine Light and the new frequencies of Luminosity that are lighting the way into a New Reality!

“The Tsunami of Luminous Light and the Return of the Divine Masculine Frequency,” by Celia Fenn, September 5, 2015,

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/8/2015 7:01:57 PM

Mastering Change



It takes a lot to see our preferred way of being.

A lot rides on camouflaging it from those who’d sabotage us. Well, at least in Third Dimensionality.

But that would be our conditioning – to be somewhat guarded about revealing or discussing our preferred way of being.

We talk about it as our comfort zone, our game (as in being put off our game), our style, the way we be with things.

As it gets busier for us, the mere pace of things can put us off our game or threaten to drag us away from our preferred way of being.

I notice it getting busier in my life on every front. And every step I take in any direction seems to promise more stress, more involvements, more promises right now. I’ll have to master how to be with these situations because this is just the tip of the iceberg.

I feel like I’m in compression. Going down into the deep.

My preferred way of being is that … I was about to list it and I realized that almost anyone could say the same thing … I see myself as tolerant, not easily rattled, courageous, etc.

Of course, I’m not. I’m easily rattled. And if you listened to the judgments that knock around in my head on a simple bus ride home, you’d start to smell a constructed self.

It’s exactly that it is a constructed facade, and not a very convincing one, that should alert me to the necessity of letting it go in the face of a busier pace of life rather than trying to hold on. Why hold on to my preferences, opinions, desires, if I’ve chosen to work on building Nova Earth? Can one not predict it will get incredibly busy? Is that not like being dragged over a corduroy road?

If I’m to master change, I can’t be holding on to my preferences. Each one of them is an anchor sunk deep in the sea floor.

The masters told us about these situations. Sosan talked about letting go of all preferences. (1) We’re in a land without footholds, as St. John of the Cross described it. (2) Karma yogis say that the sevak, or one who serves, should be detached in all things. Let go, let go, let go is the recurring message.

A master of change is beginning to look like a master of letting go. It’s that or go insane.

I think that many people, in practicing leadership, crash on these rocks: They want what they want, not what they get. But masters of change will need to want what they get, in order to stay sane and unstressed for the sake of the work.

Anyone can step off the carousel at any point when they’ve simply had enough. It’s really a matter between us and ourselves whether we stay on the carousel or not. Those that stay on, I think, besides being committed, will have to have mastered change.


(1) “The Great Way is effortless
For those who live in choiceless awareness.
To choose without preferences
is to be clear.” (Sosan, The Book of Nothing. A Song of Enlightenment.Kansas City: Andrews McMeel, 2002, 16.)

(2) “Without a foothold you must seek Him out.” St. John of the Cross in Kieran Kavanaugh and Otilio Rodriguez, trans. Complete Works of St. John of the Cross. Washington: Institute of Carmelite Studies, 1973, 89.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/8/2015 7:04:33 PM


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God said:

Everyone and everything exists within you. You cast out a net, and you bring in the net you cast.

Now, this sounds very much like: “As ye sow, so shall ye reap.” I ask you to let go of the concept of equal trade, for, when you are generous and good, you also can be zapped while someone else who is not generous or so good in your terms may reap a fortune. Then you may cry out: “Unfair.”

Unfair it may be, yet protesting amounts to your slowing yourself down. You can cry, “Unfair” all your life, and it gets you nowhere. Then your image of yourself is of someone who has been treated unfairly. This is not the image you want to carry. You don’t want to hold the image of yourself as someone stepped on or betrayed, certainly not by God or life or whatever you may call it.

Remember, you are living in a world that could be named Storyland. Can there be a good story without something out of balance? Even if all turns out wonderful, where can story be if you know with certainty what is going to happen?

Stories in the world will never become extinct, and all stories do not have happy endings. Themes can be behind the scenes for you to discover, yet the story itself has to be told, read, or enacted on a stage or in a movie or on TV - and in life.

We are not talking about retribution. We are speaking on a subtler level. When you give joy, you are the receiver of joy in the moment of giving. When you give heartache, you are the receiver of heartache even as you consider yourself victorious. You are the ultimate receiver of what you give, for this is the level you are operating on.

It’s like this: If you use an indelible purple magic marker to make a painting, some of the paint indelibly gets on your hands. Your consciousness is your consciousness. Your consciousness can only go so far as it goes. If you perform a heinous act, it is you who performed it. If you perform a wondrously generous act, you performed it.

If you poison someone, retribution would mean that you will be poisoned or some equally intense ending of your life would be visited upon you or upon your children. This is not how life works, nor would I wish it to work this way. This is more like revenge or vengeance. How would you get off this narrow track? When would there be an ending to it?

The deed performed is the payback itself.

Think in terms of only one verb tense, and this is the present tense. Therefore, how can there be later reward or punishment later? Your rewarding another is your reward. It is instant. Hurting another reaches you whether you fathom that the so-called other is your same Self or not.

Look at the concept of retribution in terms of My attention. C’mon, do you think I would take care of the bookkeeping necessary to fulfill what is called karma? Nor would I hire someone to do the accounting. I have better thoughts to think about and more loving acts to perform. Do not make karma the fall guy.

I would like to ask why retribution may sound right and desirable and important to you. This seems like elementary school or even pre-school where a child might say: “He hit me first, so I hit him back.”

I would not say something so vainglorious as: “Vengeance is Mine.” Vengeance is not at all agreeable to Me.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/8/2015 7:10:17 PM

Daily Message ~ Tuesday September 8, 2015

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Dear Ones, if you stop and really think about your most precious hopes and dreams, how far away are they from how you live and what you share with others? Are they so buried down they never see the light of day?

When you deny any part of yourself, you are not being authentic. Authenticity is the way to your most satisfying life expression, where all of life responds to and celebrates your most marvellous truth and beingness.

Is it time to brush off your inner most desires? Is it time to lovingly and encouragingly allow yourself to bring forth what truly matches who you are? Any disconnect between your truth and your reality is what causes deep discomfort and sadness. Know that to shine your true self, authentically and unapologetically, is what will finally allow all of your life to become congruent, and allow the universe to support you in your wildest dreams. ~Archangel Gabriel


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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