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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/6/2015 11:42:37 PM

NorthPoint ASTROLOGY JOURNAL: Your Guide to Planetary Energies for September 7 – 13, 2015, by Pam Younghans

This might be the place for me to say that I think maybe the energy that is coming in and is also mentioned here by Pam has something to do with —

September East Coast Alert! Last Minute Military Drill To Disrupt TCAS & ADS-B For Entire Month!


Photo: Auroras over Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada on September 4, 2015
(credit: Joseph Bradley
, posted on

WE ARE IN eclipse season now — the previous lunar cycle is behind us, and two eclipses will occur in the next three weeks: the partial Solar Eclipse next weekend (either September 12 or 13, depending on your time zone) and the total Lunar Eclipse two weeks later (September 27 or 28).

In general, eclipses seem to have an effect similar to a Uranus transit — unpredictable, often emotional, bringing change and expansion, with the accompanying need to leave some elements of the past behind. Eclipses occur when the Sun and Moon are within a certain range of the Moon’s Nodes, and so emphasize both where we are headed (the North Node) and what must be shifted (the South Node) to support our advancement.

THE DAYS leading up to next weekend’s Solar Eclipse provide both challenge and ease — a lot like this past week, where some days we felt in balance and alignment and other days it felt like we were struggling to move beyond old response patterns.

Action-oriented Mars plays primary roles as we begin the week, first through a Mars-Chiron quincunx on Monday and then through a Mars-Uranus trine on Tuesday. The quincunx on Monday carries a sign that reads “attitude adjustment required” — with Mars in Leo, we may be dealing with hurt feelings if we’re not getting the kind of personal attention or acknowledgement that we were expecting. Chiron in Pisces provides the healing point for the wounded ego, as it reminds us that “what is essential is invisible to the eye.” If we choose to move into compassion and forgiveness with this aspect, we will gain the sense that a much larger agenda is playing out, and that our job is to trust the process rather than get caught up in the drama.

OUR SUCCESS with embracing this alternate perspective then allows us to take some major steps forward on Tuesday, as Mars trines Uranus. This planetary combination is both inspirational and courageous. It supports us in stepping into new territory, guided by our intuitive knowing of right action. It also acts like a strong cup of coffee, so adrenalin junkies should be very happy with this influence.

We do, however, run into an obstacle on Wednesday, when Mercury squares Pluto. This aspect represents a challenge to our way of thinking or communicating — or even to our roadways, since Mercury rules the type of short-distance journeys that we take as part of our daily routine. Pluto’s involvement means we may have a stronger reaction than we might normally expect — or that someone else responds to us in a way that feels out of proportion to reality. The tensions brought forward by this aspect may not be comfortable, but it is likely that they represent issues that have been brewing beneath the surface and need to be released.

Note, too, that because Mercury goes retrograde next week (on September 17 at 11:09am PDT), Mercury and Pluto will be square each other three times: on September 9 and 24, and on October 22. This means we can extend the themes related to this aspect throughout the next seven weeks or so: reactivity, tension and release, and perhaps the surfacing of facts that had been hidden or ignored.

ASPECTS involving the Sun that occur toward the end of the week are also woven into the fabric of the Solar Eclipse, which means their themes are woven into the current timeline in a larger way. The Sun-Chiron opposition, exact on Friday, establishes the need for us to find a balance point that incorporates both the solution-finding, results-oriented traits of the Sun in Virgo and the trusting, allowing, accepting qualities of Chiron in Pisces. And, because Chiron is involved, finding this place of equilibrium will involve healing a generalized lack of trust in the Universe that may compel us to micro-manage our life path.

The Sun-Uranus quincunx is exact on Saturday, and indicates the need for another attitude adjustment. With the Virgo Sun involved, we are again addressing some of that very human need to have things figured out ahead of time — but Uranus in Aries has a much different, spur-of-the-moment, go-for-the-gusto agenda. Since change often occurs without prior planning on our part, the primary adjustment this aspect requires is greater flexibility in our expectations.

OUR SOLAR ECLIPSE next weekend is in Virgo, and occurs at 11:41pm PDT on Saturday. The Sun and Moon are both opposite Chiron and quincunx Uranus, so this eclipse will require us to find and maintain our balance, expand our ability to trust, and be flexible and adaptable as the landscape changes around us.

At first read, the Sabian symbol for the location of the eclipse seems fairly mundane, but it contains some intriguing imagery for us to consider as we work with the eclipse energies:

“A girl’s basketball team: Physical training as a means to inculcate the feeling of participation in a collective culture.”

As astrologer Dane Rudhyar explains in his interpretation of this symbol:

“The ego-consciousness (the ball) must be driven upward to a focal point that is ready to receive it. The players operate as a team — with no reference to two teams and thus to the competitive character of the game. What should be stressed here is the formation of a group acting as an organic whole and training itself to operate in a social context … It implies the training for a type of consciousness more specifically receptive to collective forces.”

The parts of this abridged interpretation that stand out most to me are the first sentence and the last. They imply that this Solar Eclipse — and this entire eclipse season — are meant to focus our intentions and help us aim for a level of higher consciousness than ever before. They also tell us that these September eclipses offer yet another step in our process of becoming more receptive to universal energies and the unseen realms.

In peace,


How to subscribe to the NorthPoint Journal: If you have been forwarded this issue of the NorthPoint Journal and would like to receive it by email every week, please fill out the subscription form on the “Journal” page of Pam’s website.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/7/2015 6:26:18 PM

MONTAGUE KEEN, Sunday, September 6, 2015

The right people are surfacing all over the world who are ready and willing to share their knowledge with humanity. They have been preparing and researching how to deal with whatever the Cabal does, its plans and hopes of destroying humanity, and the structure of its existence on Earth. Ensure that you prepare for whatever chaos develops. Food and water must be put by for when you need them. The Cabal has been busy hoarding all they may need. They hope to ride out the chaos and then start again, with just a few compliant humans to serve them. This is their big Take Over Dream. It will show its hand in America, when the Pope joins others who also serve the Cabal, in this month of September. Do not be taken in by their FALSE PROMISES.

You are now awake to their plans. You must concentrate on your own survival and the survival of the human race. Do not be persuaded by those who are well versed in creating FEAR in you. The same people run all religions, all governments, and all banks etc; everything that has made living life on Earth such a struggle to survive. How could you possibly believe anything they say. They have wiped out millions of you, through their illegal wars, famines, and the holocaust in Ireland, that was organised and overseen by the Jesuits. How could you possibly trust these people. Look at their record. It does not make nice reading. Chris Everard, of ENIGMA FILMS, has done excellent research on this subject. He has produced a work that should be read and applauded by all who seek the truth. When you learn what he has revealed, it will open your eyes to the truth that was hidden from you. I implore you to find the time to read this work. Knowing this information could save your life and prevent the extinction of the human race on Earth.

There is no time to procrastinate. It is time to prepare to take action that will enable you to deal with whatever you need to cope with, for the survival of the human race. I have told you, many times, that September is when the Cabal will show its hand. Every day you are witnessing humanity struggling for its survival on the shores of Europe. These people were deliberately displaced through war, in order to cause SUFFERING and PAIN, the ENERGY of which, GIVES THE CABAL THE ENERGY TO TAKE OVER THE EARTH. Remember, your suffering and pain is the OXYGEN they need to exist on Earth. They need a lot of this to take over the Earth and to destroy humanity.

The babies they sacrifice, no longer produce sufficient oxygen for their plans! The Cabal shows no mercy. They are not capable of it. They despise you, and they use you to protect themselves. So many of you have returned to Earth especially for this Transition, so you must support each other. Money will not buy you protection from the Cabal. They do not want you, so do not think you can buy your survival. They have successfully conned humanity for hundreds of years. You are only just waking up to it now. You have a lot of catching up to do. Look around you: who do you trust? Nothing is as it seems. The Cabal has controlled everything for so long and everything is stacked against you.

Come together and you can defeat them. They cannot take on the 99%. When those who serve the Cabal and keep them in control, wake up, such as those in the armies, the police, and the governments, and they realise that they are destroying their fellow human beings, then you will see the Cabal falter and disappear from the Earth. Remember, THERE IS NO HELL. Only an EVIL MIND could create such a place. The God of Love, the Source, could never contemplate such suffering for his people. The ten commandments are a FALSE creation of the Cabal, to ensure you were kept under control. THERE WAS NO CROSS, and NO CRUCIFIXION. It was all made up to control you, and it is ALL BASED ON LIES. There was a Christ, who walked the Earth. He was not born of woman, and he ascended when it was his time to leave. There was NO FICTICIOUS BIRTH in Bethlehem, NO CRUCIFIXION; it was a story, invented to capture your imagination and to be instrumental in your control.

The people who did this, do not belong to the human race. They have no empathy with humanity. They serve only themselves. Their objective is to wipe out the human race, leaving only a few to serve them. Veronica knows only too well, how heartless they are, as she has suffered much at their hands, after my passing. She is now remembering much of what I told her when I was at her side. It is all becoming clear now. These are testing times, my friends. Never has it been more important to come together and stand together.

It is a joy to see the Irish people coming together to take control back from the banksters. They have found their POWER, and they have found their voice. They will lead the way. All the other countries will follow their lead. It has started: People Power is showing that it can be done when you come together. The world is watching you, Ireland, and willing you to succeed.

My dear wife is finding the right people to bring to your attention, to inspire you to become the powerful beings of light that you are. Help comes when you most need it. Thank you, S, for advising and supporting M. It was not her time to go.

My dear, you have been advised. Try to act on that advice, as it will help you. You have work to do and you need the strength to do it.

Always at your side, your adoring, Monty.


The second part of the interview with Harald Kautz-Vella is now available. David from Galway in Ireland, has written to me. He is prepared to lead the recovery of the energy from the ley lines in Ireland. Please help him to do this for the world.

Message from David Egan

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/7/2015 6:29:03 PM

Archangel Gabriel via Shanta Gabriel: Take Time to Bless That Which You Have and Ask For What You Want.

e3e622887b103f80eceee6df0756d6ebDear One,

You may be finding yourself in a time of questioning and dissatisfaction with your life. However, this is also a time of great opportunity.

Every moment of your conscious awareness creates the qualities of your future moments. You can ask for those qualities you feel are missing from your life now, and they will come to you from your sincere prayer.

It is not about asking for material things. Instead, ask for those qualities of consciousness you believe you would have if you had the things you want. For example, if you want a new job, what qualities would this job give you? Abundant income? Harmonious atmosphere with co-workers? Fulfillment and joy doing that which you love? Perhaps ease in transportation?

When you know the qualities you want, this allows the Universe to provide these qualities in a work situation that may be even better than the type of work you were looking for. When you ask for a narrowly defined work environment, you may get exactly what you ask for but the qualities that would make you happy may not be present.


It’s important not to limit the response of the Universe to the confines of your present awareness. But if you do choose to be precise, also say, “this or something better, God” and then let go.

You can also give thanks in advance for answered prayers by saying, “Thank you, Divine Presence, for meeting my needs in ways better than I can imagine. Thank you for Divine Order in this situation.”

Blessing situations also brings more good to you. Even if your world appears to be falling apart around you, you can bless the changes occurring and know there is Divine Order beneath the illusion of disharmony.

Though it may not appear that you have much you can bless, you can bless the gift of another day of life. You can bless the learning experiences you are now receiving, knowing they are bringing you to a greater good. You can bless the people in your life. Know that they are your perfect teachers for what you need to learn at this time.

Remember to give more attention to what you want than to what you don’t have. It seems a small distinction, but power is given to whatever you focus your energy upon. If what you are experiencing is not what you want, bless it anyway. But do not dwell there.

Shift your focus to ask for whatever good you want — greater happiness, joy-filled relationships, abundant income, satisfying work. Then say, “Thank you, God” and release your prayers to the Universe to be fulfilled. Whenever you think of it, bless your life, say thank you for what you have and want, then let Divine Will take over.

You deserve to be happy and have miracles in your life. A prayerful attitude of blessing and gratitude can bring to you all the good life has to offer. You are worthy to receive the grace of God. All who ask sincerely are answered in kind.

Remember your message from the Angels today is:

Take time to bless that which you have and ask for what you want.

Archangel Gabriel
from Shanta Gabriel
September 6, 2015

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/7/2015 6:38:24 PM

One Sun, One Moon

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God said:

Picture your day beginning with the Sun’s Rising over the Horizon. Let Us say you see half a sun, yet a young child with his crayons inevitably draws a Whole Circle of Sun.

Who is happier, the child artist who sees a Whole Sun, or the adult who pictures half a Sun, as though the Sun were cut in half at the horizon?

May the Sun shine on you today. May you get outside today so the Sun touches you, and so you may grow strong from the Sun and brighten - not only your corner of the world - but the whole world. As the Sun shares its light with the whole Universe, so do you.

How happy I am that I thought of One Sun to brighten the world by day and One Moon to reflect the Sun’s light by night.

You create when the Bright Light of the Sun enters your mind. What I have created and what you now create in your life don’t come in little steps but all at once. I created as a whole. I did not take tiny steps. The Sun didn’t grow in increments. It burst forth all at once. Creativity is not of details. Creativity is of Wholeness.

Creation wasn’t added onto. Creation appears complete in all its glory. Evolution and creativity are not the same, and yet evolution was built-in as well. When it comes to life, evolution comes in stages. Evolution is built-in, and, yet, evolution follows.

We can say that your evolution is destiny, or We can call evolution more like instinct, or We can call evolution more like a time delay apparently in the world. We can also say that creation is art, and life is art, and this alludes to the Reality that everything that seems to happen sequentially is happening all at once now. There is no sequence, no past, no future. You are mid-stream in life, as it were.

There is more in the world than the eye can see, and yet it can be said that this more follows a decided path. Everything comes from Me, and everything returns to Me. Then I stir the mix by saying: “Indeed, nothing has departed from Me. You have not.”

We can put it this way as well: “Within the seed is the whole tree.” Nothing is separate. All is Infinite.

There is neither beginning nor end, for there is Entirety. There is no battening-down time, for there is Eternity. Within the child is the man. Within the man is the child. We can say that within the name is the form. Be the Sun.

Can there be Creation without sound? From seeming Nothingness, Creation arises. Yet Nothingness is rich and not barren.

How did words arise unless I declared them? Is not the desire to speak universal? Can language be man-made? Life’s propensity is part of the Seed of Creation and intended to naturally arise and flourish.

Can anything be complex when it is already factored in and naturally ensuing? In that case then, what is not simple?

Did Creation grow as a fruit-bearing tree? Yes, it did. Then how can anything be an accident? There are none. And, yet, there is much more to life than predication, for anything and everything is possible. Nothing is impossible. The lame can walk.

This is another way to say that there are no boundaries. There are no limits. No one is bounded. No one is limited. Limitation is only an idea of the mind. Limitation may seem true when it is not, yet limitation can stop My children in their tracks.

I gave you Free Will, which is another way to say that you are an Unlimited Being. There is no limit to Free Will and its meaning. Free Will means choice, and Free Will means determination, and Free Will means anything is possible. You are the realm of all possibilities. In trust, I have given the world to you.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/7/2015 6:40:31 PM

Daily Message ~ Monday September 7, 2015

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Having time for labour and time for rest scheduled out for you was a system that worked very well in older energies. It gave people a predictability, and through that, a feeling of safety that was generally energetically supported.

But as the energies have changed, and continue to change, strongly and rapidly, many sensitive humans have been finding it difficult to follow set schedules. They can find it almost impossible to work when their bodies are requiring rest and integration, and almost impossible to rest while their bodies are energized for work and creation.

As you move forward during this grand shift your planet is undergoing, you will find more people being drawn to self employment, and more employers creating flexible hours and work environments for their workers. It will become vitally important for people to have the ability to move with whatever energies are supporting them at any given time.

People will also find themselves gravitating towards doing what brings them joy for a career, because your passions and purpose will rarely feel like work. Freedom to self express, to create, to flow, and to harness whatever is being supported energetically, will become a vital part of how humans structure their days, leading to a greater self expression and satisfaction in livelihood than ever before. ~Archangel Gabriel


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)
