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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/5/2015 6:38:03 PM

St. Germaine via Natalie Glasson: The Shifts Waiting to Occur

orchids-253409_1280In a time of such inner transformation it can be challenging to accept or recognise that greater shifts are waiting to occur for yourself, humanity and the Earth.

Most of these shifts are inconceivable within your mind and yet they are already present within your soul and will be transmitted to your mind for manifestation at a physical level.

You are the creator of all shifts and transformations occurring within your being and you are also supporting the same for humanity and the Earth. You may feel that your efforts are not good enough or wonder how you could possibly be assisting the Earth, even people you do not know in their ascension when you have little or no idea of your own ascension pathway and purpose.

This poses an interesting question, is knowing and knowledge more important or valuable than faith or belief? Which would you choose to be a key focus in your ascension pathway, the quest for wisdom or the development of belief and trust?

I invite you to contemplate these questions because they are two pathways, both intriguing and rewarding, however they are very different. Many light workers seek wisdom from within their beings and in their outer reality, they desire to have spiritual knowledge as this it seems will support a spiritual reality and Creator embodiment.

While some faith and trust is placed upon the wisdom and knowledge gained there is a constant desire and maybe even strive to access a greater understanding of self and the Creator in order to move along the pathway to enlightenment. This means the light worker may never truly embody the wisdom although they will know it well in their minds.

Other light workers may not wish to access spiritual wisdom and knowledge; to know within their mind the workings of the universe, the Creator and even their own being has little value. Greater value is placed upon belief, faith and trust in the Creator, in being on the divine pathway, receiving all that is necessary and needed, generally being supported by the Creator in all ways. Such people believe even when there is no evidence and yet because of their trust in the Creator evidence comes in many moments within their daily reality.

Which do you perceive yourself to be, a soul seeking spiritual knowledge or a soul wishing to experience the complete embrace and support of the Creator? I only invite you to contemplate this question as it will bring clarity to your focus for moving easily through your ascension. It is most probably you will recognise that you seek spiritual knowledge as well as trust in the support of the Creator. You may also recognise that one is more prominent within your being than the other.

You may wish to look into enhancing and further developing the area of lack as a step for greater enlightenment. As well you may wish to acknowledge that one enhances the mind while the other enriches the heart. The mind is always seeking answers and in many ways can never be satisfied while the heart already knows all the answers or wisdom and so simply seeks to exist.

In order to exist there is a need for faith, trust and belief in all that is the Creator within and around you. With my sharing you may wish to dedicate yourself to realising the natural and ever present vibration of faith, trust and belief within your heart. This energy is effortless for your heart to express and to influence your entire being, it is a constant energy which aligns you to the Creator, encouraging you to exist in the divine flow of the Creator, continuously guided and supported.

You may deem yourself not advanced enough to access ascension and enlightenment because you perceive you do not have the knowledge and knowhow of others, yet if you let this go and allow yourself to focus within, you realise you are a natural being of creation.

Everything you require and need is within your being already, there is very little searching or seeking that is required, the greatest energies which are valuable to enhance are your faith, trust and belief as this will allow you to accept the support of the Creator through and around you.

With these energies you welcome yourself into a serene state where everything is easy and effortless as you have encouraged the mind to no longer overwork as well as supporting your heart to become the expansion it is able to be. In truth I am inviting you to change your perspective of yourself and the way you believe you have to achieve your ascension on the Earth. When you trust in the Creator within and around you wisdom, knowledge and enlightenment will flow from within you with very little effort.

This is the transition many are making on the Earth at this time, simply it can be labelled moving from the mind to the heart and yet it is such a complex shift only because it will influence every part of your being, reality and the world. Allow yourself to just think for a moment of all the belief systems that humanity holds which would be broken down and dissolved eternally.

The understanding of working in order to fulfil ones needs would be erased, suffering especially poverty and hunger would gradually be removed even the understanding that technology is needed to enhance lifestyles, communication and happiness. With this simple transition of moving from the mind and knowledge to the heart and trust the entire world would be altered and shifted first from within your own being, then becoming evident in humanity as well as their actions and the world.

It is very important to contemplate the changes to life upon the Earth which would be made by people moving their trust and faith from the mind to the heart allowing the wealth of the Creator’s light, love, consciousness and wisdom to explode in to manifestation upon the Earth.

When you imagine all the shifts, transitions and transformations that would automatically and naturally be made you are actually bringing them into fruition, you are allowing your heart to bring forth new opportunities and realities for yourself and all of humanity to experience which are predominantly focused upon receiving and expressing the Creator.

You may also recognise that there are many people on the Earth who are fighting the process of awakening vibrations of trust, faith and belief from their hearts, instead they are allowing their thoughts to guide them which can only cause pain, suffering and even destruction. For those that wish to continue to be dominated by their quest for knowledge and any pursuit of the mind, the love of your heart is the greatest remedy.

I share this with you now as it is the present and future shift which are occurring on the Earth. Every transition will have this at the focus, it will be the core of all matters in your reality and the world.

It is a time for rebirth of the mind into a new divine expression, however in order for this to occur old thought processes and perspectives are required to be eradicated which can only take place through awakening trust, faith and belief from your heart chakra; a direct gateway to your soul and the Creator. With the mental body transforming so the heart chakra will be further supported to transform impacting positively and beautifully upon all other aspects of your being.

To begin this process I wish to share an invocation to enhance your faith, trust and belief in igniting from your heart chakra.

‘I am aware of the shifts taking place within my being and upon the Earth now, I am ready and willing to assist and support the necessary transitions in taking place within my being encouraging me to move my focus to living from my heart with ease and perfection, rather than from my mind and mental body.

I realise to seek knowledge and a belief that knowledge will aid my enlightenment no longer serves me, I instead focus my attention into my heart chakra to allow myself to exist from my heart centre. I now invite my heart chakra to activate the vibrations of faith, trust and belief in the Creator flowing through me and existing all around me.

As I feel and experience vibrations of faith, trust and belief radiating from my soul through my heart centre, I allow myself to truly experience the value and impact of these energies on my entire being and reality.

Faith, trust and belief fills my entire being, I give my focus to my heart and allow it to bring forth through me and attract all that is necessary and needed to allow me to understand that my reality is supported completely and absolutely by the Creator, therefore all is effortless and perfect.

I invite myself to connect with and remember the vibrations of faith, trust and belief available to me from my heart chakra at all times especially as I make the transition from my mind to my heart into the truth of the Creator. Thank you.’

Please allow yourself to experience the vibrations of faith, trust and belief rising from within you, these are natural energies which exist within you no matter whether you doubt or judge yourself. This simple exercise will encourage you to recognize the Creator more fully within your being and reality thus creating beautiful transitions for yourself and the Earth, bringing forth enlightenment.

With love and blessings, I am present to support your ascension,

St Germain

“St. Germaine: The Shifts Waiting to Occur,” channeled by Natalie Glasson, September 4, 2015, at

Source: Natalie Glasson OmNa School

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/6/2015 6:36:12 PM

GaiaPortal 9-6-15… “Essentials unified, Hue-manity holds the course”

gaiaportal_logo156Holy crap!! This just came out, and I’m about to do a radio show, so I wanted to get this out there right away. The key phrase for myself was, “Staging is complete, separation commences,” which to me sounds like the upper stage of the rocket is getting ready to ignite.

Hold on for the new ride, baby!


Essentials unified, Hue-manity holds the course

Essentials unified, Hue-manity holds the course.

Essentials clarified, humanity now grasps the unification.

Essentials illuminated, Gaia Nova is unveiled.

Essentials purified, Cosmic alignments are recognized.

Staging is complete, separation commences.

Atlas may have shrugged, yet Gaia Nova rises.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/6/2015 6:39:10 PM

Hilarion via Marlene Swetlishoff: An Authentic Expression of Your Soul

hilarion2Beloved Ones,

There has been a shift in the energies of the Earth and within you. You have stood on the threshold of two worlds, and have made your choice. You have recommitted to the growth and evolution of your soul and this has brought you to the greater frequencies that now enfold you.

There is a new aspect of your total being that is now coming to the surface. Many of you are still in the throes of purification, the purification of the four lower bodies and will continue to experience the effects of this cleansing process.

Some of you are sometimes shocked at the words and thoughts that come into your awareness…this is your ego mind trying to bring you back into its control through the attempted distraction of your renewed commitment to self.

The good news is that you now recognize what is occurring and are able to counteract by changing those thoughts as they happen. You are truly becoming the alchemists, changing the lead of the lower dimensions of life experience into the purified gold of your Holy Christ Self.

Loving others is an integral part of your spiritual being. Sometimes, your words and actions may seem to you to be rather extreme, but then you are surprised by the positive effect that these produce in others. This is you speaking your truth, without heat, in total detachment, and you are being heard.

For some of you, this is a new experience, being heard and seen by those who surround you in the physical realm. This is a direct result of you giving love and kindness to yourself, knowing that you are worth it.

When one loves self in a non-egotistical way, only good can come of it. By balancing the energies of duality in all facets of your inner and outer being, you are creating a new you.

By embracing the light and the dark aspects that comprise the spiritual being that you are and coming into balanced acceptance of it, you are achieving mastership of the lower dimensions and moving into the next phase of growth on your spiritual evolutionary journey back to oneness with Source.

There is an element of the miraculous in the energies that enfold you now. Each moment is alive with infinite possibilities as you expand the magic that is within you. You are reaching inward to enter new realms of joyful creation and are filled with the anticipation of victorious achievement. There is a sense that something wonderful and totally unexpected is about to happen.

As you go within daily, give thanks and acknowledgement for the countless miracles and blessings that now manifest in your life. As you listen to the promptings of your physical body and your higher guidance and allow the deep rest and relaxation to take place as needed, healing within is achieved and this gives you renewal and strength in the manifestation process of your deepest dreams.

The higher aspects of your being bring forth the wisdom of your soul and you view the world from a higher perspective.

There is an ongoing shift into higher frequencies taking place within you and while this is occurring, new levels of perception are gained and this will help you to achieve a deeper understanding of the current situations manifesting in your life and you will be better able and equipped to deal with them. There is a coming together of all aspects of your being and this will eventually assist you in your return to the oneness of Source.

You have been learning that in order to create, one needs to be involved in the experience in a personal way. You rise above the mundane realities of your daily life and see what is required of you to overcome them. You now use the energies that flow through you as an authentic expression of your soul.

You are finding the joy in this process of surrender to the higher workings of your life purpose and realize that your soul and higher self truly do have your greatest blessing and well being at heart.

As you move in the direction of the great potential that lives within you, you gain awareness of the way to allow this process to unfold. You know you cannot remain in the place of comfortable sameness any longer and that you must allow the inner growth you have experienced to expand outwardly into all facets of your life.

All that was is now being changed and transformed on your life path. Be at peace with this process, for it is part of your divine plan and an outward reflection of the inner commitment to the growth of self that you have consciously chosen. Stand in your truth of this perspective and move forward into the new direction towards the achievement of your highest potentials.

You have all that you need ever available within you. You have all the wisdom of the ages within you which your soul has gathered and learned throughout its many experiences on Earth and in the cosmos. Continue to steadfastly follow your own star as it shines ever more brightly upon this planet!

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

“An Authentic Expression of Your Soul,” Channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff, September 6, 2015,

Source Link: The Rainbow Scribe: Hilarion 2015

©2009-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and websites are included.,

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/6/2015 6:40:47 PM

One Blade of Grass

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God said:

How about having some mercy? Have mercy on yourself as well. I hear you grumble about yourself sometimes all day long. You are excellent at finding fault. Be better at finding anything but fault. This is your choice to make. To find fault or not to find fault. To be loving to yourself or not loving to yourself. To be gentle with yourself or hard on yourself. To create joy or one more recrimination. To create one more blot upon yourself or to love yourself.

It is not humble to find fault with anyone. It is haughty. Why on Earth then would you think there is value in harassing yourself? What does finding fault get you except low esteem? Perhaps you even use superlative terms about yourself such as: “I must be the most stupid person on this planet.” In that sense, you may even consider yourself the best of all fools - as if being the best of fools is a feather in your cap.

Why malign yourself? You malign Me when you malign yourself. Do something else. Give yourself a break. Let go of fault. Express yourself with greater aplomb.

Only in the world are there bests and worsts. There is no Guinness Book of Records in Heaven. There are no such conclusions drawn.

Consider yourself good. You are made by God. By what Divine Right do you see yourself as possibly less or the least? I ask you not to judge. Judging is such a presumption. What qualifies you, beloveds, to judge? Only in the world is judgment extolled.

I love My creation, and you are part of My creation. I made you with all the Power of God.

Do I love you less than the stars in the sky? Do I love you less than the seas? Do I love the mountains more than I love the valleys? Do I love a blue blossom less than a red blossom? Do I spend My Existence categorizing? Do I go around with a finite measuring tool in order to fault you?

I see from a wider vision. Is this your crime that you do not have My eyesight? You will come to My eyesight. Meanwhile, do you presume to say that I made a mistake when I made you?

I do not reject My offspring. I love. I am not a God of Fire. I am a God of Love. Love is what I know how to do. No, love is what I AM. You are to love yourself, and then all others will follow in your steps.

You don’t have to exaggerate your qualities any more than you have to deplore them. It is not a high state of consciousness to knock yourself or anyone. Anyway, it is the same. Knock yourself, and everyone feels it. Others don’t know why or how, yet they feel it. As you go, so goes the world. You are the drummer of the world. The beat you set for yourself, you set for everyone.

What do you think that Peace to the World means? What do you think Higher Consciousness means? It means a state of awareness that cultures love. How do you culture love? You accept that you are love, and you radiate it. You do radiate what you believe. In whatever ways you look at yourself and the world, this is what you radiate.

You are made as you are. You are a human being. With all love for gnats, I declare that you are not a gnat. With all love for snakes, I declare you are not a snake. With all love for the mistakes My children make, I declare you are not a mistake. You whom I made with love have the ability to polish the world and not tarnish even one blade of grass. You are a builder and not a destroyer. You are not a rabble-rouser. You are a Child of God. So be it.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/6/2015 6:47:04 PM

Daily Message ~ Sunday September 6, 2015

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Judgment is the energy of observation combined with superiority and separation. Observation, on its own, allows you see and learn from another’s experience, while staying in the energies of acceptance and unity. Isn’t it time to honour everyone, however they are choosing to express their own sacred journey? ~Archangel Gabriel


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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