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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/26/2015 7:18:22 PM

The Angels via Eliza Ayres: Dancing Upon the Winds of Change

dscn0141It has been suggested that the Universe supports life. Now it appears a more radical concept might truly shake your world:

Life creates the Universe.

Does that short sentence bring you pause? And what can it possibly mean to you?

Life is intelligent. Your scientists are beginning to catch up with the wisdom known by your ancestors: that life is aware, changes and makes adjustments. Life affects life. Your bodies are alive. Your cells are intelligent and respond to the energies that are currently assisting in bringing profound change to your world.

Are you prepared to let go of everything that you have ever held as sacred and untouchable? Are you prepared to undergo a complete stripping away of what you have not wanted to look at, those intimate details about yourself that you had rather (and have) forget?

The fiery sun of Leo will strip away all pretension and pretense. If you have not been able to get clear and honest with yourself up to this point, you will not have any ability to prevaricate in the days that come.

Change, profound change and the transformative energies that carry it forth are upon you all.

If you are able to look the eagle in the eye and smile, you’ll be fine. You will move forward and flourish, taking change as opportunity to shine and display your gifts to the world and to yourself. It is to be a time to be fully and wholly who you have always meant to be but were blocked previously from accomplishing.

If you look away, out of fear or resistance, change will come anyway. There is no door that can keep it from entering your life. No amount of money stashed away in a hidden bank account, no amount of fudging on the truth of what you have done and been can long be hidden from the penetrating, life-changing energies that are streaming upon the planet.

The Goddess is emerging. She is coming out of her hidden place, where she was driven into during the last centuries through persecution and destruction of her living representatives and envoys upon this world. She is coming forth and she is powerful.

Women, especially, are beginning to feel the effects of her immense power as it penetrates into their awareness. Personal sovereignty aligned with world service will begin to fill the lives of more people, but most especially the women and the younger generations, who align with the intuitive energies springing forth from the opened heart of the Goddess in all living beings.

Balance will come, but it is not here yet nor will it be for many years as it takes ‘time’ for change to manifest fully into the physical. For many, it will seem that your world has not changed in significant ways… until one day, you will awake and see that the world HAS changed and you with it.

Instant manifestation is possible now for some of the way showers, but only because they have long been working on clearing their personal space of all that would prevent the ability of the cosmic energies to successfully download light frequencies into their bodies.

Serving as anchors of the light and as living examples to the populace, these beings have shown the way. Yet, few people truly desire to really give up the comforts that they have come to know and enjoy… even if it means letting go of the dream of ascension.

Have you given up? Have you let go? Are you finding yourself lost in confusion? Are you still experiencing loss, in the form of jobs, relationships, finance, health…losing your ‘mind’… only to discover that you feel happier now due to the losses.

Where once you lived in fear of loss, now you find yourself embracing the process of letting go… is this possible? Now, when confronted by a snarling stranger do you find yourself smiling and at ease? Or are you running the other way, afraid of your own shadow?

Choices are being made, some conscious, some unconsciously. The worlds, the many timelines are separating out. Worlds are being created by those who have discovered their inner power and wisdom. Horizons are disappearing for those who have continued to force others to obey their will and to serve them. The energies are flipping.

Where the powerful few that were served used to be in command, now the energies are beginning to support the ones who serve the world, through their own inner growth, through their willingness to share their own experiences and wisdom gained through struggle and release of that struggle.

Are you settling into a pattern of constant surrender to the moment? Can you plan and allow adjustments to come into being, as you discover previously unknown synchronicities occurring for you as you come upon new knowledge and understandings, as they are delivered to you through various avenues?

You will begin to notice that life takes on a new sense of flow, of constant and undiminished change and transformation, even as the old world deconstructs and the new one comes online.

Those who wish to control their lives will see that control ripped from their hands.

Those who allow their inner wisdom to guide them along the currents of the energies, high and low, will discover a new sense of adventure and desire for further expansion and exploration of both inner and outer worlds.

All boundaries will be broken and reformed in new and different alignments.

That which has been hoarded and kept from the people will be scattered to the winds and brought to those who can best use the knowledge for the good of all.

We dance on the winds and are carried by the rays of sunlight to reach your hearts. Do not attempt to hide from us, for we know you as you truly are. We see the colors of your energy fields. We can look into the Akasha and see who and what you have been and what you are currently doing in other worlds and dimensions.

We are you, a part of you and we embrace you in this extraordinary time of change and transformation upon your world. Call upon that part of self that knows you better than you can imagine, to assist and guide and protect and to heal you in unimaginable ways. We are here, at your back and at your side.

We are the Angels and we serve humanity and all life.

Blessings to all.

Channeler: Eliza Ayres (aka Tazjima Amariah Kumara VaCoupe)

“The Angels: Dancing Upon the Winds of Change,” channeled by Elizabeth Ayres, July 25, 2015,

Source site: Elizabeth Ayres Blue Dragon Journal

© Copyright 2012-15, All Rights Reserved, Elizabeth Ayres Escher,

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/26/2015 7:20:50 PM

What Are All These Thoughts Doing Here, Anyway?

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God said:

Ideas are your children. Ideas fall to you from above without your asking, or you reach up as high as you can and pluck ideas from above. Many ideas fall to you easily. Some ideas are not wanted. Some ideas you crave. Some ideas are tiny thoughts. Some thoughts are revolutionary. Some thoughts are brand-new, and some are recurring.

It could be said that new thoughts and their bigger brothers, ideas, surround you, and you run into some and not into others. We can differentiate ideas from thoughts, or We can group them, interchange them, exchange them. We can lump thoughts and ideas together and make them synonymous.

Many thoughts come uninvited, and you would wish them away.

Brilliant ideas may flood your mind, and then you can’t remember them. Oftentimes thoughts of your dreams from a sleep you just woke up from fly away, and you can’t catch them again.

Remembered or not, every electrical impulse of thought contributes something to you. Thoughts may flounder within you, or they may flourish within you, or they may drop off the edge of the world.

The whole world, as beautiful and defined as it may be, is an idea, a miraculous idea. Of course, you are positive that ideas are real and grounded while you have them. Ideas always seem to be dancing or cavorting or connecting themselves in some sense. Ideas are lively.

Ideas and thoughts can be heavy or light.

Thoughts are free for the asking, and some thoughts won’t leave, try as you may.

Thoughts are electric charges going off like blinking Christmas lights encircling the world.

Thoughts can be new or recharged. You have a mind that flourishes with thoughts. Wham! Pow! Look at these thoughts come, and watch those thoughts go. See what your novel thoughts may come to. Thoughts create themselves and lead to others.

Some thoughts are ongoing. Thoughts can make you feel many ways. You feel your thoughts. You touch some that are hot-wired, and some thoughts are as cool as cucumbers, and some thoughts are just out of reach, yet you are never out of thoughts.

Thoughts pop into your head. Thoughts are like a mass conglomeration available to all and grasped by some.

Some thoughts are floaters, and some thoughts are calculated. Thoughts are like a piñata. You poke them, and then you are flooded with them.

Some thoughts are big, and some thoughts are little. Some thoughts are clear, and some thoughts are vague. You have thoughts you don’t even know you have. Some thoughts you have known always.

Some thoughts are your own. They truly come through you. Some thoughts stray into your mind. Some thoughts belong to all.

Little ideas are thoughts, and thoughts you never thought of before are called ideas. Ideas are light bulbs, and little thoughts are sparks. Some ideas and thoughts are smashing.

Thoughts and ideas come in color. Some have golden hues. Some are fresh and rosy. Some are gray, and some such mixtures that you don’t know what to make of them.

There are little thoughts and big thoughts. There are big and little ideas. You can make much of thoughts, or you can make little of thoughts. Thoughts can be friends or strangers. Thoughts can stay with you or fly away.

Speech comes from thoughts, yet many thoughts are unspoken.

Thoughts can be a maelstrom, or thoughts can come in increments.

Thoughts can be flowers, or they can be onions, or they can be grass. They are indeed fodder.

Thoughts can be put out to pasture or held to your heart.

You can try to deny thoughts, yet they will drop in on you as they wish. Thoughts can be wayward, thoughts can pile up like snow, and thoughts can march in and out like an army. Thoughts can be flagrant will-o-the-wisps, or thoughts can be as steady as the prow of a ship.

Thoughts can dog you or flog you, yet thoughts are thoughts, and that’s all they are.

Some thoughts you can manifest, and some thoughts you can’t get away from or away with.

Thoughts that are dropped from Heaven can be lost for a time or reconfigured. Thoughts are nothing, and thoughts are all-powerful.

And yet between thoughts, between words, there can be no thoughts. Sometimes you have thought: “What are all these thoughts doing here anyway?”

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/26/2015 7:22:47 PM

SUNDAY, JULY 26, 2015

Shanta Gabriel ~ AA Gabriel ~ Walk in Beauty, live in Trust, and know the benevolent Love of God guides your way.

Dear One,

These words clarify the way to a carefree, joy-filled and peaceful life. Walking in Beauty means to look at all you see with your heart and mind. This might mean to see beyond the surface appearance of disharmony and know there is perfection and beauty within a situation. There is beauty all around you and sometimes it takes a prayer such as “let me see the beauty here, Angels,” to make this apparent.

Walking in Beauty also means to allow the awareness that there is beauty in this world to bubble to the surface, so you can be conscious of the great beauty of God’s creation. One flower holds as much of the key to universal knowledge as does a whole field of flowers.

Do all you can to be aware of the beauty around you and to bring more beauty into your world. Bringing that one flower into your home can brighten the day, as the spiritual essence in that flower permeates your world. Look for beauty every day and be grateful for all that you find.

Living in Trust means that deep within there is an inner knowing that you are never alone, and that the Angels are working for you in your life. As you give your life to God and pray that Divine will be done, you can trust in the appropriate outworking in every situation for the highest good of all concerned. Living in Trust means accepting what is apparent in your life, and making a claim for the Divine Order inherent in every situation. Living in Trust allows the Angels to comfort and inspire you so you can receive support in every area of your life.

When you know the benevolent love of God guides your way, there is a beacon of light to follow. This love is the most powerful force for good in the universe. This love creates Peace and Harmony in the heart and soul of each person who remembers. Allow Faith in this statement to permeate every cell of your being. You are always guided by God’s love and you are never alone. You can call on this love at any time and know truly it is there for you.

So allow this message from Archangel Gabriel to become your way of life. Belief will create more Love, Joy and Peace for you in every way.

Again dear one we say to you:

Walk in Beauty, live in Trust and know the benevolent Love of God guides your way.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel
July 26, 2015

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/26/2015 7:24:54 PM

The Crashing Matrix and Last Ditch Trans-Everything Agenda
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by Zen Gardner

The outdated matrix programming by the engineers of deceit can’t keep up. The vibrational changes are exceeding their capabilities. The imitators of creation can’t maintain a current operating system any longer in the face of this massive Universal shift we’re undergoing.

And it’s driving them nuts.

Just look at the desperation we’re witnessing. Crude military and police state maneuvers are only one aspect, of course working in concert with dastardly economic manipulations and an outlandish propaganda barrage. The biggest clue is seeing the previously incremental and now hyperbolic use of technocratic programs from mass surveillance and data gathering to the advent of cyber warfare and artificial intelligence, while crazed maniacs at CERN try to crack into other dimensions.

The magnitude and desperation of their insane agenda has become completely transparent to just about anyone.

This last techno-based stage is a draconian move to try to delete our innate humanity before our awakening reaches critical mass. They’ve openly admitted this. Hence their attempt to transmute everything from genes and humans to automated monsters and geoengineering. Agreed, when it comes to realizing what’s happening there are the entranced apathetics who swallow anything, but we’re witnessing what’s bound to lead to a total meltdown of their dark designs before our very eyes.

If you can’t see it, look again.

The Proof is in the Dot Connected Pudding

First of all you’re in the wrong mindset if you’re looking only for data or left brained evidence that they are in their death throes, although it’s out there for those who can see. When we come to understand the vibrational workings of our holographic reality everything takes on new dimensions and opens us up to understanding these more esoteric notions.

Those with awakened hearts can feel this. I say hearts because much of what we need to grasp or at least track is intuitive and somewhat metaphysical. Taking all of the information and dot connecting and personal spiritual experience together paints very clear pictures, we just need to trust what we’re seeing and learning. When we explore these realities we’re sensing, we start to notice how they’re manifesting.

Forbidding free speech, shooting civilians with no cause, obviously propagandized news, wars with no possible end, deliberate poisoning, starvation and dumbing down of populations are all completely transparent. Add these next levels of technotronic and genetic morphings and the picture is as plain as day.

They’re as obvious as the desperate, flailing, and dying aberrant parasitical species that they are.

It’s kind of a conscious or spiritual symbiosis we’re experiencing as our awakening dissolves their machinations. They all work together. But ignoring the spiritual and metaphysical as “evidence” in conjunction with such obvious manifestations is why this world has devolved into its current state. Previous enlightened civilizations and earth connected tribes took this type of understanding to heart. Our current imposed paradigm does nothing of the sort.

Of course, because it only exposes their perfidy.


They Can’t Control the Shift

Their programs can’t keep up with the changes the cosmos is bringing to our planet and race. The perfect metaphor. While they’ve literally gotten away with murder for millennia and are working furiously to enforce their “programs” at so many levels, the time’s up. We have news for you boys, you’ve been superceded, or should I say “super seeded”. The new upgraded paradigm is taking over one awakened light infused body at a time. It’s just a matter of time before your whole wicked system crashes.

The shift is moving through their lower level grip and on into massive human empowerment and transcension beyond the net they’ve laid for humanity.

It’s got to be frustrating the hell out of these creeps. Imagine, the very thing you’re trying to encase in every way possible keeps morphing before your eyes and slipping through the grate. They can throw up matrix program after program but their perceived petri dish subjects just keep finding ways to survive and grow beyond their control or even imagination. What irony the Universe has.

But again, this reality is in the eye of the beholder. Perhaps it’s those who grasp this that transcend. Something to think about.


Hence the Transhumanist Agenda – Things They Think They Can Control

Humanity is getting out of hand, in their eyes. All the while we’re being empowered not only by our own awakening and resultant commitment to truth, but also by a fundamental vibrational shift we’re undergoing. No savior, no galactic battlestars. It’s us, and an organic consciousness evolution at the deepest level with a living, expanding and all enveloping Universe.

We’re awakening with Creation Itself.

Anyone who’s woken up to almost any degree understands everything is interconnected. Even “modern” physics is arriving at this reality, all while mainstream thinking ignores the profound ramifications of such a liberating concept. That we’re all interconnected not just as a race, but with the earth and the cosmos in such a fundamental way is a game changer. While this has been known for eons and is now finally being identified, our current control model cannot even begin to acknowledge this fact. To these oligarchs and self-appointed maniacal masterminds, no matter what powers they’re summoning, that truth is something apparently well beyond their debased comprehension.

It’s out of their league.

Sure, they have their satanic rituals and tap into other dimensional powers and entities, but it’s child’s play compared to the True picture of our all Powerful Creative Universe. That they live in rebellion against this Force is a known reality for millennia, and even alluded to by spiritual traditions and native shamanic teachings alike for ages. Bringing this understanding “down to earth” is another story.

This is why genetic engineering and the transhumanism agenda is so important to them. This attempt to fundamentally change human nature and the merging of man with machine has been in the works for a long time. Clipping the link with our humanity by short circuiting the human creation is an obvious next step for these would-be controllers. Agreed, they’ve made it a fad and carefully groomed acceptance of such a trend, but it’s going to fritz and die in the junkyard of temporal existence. It can’t stand, never mind last, in such a creative force field.

Time will bear this out, as has happened to previous off-course civilizations.


The Time the Warrior Arrives

It’s up to us. We have everything going for us but our will and actions need to be aligned with this transition. We can ignore it or respond. The sanctity of our free will cannot be violated. Either we fully awaken and get paddling and ride the wave or it crashes on us and perhaps dissipates on the shores of time for lack of recognition or response. And the whole cycle may need to be repeated. Not a nice destiny.

I don’t know.

I know I’m not coming back. I’m pretty sure I’m done with this insanity while doing my damnedest to change things this time around. If enough of us did it won’t get repeated, but time will tell. Not many seem to be willing to respond, even though their lives and their children and grandchildren’s lives are at stake as well as the future of humanity. Talk about self imposed defeat and debilitation.

But people are waking up.

Either way, the matrix will collapse over time. We have an opportunity to make it this round. Let’s take it. The true civilization of love, peace, harmony and abundance awaits manifesting.

Is it time?

I think so. It is for me.

How about you?

Love, Zen

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/26/2015 7:39:19 PM

Daily Message ~ Sunday July 26, 2015

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Faith and trust are powerful tools to allow you to release expectation and attachment to outcome. When you release expectation and attachment to outcome, you enter into a flow of acceptance that opens you up to far greater potentials and possibilities, and shifts you out of the discomfort of resistance. It is another way to embrace the joy and peace that comes from being a willing dance partner with a loving and supportive universe. ~Archangel Gabriel


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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