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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/29/2015 6:53:21 PM

Feel Good News: Sunday, March 29, 2015

feelgoodnewsflowersHappy Sunday, dear friends. This coming week, my two daughters will be home from college on their Spring Break. School vacations are certainly different than when they were younger, but this year takes the cake.

While they wish to have a completely relaxing week to soak up some rest after the first half of the term, they also have to work a bit to keep their spending money up. They were fine with this, and their time out of the house allows me to get my work done. So the situation seemed to be well balanced.

Then a relative asked if she and her daughter could come stay with us for half the week while they visit colleges in the area. While we are always happy to have relatives visit at any time, and look forward to spending quality time with them, the timing threw a wrench into our preconceived plans for the week.

I started to get stressed out, and think about how I could meet everyone’s needs and make them all happy. That little voice inside me whispered that it was not my responsibility to make everyone happy. It went on patiently about free-will choice and divine sovereign beings on their own path. It finally reminded me that I also had a choice and a responsibility to my own divine sovereign path.

Yes, I will admit to sometimes getting frustrated when my inner knowing reminds me of the truth, but it always brings me right out of the old way of thinking and interacting with other beings, and puts me back into my heart space.

So, this next week I will be going with the flow. I will take responsibility for my own needs, which include some work space, time with my girls and time with my relatives. I will be available to assist in ways that support everyone, within the limits of my availability, I will set loving but firm personal boundaries and realistic expectations related to what I can accomplish.

I will also allow everyone to do what they choose and feel how they feel, knowing that they are all divine eternal beings with their own spiritual guidance. I have also noticed, that in the end, this type of allowing seems to resolve things much faster than blocking the energy by trying to keep everyone happy! What a sweet relief it is to let everyone be responsible for themselves. Myself included!

The Star Fish Throwers.

A few months ago, we shared the story of an amazing chef in India who has been feeding the poor in his village and putting customs and cultural taboos aside to make his world a better place.

I recently saw that this man was featured in a documentary called the Star Fish Throwers, which features many wonderful people who have taken steps to do what “little” they could towards problems that seemed insurmountable.

Each small step toward good adds energy to the good of all. The way these people were then supported by like-minded beings that expanded their projects far beyond the small scope they first envisioned is indeed miraculous.

The Starfish Throwers website gives you access to the documentary trailer and ways for you to request a viewing in your town. It also links to many wonderful programs that are in alignment with the tenets of a Star Fish Thrower. Star Fish represent wishes that are thrown and stick because of the love they contain.

One of the programs was even created by actor Jim Carrey, called Better U which provides improved and healthier rice growing techniques and support to developing areas.

The Star Fish Throwers

Stripey Stork provides good things for new UK moms in need.

When my girls were little, it was amazing how much stuff they required, and how quickly they grew out of it. I used to donate all their outgrown clothing and toys to our local Family Service League, which directly gifted clean baby equipment to the community in need.

A young mom in the UK wanted to do the same thing, but found it difficult to find places that would accept the donations. She decided to start Stripey Stork in 2013, to create gift baskets for new mothers who were struggling to provide for their newborns.

This article shares the story of how one such mother felt by the lovely donation, and how it helped her to transition out of poverty into a more stable environment.

While many countries do provide support for new mothers and their babies, it is not often enough. I adore this process of mothers supporting other new mothers and sharing the good they received by passing it on to those in need.

Stripey Stork Donate Baby Clothes to Parents in Need by Helena Vine for Good News Shared

A nine year old Canadian boy saves a racehorse with his birthday money.

While most wish for a world where animals will no longer be used in sport, much work has been done in recent years to support retired animals in the gaming industry. My neighbor’s mother has adopted 2 greyhounds from the dog racing rescue in her area, and programs are also set up to rescue race horses.

Brandon Heyman of Ontario, Canada lives on a farm with his family and quite a few large animals. His mom MJ Allen saw a rescue alert from a local horse group about a retired mare named Karazan that had just been sold to a meatpacking company.

She felt sad that this beautiful animal was not going to be saved, and she shared her feelings with her son. He immediately told her to use his up-coming birthday money to save the horse.

MJ was so inspired by her son’s actions that she raised the rest of the money needed to save the horse, and they brought her home to their farm. They call Karazan the “Queen of the Pasture,” and are awestruck by the amazing relationship she has developed with Brandon.

While I honor families who have the space to save a large animal like this, what inspires me more is the kindness of this young boy. To empathize with another being that needs assistance, to have compassion for it, and reach out with concrete support is the way forward into a more loving earth community.

9-Year-Old Boy Uses Birthday Money to Save Racehorse On Death Row by Kristy Cooper for the Good News Network

A young disabled woman sends out cards filled with love.

This short article shares the experience of a mother who’s daughter is a disabled young adult. She has spent plenty of time in hospitals over the years, and because of her disability she is unable to hold down a job.

When she discovered the Angels Sending Hope website, she was so inspired that she decided to dedicate her life to creating and sending out beautiful cards to those who needed support and love.

Every week she creates about 12 cards and sends them all over the world. Angels Sending Hope provides the names and mailing addresses of individuals who need love and support.

This program has given her increased meaning in her life, and an amazing outlet for her love and creativity. It also provides an international network of support for those who simply need a kind word. This is something anyone can do for very little effort and money, but it means so much to those receiving these gifts of love.

Angels Sending Hope-kindness in the mail on The Kindness Blog

A toddler meets his heroes, and they are not at all what others would expect.

This story made me smile big. A little boy finally got to meet his heroes. Heroes are very personal to each of us, and the influence of other people’s opinions usually have no bearing on our choices, which is a very good thing.

This little boy loved big trucks and the people who drive them. He had been watching out the window regularly to see trucks, and the garbage men who passed by his house weekly always waved to him when they saw him at the window.

His mother did not realize this at first, and always wondered why he would get so excited at times. One day she watched and sure enough, the garbage men were all smiles and waves.

A personal meet and greet was set up, and the little boy was so excited to see them that he went into overwhelm mode when they took his picture. I am sure the garbage men felt good about inspiring this little guy, and being reminded that no one ever knows how important they are to others.

Toddler Finally Meets Garbage Men He Idolizes And He Can’t Even by Cameron Keady for the Huffington Post

And finally…

Restoring Faith in Humanity.

I always check for these wonderful video compilations that remind us of the good in this world. When others are in need of help, so many rush to their assistance, even if it means putting themselves in danger.

With the spread of dash-cams and security-cams, many more acts of kindness, that may have gone unnoticed, are available for us to view. They remind us that we are all angels, sent here to help others when they need us.

Restoring Faith in Humanity video compilation on YouTube

That’s the good news for today. Have a special day. Please join Gavin Harrill for the Golden Gaia News Roundup on Monday.

Be Well. Be Joy. Be Love!


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/29/2015 6:54:48 PM

Hilarion via Marlene Swetlishoff: Changes and Assimilation


Beloved Ones,

The winds of change blow ever more frequently. All about you there are increasing signs of the renewal of your lands, your peoples, and your souls.

As each person aligns to their own divine essence and daily invokes its presence within them, there is an acceleration of changes that take place within their physical body.

These changes occur in cycles, and you will know when you are in a cycle of assimilation of the cosmic energies flowing in through your crown chakra, as this is the time of the taking in of new information and you are much energized, invigorated and uplifted.

Then comes another cycle of the assimilation of these energies in which you, in your physical body, find the need to rest, to sleep, to nurture self, and to contemplate and ground them into your physical body in order to anchor them upon and within the Earth.

Gone are the days when this process occurred in terms of decades; now it takes place in a much accelerated pace. Such are the times in which you are living. Rising before you is the evidence of all that was once held secret and which now can no longer be contained by those who strive to withhold.

The dawn of the new day rises each morning both literally and figuratively. You who are well versed in your daily disciplines feel these from within. Your higher connection always steers you into the correct assumption of the doings of those upon your planet.

You have been seeing the effects of changes that are being wrought by the gathering together of many people to endorse an intention to create a correction to movements that occur that would take you and your planet off course.

We from higher perspective increasingly overlight your souls that you might be collectively inspired to avert that which is not for the highest good of your people and your planet. Those who have such intentions will not succeed in their endeavours to regain their control.

The world is changing because you are changing. As you continue your inner work by pondering on the more hidden aspects of yourselves that are coming into your awareness, you are serving the greater good of all, for as such work is done, it is your personal efforts which expand the consciousness potential for all others within your sphere of influence.

Consciously or not, you are creating a world where truth, honesty, and transparency are the norm and not the exception. This is a trying time for those who are in denial of the transformation that is occurring within the psyche of humanity for they do not see the writing on the wall.

It behooves those such as you to hold all people in their diversity of opinion in the highest of light, kindness, and compassion. The highest qualities of each soul are beginning to rise to the surface of their consciousness and you will see these blossoming with ever greater joy and recognition within your inner being.

As you each maintain and uphold your spiritual integrity and stay true to self, much will begin to fall into place in your personal lives.

Those who can help you to achieve your part in the Divine Plan will come into your sphere of influence and it will be a time of quiet joy and inner knowing.

Plans will be set and goals will be accomplished with a sense of confidence and ease. Events will transpire in a magical way to open up amazing possibilities and opportunities that you never even dreamed could happen.

The sense of peace and harmony even now pervades your outer world and it is a time of the gathering of the tribes, so to speak. Soul connections between people take place in greater numbers in a rapid movement of convergence that will leave some of you speechless.

Be open to all potential, within self most of all. You it is who create the higher vision and you it is who will see it in fruition. All of heaven joyfully conspires to make it so!

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

“Hilarion: Changes and Assimilation,” channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff, March 29, 2015, at

Source Link: The Rainbow Scribe: Hilarion 2015

©2009-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and websites are included –,

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/29/2015 6:56:50 PM

SUNDAY, MARCH 29, 2015

Bob Fickes ~ Consciousness is the Mysterious Invisible Force of our Life

We place a lot of emphasis on being more conscious of the things that we do in life, but when we are on the Path to Enlightenment there is something even more important to realize. Consciousness also is our Life Force. Because we cannot see Consciousness during the day, we often forget how important Consciousness is to transform the world around us. If I say to you, “How much Consciousness do you have?” Most people will not understand what I am asking.
What is Consciousness? Consciousness is a great unknown. We can’t normally see it but we know it is there. We know we are conscious, but we can’t see it clearly enough to know how much Consciousness we have. Consciousness is invisible. It is there all the time and without it we cannot be alive. Without Consciousness we cannot function. Isn’t it strange that the most important element of our life, the very thing that makes us human, is also the most mysterious and least understood element in our Life.
The only time we have an opportunity to experience Consciousness alone without any other image, thought or experience is during meditation. We call this experience Ku. Ku occurs in every meditation, but usually only lasts a brief moment. It comes and goes during each meditation, but we rarely experience it long enough to know that we experienced it. Does this sound familiar? Is this confusing? It is normal to not realize or understand what Consciousness really is. It is invisible.
After many meditations we begin to have a clear experience of Ku. Ku is Pure Consciousness without any other image, thought or feeling distracting us. Consciousness is like the sky. If we look at the sky, we naturally describe what we see in the sky, like seeing the clouds or birds flying through the sky. How do we describe the sky without talking about the clouds or the sun, or that the sky is blue. The sky by itself has no qualities. The sky is infinite. Even looking at the sky we cannot determine how big it is. The sky goes beyond the perimeter of the Earth. We cannot see how far it goes. The truth is the sky goes beyond what we can see. It never ends. The sky even goes beyond the limits of this universe. Consciousness is the same as the sky. We can never know how big it is. When we have a clear experience of Ku, we feel like our Consciousness has expanded so big that we cannot find an end. Feeling this Infinite Consciousness during meditation is the first time we begin to realize our true Inner Master.
When Consciousness moves, Ku transforms into Ki. Consciousness is our Life Force. It is present in everything we do even when we don’t know it is there. This Life Force is not only coming from inside of us through our thoughts and actions, but it is present everywhere around us. Just like the sky, it goes on forever. Think of it this way, when Consciousness moves, a mighty current of Life Force moves in the form of a wave and travels everywhere in the ocean. It is not limited to moving only through our body/mind. Each and every wave travels beyond our body/mind into the entire universe around us. How long the way lasts and how far it goes depends on how much energy and power is inside the wave. If we can generate more power in each wave, the wave will go farther and last longer. Each time we open to Ku during meditation, we can generate more Life Force or Ki and accomplish more things in our life.
If we have more Life Force in each of our desires, the entire universe will feel it and respond. When our Consciousness has expanded and we create a desire, a very powerful wave of energy is produced that goes out from our body and touches everything around us. This tidal wave of power will move everything in its path. The people around us will feel it and each and every event will be influenced by it. In other words, a strong desire when filled with a tidal wave of Life Force can materialize into any desire we want. That strong desire tells our body to move and we do something to accomplish our desire. At the same time, the strong desire moves beyond our body and makes something happen in the world around us.
When our Consciousness expands and becomes Enlightened, every desire that we have will move through our body and out into the universe. Even a simple desire becomes a tidal wave of Life Force that can materialize what we want in our daily life. In Enlightenment, Consciousness is a tangible wave of power that can accomplish anything we desire. It can even change the world around us! In Enlightenment, the mysterious invisible force of Consciousness becomes a miraculous force that can materialize everything we want. The more we understand this reality, the more we want to become Enlightened as quickly as possible. Fulfillment Meditation is the fastest path to accomplish this goal. All we have to do is meditate each day and watch how our life is getting better and better until we become Infinite.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/29/2015 6:59:20 PM

An Integrated, Direct and Unitive Spirituality – Part 7/7

Sacred 11I’m going to stop here. There’s infinitely more to be said but I don’t wish to wear out your hospitality.

What have we done here? We at InLight Universal have called for an integrated, direct and unitive spirituality. We’ve made the case for it in brief.

We’ve looked at the fact that life has been designed. We looked at the Plan for fulfilling that design.

We haven’t looked at the natural laws that assist in the achievement of life’s purpose or at many of the supporting characters in the leelaor divine play that life is. There’s so much to look at that I can’t imagine how many articles it would take.

We looked at the purpose behind the design – the purpose for us (enlightenment) and for God (for God to “meet” God in a moment of our enlightenment).

We looked at how an acceptance of the fact that enlightenment was the purpose of life and that it resulted in all good things leads to an acceptance of everything else spiritual. It provides the rationale for spirituality. It points to the outcome.

We looked at the three main characters in the drama of life – Source, Creator, and Created – or Father, Mother, and Child (or Self).

We must realize the three in successive stages of enlightenment to fulfill this part of the Plan. There are many more stages of enlightenment past knowledge of the Trinity but this is our starting point.

We looked at what it meant to say that we want and are at work on an “integrated, direct, and unitive spirituality.” We’re taking what we can identify as the truest teachings of all religions and integrating them, to produce a spirituality that requires no intermediary, and results in the kind of love, peace, and wisdom that sees and embraces all beings as One.

And finally we looked at the phenomenon known as “enlightenment,” a radical discontinuity in knowledge and experience that lifts a person, temporarily or permanently, to a higher plane of life.

Rather than a picture, we’ve reproduced a puzzle actually. This is a 5D puzzle because the pieces not only need to be rightly arranged but each piece then needs to be gone into deeper and deeper.

It’s a story I never tire of writing about.

Thank you for hearing our call for an integrated, direct, and unitive spirituality. May we realize that goal in the near future.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/29/2015 7:05:18 PM

Goddess Energy Pouring in

Matthew Ward 222Matthew Ward has such an ability to put matters clearly and cogently.

In the course of researching the divine masculine, I came across this comment from Matthew, which bears repeating in its entirety.

The feminine, or goddess energy that is pouring in to balance the masculine energy that dominated Earth’s residents for millennia is giving women everywhere inner strength, courage, confidence and determination to rise above their former status of inferiority or as possessions, a status imposed by those cultures and lands where males are considered superior.

We do not mean that you will become a female-dominated society – you won’t – or that the goddess energy is not affecting men too – indeed it is; otherwise, this energy in-pouring would only provoke conflict between the sexes instead of accomplishing a balance of the two energies within the peoples.

However, it is the change in women’s self-perception – from acceptance of subjugation to recognition of self-worth and the growing awareness that their combined power is a force for love, peace and harmony – that is entering the collective consciousness and moving your world ever closer to the Golden Age.

We hasten to add that this does not mean that females cannot have the warrior ruthlessness aspect of male energy or cannot succumb to the depths of dark motives and actions! Some women are working to achieve Illuminati objectives with the same fierce dedication as men in the ranks; and other women, contrary to their soul contract choices, are harming others in families, neighborhoods and communities.

Again, this is third density duality in motion, and its time in your world is fast dwindling. Men and women alike who are captivated by darkness are leaving the planet and will continue to do so, each when his or her vibratory level is exceeded as Earth continues apace into successively higher planes of vibrations. (Matthew’s Message, March 29, 2010.)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)
