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Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: Find out what shaped your Adland friends
6/28/2010 12:15:55 AM

Watch out,

More folks invited to share what inspires them.



Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: Find out what shaped your Adland friends
7/29/2010 8:11:13 PM

Famous PeopleFamous PeopleFamous People

or everyday

people and events that influenced your life

All of us are a product of our genes and our environment.


Everyone of us has encountered people in our lives who made a lasting impact upon us.


From the teachers, parents and friends who influenced us over a period of time, to the one-off act of kindness shown to us when we were in need, WE ALL HAVE A STORY TO SHARE.


Maybe an event in your life changed the way in which you saw yourself or others?


Over the next few months I shall be inviting Adland friends to share their stories with us.


If you wish to volunteer then send me a personal message and I will discuss the matter with you.


There are still more folk here with lots to share

Jeffrey Obrien

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RE: Find out what shaped your Adland friends
7/30/2010 3:45:51 AM

Afternoon Roger,

thanks for sending me this link,Inspiration awesome subject matter yes the day I was here and a person who inspired me the most was John Sanchez.I mean every one here really has a handle on John & I want to share a story,one night back in 2004 I tried a skype call to anyone & at that same time John Sanchez was at work in Modesto California he got hold of me and we chatted for about 5 mins during which time he told me of his ups & downs in his life one thing struck me Quick,John told me he was trying a new business approach with a fuel company Dieptaine I hope thats right anyway next thing I see is a full on website and blogs which got me to email John I asked him about how to copy to my browser DOH?yes thats right in 2004 I knew nothing about how to use this computers language,it was in that moment that John Sanchez inspired me to LEARN well I am doing a fine enough Job now thanks to him.

John Sanchez,you are THE MAN BROTHER god bless ya mate!

I have been around here a while & I know many awesome people here many of whom are at present helping me with my faith in the Lord,& Just quietly she has done more for me with her kind words & prayers my mum is now comfortable in hospital a place that has taken me three months to get her to go there willingly I care for her as she has cancer at 77 years.I am sharing this private every day events and Roger the support I am getting comes from there AdLandpro the friendliest place on the INTERNET.God Bless you Marion Tucker & thanks m8.



Roger Macdivitt .

7333 Posts
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RE: Find out what shaped your Adland friends
7/30/2010 7:46:08 AM


Need I say more?

Thank you for your input.

My prayers are directed for your mother and you.

I'm sure our Adland friends will be pleased with your tribute.


Sarah Pritchard

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RE: Find out what shaped your Adland friends
7/30/2010 3:28:39 PM
Hello Sir Roger!

I wanted to say that Pat's ramblings can be such fun sometimes. Pat brings a smile to my face here at Adland or on Skype when we have our little chats.

Being a cat person, I fully understand your "nutty" feelings sweetie.

Always there for you, each and everyone.

Angel cuddles,

Now I will get back to my hols.
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