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Sunday 05/02/2010 - Who Dropped by Today
5/2/2010 6:31:51 PM

Well, I see that I have been visited by Robert Mihailescu from Craiova, Dolj in Romania. Thank you for dropping by, Robert. I wish you the best of luck.

Have a great day!


Saturday 06/12/2010 - Who Dropped by Today
6/12/2010 12:38:30 PM

Well, it's a good morning here. Still cool and a couple of my wife's tomatoes are getting ready to pick. On top of that, Jolanta Lenart from Zalesie Górne, Mazowiecki dropped by today.

Thanks for the visit, Jolanta, and for accepting my invitation for us to become friends!

Later the same day, I see that a very good friend of mine, Sara Gardner Blow from Burlington, Kansas has dropped by and left a very lovely messge.

Have a great day, Sara, and thanks for the visit and the message.


RE: Saturday 06/12/2010 - Who Dropped by Today
6/12/2010 1:26:41 PM

Hello! I dropped by today! Those tomatoes sound really good. Mine are still growing in pots!


RE: Saturday 06/12/2010 - Who Dropped by Today
6/18/2010 6:20:13 PM

The tomatoes "were" good. They are no longer with us, but more are on the way.

Have a great day!


RE: Who Dropped by Today
9/27/2010 1:56:39 AM

Ah ha! We have a new visitor, my new friend, Marie Glennon, from Queens, New York. Hello, Marie. Welcome to AdlandPro.

Have a great day!

