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Sunday 02/21/2010 - Who Dropped by Today
2/21/2010 5:26:36 PM

Today, I have been visited by Karen Gigikos from Anoka, Minnesota. Thanks for the visit, Karen.

Have a great day!


RE: Who Dropped by Today
2/23/2010 2:52:20 AM

Well, a lovely lady from Bangalore, Karnataka, Joyce Shirley, dropped by today. Thanks for the visit, Joyce.

Have a great day.


Thursday 03/11/10 - Who Dropped by Today
3/11/2010 11:56:37 AM

I really need to get by here more often. While I was out, Dana Walker and Wendell Lavergne dropped by. Dana is from Columbia, South Carolina and Wendell is from Dallas, Texas. Why not check them out and ask them to be your friend if you haven't already?

Have a great day!


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Tuesday 03/23/2010 - Who Dropped by Today
3/23/2010 11:46:33 AM

Well, so far today, I have been visited by a new friend here, David Lefebvre.

Thanks for dropping by, David.

Have a great day!


Wednesday 03/31/2010 - Who Dropped by Today
4/1/2010 2:28:46 AM

Today I was visited by Kendra Kahn of Cleveland, Ohio. Thanks for the visit, Kendra.

Have a great day!

Donovan Baldwin
