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RE: Who Dropped by Today
9/5/2009 10:36:03 AM

Saturday 09/05/09

I see that Fran Burger has visited me.

Thanks Fran

Everybody have a great day!


RE: Who Dropped by Today
9/6/2009 11:23:15 AM

It's early in the morning on Sunday, 09/06/2009.  So far today, I have received a visit from several unknown people and Norma Morarie.  Thank you Norma!

A little later in the day, I see that I have been visited by my new friend, Oksana Linde.  Thank you Oksana.

Have a great day!


RE: Who Dropped by Today
9/7/2009 11:41:19 AM

A whole new week!  It is Monday 09/07/09, and already this morning two new friends, katrinna Brooks from Australia and Noreen MacKinnon of Canada have dropped by to visit.

Have a great day!  I'll be checking again later to see if I can add anybody else to today's list.

Well, it is evening now and while I was gone Hans Pettersson from Sweden, and Allison Reed of Dallas, TX stopped by.

Thanks to all of you for taking the time to visit.


RE: Who Dropped by Today
9/8/2009 5:33:00 PM

Tuesday 09/08/09

I'm running late today.  Had some medical tests that started early, right after I took the dog out for her morning you-know-what.

Anyway, let's see who came by today!  Well, there was my good friend Kathleen VanBeekom from Grand Rapds, Allison Reed from Dallas (the city, not  the TV show Dallas), Nikki Morrile from Long Beach, Joyce Parker from "The Big Easy" New Orleans, Curt Dietrick from Buhl (up in Idaho), and last, but definitely not least, Derek Jamieson from the same city as a friend of mine, the City of Brotherly Love, Phildelphia!

Whew, it was a busy morning, folks!  Thanks to all of you for dropping by.

Have a great day, everybody.


Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: Who Dropped by Today
9/8/2009 5:51:11 PM

Thanks, Don!

That scene of Grand Rapids can only be seen by standing in the middle of the river...or maybe from a boat.  I have stood in the river and seen the view like that, obviously, but i didn't take that picture!  Where are the "rapids"?  It's only rapid at the fishladder area, or after a heavy storm or fast snowmelt.  Now what's a fishladder?  It's a set of small cement steps for the salmon to swim up, not kidding!

I should upload a picture of Philadelphia for that city also, I grew up near there.


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