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A Perfect 10?
11/21/2005 7:22:53 AM
1) Is your online income what you'd like it to be yet? Definitely not! 2) Are you willing to eliminate activities that are not the best use of your time so you can spend time doing more effective things? Most definitely. 3) On a scale of 1-10, how serious are you about wanting to make an online business work? A 10.
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Fredrick Mbindo

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Re: Screeeaaaaaatch. Oh my God, it's the soapbox....
11/21/2005 9:08:52 AM
1.No, my online income is not yet at the level I would like. 2.Yes 3.I stand at 7.5 on the scale.
Re: Screeeaaaaaatch. Oh my God, it's the soapbox....
11/21/2005 10:41:55 AM
Well let's see. 1) Not even close yet, but drawing nearer every month. I hope to see it draw nearer every day in the near future. 2) Of course. Unfortunately, I can't give up my day job just yet. Give me about 3 more months and I should be able to eliminate that big waste of time. J/K, I actually like my job for the most part. 3)10, and I repeat that. 10
Deborah Skovron

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Re: Screeeaaaaaatch. Oh my God, it's the soapbox....
11/21/2005 11:04:39 AM
Hi Linda, 1. No 2. Absolutely 3. 10+ Anything you have to say I listen to. You are so right about everything. I love your forums bacause I always learn something new and that I did not know before. I cannot think of anybody who would not want more mind bending thoughts from you. Keep them coming. Your Friend Deborah
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Re: Screeeaaaaaatch. Oh my God, it's the soapbox....
11/21/2005 12:51:25 PM
Hi Linda It's been a while since I posted to anything much, mainly because I've been working hard at reestablishing my business along the lines that you advocate In answer to your questions 1/ No my income is not what I'd like it to be, but I am making a small profit 2/Yes I allready have eliminated many activities 3/ On a scale of wanting my on line business work I'd rate it about a 12 PS: Your forums make it worth being a member at adland pro and I highly recommend them to anybody who is interested in common sense marketing as opposed to chasing rainbows Cheers Mark

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