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Michael Derowin

770 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Person Of The Week
Re: Forgiveness Now
8/15/2009 10:27:11 AM

 Hi Nick,

Thanks for stopping by and sharing such a Beautiful picture.

Enjoy your weekend.


Michael Derowin

770 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Person Of The Week
Re: Forgiveness Now
8/15/2009 10:54:36 AM


I know how you feel about going thru all of your Mothers things as I started to write Poetry again when our family went thru our Mothers. It amazing what memories of the past will do to us, they may even turn you into a better person.

Joyce we all want to remembered being kind, caring, and loving people. If we are or not is up to our family and friends.


Michael Derowin

770 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Person Of The Week
Re: Forgiveness Now
8/15/2009 2:43:23 PM

Hello Mary,

Thank-you for stopping in it is good to see you again. The passion comes from the Heart with Honesty.

RE: Forgiveness Now
8/28/2009 2:56:46 PM

Exceptional words.....where do you find the inspiration?

Joyce Allen


RE: Forgiveness Now
9/16/2009 3:03:57 PM


Forgiveness Now

My Angel, My Angel I have spoken
hurtful words out of turn,
Not realizing the bridges I was
really starting to burn.

This is my downfall about trust
when will I ever learn,
Giving trust to people right away
instead of what they earn.

We have been apart for 6 months
which has been so long,
My pride was hurt but I admit
now I was wrong.

You are not like any of the others
you're one who stands tall,
My Angel you are perfect compared to
them and you're the one I call.

Knowing you're the only one who has
ever shown me any kind of respect,
Finally able to see this just took longer
than you came to expect.

I am sorry for all the reasons listed here
never again to sink this low,
Now it is time for me to beg your
forgiveness and to start eating crow.

Please forgive for having second
thoughts in a jealous rampage,
They would not of happened if I trusted
instead of being in a rage.

Forgive me for all the hurtful words
for which I have spoken,
You have said some too and are
forgiven on the same token.

I have done many things that should
have chased you away,
Instead you Love me and choose to stay
while our plans come into play.

You have stayed with me thru the
thickest times and thin,
So we can forget all the sorrow and
let our lives together begin.

Written by

Michael Derowin
© 08/10/2009

Beautiful as always Michael with much passion and hopefully new beginnings.

Love it!

