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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
2/14/2012 10:27:34 AM
Hello Friends,

This year's CPAC had some excellent speakers but I chose to feature 2 of them which I believe are the best of the best (aside from Alan West's speech featured in a previous post). Neither of them are one of the present candidates even though Rick Santorum's speech was excellent. IMO these 2 surpass any if the other speakers.

Both of them are bringing the fight to the radical left/Democrats mainly (Breitbart) and to the fraud and great pretender B Hussein (Breitbart & Sarah Palin).

I consider the progressive liberal left the enemy cos their beliefs are enslaving the American people and creating a welfare state with more and more people hooked, dependent and addicted to "their" entitlements and more and more freebies.

These people are easily influenced when more entitlements are on the table. They'll believe any stupid story like the bailouts are a success and use the GM bailout as an example. You have to be simple minded to believe garbage like that. GM was nationalized and also partly "given" to the unions and have yet to return the monies given to them via the bailouts. Yet they produce cars that burst into flames, in other words not very reliable vehicles and the fools believe they're making a profit?! If they are then return the bailout money ........... but they aren't planning to do anything so stupid. Oh yeah, did I mention Solyndra????! One of the many failing companies that went bankrupt and the government/regime knew it when they gave them bailouts as pay back for their support during the 2008 campaign. Oh yeah, these bailouts are great successes but the feeble minded still believe it when they're told they are.

Sorry for the rant but I'd rather you listen to Sarah Palin and Andrew Breitbart who speak for all conservatives and independents who are the people who'll insure that B Hussein will be a one term president.



Sarah Palin cpac 2012

Andrew Breitbart cpac 2012

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
2/15/2012 4:27:42 AM

Hi Peter, don't apologize for your rant because I feel your frustrations too. Calling these people simple minded is an understatement. :) These are two excellent videos. Thanks for sharing them.

Hello Friends,

This year's CPAC had some excellent speakers but I chose to feature 2 of them which I believe are the best of the best (aside from Alan West's speech featured in a previous post). Neither of them are one of the present candidates even though Rick Santorum's speech was excellent. IMO these 2 surpass any if the other speakers.

Both of them are bringing the fight to the radical left/Democrats mainly (Breitbart) and to the fraud and great pretender B Hussein (Breitbart & Sarah Palin).

I consider the progressive liberal left the enemy cos their beliefs are enslaving the American people and creating a welfare state with more and more people hooked, dependent and addicted to "their" entitlements and more and more freebies.

These people are easily influenced when more entitlements are on the table. They'll believe any stupid story like the bailouts are a success and use the GM bailout as an example. You have to be simple minded to believe garbage like that. GM was nationalized and also partly "given" to the unions and have yet to return the monies given to them via the bailouts. Yet they produce cars that burst into flames, in other words not very reliable vehicles and the fools believe they're making a profit?! If they are then return the bailout money ........... but they aren't planning to do anything so stupid. Oh yeah, did I mention Solyndra????! One of the many failing companies that went bankrupt and the government/regime knew it when they gave them bailouts as pay back for their support during the 2008 campaign. Oh yeah, these bailouts are great successes but the feeble minded still believe it when they're told they are.

Sorry for the rant but I'd rather you listen to Sarah Palin and Andrew Breitbart who speak for all conservatives and independents who are the people who'll insure that B Hussein will be a one term president.



Sarah Palin cpac 2012

Andrew Breitbart cpac 2012

RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
2/15/2012 4:31:24 AM

A vote for Barack Obama is a vote against God

Just a Taste of a Second Obama Term

- Doug Patton Tuesday, February 14, 2012

First, he came for the General Motors bondholders, but the religious leaders were not GM bondholders, so they did not speak up. Then he came for the oil companies, but they were not oil company executives, and again they did not speak up. Next, he came for control of the nation’s health care system, and again they saw no threat — in fact, many of them supported his plan.
We were told we had to pass the plan to could find out what was in it. Then he came for our freedom of religion, and we found out what was in it: pure, unadulterated tyranny.
In a stunning exercise of raw, unconstitutional power, Barack Obama now tells people of faith that their rights do not come from God, as guaranteed by the Declaration of Independence and the First Amendment to the Constitution, but rather from him. The right to practice one’s religion is now codified in the so-called Affordable Care Act of 2010, otherwise known as Obamacare.
Last week, Obama announced that religious organizations would be required to include birth control and abortifacient devices and medications in the health care plans they provide for their employees. When it became clear that America’s Christian leaders would not stand for this, Obama is said to have “backed down.” In reality, he did no such thing.
What the president did was to call a press conference to announce his “compromise.” Rather than religious institutions being forced to provide these services directly, Obama decreed, their insurance companies would be compelled to do so — at no cost to the employee.
While making the rounds of the Sunday talk shows, White House Chief of Staff Jack Lew said, in essence, that insurance companies should be happy to give these services away “free” since it costs less not to have babies than it does to have them. As for the president, he clearly believes his power to dictate such things under Obamacare trumps the Constitution’s authority to stop him.
Do not believe for a minute that Barack Obama intends anything but a wholesale takeover of this nation’s health care system. He is on record as favoring a single-payer plan similar to what is in place in Canada and Great Britain.
The president is fully aware that Obamacare’s mandates are driving up the cost of private health insurance, thereby ultimately forcing all Americans into a one-size-fits-all government run plan. Obama also knows that many religious organizations are self-insuring. That means that the costs associated with health care for their employees come directly out of the pockets of the church itself.
Obama is a master divider
There may be a difference of opinion between Catholic doctrine and the teachings of most evangelical churches on the issue of birth control, but these denominations are in lockstep on the issue of refusing to pay for abortion-inducing drugs. Some of their leaders have sworn to go to prison rather than violate this principle.
Obama is a master divider, and I believe that once he has convinced a majority of American women that contraception is a “right” that should be free, he can then divide people of faith against one other and against their own church leaders. He also believes that persuading a few liberal Catholic groups to support his “compromise” ends the discussion. Someone compared this to forcing all Jews to eat pork chops just because some of them don’t keep kosher.
It is long past time that Christian leaders stood up in their pulpits and declared that a vote for Barack Obama is a vote against God. Just imagine if every Bible believing minister in America made that announcement to their congregations the Sunday before the election. Then, try to imagine what a second Obama term might look like
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
2/15/2012 6:31:58 AM
Hi Evelyn,

An excellent article and just another example of how the fraud and great pretender is chipping away at the rights of the American people.

This man has no shame as so many of us know and knew from the get go in 2008 when this non entity and inexperienced 'person' was campaigning for the Presidency. His agenda is the downfall of the United States and with his teleprompter in hand uses any and all game plans to do just that.

Yes, it's about time that the religious institutions came out against him and his regime. We know there are left wing religious groups and churches that support him but they are in fact misrepresenting their religions and misleading their followers.

Luckily they are still the minority amongst the religious groups, churches and other religious institutions. As the author of the below article says
It is long past time that Christian leaders stood up in their pulpits and declared that a vote for Barack Obama is a vote against God. Just imagine if every Bible believing minister in America made that announcement to their congregations the Sunday before the election. Then, try to imagine what a second Obama term might look like




A vote for Barack Obama is a vote against God

Just a Taste of a Second Obama Term

- Doug Patton Tuesday, February 14, 2012

First, he came for the General Motors bondholders, but the religious leaders were not GM bondholders, so they did not speak up. Then he came for the oil companies, but they were not oil company executives, and again they did not speak up. Next, he came for control of the nation’s health care system, and again they saw no threat — in fact, many of them supported his plan.
We were told we had to pass the plan to could find out what was in it. Then he came for our freedom of religion, and we found out what was in it: pure, unadulterated tyranny.
In a stunning exercise of raw, unconstitutional power, Barack Obama now tells people of faith that their rights do not come from God, as guaranteed by the Declaration of Independence and the First Amendment to the Constitution, but rather from him. The right to practice one’s religion is now codified in the so-called Affordable Care Act of 2010, otherwise known as Obamacare.
Last week, Obama announced that religious organizations would be required to include birth control and abortifacient devices and medications in the health care plans they provide for their employees. When it became clear that America’s Christian leaders would not stand for this, Obama is said to have “backed down.” In reality, he did no such thing.
What the president did was to call a press conference to announce his “compromise.” Rather than religious institutions being forced to provide these services directly, Obama decreed, their insurance companies would be compelled to do so — at no cost to the employee.
While making the rounds of the Sunday talk shows, White House Chief of Staff Jack Lew said, in essence, that insurance companies should be happy to give these services away “free” since it costs less not to have babies than it does to have them. As for the president, he clearly believes his power to dictate such things under Obamacare trumps the Constitution’s authority to stop him.
Do not believe for a minute that Barack Obama intends anything but a wholesale takeover of this nation’s health care system. He is on record as favoring a single-payer plan similar to what is in place in Canada and Great Britain.
The president is fully aware that Obamacare’s mandates are driving up the cost of private health insurance, thereby ultimately forcing all Americans into a one-size-fits-all government run plan. Obama also knows that many religious organizations are self-insuring. That means that the costs associated with health care for their employees come directly out of the pockets of the church itself.
Obama is a master divider
There may be a difference of opinion between Catholic doctrine and the teachings of most evangelical churches on the issue of birth control, but these denominations are in lockstep on the issue of refusing to pay for abortion-inducing drugs. Some of their leaders have sworn to go to prison rather than violate this principle.
Obama is a master divider, and I believe that once he has convinced a majority of American women that contraception is a “right” that should be free, he can then divide people of faith against one other and against their own church leaders. He also believes that persuading a few liberal Catholic groups to support his “compromise” ends the discussion. Someone compared this to forcing all Jews to eat pork chops just because some of them don’t keep kosher.
It is long past time that Christian leaders stood up in their pulpits and declared that a vote for Barack Obama is a vote against God. Just imagine if every Bible believing minister in America made that announcement to their congregations the Sunday before the election. Then, try to imagine what a second Obama term might look like
Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
2/15/2012 6:34:58 AM
Hello Friends,

It often happens that Vets find it difficult to adapt to civilian life and there are programs that assist them during the transition period. Yet, many have a difficult time during the initial transition and many for a long time afterward. Some never really adapt and become homeless as the unfortunate statistics show. The truth of the matter is that under the B Hussein regime their plight has become much worse since they are considered potential threats and the fraud and great pretender hasn't got much love for the military to begin with.

There are other "vets' that also served their country loyally and many lost their lives in the process. The K-9 dogs of war are the case in point. They've saved many lives and successfully performed many missions over the years. Before laws were passed many weren't even brought home from the war zones and were euthanized. Well there are organizations changing that and the below article deals with a few of them and their efforts on behalf these loyal "vets", America's Dogs of War.



The Dogs of War: training, deployment and the golden years

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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