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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
2/16/2012 7:02:55 AM
Hi Evelyn,

An exceptional article by Judi McLeod. Comparing B Hussein to Herod is brilliant and definitely in place. I rarely wish people to be afflicted with illnesses but a dose of Herod's malaise would definitely serve the fraud and great pretender right for all the damage he's done to the United States and the world would be appropriate.




This article, by Judi McLeod, came out today in the Canada Free Press. She is a great writer and one of my favorites. She usually manages to hit the nail on the head and this article is no exception.

For all evil deeds and the lies that cover them, Vengeance is the Lord’s

Obama King Herod of His Day?

Judi McLeod Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Someday it will go down as one of history’s most indelible ironies: the man who imposed birth control on Catholics was one without a valid birth certificate or any other kind of provable identity.
This is how future generations will read about how it all happened:
About 50 years ago in real time, ‘someone’ gave birth ‘somewhere’ to a baby. From red diapers, the baby grew up to be touted as ‘The Community Organizer of All Time’. The main trajectory of this story took an activist from off the streets of Chicago to the Senate, then into the Oval Office as President of the United States of America, and, according to the legend of himself he carries in his own mind, self-crowned ‘King of the World’.
Under his grinding regime, right became wrong, wrong became right in block-by-block New World Order construction, driven by hardcore Marxism, whose evil mission was the Fundamental Transformation of America no one seemed willing to stop.
As we all know, in the three and a half year timeline of his first term in office, Barack Hussein Obama began openly shooting down religious freedom by imposing birth control among Catholic institutions.
Long before imposing his will on Christians, Obama had been Abortion’s Number One World Advocate. Ostensibly he did it, not for the children, but for women. Obama was already forcing American taxpayers to pay for millions of abortions in foreign lands. Championed by his wife Michelle as “courageous” in a fundraising letter extolling abortion, Obama believes babies who survive abortion should be slaughtered upon drawing their first breath. (Lifesite and CFP)
Up to the debut of Obama, Your Agent for Change, King Herod held the record as the world’s most reviled infamous baby killer.
Born 73 or 74 BCE, Herod, a Roman “client king of Judea”, was also known as Herod the Great. Horrid as Herod was, We the People of Herod’s day knew his father was Antipater the Idumaean, a high-ranked official under Ethnarch Hyrcanus II, and Cypros, a Nabatean.(wikipedia)
Just like Obama, King Herod dangled through life on someone else’s puppet strings. ‘Client state’ is one of several phrases used to describe the economic, political and/or military subordination of one state to a more powerful state: satellite state, associated state, puppet state, neo-colony, protectorate, vassal state and tributary state.
Herod’s puppet masters went about their business in togas and sandals; Obama’s go about theirs in tailored suits and Teleprompter techniques, fortified by 2 million member- ‘Truth Squads’.
Even after 2000-plus years, the heartrending screams of the mothers of baby boys slaughtered before their very eyes can still be heard through the mists of time. Stories of the screams of latter-day babies, who survive the abortion procedure, are suppressed and silenced lest the squeamish turn on the source who allows it to happen. The agonized screams of baby slaughter in modern times are also covered over to make way for the rhetoric of politicians citing “womens’ rights” come election time.
We, perhaps, will never know in our lifetime what particular circumstances saw Barack Obama’s mother bring her child to full term. Indeed, other than what her son wrote in an allegedly ghost-written book, we don’t even know who is his mother.
Throughout the ages, people in high places have pretended to be what they were not. Herod told the Three Wise Men to find the Christ Child and to come back and tell him the Baby’s location, so he, too, could go and adore Him. The trio returned to their homes by circuitous routes and never saw the evil Herod again.
Obama, top baby killer of his time, claimed at the recent National Prayer Breakfast that he gets down on his knees in prayer.
There are those who say that only Satan could shoot down Freedom of Religious rights while swearing allegiance to the Creator.
For all evil deeds and the lies that cover them, Vengeance is the Lord’s.
Herod’s gruesome death is worth noting: “Josephus wrote that Herod’s final illness—sometimes named as “Herod’s Evil (38)—was excruciating. (39). From Josephus’ descriptions, some medical experts propose that Herod had chronic kidney disease complicated by Fournier’s gangrene. (40). Modern scholars agree he suffered throughout his lifetime from depression and paranoia (41). More recently, others report that the visible worms and putrefaction described in his final days are likely to have been scabies; the disease might have accounted for both his death and psychiatric symptoms (42). Similar symptoms attended the death of his grandson Agrippa 1 in CE 44. (wikipedia)
There was only (thank God) one Herod, just as there is only (thank God) one Barack Hussein Obama.
If there is to be continuation of a Free West after November 6, 2012, the question that matters most reflects the babies who survive abortion but get no second chance: Will Obama be given a second chance through reelection?

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
2/16/2012 7:18:18 PM

Hi Peter and friends, I was reading on one of the news sites this morning about how the media is giving phony statistics saying how much the economy has recovered. Dick Morris pretty much lays it on the line, in this video, about how the economy is NOT recovering.

Obama's Phony Economic Statistics! Dick Morris TV: Lunch ALERT!
What recovery? Hear the truth!
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
2/16/2012 8:12:06 PM
Hi Evelyn,

I also read a few similar articles and already watched the excellent Dick Morris video. Thanks for sharing.




Hi Peter and friends, I was reading on one of the news sites this morning about how the media is giving phony statistics saying how much the economy has recovered. Dick Morris pretty much lays it on the line, in this video, about how the economy is NOT recovering.

Obama's Phony Economic Statistics! Dick Morris TV: Lunch ALERT!
What recovery? Hear the truth!
Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
2/16/2012 8:13:50 PM
Hello Friends

All sorts of questions have been asked about the fraud and great pretender B Hussein but lately one of the most important ones is about his loyalty to the United States and if he is a traitor. I personally think the question is moot cos all his actions since taking office proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that if not a traitor he hates the USA as the title of this thread indicates.

The below article goes into detail and shows the latest in his traitorous actions.



Obama-Soetoro must not be allowed to get away with bringing down America

We Dare Call It Treason

Author- Michael Oberndorf, RPA Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Close on the heels of threatening to eviscerate America’s defense budget and cripple our ability to defend ourselves on more than one front, Barrack Hussein Obama-Soetoro is now pushing for cutting our nuclear weapons force by up to 80 percent, to a level less than that of his idols, the Communist Chinese. We have come to expect the leftist Democrat Party to want defense cuts, but the proposals being thrust upon us by the squatter in the White House will leave us wide open to devastating attack from nearly every quarter. About the only nations with smaller military capabilities will be Chad and the Central African Republic.

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines “treason” as:

1: the betrayal of a trust; treachery
2: the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance According to our Constitution, Article III, Section 3:

Treason against the United States, shall consist of levying War against them, or adhering to their Enemies, giving them aid and comfort (italics mine).

To act in a manner that causes one’s country to become unable to defend itself from external attack, at a time when another country is making daily threats against us, and is about to become armed with nuclear weapons and already has the means to deliver them, could, by these definitions, easily be seen as treason. Indeed, a concerted attack by Iran, in partnership with their Russian pals and Venezuela, and possibly China, ever the opportunists, too, would likely cause the collapse of our economy, and thus our government, and the subsequent excuse to institute martial law. To knowingly make moves that bring about this outcome could not be seen as anything but treason.

Obama-Soetoro has made it clear from the outset that he hates America and its constitution, capitalism, white people, and Christians

Obama-Soetoro has made it clear from the outset that he hates America and its constitution, capitalism, white people, and Christians. He made a point of publicly insulting our long-time allies like Britain and Israel, and of bowing to the Muslim Saudi king and the Head Red of China. What has he done – ever – to contradict the notion that he believes America needs to be punished for her greatness, which he sees as having been achieved by criminal exploitation of “people of color”?

Raised by Muslims and communists, on reaching young adulthood Obama-Soetoro, by his own self-aggrandizing admission, made conscious choices to closely associate himself with radical Marxists and black supremacists. These were, and are, people who ardently believe in the violent overthrow of our government and the destruction of America as a free, sovereign, capitalist nation. Are we now to believe that disarming America is not part of furthering this agenda?

The Democrats seem to have the delusionary idea that having fewer nukes than China will persuade them to not attack us with theirs. This is not a notion that rational people share. It seems unlikely, too, that this is the “change” that many who voted for B. Hussein were hoping for. From what I have read, nukes don’t discern between the young and the old, the male and the female, the black and the white, the rich and the poor, the oppressor and the oppressed, the progressive and the conservative, the Muslim and the Infidel. Nukes kill ‘em all, and leave it to God to sort ‘em out. Not having enough nukes to act as a deterrent – and the Cold War proved their effectiveness as a deterrent – nor the apparent will to use them, is suicidal.

Even a relatively small country like Iran, armed only with small nukes but run by religious zealots becomes a threat to every American, and every non-Muslim, world-wide. They have made clear that once they possess nukes, they intend to use them. A suitcase-size one, walked over the unclosed border from Mexico, could destroy a whole city and murder its entire population in a heartbeat, bringing the collapse noted above, and the imposition of martial law. With our military tied up in trying to defend/run our cities, our overseas interests, economic and political, disappear. Overnight, we become an isolated, poverty-stricken Third World has-been.

Obama-Soetoro must not be allowed to get away with bringing down America. It’s bad enough that he appears to have almost no opposition to his policies that have already damaged us badly, looting the Treasury, and filling the pockets of his cronies/donors in the process. He must not be permitted to administer the coup de grace.

The Tea Parties need to get active again, organizing some massive marches in Washington and elsewhere, like outside military bases, supporting, not denigrating our armed forces. We need to overwhelm the enemy with our numbers. And we need to send a loud, clear, unmistakable message to the political class that “we’re mad as hell, and we’re not going to take it anymore!”

Michael Oberndorf, RPA
Most recent columns

The son of a German immigrant, I am an archaeologist by profession, with a BA from Metropolitan State College of Denver, and an MA from Leicester University, in England. I am also the Chairman of the Freedom21 Legislative Committee. Over the years, I have lived and worked all over the country, and traveled in Canada, Mexico, Central and South America, Europe, Australia, and Japan. I sincerely believe in the old saying, “America, love it or leave it.” Michael can be reached at:

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
2/16/2012 9:14:19 PM
Hello Friends,

Daniel Greenfield as usual came up with a superb and in depth article about the "Obama Doctrine". Now don't for a minute think that this doctrine is good for the United States or the world for that matter. What it does insure is the demise of the United States and aside from being a tragedy for the American people it's bad news for the world.

An article well worth reading and it certainly gives a lot of food for thought. Just a few more reasons to insure that B Hussein is a one term president.



The Obama Doctrine

Posted: 15 Feb 2012 08:22 PM PST

The Obama Doctrine can be summed up as the assertion that for the United States to have influence and standing on the global stage, it must first abandon its interests and its allies.

The doctrine is rarely described as bluntly as that by its proponents who employ euphemisms like multilateral policies and honest broker to mean much the same thing, denouncing the previous administration and all the preceding administrations going back to old Tom Jefferson for alienating the world by pursuing American interests and cutting deals with non-progressive allies.

The easiest way to spot the problem with this approach is to try and distinguish it from the UN. That's hard to do because except during the occasional pro-forma trade dispute there is no distinction. It's the same policy of multilateral human rights interventions, global mediation and stability, and promoting the welfare of the angrier parts of the Third World. And if America's agenda is identical to that of the United Nations, than for all intents and purposes there is no American foreign policy.

This leaves the United States as less than a nation, a version of the United Nations with its own military and a great deal of wealth. It has no interests except reaching out to befriend its enemies and it has no allies except those enemies willing to pretend to be its allies, at which point they will become enemies. But the United Nations was designed to be a forum in which nations pursue their own interests, it is not supposed to have interests or allies. The United States is a nation and it is meant to have both. If the United States cannot articulate interests apart from the UN agenda then it no longer functions as a nation on the world stage.

The Obama Doctrine dispensed with America's traditional allies and pursued relations with its enemies without improving America's standing or influence in the world, though it did garner its overseer a preemptive Nobel Prize. Even the Libyan War was more of a European project than an American one.

The truth that dare not speak its name in the ink stained pages of the New York Times or the Washington Post is that the Obama Administration has been standing by the sidelines of world events with a very limited influence on what happens anywhere. The United States will not decide what happens in Syria. France, Germany, Qatar and England will decide what they want to do and will allow Obama to sign on if he wants to. Exactly the way it happened in Libya.

The United States still has mass, but it no longer has momentum. It does things like abandon Mubarak or bomb Gaddafi because other countries think they are a good idea. It responds belatedly to events from the outside world and then does its best to take credit for them.

Part of that is inexperience. The White House is headed up by a junior Senator who was a State Senator five years before he ran for the highest office in the land. The Secretary of State is a former First Lady who spent eight years in the Senate before doing the same thing and then oddly enough landed as head of the country's foreign office. But it's not all of it.

The real problem is that the United States no longer has national interests. Its leaders act like they are the Secretary General of the UN, rather than the President of the United States. They jostle for standing on the world stage and play international philosophers preaching higher principles to the world, instead of looking out for their own country. Rather than representing the United States, they speak for some global ethical consensus on human rights and democracy.

The problem did not begin with Obama. LBJ may have been the last president who was satisfied with being a national leader, rather than an international leader, but it significantly worsened with Obama because he lacks even the vestigial allegiances that Biden or Kerry retain on some level. If they think like Americans at some gut level, Obama doesn't and he has no reason to. He is the figurehead of an ideology that champions an end to American interests.

The Obama Doctrine has not actually repaired America's foreign relations or made the world a better place. What it has done is taken American interests off the table.

The Reset Button did nothing to aid American relations with Russia. Abandoning Eastern Europe did not fix anything, because the problem was not that America was in Russia's backyard, (that might have been the problem under Yeltsin) but that Russia was run by a clique of thugs whose foreign policy was aligned with their interests. By abandoning America's allies in Eastern Europe, we did not create a new state of relations with Russia, we just got out of its way.

The same thing has happened around the world as the United States has gotten out of the way of the agendas and interests of our enemies, and in some cases actively aided and abetted their agendas, with entirely predictable results. In South America, in Europe, in Asia and the Middle East, the new policy has yielded dividends for those nations and causes hostile to us. It hasn't yielded any for us.

Abandoning American allies in the name of being an "Honest Broker" has not won us the respect of the world or made our enemies any friendlier. Alliances are based on mutual interests. Abandoning our alliances makes us more toxic than ever and even if our enemies were interested in approaching us, why would they when we have already demonstrated that an alliance with us is worthless?

The Honest Broker paradigm makes no sense on a national level. If we act as an honest broker between our allies and our enemies, then we have abandoned our allies and devalued the very idea of an alliance with us. And acting as an honest broker between warring allies is a thankless job that will not yield any benefits and infuriate both sides.

Advocates for honest brokerhood insist that it is in our national interest to be an honest broker. But nations aren't brokers, they are friends and enemies, they are buyers and sellers. Only international organizations can be brokers, and they generally aren't honest ones either. A nation with its own interests can never be an honest broker. Only by abandoning its interests can it play at being an honest broker and then it is no longer a nation.

Democrats positioned their post-Bush foreign policy as a soft power quest to be liked, but being liked is not a national interest. Not only are very few nations liked and those nations are usually obscure and far away, but being liked means that they have never come into conflict, which is another way of saying that they either have no national interests to pursue or do have national interests but do not pursue them.

National interests are often competitive. For a country to assert its own rights and agendas is to earn the enmity of those nations they conflict with. To have allies and friends is to earn the enmity of their enemies. Even to exist as a large nation on any terms is to earn the wrath of those nations whose aspire to your status.

To act in any way is to alienate. Everything the Obama Administration has done to be liked has made more enemies. Bombing Libya to win the favor of the Arab Street still infuriated that same street which wanted Gaddafi gone, but didn't want America to do it. Playing Honest Broker between the UK and Argentina over the Falklands has certainly earned the anger of the UK. The lesson here is that doing anything still creates enemies. There is no pure path will not alienate anyone which is why the path you choose should be based on practical interests, not a need to be liked.

The Obama Doctrine is completely detached from American interests and even hostile to American interests. Its goal is to overcome a legacy of American power and replace it with multilateral powerlessness and the only real end of that objective is more of the same. Multilateral powerlessness is not a means of better representing American interests as its advocates tries to claim, it is a policy that terminates the very notion of American interests as too selfish and alienating to have a place on the world stage.

This is not meant to be a surrender of power. Like European national leaders who aspire to regional leadership, the Obamas and the Clintons aren't interested in being powerless, they would just rather represent an international consensus, rather than a national one. They would like an upgrade from being the elected leaders of farmers and businessmen to the unelected leaders of the world. But for all their shiny diplomas, they are too basically dim to understand that their status and influence is derived from the status and influence of their nation.

The Secretary General of the United Nations is impotent because he represents no one. The UN has no national base and accordingly it is every bit as useless as the League of Nations was. Obama has tried to act like a United Nations Secretary General, rather than an American president, and he has reduced his status and power to something closer to that of the Secretary General. If Obama did not have a military to throw into the pot every time select members of the international community decide to bomb someone, his status would be even lower.

International power is still national power projected internationally. International power without a national base is a fantasy akin to perpetual motion that exists only in the frontal lobe of the schizophrenic progressive. Take the nation out of the equation and all you have are empty words, which is what Obama's speeches amount to.

The only power that Obama has exercised internationally has been purely negative, the abandonment of American allies and interests. This self-destructive national wrist slitting campaign has not made America more influential, because by definition abandoning power cannot give you power. And that is the fallacy of the Obama Doctrine which chops down the American tree in order to build a castle in the air on top of it.

Like everything that the left does, the Obama Doctrine is self-nullifying, both in concept and in practice, the very exercise of it eventually destroys the thing itself. The problem is that as with so much the left does, the damage spreads inward so that the perpetrators of the policies are the last to feel its effects. A self-destructive ideology destroys everything it touches until its pursuit of power at the highest levels leaves even the highest levels powerless.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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