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Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: PHILOXENIA Super dedication ~ No Borders And No Boundaries
2/22/2009 2:36:38 AM
Davarish Lydia!

Thank you for all you do to bring peace and happiness to standard norms. The Waltz
Вальс из к/ф "Мой ласковый и нежный зверь" you dedicated me is a very nice piece for making peace. Some day in Moscow you will guide me into The Opera House and let me learn about the Great Russian Contributors in Master Arts. Your country is famous to have the best perfomances.

Lydia some things are posible to do and some are not. I don't want to predict anything about Ana Maria but sure I am for the other two. We have a sacred war now. It is like Germans and Russians in Stalingrad. Not a step back. I know that this my decision saddens you but I am expecting only miracles now and Sister by their lies and their distorsion I feel like this:
"Let noble fury boil up in a wave,
there is a people's holy war

Click for Sacred War (by Fedoseev)

Happy Sunday
ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook
Roger Macdivitt .

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Re: PHILOXENIA Super dedication ~ No Borders And No Bounderies
2/22/2009 4:14:52 AM

Hello Quaim,

Thanks for this. I have just been given my first MP3 player and have never yet downloaded.

I will take a look.


Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: PHILOXENIA Super dedication ~ No Borders And No Boundaries
2/22/2009 8:21:11 AM
Hi LuKa!

Thank you for the poem and song "believe it, I can fly" and for the messages through the graphics.

For you my young friend I have a nice rock song.

Queen & Paul Rogers
The Cosmos Rocks

Click above

Happy Sunday
ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook
Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: PHILOXENIA Super dedication ~ No Borders And No Boundaries
2/22/2009 8:43:24 AM
Hello Rinna!

Thank you so much for your kindness, your poem and song for the POWER OF ONE clip. This is what love and life are about and a best friends' understanding.

The poem is the geat. Life is a challange and many things seems to be impossible to do anything about but Viewing life from all its perspectives there is always a gate and a passage to find answer sto all questions.

For you my friend I have transperent sounds from 5th Dimension.

Harmonic Convergence
5th Dimension

Click above

Your friend,
ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook
Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: PHILOXENIA Super dedication ~ No Borders And No Boundaries
2/22/2009 10:27:55 AM
Hi Robert!

Seems that you have difficulties to understand me and of coerce you can't because if you could you would be me. Reading about this thread "
The idea behind it is total and cavernous heresy of the deepest kind" I can only say sorry but we are from two different worlds. You are of royal blood line Rhesus A or B with lots of incest and I am of simple blood line which Rhesus 0 negative, probably a bastard somewhere in my blood line. The differences in our blood are like day and night. The codes in my DNA are different from yours. I can give blood to everyone but can only accept of my own group.

Well, I can not do anything better to help you. If you don't like what I am doing don't join it. 
And don't come to tell me that you are more Christian than me because you go to Church every Sunday. The real CHURCH of God is everywhere in every inch in the universe.

Here is a clip to get some closer information in what direction I think and believe.

A message from inner

The Science of Miracles

NOW I am the one who tries to create something to discuss or to enjoy and you are the one who passively criticizes it. Set up a forum of yours  and start teaching us. I am not blind. God gave me a head to think. I am not of royal blood neither am I he who claims that Jesus will solve me if I don't give a try to it.

By the way I always said that Jesus for me is the symbol of life. In my mind He have never existed as Son of MAN and I am not a blind follower of the Bible. Why should I when I know that according to the Bible that not even one Christian
will survive the Doomsday at Jesus second coming, the Day of Judgment when John in
Revelation 7:1-8 says:
"God will protect 144,000 Israelites (12,000 from each tribe), who have the seal of God and Jesus on their forehead. These Israelites will keep themselves pure. These are those who did not defile themselves with women.  And they will sing a new song before the throne of God. They will be redeemed from the earth.  They will be purchased from among men and offered as first-fruits to God and the Lamb. No lie will be found in their mouths, and they follow Jesus wherever He goes".
Israelites to survive with Jesus? They don't even believe in Jesus. Last time they were in touch with Him according to Bible they sent him to the cross. What about all the others? All the other Nations. Maybe we should all turn over to Judaism. I am trying to find out why God is always so hard to humanity. His angers is indescribable.
This picture painting of Master Arts tells it all.

JHVE, GOD of Anger and Punishment

Painting by Michelangelo.

Look at the picture. One of the greatest painters ever for account of the Basilica of St Peter, Vatican, understood God as God of Punishment. My God is a good God. He admires what He created and does not frighten His followers. Death is for only them who work against His creation.

Like Islam is a hand made work and creation by Mohamed, so are the Judaic Scriptures and the Christian Bible. Have you ever heard the word Amonism. It is on time you do, and I promise you there you will find your blood line too. In my last paragraph I am completely sure. Google search the word Tuthmoses (name of a Pharaoh) and you will get a nice description of the holy conspiracy. In time I will tell you who Moses, Jesus and Mohamed were and why the three largest religions have same background.

Happy Sunday
ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook

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