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Amanda Martin-Shaver

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Re: The end of the constitutional republic?
12/5/2008 1:01:29 PM
Hi Geketa,

Thank you for sharing this very interesting and informative article.
Hopefully it will come in handy when I have to answer the questions to do my
Isn't it funny that immigrants have to learn all these US history, politics etc when
so many natural born US citizens have no idea what they are.

Geketa Holman

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Re: The end of the constitutional republic?
12/5/2008 1:58:28 PM
Hi Amanda,

Well now that you brought up that real immigrants, like your self has to learn all of our us history, politics etc.

 I would like to elaborate on this if you will bare with me. when I was in school all these things were taught in our history and civics classes so we had to learn them. This was done so we as good citizens could understand how government works and have  knowledge of our history. History and common civics used to be important as was education.

BUT than the school system was (dumb ed) here I say( dumb ed) because the public school system is not what it once was it's now more about indoctrination than teaching and learning. When the school system  stopped teaching the basics of reading which was phonics, and started teaching by site the kids stopped learning how to read.  Many  that graduate from high school  can barely read at a 6th grade level (actually it might be  lower) so they don't  have any real understanding or knowledge of what the Constitution really is or even know anything about our history, simple fact they can't read it or understand it if they can .

 If you keep the population ignorant than it is very easy to turn them into mindless sheep. If you censor real news than you get sheep.They vote the way the media tells them without ever learning who, what or why. They will also do what they are told. That is my opinion.



Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one
Amanda Martin-Shaver

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Re: The end of the constitutional republic?
12/5/2008 6:25:20 PM
Hi Geketa,

USA education system is sad but true.  This was one of the first things I noticed
when I really started to talk with employees of different stores, as these were the
people I had most dealings with on a regular basis and would strike up short conversation and I also noticed when I needed assistance with e.g. what brand
to buy, what the difference was and other general questions one has selecting
product they are not very familar with.  It turned out in the end, that I knew more
than the employee did because many of these huge stores do not train their staff
very well so they can help the customers.
I talked with various employees back in Oregon who hated their jobs, yet when I
asked why they stayed at their job for umpteen years (many had been there over
5 years, especially in the grocers and store employees) as there were plenty of vacancies in the situations vacant.  Eugene had a great Work force sources whereby
you could receive assistance and also in class assistance with teachers with your keyboard skills, maths, english and many other work related subjects and help to
get people back into the work force, brush up on their rusty skills or learn new skills because I used them. 
It was as if they did not know about these services, so they definitely would have
no comprehension of the constitution..
I often felt extremely frustrated and also saddened that these people could function
this way, living inside their box in their little world and having no clue what was going on around them and many had no clue where New Zealand was, (and many still think Australia and New Zealand are one and the same country...I know our country is small)  or some of their own States outside the State they lived in.

People seem to be more worried about their latest gadgets of cell phone, latest fashion, or xbox, playstation etc games!!  They buy because the advertisements
tell them too, even tell their doctors what kind of prescription they need because
the ads tell them. 

Geketa Holman

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Re: The end of the constitutional republic?
12/8/2008 12:09:25 AM
Hi Amanda,

Forgive me for not responding sooner I have been at the Horse park selling my hand made candles all day.

You said :
I often felt extremely frustrated and also saddened that these people could function
this way, living inside their box in their little world and having no clue what was going on around them and many had no clue where New Zealand was, (and many still think Australia and New Zealand are one and the same country...I know our country is small)  or some of their own States outside the State they lived in.

I have to agree it is both sad and frustrating that people born right here in the USA graduate from High school and some even college and haven't go a clue where all 50 states are much less a place like New Zealand. Even Obama said in one of his interviews he had with a reporter, he had  visited 57 states and had a couple more to go.. and he is suppose to be a Harvard graduate. Now that is funny if you ask me. Can you imagine a president that don't know how many states there are in the USA ?

The latest gadgets etc... as you said is what seems to be on peoples minds and the kids spend so much time in front of the tv how could they know anything ? They don't read books for enjoyment or learn anything on their own either. Kids aren't taught how to learn in school any longer ,there fore they learn nothing and teachers do not know how to teach anything so it is much like, the blind leading the blind. This is why I have home schooled my kids for the past 17 years. You can  ask them where New Zealand is or any other country in the world and even the 12 year can show you on the map and tell you something about the country.


Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one
Amanda Martin-Shaver

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Re: The end of the constitutional republic?
12/10/2008 9:27:01 AM
Hi Geketa,

Now it is my turn to apologise for not getting back here sooner *lol* 

I posted some of my thoughts and youtube video's over on Jim Allen's thread which also pertains to this discussion in part too.

"Even Obama said in one of his interviews he had with a reporter, he had  visited 57 states and had a couple more to go.. and he is suppose to be a Harvard graduate. Now that is funny if you ask me. Can you imagine a president that don't know how many states there are in the USA ? "

I watched a video on youtube where approx a dozen Obama supporters where interviewed on whom had said some of the
media quotes - e.g.
Who said they had visited 57 States and had one more"? 
Most said it was Sarah Palin the others thought it would be be
Sarah. No one said it was Barack Obama!

They had all heard that $150,000 was spent on Sarah's campaign
wardrobe, yet none knew that $400,000 had been spent on Barack's family vacation flying in the campaign plane!

Who said they could see Russia from their house?
They all said it was Sarah Palin, yet it was Tina Fey in Saturday
Night Live whom said this.  Sarah said you could see Russia from
land not from her house!
and of course the list goes on where deliberate smears on John
McCain and especially Sarah the media did.

The govt are trying their best to end the constitution and bring in
their new laws to be put into place in the
The New World Order that has and is being a work in progress to put into place for many many years. This New World Order, will also put into place One World Religion and One World Monetary system - probably a cashless society.

To be all ready for the mark on our hand or forehead to buy and sell. At present a implanted chip is being talked about to use.

Anyone who is familiar with their bible and prophecy should know that and implant, or any permanent mark on our hand or forehead
is what christians are going to have to be strong and refuse

I do not know how anyone can even entertain the idea that the world can work together as one - The Irish, Catholics and Protestants have been fighting for decades and they have the same God.  Families and friends in the same culture do not get on yet here is the idea to bring all nations, religions, cultures together and live in harmony!!!

Yet for all this, Satan will try and there will be people who will accept this as a good idea because they do not understand the long term effect.  If we ever needed to pray for our country as we know it, this is the time to be earnestly praying to hold this off for as long as we can.


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