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Judy Smith

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Re: Is Your Name Googled? Please share ideas
11/11/2008 6:58:16 PM

Hi Mary,

You are doing such a great job.  Now, would mind sharing with us how you went about signing up for the google blog notification.  I have never heard of the notifications before.

What fun, and  you should be so very pleased.  You have come a long way in such a short time!!


Blessings too!


Diane Bjorling

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Re: Is Your Name Googled? Please share ideas
11/12/2008 2:36:20 PM

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Hi Judy:

I hope that Mary will not mind me stepping in?

Google Alerts is just one of the many tools a person can use to find all kinds of information on trends for example in any given industry.

"Google alerts are automated email messages sent from Google to anyone who has registered for it, for a particular term or subject, informing them of a new google result on that term or subject."

For example – If you register at Google alerts requesting them to send you email messages about “bird houses”, every time Google finds a page on the internet about “bird houses”, Google sends you an email with the website address and the information. Now, these are likely to be new web pages appearing on the web, like a news alert or a new story, whatever it is, whenever there is a mention of the keyword you suggested, you get an email.

How can this help you?  Well it gives you an idea about what your competitors are doing and will give you ideas for articles and you can also find other like minded people to link to.

I hope this helps you just a little?

Best Regards


P.S. Sorry Judy for not responding to your a little busy with the nominations at BlogNet Awards, if you are around this evening..we can talk then?



Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Is Your Name Googled? Please share ideas
11/13/2008 3:46:11 PM

Thanks for stepping in Diane.  For me I would have answered with one or two sentences but that is ok.  More for the spiders to digest.

Now anyone reading all this can hop on over to Diane's forum about building your own train.

As you will see the coach is still trying to get through to thick heads like mine but this googling is all about.

Guess you will know the answer if you have been reading here.

Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Is Your Name Googled? Please share ideas
10/1/2010 1:32:29 AM

It took a little over 2 weeks for new forum "Welcome New Adlandpro Members" to be found by the spiders. We started on Sept. 13 promoting new members to our fair community and now 17 days later we have been found on the internet.. One of our new members has been googled right up there with the forum. Go tell Anna Blamos congratulations. She posted an ad for Free Ad Day.

Her serious attitude is paying off.
