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Kathy Hamilton

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8/15/2008 12:35:51 AM
Hello friends, Why are so many afraid to say if they are racist or not? You know just because some one says their racist does not mean it has to be against blacks!!! Why does everyone assume that when you say racist your talking about a black person? It should not matter what color you are why does it bother black people so much to think others are racist? I want to get a clear educated answer and understanding of this concept. I think people are much to uneducated about this topic, or maybe their afraid to confront the Racist word. what is it about the Racist word so many are afraid of?? Kathy
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Kathy Hamilton

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8/15/2008 12:50:29 AM
Hello friends, I am trying to learn and understand why this word is so scarey to everyone. I hope this does not offend any one but I think with the elections going on and so much mud slinging it all boils down to racism. I want to learn your interpretation of what really your way of thinking is on Racism. I think it is different for everyone, It is not a cut and dry response. Kathy
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Peter Fogel

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8/15/2008 2:23:37 AM

Hello Kathy,

You've actually started a very interesting topic and discussion. But the fact is that I personally believe it is very cut and dried and not a deep philosophical issue.

In my personal opinion and understanding a racist is one that dislikes, hates and denigrates people belonging to a race, religion, culture and ethnic back round other then their own.

The problem today is that with the elections in the USA racism has risen to the surface again. It's unfortunate but it seems that it's unavoidable.

There are those that will consider you a racist if you're against Obama. While they ignore the simple fact that there are so many reasons to be against Obama that have absolutely nothing to do with race. And there are those that are for Obama simply for the reason that he is black and ignoring all the other issues concerning the candidate. I wonder if that isn't a form of racism too? Ponder that if you will.

But, that's only my opinion. Interesting to hear what others have to say about this subject.



Peter Fogel
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Joe Downing

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8/15/2008 2:36:05 AM

Hi Kathy,

This word "racist" or "racism" sure has become a big topic these past few months.  I thought we grew up a few decades ago and got beyond the immaturity of judging books by their covers.  Seems like something has slipped and many are just falling back into a blob of unintellectual babbling these days. 

Years ago before I really learned what this was all about, I thought everyone was a racist because they belong to a race.   Then my eyes were opened...

I always refuse to answer those parts of applications that ask what "race" I fall into because I know that my cover does not represent what is inside of me.  I am a mix of several ethnicities.  They never give me the option to include all of them.  Because my skin is mostly fair and I have blue eyes and somewhat blond hair, I am suppose to answer Caucasian. Is that not racist?  How many people answer those sections with pride?

What is a "racist" anyways?

1. a person with a prejudiced belief that one race is superior to others 

I can understand how these things came about back in, oh let's say when the continents were pretty much divided by different races of people.  Each race was educated in their own specific evolved cultures and intellect.  Some races may have seemed to be more advanced than others and I believe that is where it began.  When the different races started making contact, there were times where resentment towards each other grew because of cultural differences.  It was easy for each other to dislike a group of people because of the lack of understanding and of course to classify the entire race to be the same ilk. 

But times have changed.  The world, for the most part, is mixed of races pretty much everywhere.  In many places, one race is a majority and not any one race is the majority everywhere.  Why does this "racial" tension grow?  You'd think we were all use to each other and living the "I'm okay, your okay" beliefs.

I believe these issues are caused from the lack of love, respect AND intelligence.  

The rise of one race wanting to be better than another race is just more of what it is, racism.  I remember as a young boy, my father would make negative comments about the College students who had to access our land for their research.  He treated them like they were another race of people.  They were the same color mostly, but they belong to the college educated race.  I grew up with a negative slant towards educated people.  "Educated people don't have any common sense".  "Educated people are so smart they are dumb", etc...   Racism really has nothing to do with the color of skin.  Skin color is the easiest difference to spot at a heated moment.

I grew up.  I know better.  Why did it have to be that way?  I don't know and I don't really care.  Yes, I see the lack of common sense in people, but the good news is that it is across the board of all levels of education, race, religion, creed, cultures, nations, professions which is also the bad news.  Same goes for today's racism.  A lot of ignorance is being passed on across the board and it is building up hate.

I chose, as an adult, to evaluate my childhood beliefs.  I don't like what is going on with all of this, but I don't go around blaming races for the ignorance of a few of those particular races.

I read today in the book, "Activating the Light in the Lord's Prayer" by Margareth Lee the following...

"Love never teaches through hate"

I wonder how people can hate each other so much. 

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Branka Babic

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8/15/2008 5:30:59 AM

Hello Kathy and all,

I found this great topic following Joe`s smile at the pop up and really have enjoyed all your writings. Already is know that I am a fan of great writer Joe D., so, specially his observation on this theme is great.

I have just something to add. A few words alike: power, money, ownership signature, manipulations.

It is also well known that each government in each country world wide has it`s boss in shadow. Each conflict in this world, however it may be packed and colored, has it`s roots within interests of this government from shadow. They are Alpha and Omega and people, nations and races are just, through invisible slavery relationship, forced to be an actors in bloody fairy tales and consumers of the bones left after they appetites has been fulfilled. 

This hidden Alpha and Omega doesn`t pay too much to think of love. They aren`t even aware of their own love for themselves.

Their love has been embodied in papers, with some chosen images on them. We all know their love : money.

For this love they are always ready to make campaigns in favor of racism, then against racism ... as they predict which kind will result with greater profit. In past, they have had a little more compassion and all their ideology was packed in lies with higher quality.

But at times when they decide to produce a crisis on global level .... they do not put bigger efforts for their lies to may sound as a truth.

USA is a global mentor for honesty, equality, democracy etc ... but we were witnessing when Mr Clinton put his right hand on the Bible telling a lie .... and after that, admitting that he lied ... he continued to be president and most powerful leader world wide.

So, my look on racism and all alike, is as on tool of mafia (government from shadow) to manipulate with VOX POPULI  ET VITAE POPULI to fulfill their own interests.

Just for them, to be able to enjoy enough love :) ....

I hope this doesn`t sound too bitter, but my eyes related to this, were opened a long time ago.

Have a great day!





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