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Kathy Kanouse

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Farewell my friends :(
5/10/2008 1:04:25 PM

Adland Friends,

I am saddened to have to post this message.

But on the other hand it is time for me to move on.

On June 8th just one month from now I will be shutting down my web site.

My full time job has me too busy to keep up & sales just are not there. If anyone is interested in Earning Free Product stop by & start your Online party now or just place a order.

I still plan to login here & respond to my friends ( should a message be left to answer).

I enjoy Adland & all of my great friends.

Stop by & see my sometime I miss you ALL.

Your friend

Kathy K

Dennis Turner

372 Posts
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Re: Farewell my friends :(
5/10/2008 1:12:40 PM

Greetings Kathy,

Hope to hear from you again when time permits.

Best wishes for success in your endeavors!


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Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: Farewell my friends :(
5/10/2008 1:18:59 PM
Oh Kathy!

We will miss you. I saddens me to read you message. Of course private and family life goes first. As Dennis said when and if time permits we want you back.
Tomorrow is a Great Day. Maybe the Greatest Event of the year. Making use of the event I wanted to jump in and whish you.

Happy Mother's Day.
Enjoy Angelic Meditation

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Phillip Black

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Re: Farewell my friends :(
5/10/2008 1:35:39 PM

Hi Kathy,

I have mixed Emotions - Happy that your Job is working out so well - Sad to see you close down your Website.

So in the words of that Famous Little Boy who never grew up...

So I never say Goodbye, I just say...

Have A Happy Mothers Day My Friend,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
Leslie Combs

890 Posts
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Re: Farewell my friends :(
5/10/2008 1:42:12 PM
Kathy You are a good friend here at Adland and personally. I wish you all the best and I will keep in touch with you. Best of luck and much success to you. Leslie
Turn Your Dreams Into Reality Leslie Combs,