
Who is Kathy Kanouse?

Kathy Kanouse

Kathy Kanouse
BirthdayFriday, June 30, 1967
Member SinceThursday, December 29, 2005
Last ActivitySaturday, March 20, 2010
LocationFlint, Michigan, United States United States
Place of Origin
About Me
About Me

I would like to start by saying a Big Thank-You to all of my new friends here at Adland. You have taught me so much in such a short time.

My name is Kathy Kanouse. A little about Childhood I was born & raised in a small town called Grand Haven, which is in Michigan. I grew up living in the city. My parents were very poor raising 4 children. my father worked a Full- Time job during the day, then at night he would go & work a Part-time job just to make ends meet.
When I was in the 5th grade my mother decided to go to work in the evening hours to help my dad out. She hated her job & always complained. We are best of friends now. My childhood was not easy with wearing hand me downs to school, being picked on all the time ( called names for being heavy). I struggled with a weight problem through my younger years.
Teen age rebellion years At 17 I became a single mother, raising a beautiful son ( with my parents help). I contunied to live at home til I was 19. I always seemed to knock heads with my mom so I decided it was time to get out on my own. I lived on welfare for awhile & they offered me the opportunity to start a job & earn a bonus. Welcome to Adulthood So I took on this job at a factory. I barely was getting by, but my family was still there for me.
This factory is where I met my first Husband (of 13 years).
At 24 I delivered a beautiful daughter whom is now 13. She is the reason I am at Adland today. She said "mom you got to try this web site people are so friendly" "what do you got to loose" she said? I told her to show me. I love it here at Adland.
At 29 I delivered yet another beautiful boy.
I had 2 step children up til recently. (Here comes the new part) I have just finished a divorce within the last 2 months & am now raising 2 Kids on my own with A part time job & my web site earnings. I am not ready to share any details: but let me just say God was truely in control of the outcome & I see Gods Hands of mercy & grace guiding me daily. I truely am content in Gods decission & trust his guidence as well. I am a grandmother of 1 girl & 1 ON THE WAY.
I work 2 part-time jobs. I work for our Local Post office as a Rural Carrier Sub. I also host a Tupperware web site. I have been selling Tupperware for about 6 years now. I love our products as they carry a Warranty against chipping, peeling or just plain breaking. If Tupperware cannot replace it they will give you a credit to purchase new products.

I look forward to Network marketing with all of you & continueing to learn more on a daily basis.
God Bless All Of you
Thanks for being my new friends


Stop by my web page & view a nice new video about my web site.
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Sara Gardner Blow - (6/30/2011 1:00:23 PM) : Happy Birthday Kathy!!! Hope you have a wonderful day.
Cheryl Maples - (6/30/2011 4:27:21 AM) : Happy Birthday, Kathy! Enjoy your special day! Cheryl
Soner Isik - (1/14/2011 8:42:40 PM) :
Cheryl Maples - (6/30/2010 5:50:20 AM) : Happy Birthday, Kathy! You have quite a story. Have a great day! Cheryl
Jack Sunshine - (1/18/2010 5:05:53 PM) : We at Sunshine Jewelry can offer you a way to make good money showing our jewelry catalog book Many of our distributors are making good money from Home and you can do the sameyou can make it Full Time or Part Time just call us and mention ADLAND to receive a FREE CATALOG call 1-800-767-4469
Gunther G. - (5/12/2008 1:17:05 AM) : Hi Kathy. I just want you to know that I was here on your profile that reflects YOU (the person) very well. May all your dreams and desires become realities in '08.

Consider yourself "tagged" as per my Friend to Friend for Friends forum.
Kathy Kanouse - (5/12/2008 1:17:05 AM) : Thank you Gunther for the positive feedback. I appreciate you stopping by & leaving this kind feedback.
May all of your dreams & endeavors become a reality in 2008 as well.
God Bless YOU
Your friend
Kathy K
Gabrielle Brothers - (8/9/2007 5:26:31 PM) : Friendly, kind, a true marketers.
Kathy Kanouse - (8/9/2007 5:26:31 PM) : Thank you Gabrielle for the outstanding comment. I enjoy to network & make new friends around the world. I shall be seeing you in the forums. Happy Networking.
Have a Blessed Day!
Kathy K
Karen Herrmann - (8/6/2007 1:09:29 PM) : Very responsive and willing to help others!


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