Bill, I hope you are feeling better. Please take care of yourself. The problem I find with so many meds is they cover up or temporally fix a symptom. Yet, the cause of the problem is still there. They must address the root problem that is causing all the symptoms.
You know your own body better than any doctor. They can only compare you to what they think is 'normal'. Most doctors are told by the drug companies what to prescribe for a symptom. Although the doctor may never have had the symptom or kept track of if the drug really worked on other patients.
I waited to post back to you until I got a link to the recording of the call I listened to on Sunday. If you have anyone that may be interested in listening please share the links. I know that we can try to help people get the info but, it is up to them to take action.
Do not worry about your comments about Bill Frist. If there is karma - he is in for a world of trouble. If it does not get him here on earth - he will later. I believe in 'What comes around, goes around'. From what I have read about him, they could make a scary movie. The real problem is that this is not a movie with actors - this is real. He is playing a sick game that involves all of us.If you missed
the call with Mary Tocco on Vaccination Safety, you can hear the recording at
Look in the ANNOUNCEMENT section. You will see the a link to The
shocking truth about vaccines; A presentation by vaccines expert, Mary Tocco,
added to Issues section. It will soon have a permanent spot once it is edited for sound quality.
This was a GREAT call I am sure you will want to listen in. I was on the call & just about had
a cow with some of the ingredients in these vaccines that I had no idea
about. These are things that I would have told my kids to NEVER touch
little lone inject.
Mary is very
educated in this topic. Yet, she spoke to us like 'normal' people. She
did not get into some mumbo - jumbo that we could not understand. She
spoke the plain facts.
Anyone with
children or knows someone with children should take the time to listen
so they can help make an educated decision on vaccinations. If you plan
to get flu shots you will also want the information she gave on those.
Sorry, If I am rambling on. I am just so excited to have a chance to help people get this info.
Sheryl Loch